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"Microsoft Cloud Workshops"

Cloud-native applications
Before the hands-on lab setup guide
February 2020

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Cloud-native applications before the hands-on lab setup guide


  1. Microsoft Azure subscription must be pay-as-you-go or MSDN.

    • Trial subscriptions will not work.

    • To complete this lab setup (including Task 5: Create a Service Principal) ensure your account includes the following:

      • Has the Owner built-in role for the subscription you use.

      • Is a Member user in the Azure AD tenant you use. (Guest users will not have the necessary permissions).

      Note If you do not meet these requirements, ask another member user with subscription owner rights to login to the portal and execute the task to create the service principal.

    • You must have enough cores available in your subscription to create the build agent and Azure Kubernetes Service cluster in Task 6: Deploy ARM Template. You'll need eight cores if following the exact instructions in the lab, more if you choose additional agents or larger VM sizes. Execute the steps required before the lab to see if you need to request more cores in your sub.

  2. An account in Azure DevOps.

  3. Local machine or a virtual machine configured with:

    • A browser, preferably Chrome for consistency with the lab implementation tests.
  4. You will be asked to install other tools throughout the exercises.

Before the hands-on lab

Duration: 1 hour

You should follow all of the steps provided in this section before taking part in the hands-on lab ahead of time as some of these steps take time.

Task 1: Setup Azure Cloud Shell

  1. Open a cloud shell by selecting the cloud shell icon in the menu bar.

    The cloud shell icon is highlighted on the menu bar.

  2. The cloud shell opens in the browser window. Choose "Bash" if prompted or use the left-hand dropdown on the shell menu bar to choose "Bash" (as shown).

    This is a screenshot of the cloud shell opened in a browser window. Bash was selected.

  3. You should make sure to set your default subscription correctly. To view your current subscription type:

    az account show

    In this screenshot of a Bash window, az account show has been typed and run at the command prompt. Some subscription information is visible in the window, and some information is obscured.

  4. To list all of your subscriptions, type:

    az account list

    In this screenshot of a Bash window, az account list has been typed and run at the command prompt. Some subscription information is visible in the window, and some information is obscured.

  5. To set your default subscription to something other than the current selection, type the following, replacing {id} with the desired subscription id value:

    az account set --subscription {id}

Task 2: Download Starter Files

In this task, you use git to copy the lab content to your cloud shell so that the lab starter files will be available.

Note: If you don't have a cloud shell available, refer back to Task 1: Setup Azure Cloud Shell.

  1. Type the following command and press <ENTER>:

    git clone
  2. The lab files download.

    In this screenshot of a Bash window, git clone has been typed and run at the command prompt. The output from git clone is shown.

  3. We do not need the .git folder, and later steps will be less complex if we remove it. Run this command:

    rm -rf MCW-Cloud-native-applications/.git

Task 3: Resource Group

Create an Azure Resource Group to hold most of the resources that you create in this hands-on lab. This approach makes it easier to clean up later.

  1. In your cloud shell window, you type a command similar to the following command:

    Note: If you don't have a cloud shell available, refer back to Task 1: Setup Azure Cloud Shell.

    az group create -l [LOCATION] -n fabmedical-[SUFFIX]
    • Suffix: Throughout the lab, suffix should be used to make resources unique, like your email prefix or your first initial and last name.

    • Location: Choose a region where all Azure Container Registry SKUs have to be available, which is currently: Canada Central, Canada East, North Central US, Central US, South Central US, East US, East US 2, West US, West US 2, West Central US, France Central, UK South, UK West, North Europe, West Europe, Australia East, Australia Southeast, Brazil South, Central India, South India, Japan East, Japan West, Korea Central, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and remember this for future steps so that the resources you create in Azure are all kept within the same region.


    az group create -l westus -n fabmedical-sol
  2. When this completes, the Azure Portal shows your Resource Group.

    In this screenshot of the Azure Portal, the fabmedical-sol Resource group is listed.

Task 4: Create an SSH key

You create VMs during the upcoming exercises. In this section, you create an SSH key to access the VMs securely.

  1. From the cloud shell command line, enter the following command to ensure that a directory for the SSH keys exists. You can ignore any errors you see in the output.

    Note: If you don't have a cloud shell available, refer back to Task 1: Setup Azure Cloud Shell.

    mkdir .ssh
  2. From the cloud shell command line, enter the following command to generate an SSH key pair. You can replace "admin" with your preferred name or handle.

    ssh-keygen -t RSA -b 2048 -C admin@fabmedical
  3. When asked to save the generated key to a file, enter .ssh/fabmedical for the name.

