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Releases: needle-mirror/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects


20 Jun 10:02
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[2.0.0-pre.1] - 2024-06-17


  • Added event NetworkManager.OnSessionOwnerPromoted that is invoked when a new session owner promotion occurs. (#2948)
  • Added NetworkRigidBodyBase.GetLinearVelocity and NetworkRigidBodyBase.SetLinearVelocity convenience/helper methods. (#2948)
  • Added NetworkRigidBodyBase.GetAngularVelocity and NetworkRigidBodyBase.SetAngularVelocity convenience/helper methods. (#2948)


  • Fixed issue when NetworkTransform half float precision is enabled and ownership changes the current base position was not being synchronized. (#2948)
  • Fixed issue where OnClientConnected not being invoked on the session owner when connecting to a new distributed authority session. (#2948)
  • Fixed issue where Rigidbody micro-motion (i.e. relatively small velocities) would result in non-authority instances slightly stuttering as the body would come to a rest (i.e. no motion). Now, the threshold value can increase at higher velocities and can decrease slightly below the provided threshold to account for this. (#2948)


  • Changed the client's owned objects is now returned (NetworkClient and NetworkSpawnManager) as an array as opposed to a list for performance purposes. (#2948)
  • Changed NetworkTransfrom.TryCommitTransformToServer to be internal as it will be removed by the final 2.0.0 release. (#2948)
  • Changed NetworkTransformEditor.OnEnable to a virtual method to be able to customize a NetworkTransform derived class by creating a derived editor control from NetworkTransformEditor. (#2948)


03 Jun 22:02
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[2.0.0-exp.5] - 2024-06-03


  • Fixed issue where SessionOwner message was being treated as a new entry for the new message indexing when it should have been ordinally sorted with the legacy message indices. (#2942)


31 May 17:02
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[2.0.0-exp.4] - 2024-05-31


  • Added NetworkRigidbodyBase.AttachToFixedJoint and NetworkRigidbodyBase.DetachFromFixedJoint to replace parenting for rigid bodies that have NetworkRigidbodyBase.UseRigidBodyForMotion enabled. (#2933)
  • Added NetworkBehaviour.OnNetworkPreSpawn and NetworkBehaviour.OnNetworkPostSpawn methods that provide the ability to handle pre and post spawning actions during the NetworkObject spawn sequence. (#2912)
  • Added a client-side only NetworkBehaviour.OnNetworkSessionSynchronized convenience method that is invoked on all NetworkBehaviours after a newly joined client has finished synchronizing with the network session in progress. (#2912)
  • Added NetworkBehaviour.OnInSceneObjectsSpawned convenience method that is invoked when all in-scene NetworkObjects have been spawned after a scene has been loaded or upon a host or server starting. (#2912)


  • Fixed issue where non-authoritative rigid bodies with NetworkRigidbodyBase.UseRigidBodyForMotion enabled would constantly log errors about the renderTime being before StartTimeConsumed. (#2933)
  • Fixed issue where in-scene placed NetworkObjects could be destroyed if a client disconnects early and/or before approval. (#2924)
  • Fixed issue where a NetworkObject component's associated NetworkBehaviour components would not be detected if scene loading is disabled in the editor and the currently loaded scene has in-scene placed NetworkObjects. (#2912)
  • Fixed issue where an in-scene placed NetworkObject with NetworkTransform that is also parented under a GameObject would not properly synchronize when the parent GameObject had a world space position other than 0,0,0. (#2898)


  • Change all the access modifiers of test class from Public to Internal (#2930)
  • Changed messages are now sorted by enum values as opposed to ordinally sorting the messages by their type name. (#2929)
  • Changed NetworkClient.SessionModeTypes to NetworkClient.NetworkTopologyTypes. (#2875)
  • Changed NetworkClient.SessionModeType to NetworkClient.NetworkTopologyType. (#2875)
  • Changed NetworkConfig.SessionMode to NeworkConfig.NetworkTopology. (#2875)


