Shows how to use the Ioit.Device.Button nuget.
We will use the embedded LED present on the board for this case. You can also use an external LED with the 100-ohm resistor. You can follow the following schema. For the button, we will use the pin 25 but you can use almost any you want:
This example uses the button nuget. It does offers more than the previous example with the simple button. PArt of what it does offer is the ability to have events for the button pressed, released, down, clicked, doubled clicked, hold and all customizable!
Ensure you have all the software requirements.
To build the sample, follow the section here. And to run it, here.
The sample is located here. The code is very straightforward with the explanations:
using System;
using System.Device.Gpio;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using Iot.Device.Button;
Debug.WriteLine("Hello from nanoFramework!");
// Create a GpioController, then create a GpioPin for the led and the button
var gpio = new GpioController();
// Setup the GPIO pin to 2 as it is the embedded led in the ESP32
// Open the pin in output mode
// If your board has another pin, change here. If you are using an external led, change here as well.
GpioPin led = gpio.OpenPin(2, PinMode.Output);
// Initialize a new button with the corresponding button pin
// You can adjust the pin number based on the pin you are using
// As for the simple button sample, it is using pull up by default
GpioButton button = new GpioButton(buttonPin: 25);
Debug.WriteLine("Button is initialized, starting to read state");
// Enable or disable holding or doublepress events
button.IsDoublePressEnabled = true;
button.IsHoldingEnabled = true;
// Write to debug if the button is down
button.ButtonDown += (sender, e) =>
Debug.WriteLine($"buttondown IsPressed={button.IsPressed}");
// Write to debug if the button is up
button.ButtonUp += (sender, e) =>
Debug.WriteLine($"buttonup IsPressed={button.IsPressed}");
// Write to debug if the button is pressed
button.Press += (sender, e) =>
// Write to debug if the button is double pressed
button.DoublePress += (sender, e) =>
Debug.WriteLine($"Double press");
// Write to debug if the button is held and released
button.Holding += (sender, e) =>
switch (e.HoldingState)
case ButtonHoldingState.Started:
Debug.WriteLine($"Holding Started");
case ButtonHoldingState.Completed:
Debug.WriteLine($"Holding Completed");
And as a result, you will see:
In the debug output, you will also see text like this one depending on what you are doing with your button:
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
Double press
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
Double press
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
Double press
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
Double press
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
buttondown IsPressed=True
buttonup IsPressed=False
Double press
You can adjust the settings, the timing and play to see the behavior of your button!
If you want to debug, follow the instructions explained in the led sample.