- Run through PHP features and syntax.
- Run through WordPress PHP features and helper functions.
- Set up coding standards, talk about package management, check out debugging.
- Intro and setup.
- Types: strings, ints, floats, boolean, arrays, object, NULL, resource
- declaring variables
- functions anonymous and named
- arrays and syntax
- conditional
- loops
- objects and syntax
- classes: properties, method, scope (private, protected, public)
- Templating with PHP
- Superglobals and getting server and browser info.
- Adding docblock comments.
- Intro to the world of WordPress PHP, the Codex, and Dev Resources
- The Loop
- Globals
- Template tags
- Conditionals
- WP helper functions
- Vaidating, sanitizing, and escaping data
- Enqueue functions and concept
- Plugin API
- Custom Post Types
- WP_Query
- wpdb
- Setup PHPCS
- Kint and Whoops
- xDebug
- Packagist and packages