diff --git a/diagram-builds/build-nasis-diagram-guide.R b/diagram-builds/build-nasis-diagram-guide.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed73196 --- /dev/null +++ b/diagram-builds/build-nasis-diagram-guide.R @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +###### THIS CODE IS FOR BUILDING THE MATERIALS FOR THE DIAGRAM GUIDE ############# + +#load required libraries +library(DBI) #for connecting to NASIS +library(dm) #for building the model and plotting diagram +library(soilDB) #for querying specific tables +library(dplyr) #for joining and filtering data +library(viridis) #for assigning colors to the tables +library(readr) #for adding custom code into the diagram +library(DiagrammeRsvg) #for saving as an SVG file +library(rsvg) #for saving SVG as a pdf +library(ggplot2) # for plotting the legend +library(cowplot) # for extracting the legend from ggplot + +#the current deployed system table of must be loaded into the NASIS local database for this code to work + +#create a connection to local NASIS database +con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "nasis_local", timeout = 10, uid = "NASISSQLRO", pwd = "nasisRe@d0n1y365") + +#query NASIS and build data model object (this takes a bit so be patient) +nasisdm <- dm_from_con(con, dbname = "Nasis-local") + +#get the rows of data in the systemtable table -- the current system (only one) needs to be in your local database -- this will produce a list of all tables in the system, then use the systemtable tabvisible column to filter out tables which are hidden +pt4 <- dbQueryNASIS(con, q ="select * FROM systemtable", close = F) %>% filter(tabvisible == T) + +#select only the tables matching the filtered ones from the data model +nasisdm2 <- nasisdm %>% dm_select_tbl(any_of(pt4$tabphynm)) %>% dm() + +#get the rows of data from the table collection table --- this is for determining the coloring of the diagram. Other methods of coloring could be used to emphasize certain data structures, but the table collection grouping seemed like a good fit. The next part for filtering. in the same way the tables are marked visible or not, the table collections are also marked, in addition there are some tables that are visible to a restricted nasis user group. These are filtered out here, but could be adjusted depending on the audience --- for example expert users may want to view the system tables structure. For this, change nonrestrictedvisible to F. The arrangement of the table collections here is important for later as the color assignments are done based on this order. The arrangement chosen here is based on the sequence the NASIS client displays them in the table of contents. +nclt3 <- dbQueryNASIS(con, q ="select * FROM tablecollection", close = F) %>% filter(visibleingrideditor == T & nonrestrictedvisible == T) |> arrange(tablecollectsequence) + +#get the rows of data for the system table --- this is for identifying the system version in the diagram and for and placing it in the title +stn2 <- dbQueryNASIS(con, q ="select * FROM system", close = F) + +#join the filtered table collection table data to the dataframe created above, this is for getting the table collection names and physical table names matched +pt3 <- pt4 %>% inner_join(nclt3, by = join_by(tablecollectiidref == tablecollectiid, sysiidref == sysiidref)) + +#filter the data model to only include the tables in the joined/filtered table +nasisdm3 <- nasisdm2 %>% dm_select_tbl(any_of(pt3$tabphynm)) + +#make