  4. Enter a passphrase when prompted, and don't forget it!

  5. Because you entered ".ssh/fabmedical", ssh-keygen generates the file in the ".ssh" folder in your user folder, where the cloud shell opens by default.

    In this screenshot of the cloud shell window, ssh-keygen -t RSA -b 2048 -C admin@fabmedical has been typed and run at the command prompt. Information about the generated key appears in the window.

  6. From the cloud shell command line, enter the following command to output the public key content. Copy this information to use later.

    cat .ssh/
  7. Keep this cloud shell open and remain in the default directory. You will use this shell in later tasks.

    In this screenshot of the cloud shell window, cat .ssh/fabmedical has been typed and run at the command prompt. Information about the public key content appears in the window.

Task 5: Create a Service Principal

Azure Kubernetes Service requires an Azure Active Directory service principal to interact with Azure APIs. The service principal is needed to dynamically manage resources such as user-defined routes and the Layer 4 Azure Load Balancer. The easiest way to set up the service principal is by using the Azure cloud shell.

Note: To complete this task, ensure your account is an Owner built-in role for the subscription you use and is a Member user in the Azure AD tenant you use. You may have trouble creating a service principal if you do not meet these requirements.

  1. To create a service principal, type the following command in the cloud shell command line, replacing {id} with your subscription identifier, and replacing suffix with your chosen suffix to make the name unique:

    Note: If you don't have a cloud shell available, refer back to Task 1: Setup Azure Cloud Shell.

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/{id}" --name="http://Fabmedical-sp-{SUFFIX}"
  2. The command produces output like this. Copy this information to use later.

    In this screenshot of a Bash window, az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/{id}" --name="Fabmedical-sp-SUFFIX" has been typed and run at the command prompt. Service principal information is visible in the window, but at this time, we are unable to capture all of the information in the window. Future versions of this course should address this.

  3. To get the service principal object id, type the following command, replacing {appId} with your service principal appId:

    az ad sp show --id {appId} --query "{objectId:@.objectId}"
  4. The command produces output like this. Copy this information to use later.

    In this screenshot of a Bash window, az ad sp show --id d41261a3-d8b8-4cf0-890d-1fb6efc20a67 --query "{objectId:@.objectId}" has been typed and run at the command prompt. Service Principal information is visible in the window.

Task 6: Deploy ARM Template

In this section, you configure and execute an ARM template that creates all the resources that you need throughout the exercises.

  1. In Azure cloud shell, switch to the ARM template directory:

    Note: If you don't have a cloud shell available, refer back to Task 1: Setup Azure Cloud Shell.

    cd MCW-Cloud-native-applications/Hands-on\ lab/arm/
  2. Open the azuredeploy.parameters.json file for editing using Azure Cloud Shell editor.

    code azuredeploy.parameters.json

    This screenshot shows the online editor for azure could shell.

  3. Update the values for the various keys so that they match your environment:

    • Suffix: Enter a shortened version of your SUFFIX with a max of 3 chars.
    • VirtualMachineAdminUsernameLinux: The Linux Build Agent VM admin username (example: "adminfabmedical").
    • VirtualMachineAdminPublicKeyLinux: The Linux Build Agent VM admin ssh public key. You find this value in the .ssh/ file created previously (example: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3N(...)vPiybQV admin@fabmedical").
    • KubernetesServicePrincipalClientId: The Kubernetes Cluster Service Principal Client Id. Use the service principal “appId” from a previous step.
    • KubernetesServicePrincipalClientSecret: The Kubernetes Cluster Service Principal Client Secret. Use the service principal “password” from a previous step.
    • KubernetesServicePrincipalObjectId: The Kubernetes Cluster Service Principal Object Id. Use the service principal “objectId” from a previous step.
    • CosmosLocation: The primary location of the Azure Cosmos DB. Use the same location as the resource group previously created (example: "eastus").
    • CosmosLocationName: The name of the primary location of the Azure Cosmos DB. Use the name of the same location as the resource group previously created (example: "East US").
    • CosmosPairedLocation: The secondary location of the Azure Cosmos DB. Use a location from the list below (example: "westus").
    • CosmosPairedLocationName: The name of the secondary location of the Azure Cosmos DB. Use the location name from the list below that matches the secondary location defined in the previous key (example: "West US").
    Location Location Name
    canadacentral Canada Central
    canadaeast Canada East
    northcentralus North Central US
    centralus Central US
    southcentralus South Central US
    eastus East US
    eastus2 East US 2
    westus West US
    westus2 West US 2
    westcentralus West Central US
    francecentral France Central
    uksouth UK South
    ukwest UK West
    northeurope North Europe
    westeurope West Europe
    australiaeast Australia East
    australiasoutheast Australia Southeast
    brazilsouth Brazil South
    centralindia Central India
    southindia South India
    japaneast Japan East
    japanwest Japan West
    koreacentral Korea Central
    southeastasia Southeast Asia
    eastasia East Asia
  4. Select the ... button and select Save.

