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Releases: nasa/opera-sds-pge

OPERA R4 PGE Engineering Release 3.0

19 Aug 21:49
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Engineering release 3.0 for the OPERA R4 PGE. This release comprises the Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWx) from NISAR (NI) PGE, which is now wrapping the v0.2 "Beta" delivery of the corresponding SAS.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.0...4.0.0-er.3.0

OPERA R4 PGE Engineering Release 2.0

20 Jun 20:36
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Engineering Release v2.0 for the OPERA R4 PGE. This release comprises the Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWx) from NISAR (NI) PGE, which still wraps the initial "Interface" delivery of the corresponding SAS. This update adds support for output product validation and generation of an initial (dummy) ISO XML product.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 4.0.0-er.1.0...4.0.0-er.2.0

OPERA R3 DISP-S1 PGE Release Candidate 2.2

29 May 19:23
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Release Candidate 2.2 for the R3 DISP-S1 PGE.

This Release incorporates the "Gamma" point release v0.3.2 of the corresponding SAS, which includes fixes for issues related to handling of input CSLC products with file naming conventions applied.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-rc.2.1...3.0.0-rc.2.2

OPERA R4 PGE Engineering Release 1.0

02 May 19:15
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Engineering Release v1.0 for the OPERA R4 PGE. This release comprises the Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWx) from NISAR (NI) PGE, which currently wraps the initial "Interface" delivery of the corresponding SAS.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.1.1...4.0.0-er.1.0

OPERA R3 PGE Release Candidate 2.1

30 Apr 21:24
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Release Candidate 2.1 for the R3 PGEs

This release incorporates the "CalVal" point release v0.4.2 of the DSWx-S1 SAS, as well as the "Gamma" point release v0.3.1 of the DISP-S1 SAS. This release also adds application of file naming conventions for the Compressed CSLC output product created by the DISP-S1 PGE.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-rc.2.0...3.0.0-rc.2.1

OPERA PGE R2 Release v2.1.1

26 Mar 17:16
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Official release version 2.1.1 for the R2 PGEs, L2_RTC_S1 and L2_CSLC_S1.

This release targets the RTC-S1 SAS Final point delivery v1.0.2, and the CSLC-S1 SAS Final point delivery v0.5.5. Additionally, generation of the static layer data access URL for RTC-S1-STATIC products is now handled by the SAS itself, resolving an issue where injection of the URL by PGE code broke the COG format of output GeoTIFF products.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.1.1

OPERA R3 PGE Release Candidate 2.0

18 Mar 23:14
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Release Candidate 2.0 for the R3 PGEs

This release incorporates the "CalVal" release of the DSWx-S1 SAS, as well as the "Gamma" release of the DISP-S1 SAS.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-rc.1.0...3.0.0-rc.2.0

OPERA DSWx-S1 PGE Release Candidate 1.0

23 Jan 20:23
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Release Candidate 1.0 for the DSWx-S1 PGE

This release incorporates the "Gamma" version of the corresponding SAS, adding support for the new output products (DIAG layer and Browse image) as well as support for capturing all available product metadata to the ISO XML product.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-er.5.0...3.0.0-rc.1.0

OPERA DISP-S1 PGE Release 3 Engineering Release 5.1

23 Jan 17:04
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Patch release v3.0.0-er.5.1 for the DISP-S1 PGE only.

This release makes the input ancillary product step conditional based on the setting of the DebugSwitch flag within the PGE runconfig. This was done for compatibility with PCM integration, where one or more ancillary input types will not be available initially. This release also resolves some container build issues regarding integration of the grib_to_netcdf tool, and fixes a bug where input NetCDF format troposphere files would not be passed along into the SAS-only runconfig.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-er.5.0...3.0.0-er.5.1

OPERA PGE Release 3 Engineering Release 5.0

14 Nov 20:28
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Engineering Release 5.0 for the R3 OPERA PGEs, which includes updated releases of the L3_DISP_S1 and L3_DSWx_S1 PGEs. Both PGEs now target the latest "Beta" releases of the corresponding SAS builds.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-er.4.0...3.0.0-er.5.0