a data frame with the unique table collections and assign a viridis turbo color palette hex code. Should consider also trying other palettes +colpt <- data.frame(tablecollectiidref = unique(nclt3$tablecollectiid), color = turbo(length(unique(nclt3$tablecollectiid)))) + +#join the color table with the table data +colptj <- colpt |> inner_join(nclt3, join_by(tablecollectiidref == tablecollectiid)) |> arrange(tablecollectsequence) + +# build a plot with the table colors and legend +p <- ggplot(colptj) + + geom_bar(aes(tablecollectsequence, fill = tablecollectname)) + + coord_flip() + + scale_fill_manual(values = colptj$color, breaks = colptj$tablecollectname, name = "Diagram Table Collection Color Legend", guide = guide_legend(ncol = 1)) + + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12), legend.title = element_text(size = 14), text = element_text(family = "Arial")) + +# extract the legend from the plot for saving +pl <- get_legend(p) +# draw the legend +ggdraw(pl) +# save the legend as .svg +ggsave(paste0(stn2$sysver, " Data Model Diagram Table Collection Color Legend-", Sys.Date(), ".svg"), pl, width = 8.5, height = 11) + +######### THIS SECTION IS FOR BUILDING THE EXAMPLES IN THE DIAGRAM GUIDE ################### + +#load find/relate dot code for table subset included in guide +fndrlt <- read_file("customfindrelate-guide.txt") + +#load relationship path guide .gv, this was created by manually editing the customlegend-nasis-diagram.txt (on github) +reldes <- DiagrammeR::grViz("legend-relate-guide.gv") + +#export and save as SVG for use in diagram guide powerpoint +reldesvg <- DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg(gv = reldes) +writeLines(reldesvg, con = paste0(stn2$sysver, "-datamodel-legend-relate-guide-", Sys.Date(), ".svg")) + +########### prepare data for extracting subset of tables ############ + +#join the colors with the pt3 table +pt3 <- pt3 %>% inner_join(colpt) + +#dm packges uses a mechanism to assign colors and descriptions via set_names. Use the table name and the color here to make the vector to assign the colors +tt6 <- rlang::set_names(pt3$tabphynm, pt3$color) + +#set the colors of the data model with the vector created +nasisdm3 <- nasisdm3 %>% dm_set_colors(!!!tt6) + +#make a vector for renaming the physical table names to the table labels +tt5 <- rlang::set_names(pt3$tabphynm, pt3$tablab) + +#need the rlang for setting descriptions, the names must be unique, if they are not it will cause it to fail +tt4 <- rlang::set_names(pt3$tabphynm, pt3$tabphynm) + +#add descriptions as table physical names --- actual descriptions could also be used but the diagram gets a bit too busy +nasisdm3 <- nasisdm3 %>% dm_set_table_description(any_of(!!tt4)) + +#rename the tables to the table labels using the vector, once you do this it's a bit more challenging to filter or select the tables, as the table labels have spaces +nasisdm3 <- nasisdm3 %>% dm_rename_tbl(any_of(!!tt5)) + +#select only the tables of interest for the guide +nasisdm3fil <- nasisdm3 |> dm_select_tbl("Distribution Metadata", "Distribution Interp Metadata", "Distribution Legend Metadata", "Distribution Text Metadata", "Distribution Mapunit Metadata", "Distribution Component Metadata", "Legend", "Legend Certification History", "Legend Export Certification History", "Legend Area Overlap", "Legend Text", "Legend Mapunit", "Legend Mapunit History", "Legend Mapunit Text", "Legend Mapunit Area Overlap", "Area", "Area Type", "Area Text") + +#build