    In this screenshot of an Azure Cloud Shell editor window, the ... button has been selected, and the Save option is highlighted.

  5. Select the ... button again and select Close Editor.

    In this screenshot of the Azure Cloud Shell editor window, the ... button has been selected, and the Close Editor option is highlighted.

  6. Create the needed resources by typing the following instruction (case sensitive), replacing {resourceGroup} with the name of the previously created resource group:

    az deployment group create --resource-group {resourceGroup} --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json

    This command takes up to 30 to 60 minutes to deploy all lab resources. You can continue to the next task to setup Azure DevOps while the deployment runs.

Task 7: Setup Azure DevOps project

FabMedical has provided starter files for you. They have taken a copy of the websites for their customer Contoso Neuro and refactored it from a single node.js site into a website with a content API that serves up the speakers and sessions. This refactored code is a starting point to validate the containerization of their websites. Use this to help them complete a POC that validates the development workflow for running the website and API as Docker containers and managing them within the Azure Kubernetes Service environment.

  1. Open a new Azure Cloud Shell console.

  2. Navigate to the FabMedical source code folder and list the contents.

    cd ~/MCW-Cloud-native-applications/Hands-on\ lab/lab-files/developer/

    Important note: If you will be taking the Infrastructure edition of the lab, instead of using the above instructions, type the following ones:

    cd ~/MCW-Cloud-native-applications/Hands-on\ lab/lab-files/infrastructure/

    This will take you to the version of the starter files that will be used by that edition of the lab.

  3. You'll see the listing includes three folders, one for the web site, another for the content API and one to initialize API data:

  4. Set your username and email, which git uses for commits.

    git config --global "[email protected]"
    git config --global "Your Name"
  5. Configure git CLI to cache your credentials, so that you don't have to keep re-typing them.

    git config --global credential.helper cache
  6. Open a new browser tab to visit Azure DevOps and log into your account.

    If you have never logged into this account, Azure DevOps takes you through a first-run experience:

    • Confirm your contact information and select next.
    • Select "Create new account".
    • Enter a fabmedical-SUFFIX for your account name and select Continue.
  7. Create an Azure DevOps Project.

    • Enter fabmedical as the project name.
    • Ensure the project is Private.
    • Choose the "Advanced" dropdown.
    • Ensure the Version control is set to Git.
    • Select the "Create" button.

    Create Project Dialog with an arrow pointing at the Create button

  8. Enable multi-stage pipelines:

    • Select your user icon in the top right corner.
    • Then choose the three dots to access the "Preview Features" menu item.
    • Toggle multi-stage pipelines to "On".
  9. Next, add an Azure Service Connection to your Azure DevOps account. Select the Project settings gear icon to access your settings. Then select Service Connections.

  10. Choose "+ New service connection". Then pick "Azure Resource Manager" from the menu.

    A screenshot of the New service connection selection in Azure DevOps with Azure Resource Manager highlighted.

  11. Select the link indicated in the screenshot below to access the advanced settings.

    A screenshot of the Add Azure Resource Manager dialog where you can enter your subscription information.

  12. Enter the required information using the service principal information you created earlier.

    • Connection name: azurecloud
    • Environment: AzureCloud
    • Scope Level: Subscription
    • Subscription ID: Enter id from az account show output.
    • Subscription name: Enter name from az account show output.
    • Service principal client ID: Enter appId from service principal output.
    • Service principal key: Enter password from service principal output.
    • Tenant ID: Enter tenant from service principal output.

    A screenshot of the Add Resource Manager Add Service Endpoint dialog.

  13. Select "Verify connection" then select "OK".

    Note: If the connection does not verify, then recheck and reenter the required data.

  14. Next, add another Azure Service Connection to your Azure DevOps account. Select the Project settings gear icon to access your settings. Then choose Service Connections.

