- rename
methods todeinit()
to follow Zig conventions- it seems like the allocator uses the word
but other data structs (e.g. ArrayList) usedeinit
- it seems like the allocator uses the word
works but<=
doesn't seem to work- ... perhaps a bug due to popping numbers off the stack?
- Do memory allocator as described in the book
- likely need a wrapper around use of allocator
- Allow easily setting debug flags at compilation time
- currently, they are hard-coded to true/false in code
- Try out a zig linter https://github.com/nektro/ziglint
- Make Enum naming more consistent and succinct
- not sure what's the Zig convention for enum naming. Shoutcase? Camelcase?
- e.g.
- e.g.
- Refactor parser into a testable struct
- Figure out how to do imports without importing the tests
- maybe via packages https://zig.news/mattnite/import-and-packages-23mb
- bug: missing
(e.g. in repl) results in segfault[line 1] Error: advance() error prefixRule TokenType.EOF: ParseRule{ .prefix = fn() void@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, .infix = fn() void@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, .precedence = Precedence.PREC_NONE } zsh: segmentation fault zig run main.zig
- Explore how to get doc strings working (e.g. functions) and showing up in VSCode
works but the comment shows up below a huge struct def, so not so useful.
- Use Zig error handling
- one place: compiler errors like
consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after variable declaration.")
. We already have fns likeerr
- one place: compiler errors like
- (someday) code profiling / speed
- could profile some of the open-source impls too, for comparison
- repl bug
> var a = 10; print a; thread 8126636 panic: index out of bounds
> { var a = 5; print a; } 5
- test colors aren't showing up in GithubActions
- more context on what should be supported .. https://github.blog/2020-09-23-a-better-logs-experience-with-github-actions/#opening-the-door-to-a-more-colorful-experience