Check the release notes for info on previous versions
There is no real roadmap for architect4r, as this project is only used in a single project so far. If there is anything you miss, either fork the project, implement the feature and send a pull request, or submit an issue.
The following items are kinda planned to be integrated in the future:
- Give the cypher plugin some more love
- Add more default queries
- Add tracking of dirty attributes
- Make it compatible to file uploaders such as paperclip and carrierwave
- Make it compatible to search engines such as sunspot, elastic search, sphinx, …
- Rake tasks for installing neo4j
- Rake tasks for test setup
- Versioning of nodes (update node but create a linked node with the old properties)
- Improve documentation
- Improve test cases
And there are a few features which might be integrated, but are not yet really planned:
- Accessible relationships as you know it from active record
- Support for indexes (nodes and relations)
- Add more finders by using indexes
- Add auto indexing of node properties / nodes (not neo4j auto indexing)
- Add basic authentication
- Add digest authentication
- Facilitate hydra's concurrency model