23 Apr 08:01
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[1.9.1] - 2024-04-18


  • Added AnticipatedNetworkVariable, which adds support for client anticipation of NetworkVariable values, allowing for more responsive gameplay (#2820)
  • Added AnticipatedNetworkTransform, which adds support for client anticipation of NetworkTransforms (#2820)
  • Added NetworkVariableBase.ExceedsDirtinessThreshold to allow network variables to throttle updates by only sending updates when the difference between the current and previous values exceeds a threshold. (This is exposed in NetworkVariable with the callback NetworkVariable.CheckExceedsDirtinessThreshold) (#2820)
  • Added NetworkVariableUpdateTraits, which add additional throttling support: MinSecondsBetweenUpdates will prevent the NetworkVariable from sending updates more often than the specified time period (even if it exceeds the dirtiness threshold), while MaxSecondsBetweenUpdates will force a dirty NetworkVariable to send an update after the specified time period even if it has not yet exceeded the dirtiness threshold. (#2820)
  • Added virtual method NetworkVariableBase.OnInitialize() which can be used by NetworkVariable subclasses to add initialization code (#2820)
  • Added virtual method NetworkVariableBase.Update(), which is called once per frame to support behaviors such as interpolation between an anticipated value and an authoritative one. (#2820)
  • Added NetworkTime.TickWithPartial, which represents the current tick as a double that includes the fractional/partial tick value. (#2820)
  • Added NetworkTickSystem.AnticipationTick, which can be helpful with implementation of client anticipation. This value represents the tick the current local client was at at the beginning of the most recent network round trip, which enables it to correlate server update ticks with the client tick that may have triggered them. (#2820)
  • NetworkVariable now includes built-in support for NativeHashSet, NativeHashMap, List, HashSet, and Dictionary (#2813)
  • NetworkVariable now includes delta compression for collection values (NativeList, NativeArray, NativeHashSet, NativeHashMap, List, HashSet, Dictionary, and FixedString types) to save bandwidth by only sending the values that changed. (Note: For NativeList, NativeArray, and List, this algorithm works differently than that used in NetworkList. This algorithm will use less bandwidth for "set" and "add" operations, but NetworkList is more bandwidth-efficient if you are performing frequent "insert" operations.) (#2813)
  • UserNetworkVariableSerialization now has optional callbacks for WriteDelta and ReadDelta. If both are provided, they will be used for all serialization operations on NetworkVariables of that type except for the first one for each client. If either is missing, the existing Write and Read will always be used. (#2813)
  • Network variables wrapping INetworkSerializable types can perform delta serialization by setting UserNetworkVariableSerialization<T>.WriteDelta and UserNetworkVariableSerialization<T>.ReadDelta for those types. The built-in INetworkSerializable serializer will continue to be used for all other serialization operations, but if those callbacks are set, it will call into them on all but the initial serialization to perform delta serialization. (This could be useful if you have a large struct where most values do not change regularly and you want to send only the fields that did change.) (#2813)


  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransformEditor would throw and exception if you excluded the physics package. (#2871)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform could not properly synchronize its base position when using half float precision. (#2845)
  • Fixed issue where the host was not invoking OnClientDisconnectCallback for its own local client when internally shutting down. (#2822)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform could potentially attempt to "unregister" a named message prior to it being registered. (#2807)
  • Fixed issue where in-scene placed NetworkObjects with complex nested children NetworkObjects (more than one child in depth) would not synchronize properly if WorldPositionStays was set to true. (#2796)


  • Changed NetworkObjectReference and NetworkBehaviourReference to allow null references when constructing and serializing. (#2874)
  • Changed NetworkAnimator no longer requires the Animator component to exist on the same GameObject. (#2872)
  • Changed NetworkTransform to now use NetworkTransformMessage as opposed to named messages for NetworkTransformState updates. (#2810)
  • Changed CustomMessageManager so it no longer attempts to register or "unregister" a null or empty string and will log an error if this condition occurs. (#2807)


