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Neale Pickett edited this page Apr 30, 2022 · 9 revisions

About Vail

Vail is a CW repeater, named after Alfred Vail, who may or may not have invented what's called "Morse code", but clearly had some role in it.

Just like a radio repeater, anybody can connect and start transmitting stuff, and this will broadcast it to everyone connected. Also like a radio repeater, there is no indication of whether there's anybody else out there listening.

Other Stuff Of Interest

  • There is a Vail Adapter which will allow you to transmit with a paddle without needing the browser window in focus. You can even QSO with the screen locked!
  • Google made a learn Morse code tool that I like a lot.
  • There is a Vail Discord run by Vail user K6JSC.
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