diagram including the column names +p <- dm_draw(nasisdm3fil, view_type = "all", rankdir = "RL", edge_attrs = "dir = back", node_attrs = "fontname = Arial", font_size = c(table_description = 12L)) + +#insert find/relate paths for the guide +p$x$diagram <- gsub(pattern = "}$", replacement = fndrlt, x = p$x$diagram) + +#fix mis-aligned arrows in tables +p$x$diagram <- gsub(pattern = '(?areaiidref<)', replacement = ' PORT="areaiidref">areaiidref<', perl = T, x = p$x$diagram) +p$x$diagram <- gsub(pattern = '(BGCOLOR="#D1FAEFFF">liidref<)', replacement = 'BGCOLOR="#D1FAEFFF" PORT="liidref">liidref<', perl = T, x = p$x$diagram) + +#plot to check diagram +p + +#write to .gv +writeBin(p$x$diagram, con = paste0(stn2$sysver, "-datamodel-guide", Sys.Date(), ".gv")) + +# export and save as svg for use in diagram guide powerpoint +psvg <- DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg(gv = p) +writeLines(psvg, con = paste0(stn2$sysver, "-datamodel-guide", Sys.Date(), ".svg")) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/diagram-builds/customfindrelate-guide.txt b/diagram-builds/customfindrelate-guide.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..891394b --- /dev/null +++ b/diagram-builds/customfindrelate-guide.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +"Area":"areaiid"->"Legend":"areaiidref" [id="Area Legend Relate_1", penwidth = 3, color = "hotpink", dir = "both"] + +"Area":"areaiid"->"Legend Area Overlap":"areaiidref" [id="Area Legend Area Overlap Relate_1", penwidth = 3, color = "hotpink", dir = "both"] + +"Legend":"liid"->"Distribution Legend Metadata":"liidref" [id="Legend Distribution Legend Metadata Relate_1", penwidth = 4, color = "darkorange1" style = dotted] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/diagram-builds/diagram-reading-order.csv b/diagram-builds/diagram-reading-order.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..839cb21 --- /dev/null +++ b/diagram-builds/diagram-reading-order.csv @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +seq,Table Name,newseq +2,Parent Table Name,1 +1,Child Table Name,2 +73,Distribution Metadata,3 +72,Distribution Interp Metadata,4 +74,Distribution Legend Metadata,5 +75,Distribution Text Metadata,6 +65,Distribution Mapunit Metadata,7 +22,Distribution Component Metadata,8 +80,Rule,9 +79,Evaluation,10 +81,Evaluation Text,11 +227,Property,12 +228,Property Text,13 +233,Rule Rating Class,14 +234,Rule Text,15 +5,Legend,16 +105,Legend Certification History,17 +6,Legend Area Overlap,18 +108,Legend Mapunit Area Overlap,19 +106,Legend Export Certification History,20 +111,Legend Text,21 +107,Legend Mapunit,22 +110,Legend Mapunit Text,23 +109,Legend Mapunit History,24 +4,Area Type,25 +3,Area,26 +7,Area Text,27 +211,Project,28 +115,Project Mapunit,29 +225,Project Text,30 +226,Project Type,31 +214,Project Correlation,32 +122,Project Milestone,33 +121,Milestone Type,34 +222,Project Milestone Progress,35 +220,Project Staff,36 +219,Project Mapping Goal,37 +217,Project Field Review,38 +218,Project Land Category Breakdown,39 +221,Project Mapping Progress,40 +212,Project Concern Need,41 +213,Project Concern Type,42 +215,Project Data Need,43 +216,Project Data Type,44 +223,Project Product,45 +78,Project Ecological Site,46 +77,Ecological Site,47 +224,Project Subtype,48 +59,Mapunit,49 +117,Mapunit Text,50 +119,Mapunit USFS Interpretation,51 +120,Mapunit USFS Interpretation Restriction,52 +287,USFS Interpretation Restriction,53 +285,USFS Interpretation