04 Apr 14:31
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[2.0.0-exp.2] - 2024-04-02


  • Added updates to all internal messages to account for a distributed authority network session connection. (#2863)
  • Added NetworkRigidbodyBase that provides users with a more customizable network rigidbody, handles both Rigidbody and Rigidbody2D, and provides an option to make NetworkTransform use the rigid body for motion. (#2863)
    • For a customized NetworkRigidbodyBase class:
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.AutoUpdateKinematicState provides control on whether the kinematic setting will be automatically set or not when ownership changes.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.AutoSetKinematicOnDespawn provides control on whether isKinematic will automatically be set to true when the associated NetworkObject is despawned.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.Initialize is a protected method that, when invoked, will initialize the instance. This includes options to:
        • Set whether using a RigidbodyTypes.Rigidbody or RigidbodyTypes.Rigidbody2D.
        • Includes additional optional parameters to set the NetworkTransform, Rigidbody, and Rigidbody2d to use.
    • Provides additional public methods:
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.GetPosition to return the position of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.GetRotation to return the rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.MovePosition to move to the position of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.MoveRotation to move to the rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.Move to move to the position and rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.Move to move to the position and rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.SetPosition to set the position of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.SetRotation to set the rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.ApplyCurrentTransform to set the position and rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d based on the associated GameObject transform (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.WakeIfSleeping to wake up the rigid body if sleeping.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.SleepRigidbody to put the rigid body to sleep.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.IsKinematic to determine if the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting) is currently kinematic.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.SetIsKinematic to set the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting) current kinematic state.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.ResetInterpolation to reset the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting) back to its original interpolation value when initialized.
    • Now includes a MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate implementation that will update the assigned NetworkTransform when NetworkRigidbodyBase.UseRigidBodyForMotion is true. (#2863)
  • Added RigidbodyContactEventManager that provides a more optimized way to process collision enter and collision stay events as opposed to the Monobehaviour approach. (#2863)
    • Can be used in client-server and distributed authority modes, but is particularly useful in distributed authority.
  • Added rigid body motion updates to NetworkTransform which allows users to set interolation on rigid bodies. (#2863)
    • Extrapolation is only allowed on authoritative instances, but custom class derived from NetworkRigidbodyBase or NetworkRigidbody or NetworkRigidbody2D automatically switches non-authoritative instances to interpolation if set to extrapolation.
  • Added distributed authority mode support to NetworkAnimator. (#2863)
  • Added session mode selection to NetworkManager inspector view. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority permissions feature. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject permissions flags (Distributable, Transferable, and RequestRequired). (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.SetOwnershipStatus method that applies one or more NetworkObject instance's ownership flags. If updated when spawned, the ownership permission changes are synchronized with the other connected clients. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.RemoveOwnershipStatus method that removes one or more NetworkObject instance's ownership flags. If updated when spawned, the ownership permission changes are synchronized with the other connected clients. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.HasOwnershipStatus method that will return (true or false) whether one or more ownership flags is set. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.SetOwnershipLock method that locks ownership of a NetworkObject to prevent ownership from changing until the current owner releases the lock. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.RequestOwnership method that sends an ownership request to the current owner of a spawned NetworkObject instance. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.OnOwnershipRequested callback handler that is invoked on the owner/authoritative side when a non-owner requests ownership. Depending upon the boolean returned value depends upon whether the request is approved or denied. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.OnOwnershipRequestResponse callback handler that is invoked when a non-owner's request has been processed. This callback includes a NetworkObjet.OwnershipRequestResponseStatus response parameter that describes whether the request was approved or the reason why it was not approved. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.DeferDespawn method that defers the despawning of NetworkObject instances on non-authoritative clients based on the tick offset parameter. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.OnDeferredDespawnComplete callback handler that can be used to further control when deferring the despawning of a NetworkObject on non-authoritative instances. (#2863)
  • Added NetworkClient.SessionModeType as one way to determine the current session mode of the network session a client is connected to. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkClient.IsSessionOwner property to determine if the current local client is the current session owner of a distributed authority session. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific client side spawning capabilities. When running in distributed authority mode, clients can instantiate and spawn NetworkObject instances (the local client is authomatically the owner of the spawned object). (#2863)
    • This is useful to better visually synchronize owner authoritative motion models and newly spawned NetworkObject instances (i.e. projectiles for example).
  • Added distributed authority mode specific client side player spawning capabilities. Clients will automatically spawn their associated player object locally. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkConfig.AutoSpawnPlayerPrefabClientSide property (default is true) to provide control over the automatic spawning of player prefabs on the local client side. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkManager.OnFetchLocalPlayerPrefabToSpawn callback that, when assigned, will allow the local client to provide the player prefab to be spawned for the local client. (#2863)
    • This is only invoked if the NetworkConfig.AutoSpawnPlayerPrefabClientSide property is set to true.
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkBehaviour.HasAuthority property that determines if the local client has authority over the associated NetworkObject instance (typical use case is within a NetworkBehaviour script much like that of IsServer or IsClient). (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkBehaviour.IsSessionOwner property that determines if the local client is the session owner (typical use case would be to determine if the local client can has scene management authority within a NetworkBehaviour script). (#2863)
  • Added support for distributed authority mode scene management where the currently assigned session owner can start scene events (i.e. scene loading and scene unloading). (#2863)


  • Fixed issue where the host was not invoking OnClientDisconnectCallback for its own local client when internally shutting down. (#2822)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform could potentially attempt to "unregister" a named message prior to it being registered. (#2807)
  • Fixed issue where in-scene placed NetworkObjects with complex nested children NetworkObjects (more than one child in depth) would not synchronize properly if WorldPositionStays was set to true. (#2796)


  • Changed client side awareness of other clients is now the same as a server or host. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkManager.ConnectedClients can now be accessed by both server and clients. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList can now be accessed by both server and clients. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkTransform defaults to owner authoritative when connected to a distributed authority ...
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14 Feb 11:01
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[1.8.1] - 2024-02-05


  • Fixed a compile error when compiling for IL2CPP targets when using the new [Rpc] attribute. (#2824)


