1. Create NFT contract account
export $NFT_CONTRACT=bkhcm.vbidev.testnet
export $MAIN_ACCOUNT=vbidev.testnet
near create-account $NFT_CONTRACT --masterAccount $MAIN_ACCOUNT --initialBalance 20
2. Build & Deploy contract
Build contract
npm run build:contract
Deploy contract
near deploy --wasmFile contract/build/contract.wasm --accountId $NFT_CONTRACT --initFunction init --initArgs '{"owner_id": "'$MAIN_CONTRACT'"}'
3. Interact with contract Get nft_metdata
near view $NFT_CONTRACT nft_metadata
Mint your NFTs
near call $NFT_CONTRACT nft_mint '{"token_id": "token-1", "metadata": {"title": "My Non Fungible Team Token", "description": "PTIT test my first NFT", "media": "https://bafkreic5i4mlci625akfwlrjrh77hhvlbr5zoqj7b4j5lzwpjrygdrvlja.ipfs.nftstorage.link"}, "receiver_id": "'$MAIN_ACCOUNT'"}' --accountId $MAIN_ACCOUNT --amount 0.1
and check Collectibles in NEAR Wallet =)))
- Add sale
near call $NFT_CONTRACT add_sale '{"token_id": "token-1", "price": "1000000000000000000000000"}' --accountId $MAIN_ACCOUNT --depositYocto 1
- Get sales
near view $NFT_CONTRACT get_sales
- Buy NFT
near call $NFT_CONTRACT buy '{"sale_id": "3"}' --accountId nearvietnamhub.testnet --deposit 1