A toolset for Agile Software Development
- Product Owner
- Scrum Master
- Team Member
- Sprint Planning
- What will we do?
- Product owner proposes user stories to tackle
- Team decides on which stories they'll commit to in this sprint
- How will we do it?
- User stories split up into tasks
- Tasks are placed in sprint backlog
- What will we do?
- Daily Scrum
- Daily, max 15 mins
- 3 simple questions
- What have you been working on since the last meeting?
- What are you working on between now and the next meeting?
- What are your blockers?
- Story Time
- "Grooming" your backlog
- Stories "values" for burndown decided upon (planning poker)
- Larger, abstract, further away stories are split and hashed out
- Acceptance criteria are defined and refined
- Sprint Review
- Demonstrate the stories that got done during the sprint to all stakeholders
- Retrospective
- Identify 1 or 2 strategic changes for the next sprint, quick + and Δ
- User Personas
- Product Backlog (list of user stories)
- Definition of done / acceptance criteria
- I-N-V-E-S-T
- Sprint Backlog (separate boards for sprint 1 and 2)
- can customize based on your definition of done (multiple stages of done?)
- Burn Chart
- Small (7 +/- 2)
- Cross Functional
- Self Organizing