  15. Choose "+ New service connection". Then pick "Docker Registry" from the menu.

    A screenshot of the Add Docker Registry Service Connection dialog.

  16. Enter the required information using the service principal information you created earlier.

    • Environment: Azure Container Registry

    • Connection name: Fabmedical ACR

    • Azure Subscription: Choose the subscription you are using for the lab.

    • Azure Container Registry: Choose the registry created for you by the ARM deployment.

    A screenshot of the Add Docker Registry Service Connection dialog with the values entered as described above.

  17. Select "OK".

  18. Next, choose "Repos" then use the repository dropdown to create a new repository by selecting "+ New repository".

    The repository dropdown is displayed with the + New repository item selected.

    • Enter "content-web" as the repository name.

    • Once Azure DevOps creates the repository, select "Generate Git credentials".

    The Clone to your computer section is displayed with the Generate Git Credentials button selected.

  19. Copy the Personal Access Token and save it for later steps.

  20. Using your cloud shell window, initialize a new git repository for content-web.

    cd content-web
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial Commit"
  21. Return to your Azure DevOps tab and copy the commands to add your Azure DevOps repository as a new remote for push. Copy the commands for "HTTPS" similar to this example:

    git remote add origin https://[email protected]/fabmedical-sol/fabmedical/_git/content-web
    git push -u origin --all
  22. Now use the commands copied from Azure DevOps to configure the remote repository and push the code to Azure DevOps. When prompted for a password, paste your Azure DevOps Personal Access Token you copied earlier in this task.

  23. Return to Azure DevOps and use the repository dropdown to create a second repository called content-api.

    Note: You do not need to generate git credentials again. The same PAT works for both repositories.

  24. Using your cloud shell window, initialize a new git repository in the content-api directory.

    cd ../content-api
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial Commit"
  25. Copy the commands to add your content-api repository as a new remote for push. Copy the commands for "HTTPS".

  26. Now use the commands copied from Azure DevOps to configure the remote repository and push the code to Azure DevOps. If prompted for a password, paste your Azure DevOps Personal Access Token you copied earlier in this task.

  27. Use the repository drop down to create a third repository called content-init.

    Note: You do not need to generate git credentials again. The same PAT works for both repositories.

  28. Using your cloud shell window, initialize a new git repository in the content-init directory.

    cd ../content-init
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial Commit"
  29. Copy the commands to add your content-init repository as a new remote for push. Copy the commands for "HTTPS".

  30. Now use the commands copied from Azure DevOps to configure the remote repository and push the code to Azure DevOps. If prompted for a password, paste your Azure DevOps Personal Access Token you copied earlier in this task.

Task 8: Connect securely to the build agent

In this section, you validate that you can connect to the new build agent VM.

  1. Open a new Azure Cloud Shell console and run the following command to find the IP address for the build agent VM provisioned when you ran the ARM deployment:

    Note: If you don't have a cloud shell available, refer back to Task 1: Setup Azure Cloud Shell.

    az vm show -d -g fabmedical-[SUFFIX] -n fabmedical-[SHORT_SUFFIX] --query publicIps -o tsv


    az vm show -d -g fabmedical-sol -n fabmedical-SOL --query publicIps -o tsv
  2. In the cloud shell output, take note of the public IP address for the VM.

    The cloud shell window is displayed with the Public IP address shown.

  3. Connect to the new VM you created by typing the following command:


    Replace the bracketed values in the command as follows:

    • [PRIVATEKEYNAME]: Use the private key name ".ssh/fabmedical," created above.

    • [BUILDAGENTUSERNAME]: Use the username for the VM, such as adminfabmedical.

    • [BUILDAGENTIP]: The IP address for the build agent VM, retrieved in the previous step.

    ssh -i .ssh/fabmedical [email protected]
  4. When asked to confirm if you want to connect, as the authenticity of the connection cannot be validated, type "yes".

  5. When asked for the passphrase for the private key you created previously, enter this value.

  6. SSH connects to the VM and displays a command prompt such as the following. Keep this cloud shell window open for the next step:


    In this screenshot of a Cloud Shell window, ssh -i .ssh/fabmedical adminfabmedical@ has been typed and run at the command prompt. The information detailed above appears in the window. At this time, we are unable to capture all of the information in the window. Future versions of this course should address this.

Note: If you have issues connecting, you may have pasted the SSH public key incorrectly in the ARM template. Unfortunately, if this is the case, you will have to recreate the VM and try again.

