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Cheatsheet - kubebuilder


Command Explanation
kubebuilder init --domain <domain> --repo <repo> Initialize a project
kubebuilder create api --group <group> --version <version> --kind <kind> --controller --resource Create new API resource
kubebuilder create webhook --group <group> secret --version <version> --kind <kind> <option> Create new webhook. option: --conversion, defaulting, --programmatic-validation


Command Explanation
make install and make uninstall Install and uninstall CRD
make run Run controller
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<IMG> docker build and push
make deploy IMG=<IMG> and make undeploy Deploy and undeploy the operator (CRD & controller) to the Kubernetes cluster
make fmt Format Go files
make test Run tests with envtest
make manifests Generate Kubernetes yaml files (CRD, rbac, etc.)
make generate Generate Go code for API resource with DeepCopy implementations