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base repository: letscontrolit/ESPEasyPluginPlayground
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head repository: nachtbraker/ESPEasyPluginPlayground
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  • 1 commit
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jun 6, 2020

  1. Bugfixes and more reliable pulse counting

    Detecting falling or rising edge was not reliable, especially when multiple
    interrupts were occuring at the same time. Therefor forget about
    the actual level, and just assume two edges per period.
    Added some additional logging messages.
    Removed some unnecessary code left over from P003.
    Moved division by zero checks over to settings section, this saves
    time during interrupts.
    Fixed Wh calculation, which used integer arithmatic instead of floating
    The Wh value could not be set from the rules section, because it was
    a computed value during a READ operation. Changed this, so now it is
    possible to set this value. This is very useful for use with the
    MQTTImport plugin which can now use a retained value for the Wh
    counter. No need to use an offset ever again in the host software.
    Still to do:
    - READ now returns last pulse time converted to Watt. It should average
      all values since previous READ.
    - W and Wh values are not updated real time in the Devices tab. Why? What
      is the mechanism that makes this work in other plugins?
    nachtbraker committed Jun 6, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    33cf4bf View commit details
Showing with 54 additions and 13 deletions.
  1. +54 −13 _P112_Power.ino
67 changes: 54 additions & 13 deletions _P112_Power.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -33,11 +33,22 @@ volatile unsigned long Plugin_112_pulseTime[TASKS_MAX];
volatile unsigned long Plugin_112_bounceTimePrevious[TASKS_MAX];
volatile unsigned long Plugin_112_pulseTimePrevious[TASKS_MAX];
volatile float Plugin_112_pulseUsage[TASKS_MAX];
boolean Plugin_112_level[TASKS_MAX];

boolean Plugin_112(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string)
boolean success = false;

#if 1
if (function != PLUGIN_TEN_PER_SECOND && function != PLUGIN_FIFTY_PER_SECOND) {
String log = F("Plugin_112 function = ");
log += function;
log += F(" string = ");
log += string;

switch (function)
@@ -116,10 +127,11 @@ boolean Plugin_112(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string)
addHtml(F(":</div><div class=\"div_r\">"));

// Let's prevent divison by zero
if(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][IndexPulsesPerkWh]==0) {
Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][IndexPulsesPerkWh]=1000; // if not configged correctly prevent crashes and set it to 1000 as default value.
addHtml(String(Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex] * 1000 / Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][IndexPulsesPerkWh]));
// if(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][IndexPulsesPerkWh]==0) {
// Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][IndexPulsesPerkWh]=1000; // if not configged correctly prevent crashes and set it to 1000 as default value.
// }
// addHtml(String(Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex] * 1000 / Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][IndexPulsesPerkWh]));
addHtml(String(UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1]));

success = true;
@@ -133,17 +145,19 @@ boolean Plugin_112(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string)
// String log = F("INIT : Load ");
// log += LoadCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&Plugin_112_pulseUsage[event->TaskIndex], sizeof(Plugin_112_pulseUsage[event->TaskIndex]));
// addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
Plugin_112_pulseTime[event->TaskIndex] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 2];
// Plugin_112_pulseTime[event->TaskIndex] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 2];

// Restore the total counter from the unused 4th UserVar value.
// It may be using a formula to generate the output, which makes it impossible to restore
// the true internal state.
Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 3];
// Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 3];
Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex] = 0;

String log = F("INIT : Power ");
log += Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex];
addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
pinMode(Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex], INPUT_PULLUP);
Plugin_112_level[event->TaskIndex] = digitalRead(Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex]);
success = Plugin_112_pulseinit(Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex], event->TaskIndex);

@@ -152,15 +166,25 @@ boolean Plugin_112(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string)

// UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = floor(Plugin_112_pulseUsage[event->TaskIndex] + 0.5);
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = Plugin_112_pulseUsage[event->TaskIndex];

UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = floor(Plugin_112_pulseUsage[event->TaskIndex] + 0.5);
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1] = Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex] * 1000 /
// do not overwrite Wh value so we can set it using Rules:
// UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1] += Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex]; // test as just counter
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1] += Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex] * 1000.0 /
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 2] = Plugin_112_pulseTime[event->TaskIndex];
Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex] = 0;
String log = F("ppkWh: ");
log += Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][IndexPulsesPerkWh];

// UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 2] = Plugin_112_pulseTime[event->TaskIndex];

// Store the raw value in the unused 4th position.
// This is needed to restore the value from RTC as it may be converted into another output value using a formula.
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 3] = Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex];
// UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 3] = Plugin_112_pulseTotalCounter[event->TaskIndex];
event->sensorType = SENSOR_TYPE_DUAL;

// String log = F("READ : Save ");
@@ -176,6 +200,18 @@ boolean Plugin_112(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string)

// ToDo: should compute average over all multiple pulses since last reading.
void Plugin_112_computeusage(byte Index)
if (Plugin_112_pulseTime[Index] > 0) {
// WH = 3600000 / [pulses per kwh] / [time since last pulse (ms)]
Plugin_112_pulseUsage[Index] = floor((3600000000. / Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[Index][IndexPulsesPerkWh]) / Plugin_112_pulseTime[Index] + 0.5);
} else {
Plugin_112_pulseUsage[Index] = 0.0;

* Update usage when no pulse has been received for some time, so it will decrease on every
* PLUGIN_READ event instead off keeping the last calculated usage value.
@@ -186,8 +222,9 @@ void Plugin_112_idleusage(byte Index)
if(PulseTime > (Settings.TaskDeviceTimer[Index] * 1000) && // More than $device_delay passed since last pulse
Plugin_112_pulseTimePrevious[Index] > 0 && // Must have at least one pulse received
PulseTime > Plugin_112_pulseTime[Index] ) { // More than last pulse interval
Plugin_112_pulseTime[Index] = PulseTime;
// WH = 3600000 / [pulses per kwh] / [time since last pulse (ms)]
Plugin_112_pulseUsage[Index] = (3600000000. / Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[Index][IndexPulsesPerkWh]) / PulseTime;
//Plugin_112_pulseUsage[Index] = (3600000000. / Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[Index][IndexPulsesPerkWh]) / PulseTime;

@@ -209,14 +246,18 @@ void Plugin_112_pulsecheck(byte Index)
Plugin_112_bounceTimePrevious[Index] = now;

if (!digitalRead(Settings.TaskDevicePin1[Index])) {
// if (!digitalRead(Settings.TaskDevicePin1[Index])) {
if(Plugin_112_level[Index]) {
// only update readings on falling edge
Plugin_112_level[Index] = false;
const unsigned long PulseTime = now - Plugin_112_pulseTimePrevious[Index];
Plugin_112_pulseTimePrevious[Index] = now;
Plugin_112_pulseTime[Index] = PulseTime;
// WH = 3600000 / [pulses per kwh] / [time since last pulse (ms)]
Plugin_112_pulseUsage[Index] = (3600000000. / Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[Index][IndexPulsesPerkWh]) / PulseTime;
//Plugin_112_pulseUsage[Index] = (3600000000. / Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[Index][IndexPulsesPerkWh]) / PulseTime;
} else {
Plugin_112_level[Index] = true;
interrupts(); // enable interrupts again.