Package collections to run Gazebo simulation for NAO robot V6.
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- ROS Melodic
For ROS Kinectic and earlier, please use official release.
- Follow the install guide to download and install NAOqi SDK. Make sure your worktree contains location you are going to clone this repository.
- Follow the ROS Setup Guide for installing Melodic. Desktop-Full version is highly recommended.
- Set up this repository after cloning,
sudo apt-get update
cd NAO-simulation/catkin_ws
# This downloads dependencies used by packages in this workspace
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y --rosdistro melodic
# After download is completed, build the packages
# (Optional) Overlay environment of this workspace in .bashrc
PATH=$(pwd -P) && echo "source $PATH/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
To launch simulation in Gazebo,
roslaunch nao_gazebo_plugin nao_gazebo.launch
To launch motion planner in Rviz,
roslaunch nao_moveit_config moveit_planner.launch
Find NAO specs here.
- Head
- Left/Right Arm
- Left/Right Foot
- Left/Right Hand
- Left/Right Leg
- Pelvis
- FSR Left/Right Foot
- Camera top/bottom
- Sonar Left/Right
Created modules
- nao_meshes, with NAO V6 urdf.
- Create xacros for V6 model
- Compile Naoqi_driver?