Vrbs DAO is a generative avatar art collective run by a group of crypto misfits.
The vrbs api is an HTTP webserver that hosts token metadata. This is currently unused because on-chain, data URIs are enabled.
The vrbs assets package holds the Vrb PNG and run-length encoded image data.
The vrbs bots package contains a bot that monitors for changes in Vrb auction state and notifies everyone via Twitter and Discord.
The vrbs contracts is the suite of Solidity contracts powering Vrbs DAO.
The vrbs sdk exposes the Vrbs contract addresses, ABIs, and instances as well as image encoding and SVG building utilities.
In order to make retrieving more complex data from the auction history, vrbs subgraph contains subgraph manifests that are deployed onto The Graph.
The vrbs webapp is the frontend for interacting with Vrb auctions as hosted at vrbs.wtf.
yarn build
yarn lint
yarn format