This document presents ensemble models as an example of DAG Scheduler implementation.
- Let's consider you develop an application to perform image classification. There are many different models that can be used for this task. The goal is to combine results from inferences executed on two different models and calculate argmax to pick most probable classification label.
- For this task, select two models: googlenet-v2 and resnet-50. Additionally, create own model argmax to combine and select top result. The aim is to perform this task on the server side with no intermediate results passed over the network. Server should take care of feeding inputs/outputs in subsequent models. Both - googlenet and resnet predictions should run in parallel.
- Diagram for this pipeline would look like this:
- Follow the commands below sequentially, to download and use the models from open model zoo:
~$ mkdir models
~$ docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/models:/models openvino/ubuntu18_dev:latest deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/downloader/ --name googlenet-v2-tf --output_dir /models
~$ docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/models:/models openvino/ubuntu18_dev:latest deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/downloader/ --name resnet-50-tf --output_dir /models
NOTE: Run commands below in Point 2 and Point 3 from the git repository root folder
- Use python script located in this repository. Since it uses tensorflow to create models in saved model format, hence tensorflow pip package is required.
~$ virtualenv -p python3 .tf_env
~$ source .tf_env/bin/activate
~$ pip3 install tensorflow==1.15
- Prepare argmax model with
(1, 1001)
input shapes to match output of googlenet and resnet output shapes. Generated model will sum inputs and calculate the index with the highest value. The model output will indicate the most likely predicted class from the ImageNet* dataset.
~$ python3 tests/models/ --input_size 1001 --export_dir ~/models/public/argmax/saved_model
- Execute following commands to convert models to IR format and prepare models repository:
~$ docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/models:/models:rw openvino/ubuntu18_dev:latest deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/downloader/ --name googlenet-v2-tf --download_dir /models --output_dir /models --precisions FP32
~$ docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/models:/models:rw openvino/ubuntu18_dev:latest deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/downloader/ --name resnet-50-tf --download_dir /models --output_dir /models --precisions FP32
~$ docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/models:/models:rw openvino/ubuntu18_dev:latest deployment_tools/model_optimizer/ --input input1,input2 --input_shape [1,1001],[1,1001] --saved_model_dir /models/public/argmax/saved_model/ --output_dir /models/public/argmax/1
~$ mv ~/models/public/googlenet-v2-tf/FP32 ~/models/public/googlenet-v2-tf/1 && mv ~/models/public/resnet-50-tf/FP32 ~/models/public/resnet-50-tf/1
~$ tree models/public
├── argmax
│ ├── 1
│ │ ├── saved_model.bin
│ │ ├── saved_model.mapping
│ │ └── saved_model.xml
│ └── saved_model
│ ├── saved_model.pb
│ └── variables
├── googlenet-v2-tf
│ ├── 1
│ │ ├── googlenet-v2-tf.bin
│ │ ├── googlenet-v2-tf.mapping
│ │ └── googlenet-v2-tf.xml
│ └── inception_v2.frozen.pb
└── resnet-50-tf
├── 1
│ ├── resnet-50-tf.bin
│ ├── resnet-50-tf.mapping
│ └── resnet-50-tf.xml
└── resnet_v1-50.pb
Pipelines need to be defined in configuration file to use them. The same configuration file is used to define served models and served pipelines.
Use the config.json as given below
~$ cat models/config.json
"model_config_list": [
"config": {
"name": "googlenet",
"base_path": "/models/public/googlenet-v2-tf"
"config": {
"name": "resnet",
"base_path": "/models/public/resnet-50-tf"
"config": {
"name": "argmax",
"base_path": "/models/public/argmax"
"pipeline_config_list": [
"name": "image_classification_pipeline",
"inputs": ["image"],
"nodes": [
"name": "googlenet_node",
"model_name": "googlenet",
"type": "DL model",
"inputs": [
{"input": {"node_name": "request",
"data_item": "image"}}
"outputs": [
{"data_item": "InceptionV2/Predictions/Softmax",
"alias": "probability"}
"name": "resnet_node",
"model_name": "resnet",
"type": "DL model",
"inputs": [
{"map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3": {"node_name": "request",
"data_item": "image"}}
"outputs": [
{"data_item": "softmax_tensor",
"alias": "probability"}
"name": "argmax_node",
"model_name": "argmax",
"type": "DL model",
"inputs": [
{"input1": {"node_name": "googlenet_node",
"data_item": "probability"}},
{"input2": {"node_name": "resnet_node",
"data_item": "probability"}}
"outputs": [
{"data_item": "argmax/Squeeze",
"alias": "most_probable_label"}
"outputs": [
{"label": {"node_name": "argmax_node",
"data_item": "most_probable_label"}}
In model_config_list
section, three models are defined as usual. We can refer to them by name in pipeline definition but we can also request single inference on them separately. The same inference gRPC and REST API is used to request models and pipelines. OpenVINO™ Model Server will first try to search for model with requested name. If not found, it will try to find pipeline.
