Official Pytorch implementation of SeiT | Paper
Song Park Sanghyuk Chun Byeongho Heo Wonjae Kim Sangdoo Yun
We need billion-scale images to achieve more generalizable and ground-breaking vision models, as well as massive dataset storage to ship the images (e.g., the LAION-4B dataset needs 240TB storage space). However, it has become challenging to deal with unlimited dataset storage with limited storage infrastructure. A number of storage-efficient training methods have been proposed to tackle the problem, but they are rarely scalable or suffer from severe damage to performance. In this paper, we propose a storage-efficient training strategy for vision classifiers for large-scale datasets (e.g., ImageNet) that only uses 1024 tokens per instance without using the raw level pixels; our token storage only needs <1% of the original JPEG-compressed raw pixels. We also propose token augmentations and a Stem-adaptor module to make our approach able to use the same architecture as pixel-based approaches with only minimal modifications on the stem layer and the carefully tuned optimization settings. Our experimental results on ImageNet-1k show that our method significantly outperforms other storage-efficient training methods with a large gap. We further show the effectiveness of our method in other practical scenarios, storage-efficient pre-training, and continual learning.
- Python3
- Pytorch (> 1.7)
- timm (0.5.4)
- The ImageNet-1k token datasets can be downloaded from here
- The tar file contains all the files required to train the ViT model; tokens, codebook and pre-defined token-synonym dictionary.
- Download the file and place the extracted files under same directory for convinience (we will call it to DATA_DIR.)
- We used 8 V100 GPUs to train ViT-B with ImageNet-1k Tokens.
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env \
--model deit_base_token_32 \
--codebook-path $DATA_DIR/codebook.ckpt \
--train-token-file $DATA_DIR/ \
--train-label-file $DATA_DIR/imagenet1k-train-label.txt \
--val-token-file $DATA_DIR/ \
--val-label-file $DATA_DIR/imagenet1k-val-label.txt \
--token-synonym-dict $DATA_DIR/synonyms.json \
--output_dir path/to/save \
--batch-size 128 \
- The pre-trained weights of Tokenizer and ViT models can be downloaded from here.
- Place the extracted files to under same directory for convinence (we will call it to WEIGHT_DIR.)
- The tokenizer source code is required to load the tokenizer weight (can be downloaded from here).
- The testing images should be organized to an ImageNet1k-like structure, which can be loaded appropriately by pytorch ImageFolder dataset.
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env \
--model deit_base_token_32 \
--model-path WEIGHT_DIR/trained-vit.ckpt \
--codebook-path WEIGHT_DIR/codebook.ckpt \
--tokenizer-path WEIGHT_DIR/tokenizer.ckpt \
--tokenizer-code-path path/to/downloaded/tokenizer/repository \
--data-path path/to/test/dataset \
This repository is a forked version of DeiT: facebookresearch/deit.
Also, we are heavily inspired by ViT-VQGAN: thuanz123/enhancing-transformers(unofficial).
title={SeiT: Storage-Efficient Vision Training with Tokens Using 1% of Pixel Storage},
author={Park, Song and Chun, Sanghyuk and Heo, Byeongho and Kim, Wonjae and Yun, Sangdoo},
booktitle={International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
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