Category,54 +284,USFS Interpretation,55 +286,USFS Interpretation Rating Class,56 +116,Mapunit History,57 +58,Correlation,58 +118,Mapunit USFS Ecological Classification,59 +283,USFS Ecological Classification Type,60 +282,USFS Ecological Classification Level,61 +281,USFS Ecological Classification,62 +21,Data Mapunit,63 +20,Component,64 +68,Data Mapunit Text,65 +66,Data Mapunit Certification History,66 +67,Data Mapunit Crop Yield,67 +33,Component Hydric Criteria,68 +34,Component Inundation Type,69 +32,Component Geomorphic Description,70 +86,Geomorphic Feature Type,71 +85,Geomorphic Feature,72 +35,Component Microrelief Surface Morphometry,73 +43,Component Slope Shape Surface Morphometry,74 +51,Component Three Dimensional Surface Morphometry,75 +53,Component Two Dimensional Surface Morphometry,76 +41,Component Potential Windbreak,77 +42,Component Restrictions,78 +46,Component Surface Fragments,79 +47,Component Taxonomic Family Mineralogy,80 +48,Component Taxonomic Family Other Criteria,81 +49,Component Taxonomic Moisture Class,82 +50,Component Text,83 +36,Component Month,84 +44,Component Soil Moisture,85 +45,Component Soil Temperature,86 +52,Component Trees To Manage,87 +54,Component USFS Ecological Classification,88 +55,Component USFS Ground Cover,89 +40,Component Pedon,90 +39,Component Parent Material Group,91 +38,Component Parent Material,92 +56,Component USFS Interpretation,93 +57,Component USFS Interpretation Restriction,94 +23,Component Canopy Cover,95 +91,Horizon,96 +26,Component Ecological Site,97 +27,Component Ecological Site History,98 +24,Component Crop Yield,99 +25,Component Diagnostic Features,100 +37,Component Other Vegetative Classification,101 +133,Other Vegetative Classification Type,102 +132,Other Vegetative Classification,103 +28,Component Erosion Accelerated,104 +30,Component Forest Productivity,105 +31,Component Forest Productivity - Other,106 +29,Component Existing Plants,107 +129,NCSS Pedon Lab Data,108 +128,NCSS Layer Lab Data,109 +134,Pedon,110 +190,Pedon Soil Stability,111 +191,Pedon Taxonomic History,112 +194,Pedon Taxonomic History Moisture Class,113 +192,Pedon Taxonomic History Family Mineralogy,114 +193,Pedon Taxonomic History Family Other Criteria,115 +195,Pedon Text,116 +260,Soil Monitor Data,117 +266,Soil Temperature Monitor Data,118 +259,Soil Moisture Monitor Data,119 +273,Transect,120 +280,Transect Text,121 +274,Transect Estimated Composition,122 +135,Pedon Diagnostic Features,123 +136,Pedon Field Measured Property,124 +137,Pedon Horizon,125 +180,Pedon Hydric Field Indicator,126 +182,Pedon Infiltration Summary,127 +186,Pedon Infiltration Falling Head,128 +187,Pedon Infiltration Falling Head Data,129 +181,Pedon Infiltration Constant Head,130 +183,Pedon Infiltration Constant Head Data,131 +184,Pedon Infiltration Cornell Infiltrometer,132 +185,Pedon Infiltration Cornell Infiltrometer Data,133 +188,Pedon Penetration Resistance,134 +189,Pedon Restrictions,135 +151,Pedon Horizon Designation Suffix,136 +152,Pedon Horizon Features,137 +153,Pedon Horizon Features Color,138 +154,Pedon Horizon Field Measured Property,139 +155,Pedon Horizon Fragments,140 +158,Pedon Horizon Human Artifacts,141 +162,Pedon Horizon Ksat Summary,142 +161,Pedon Horizon Ksat Amoozemeter,143 +163,Pedon Horizon Ksat Amoozemeter Data,144 +164,Pedon Horizon Ksat Ring,145 +165,Pedon Horizon Ksat Ring Data,146 +146,Pedon Horizon Lab Results,147 +145,Pedon Horizon COLE Data,148 +157,Pedon Horizon Grain Count Summary,149 +156,Pedon Horizon Grain Count