To use the updated code, you must replace it in all questions in your survey. If an older version of the code is running in another question, the map may not display.
Create or open a Qualtrics survey. You must be able to add JavaScript to a question for this code to work (it will not work on trial accounts where this feature is unavailable).
The first step is to add the Google Maps API and this script to your survey's header. See Adding a Survey Header/Footer on Qualtrics' support site. When you get to the Rich Text Editor, click the icon in the toolbar to display HTML. Paste the following at the top of the header:
<script src="{YOURKEYHERE}"></script>
Make sure to replace the {YOURKEYHERE}
with your Google Maps API key.
Start by making a new Text Entry question. You can treat this question like you would any other (ex. require a response, change the title, etc.). It is recommended that you provide instructions in the question (see Using the Question below).
On the left side of the question, click the gear and select Add JavaScript...
Select everything in the box and clear it. The JavaScript box should be empty before pasting the code.
Copy the JavaScript from the file and paste it in the box.
At the top of the pasted code, find the section labeled Enter your Google Map API key in this variable.
Replace the text Your Key with your own API key (see the Google Maps documentation Get API Key).
Scroll down to the section labeled Variables and edit the variables as needed.
Click Save. Test the question before sending out the survey.
By default, an autocomplete field is created to assist in finding a location. Responders can enter a location into this field and the map will snap its marker to that location. They can then fine-tune the response by dragging the marker to a specific location (such as a door to a building).
If you would like to disable the autocomplete field, set the variable enableAutocompleteField to false. Users can then just drag the pin to the desired location.
The result is collected in the Qualtrics question field as a JSON object. It will be in the format as follows:
{"lat": "38.8951", "long": "-77.0364"}