Task 9: Complete the build agent setup

In this task, you update the packages and install the Docker engine.

  1. Go to the cloud shell window that has the SSH connection open to the build agent VM.

  2. Update the Ubuntu packages and install curl and support for repositories over HTTPS in a single step by typing the following in a single line command. Respond by typing "Y" and pressing enter, if asked if you would like to proceed.

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
  3. Add Docker's official GPG key by typing the following in a single line command:

    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
  4. Add Docker's stable repository to Ubuntu packages list by typing the following in a single line command:

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
  5. Add NodeJs PPA to use NodeJS LTS release and update the Ubuntu packages and install Docker engine, node.js, and the node package manager by typing the following commands, each on their own line. If asked if you would like to proceed, respond by typing "Y" and pressing enter.

    sudo apt-get install curl python-software-properties
    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce nodejs mongodb-clients
  6. Now, upgrade the Ubuntu packages to the latest version by typing the following in a single line command. If asked if you would like to proceed, respond by typing "Y" and pressing enter.

    sudo apt-get upgrade
  7. Install docker-compose

    sudo curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  8. When the command has completed, check the Docker version installed by executing this command. The output may look something like that shown in the following screenshot. Note that the server version is not shown yet, because you didn't run the command with elevated privileges (to be addressed shortly).

    docker version

    In this screenshot of a Cloud Shell window, docker version has been typed and run at the command prompt. Docker version information appears in the window.

  9. You may check the versions of node.js and npm as well, just for information purposes, using these commands:

    nodejs --version
    npm -version
  10. Install the Angular CLI.

    sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
  11. To remove the requirement to use sudo, add your user to the Docker group. You can ignore any errors you see in the output.

    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

    In this screenshot of a Cloud Shell window, sudo usermod -aG docker $USER has been typed and run at the command prompt. Errors appear in the window.

  12. For the user permission changes to take effect, exit the SSH session by typing 'exit', then press <Enter>. Reconnect to the build agent VM using SSH as you did in the previous task.

  13. Repeat the Docker version command, and note the output now shows the server version as well.

    In this screenshot of a Cloud Shell window, docker version has been typed and run at the command prompt. Docker version information appears in the window, in addition to server version information.

  14. Run a few Docker commands:

    • One to see if there are any containers presently running.

      docker container ls
    • One to see if any containers exist, whether running or not.

      docker container ls -a
  15. In both cases, you have an empty list but no errors while running the command. Your build agent is ready with the Docker engine running correctly.

    In this screenshot of a Cloud Shell window, docker container ls has been typed and run at the command prompt, as has the docker container ls -a command.

Task 10: Clone Repositories to the Build Agent

In this task, you clone your repositories from Azure DevOps so you can work with them on the build agent.

  1. As you previously did in cloud shell, set your username and email which are used for git commits.

    git config --global "[email protected]"
    git config --global "Your Name"

    Note: In some cases, the root user owns your user's .config folder. If this happens, run the following command to return ownership to adminfabmedical and then try the git command again:

    sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /home/adminfabmedical/.config
  2. Configure git CLI to cache your credentials, so that you don't have to keep re-typing them.

    git config --global credential.helper cache

    Note: In some cases, the root user owns your user's .config folder. If this happens, run the following command to return ownership to adminfabmedical and then try the git command again:

    sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /home/adminfabmedical/.config
  3. Visit the content-web repository in Azure DevOps and select "Clone" in the right corner.

    The content-web repository page is displayed with the Clone button selected.

  4. Copy the repository URL.

  5. Use the repository URL to clone the content-web code to your build agent machine.

    git clone <REPOSITORY_URL>

    Note: In some cases, the root user owns your user's .config folder. If this happens, run the following command to return ownership to adminfabmedical and then try the git command again:

    sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /home/adminfabmedical/.config
  6. When prompted for a password, use your PAT token from previous steps.

  7. In your browser, switch to the content-api repository and select "Clone" to see and copy the repository URL.

  8. Use the repository URL and git clone to copy the content-api code to your build agent.

  9. In your browser, switch to the content-init repository and select "Clone" to see and copy the repository URL.

  10. Use the repository URL and git clone to copy the content-init code to your build agent.

Note: Keep this cloud shell window open as your build agent SSH connection. The lab instructs you to open additional cloud shell sessions as and when needed.

You should follow all steps provided before performing the Hands-on lab.