Data,150 +159,Pedon Horizon Hydrometer Analysis,151 +160,Pedon Horizon Hydrometer Data,152 +166,Pedon Horizon Mottles,153 +167,Pedon Horizon Ped Void Surface Features,154 +168,Pedon Horizon Ped Void Surface Features Color,155 +169,Pedon Horizon Pores,156 +170,Pedon Horizon Redoximorphic Features,157 +171,Pedon Horizon Redoximorphic Features Color,158 +172,Pedon Horizon Roots,159 +173,Pedon Horizon Sample,160 +174,Pedon Horizon Soil Structure,161 +175,Pedon Horizon Text,162 +176,Pedon Horizon Texture,163 +177,Pedon Horizon Texture Modifier,164 +178,Pedon Horizon VNIR Scan,165 +179,Pedon Horizon VNIR Scan Result,166 +138,Pedon Horizon Bulk Density,167 +142,Pedon Horizon Bulk Density Scoop,168 +143,Pedon Horizon Bulk Density Scoop Reading,169 +139,Pedon Horizon Bulk Density Compliant Cavity,170 +140,Pedon Horizon Bulk Density Core,171 +141,Pedon Horizon Bulk Density Core Reading,172 +144,Pedon Horizon Cementing Agent,173 +147,Pedon Horizon Color,174 +148,Pedon Horizon Concentrations,175 +149,Pedon Horizon Concentrations Color,176 +150,Pedon Horizon Cracks,177 +94,Horizon Designation Suffix,178 +95,Horizon Fragments,179 +96,Horizon Human Artifacts,180 +97,Horizon Pores,181 +99,Horizon Structure Group,182 +98,Horizon Structure,183 +100,Horizon Text,184 +102,Horizon Texture Group,185 +101,Horizon Texture,186 +103,Horizon Texture Modifier,187 +104,Horizon Unified,188 +92,Horizon AASHTO,189 +93,Horizon Consistence,190 +124,NASIS Site,191 +126,NASIS Site Administrator,192 +123,NASIS Group,193 +125,NASIS Group Member,194 +127,NASIS User,195 +261,Soil Series,196 +262,Soil Series MLRAs Using,197 +263,Soil Series States Using,198 +264,Soil Series Taxonomic Family Other,199 +265,Soil Series Taxonomic Mineralogy,200 +82,Form,201 +83,Form Text,202 +14,Calculation,203 +15,Calculation Text,204 +231,Report,205 +232,Report Text,206 +229,Query,207 +230,Query Text,208 +240,Site Association,209 +241,Site Association Text,210 +236,Site Association Site,211 +269,Technical Soil Service,212 +268,Tech Soil Service Text,213 +270,Technical Soil Service Program Benefitted,214 +271,Technical Soil Service Type,215 +237,Technical Soil Service Site,216 +235,Site,217 +243,Site Ecological Site History,218 +17,Site Observation,219 +249,Site Observation Text,220 +252,Site Soil Moisture,221 +253,Site Soil Temperature,222 +254,Site Surface Fragments,223 +16,Climate Station,224 +244,Site Erosion Accelerated,225 +246,Site Inundation Type,226 +247,Site IRIS Tube Data,227 +250,Site Other Vegetative Classification,228 +251,Site Parent Material,229 +255,Site Text,230 +239,Site Associated Soils,231 +258,Site USGS Quadrangle Overlap,232 +289,USGS Quadrangle Type,233 +288,USGS Quadrangle,234 +242,Site Bedrock,235 +245,Site Geomorphic Description,236 +248,Site Mapunit Overlap,237 +238,Site Area Overlap,238 +63,Vegetation Plot,239 +13,Vegetation Transect,240 +90,Transect Ground Surface Cover,241 +89,Ground Surface Cover Details,242 +277,Transect Overstory Canopy Cover,243 +278,Transect Sampling Protocol Used,244 +11,Vegetation Transect Plant Summary,245 +69,Daubenmire Canopy Cover Class Summary,246 +70,Daubenmire Canopy Cover Quad Details,247 +71,Density Quadrat Details,248 +76,Dry Weight Rank Quadrat Details,249 +84,Frequency Quadrat Details,250 +130,Nested Frequency Quadrat Details,251 +131,Nested Frequency Summary,252 +199,Plant Production Quadrat Details,253 +210,Point Plant Cover Details,254 +10,Belt Data,255 +291,Vegetation Transect Text,256 +279,Transect Standing Biomass