- Run command to start model server
~$ docker run --rm -v ~/models/:/models:ro -p 9100:9100 -p 8100:8100 openvino/model_server:latest --config_path /models/config.json --port 9100 --rest_port 8100
Input images can be sent to the service requesting resource name image_classification_pipeline
. There is example client to do exactly that.
- Check accuracy of the pipeline by running the client:
~$ cd model_server
~/model_server$ make venv
~/model_server$ . .venv/bin/activate && cd example_client
(.venv) ~/model_server/example_client$ python3 --pipeline_name image_classification_pipeline --images_numpy_path imgs.npy \
--labels_numpy_path lbs.npy --grpc_port 9100 --input_name image --output_name label --transpose_input False --iterations 10
Image data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Start processing:
Model name: image_classification_pipeline
Iterations: 10
Images numpy path: imgs.npy
Images in shape: (10, 3, 224, 224)
Iteration 1; Processing time: 50.42 ms; speed 19.83 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 airliner 404 ; Correct match.
Iteration 2; Processing time: 45.15 ms; speed 22.15 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 Arctic fox, white fox, Alopex lagopus 279 ; Correct match.
Iteration 3; Processing time: 65.82 ms; speed 15.19 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 bee 309 ; Correct match.
Iteration 4; Processing time: 52.14 ms; speed 19.18 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 golden retriever 207 ; Correct match.
Iteration 5; Processing time: 49.96 ms; speed 20.02 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 gorilla, Gorilla gorilla 366 ; Correct match.
Iteration 6; Processing time: 43.82 ms; speed 22.82 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 magnetic compass 635 ; Correct match.
Iteration 7; Processing time: 46.74 ms; speed 21.40 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 peacock 84 ; Correct match.
Iteration 8; Processing time: 73.30 ms; speed 13.64 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 pelican 144 ; Correct match.
Iteration 9; Processing time: 48.10 ms; speed 20.79 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 snail 113 ; Correct match.
Iteration 10; Processing time: 48.32 ms; speed 20.69 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
0 zebra 340 ; Correct match.
processing time for all iterations
average time: 51.90 ms; average speed: 19.27 fps
median time: 48.50 ms; median speed: 20.62 fps
max time: 73.00 ms; min speed: 13.70 fps
min time: 43.00 ms; max speed: 23.26 fps
time percentile 90: 65.80 ms; speed percentile 90: 15.20 fps
time percentile 50: 48.50 ms; speed percentile 50: 20.62 fps
time standard deviation: 9.06
time variance: 82.09
Classification accuracy: 100.00
By analyzing logs and timestamps it is seen that GoogleNet and ResNet model inferences were started in parallel. Just after all inputs became ready - argmax node has started its job.
[2020-09-04 12:46:18.795] [serving] [info] [prediction_service_utils.cpp:59] Requesting model:image_classification_pipeline; version:0.
[2020-09-04 12:46:18.795] [serving] [info] [prediction_service.cpp:82] Requested model: image_classification_pipeline does not exist. Searching for pipeline with that name...
[2020-09-04 12:46:18.795] [serving] [info] [prediction_service_utils.cpp:84] Requesting pipeline: image_classification_pipeline;
[2020-09-04 12:46:18.795] [serving] [info] [pipeline.cpp:70] Started execution of pipeline: image_classification_pipeline
[2020-09-04 12:46:18.795] [serving] [info] [prediction_service_utils.cpp:59] Requesting model:googlenet; version:0.
[2020-09-04 12:46:18.795] [serving] [info] [prediction_service_utils.cpp:59] Requesting model:resnet; version:0.
[2020-09-04 12:46:18.849] [serving] [info] [prediction_service_utils.cpp:59] Requesting model:argmax; version:0.
We can use the same gRPC/REST example client as we use for requesting model metadata. The only difference is we specify pipeline name instead of model name.
(.venv) ~/model_server/example_client$ python3 --grpc_port 9100 --model_name image_classification_pipeline
Getting model metadata for model: image_classification_pipeline
Inputs metadata:
Input name: image; shape: [1, 3, 224, 224]; dtype: DT_FLOAT
Outputs metadata:
Output name: label; shape: [1]; dtype: DT_INT32