The smart contract exposes methods to interact with a counter stored in the NEAR network.
val: number = 0;
// Public read-only method: Returns the counter value.
get_num(): number {
return this.val
// Public method: Increment the counter.
increment() {
this.val += 1;
near.log(`Increased number to ${this.val}`)
// Public method: Decrement the counter.
decrement() {
this.val -= 1;
near.log(`Decreased number to ${this.val}`)
// Public method - Reset to zero.
reset() {
this.val = 0;
near.log(`Reset counter to zero`)
You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running:
npm run deploy
Once finished, check the neardev/dev-account
file to find the address in which the contract was deployed:
cat ./neardev/dev-account
# e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727
is a read-only method (aka view
methods can be called for free by anyone, even people without a NEAR account!
# Use near-cli to get the counter value
near view <dev-account> get_num
, decrement
and reset
change the contract's state, for which they are call
methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction.
# Use near-cli to set increment the counter
near call <dev-account> increment --accountId <dev-account>
Tip: If you would like to call increment
using your own account, first login into NEAR using:
# Use near-cli to login your NEAR account
near login
and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: --accountId <your-account>