Details,257 +12,Belt Transect Summary,258 +18,Comparative Yield Data,259 +19,Comparative Yield Reference Quadrats,260 +272,Total Quadrat Harvest,261 +275,Transect Gap Details,262 +88,Transect Ground Cover,263 +87,Ground Cover Details,264 +276,Transect Ground Cover Data - Legacy,265 +114,Main Forest Stand Details,266 +201,Plot Disturbance,267 +202,Plot Grazing Use,268 +61,Crop Tree Summary,269 +62,Crop Tree Subplot Details,270 +64,Crop Tree Totals,271 +60,Crop Tree Details,272 +9,Plot Species Basal Area,273 +8,Basal Area Trees Counted,274 +205,Plot Tree Inventory,275 +209,Plot Trees Counted,276 +204,Plot Sampling Protocol Used,277 +207,Plot Tree Site Index Summary,278 +206,Plot Tree Site Index Details,279 +257,Site Woody Basal Area,280 +256,Site Trees Counted,281 +208,Plot Tree Summary,282 +197,Plot Plant Inventory,283 +267,Subplot Plant Details,284 +112,Local Plant,285 +113,Local Plant Area Occurrence,286 +196,Plant,287 +203,Plot Plant Type Canopy Cover,288 +200,Plant Synonym,289 +198,Plant Area Occurrence,290 +290,Vegetation Plot Text,291 +292,Windbreak Row Data,292 diff --git a/diagram-builds/legend-relate-guide.gv b/diagram-builds/legend-relate-guide.gv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfd4413 --- /dev/null +++ b/diagram-builds/legend-relate-guide.gv @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +#data_model +digraph { +graph [rankdir=RL fontname = Arial] + +node [margin=0 fontcolor = "#444444" fontname = Arial, style = invis] + +edge [color = "#555555", arrowsize = 1, dir = back] + +pack=true +packmode= "graph" + +subgraph cluster_diagram_legend { id = "Diagram Legend"; fontname = Arial; fontsize =54; +"Child Table Name2" [id = "Child Table Name2", label = < + + + + + + +
Child Table Name +
Child Physical Table Name +
>, shape = "plaintext"] + "Parent Table Name2" [id = "Parent Table Name2", label = < + + + + + + +
Parent Table Name +
Parent Physical Table Name +
>, shape = "plaintext"] + +"Child Table Name1" [id = "Child Table Name1", label = < + + + + + + +
Child Table Name +
Child Physical Table Name +
>, shape = "plaintext"] + "Parent Table Name1" [id = "Parent Table Name1", label = < + + + + + + +
Parent Table Name +
Parent Physical Table Name +
>, shape = "plaintext"] + "Child Table Name" [id = "Child Table Name", label = < + + + + + + +
Child Table Name +
Child Physical Table Name +
>, shape = "plaintext"] + "Parent Table Name" [id = "Parent Table Name", label = < + + + + + + +
Parent Table Name +
Parent Physical Table Name +
>, shape = "plaintext"] + "Child Table Name3" [id = "Child Table Name3", label = < + + + + + + +
Child Table Name +
Child Physical Table Name +
>, shape = "plaintext"] + "Parent Table Name3" [id = "Parent Table Name3", label = < + + + + + + +
Parent Table Name +
Parent Physical Table Name +
>, shape = "plaintext"] +"Child Table Name2"->"Parent Table Name2" [id="Parent Child_1", label = "Primary" style = "solid" fontname = Arial ] +"Child Table Name1"->"Parent Table Name1" [id="Parent Child_4", penwidth = 2, style = "dashed" label = "Secondary", fontname = Arial ] +"Child Table Name"->"Parent Table Name" [id="Parent Child_3", penwidth = 4, color = "darkorange1", label = "Referenced", fontcolor = "darkorange1", fontname = Arial style = "dotted"] +"Child Table Name3"->"Parent Table Name3" [id="Parent Child_2", penwidth = 3, color = "hotpink", label = "Find / Load Related", fontcolor = "hotpink", fontname = Arial, dir = "both" style = "solid"] + +} +} \ No newline at end of file