08 Jan 11:01
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[1.8.0] - 2023-12-12


  • Added a new RPC attribute, which is simply Rpc. (#2762)
    • This is a generic attribute that can perform the functions of both Server and Client RPCs, as well as enabling client-to-client RPCs. Includes several default targets: Server, NotServer, Owner, NotOwner, Me, NotMe, ClientsAndHost, and Everyone. Runtime overrides are available for any of these targets, as well as for sending to a specific ID or groups of IDs.
    • This attribute also includes the ability to defer RPCs that are sent to the local process to the start of the next frame instead of executing them immediately, treating them as if they had gone across the network. The default behavior is to execute immediately.
    • This attribute effectively replaces ServerRpc and ClientRpc. ServerRpc and ClientRpc remain in their existing forms for backward compatibility, but Rpc will be the recommended and most supported option.
  • Added NetworkManager.OnConnectionEvent as a unified connection event callback to notify clients and servers of all client connections and disconnections within the session (#2762)
  • Added NetworkManager.ServerIsHost and NetworkBehaviour.ServerIsHost to allow a client to tell if it is connected to a host or to a dedicated server (#2762)
  • Added SceneEventProgress.SceneManagementNotEnabled return status to be returned when a NetworkSceneManager method is invoked and scene management is not enabled. (#2735)
  • Added SceneEventProgress.ServerOnlyAction return status to be returned when a NetworkSceneManager method is invoked by a client. (#2735)
  • Added NetworkObject.InstantiateAndSpawn and NetworkSpawnManager.InstantiateAndSpawn methods to simplify prefab spawning by assuring that the prefab is valid and applies any override prior to instantiating the GameObject and spawning the NetworkObject instance. (#2710)


  • Fixed issue where a client disconnected by a server-host would not receive a local notification. (#2789)
  • Fixed issue where a server-host could shutdown during a relay connection but periodically the transport disconnect message sent to any connected clients could be dropped. (#2789)
  • Fixed issue where a host could disconnect its local client but remain running as a server. (#2789)
  • Fixed issue where OnClientDisconnectedCallback was not being invoked under certain conditions. (#2789)
  • Fixed issue where OnClientDisconnectedCallback was always returning 0 as the client identifier. (#2789)
  • Fixed issue where if a host or server shutdown while a client owned NetworkObjects (other than the player) it would throw an exception. (#2789)
  • Fixed issue where setting values on a NetworkVariable or NetworkList within OnNetworkDespawn during a shutdown sequence would throw an exception. (#2789)
  • Fixed issue where a teleport state could potentially be overridden by a previous unreliable delta state. (#2777)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform was using the NetworkManager.ServerTime.Tick as opposed to NetworkManager.NetworkTickSystem.ServerTime.Tick during the authoritative side's tick update where it performed a delta state check. (#2777)
  • Fixed issue where a parented in-scene placed NetworkObject would be destroyed upon a client or server exiting a network session but not unloading the original scene in which the NetworkObject was placed. (#2737)
  • Fixed issue where during client synchronization and scene loading, when client synchronization or the scene loading mode are set to LoadSceneMode.Single, a CreateObjectMessage could be received, processed, and the resultant spawned NetworkObject could be instantiated in the client's currently active scene that could, towards the end of the client synchronization or loading process, be unloaded and cause the newly created NetworkObject to be destroyed (and throw and exception). (#2735)
  • Fixed issue where a NetworkTransform instance with interpolation enabled would result in wide visual motion gaps (stuttering) under above normal latency conditions and a 1-5% or higher packet are drop rate. (#2713)
  • Fixed issue where you could not have multiple source network prefab overrides targeting the same network prefab as their override. (#2710)


  • Changed the server or host shutdown so it will now perform a "soft shutdown" when NetworkManager.Shutdown is invoked. This will send a disconnect notification to all connected clients and the server-host will wait for all connected clients to disconnect or timeout after a 5 second period before completing the shutdown process. (#2789)
  • Changed OnClientDisconnectedCallback will now return the assigned client identifier on the local client side if the client was approved and assigned one prior to being disconnected. (#2789)
  • Changed NetworkTransform.SetState (and related methods) now are cumulative during a fractional tick period and sent on the next pending tick. (#2777)
  • NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsIds is now accessible on the client side and will contain the list of all clients in the session, including the host client if the server is operating in host mode (#2762)
  • Changed NetworkSceneManager to return a SceneEventProgress status and not throw exceptions for methods invoked when scene management is disabled and when a client attempts to access a NetworkSceneManager method by a client. (#2735)
  • Changed NetworkTransform authoritative instance tick registration so a single NetworkTransform specific tick event update will update all authoritative instances to improve perofmance. (#2713)
  • Changed NetworkPrefabs.OverrideToNetworkPrefab dictionary is no longer used/populated due to it ending up being related to a regression bug and not allowing more than one override to be assigned to a network prefab asset. (#2710)
  • Changed in-scene placed NetworkObjects now store their source network prefab asset's GlobalObjectIdHash internally that is used, when scene management is disabled, by clients to spawn the correct prefab even if the NetworkPrefab entry has an override. This does not impact dynamically spawning the same prefab which will yield the override on both host and client. (#2710)
  • Changed in-scene placed NetworkObjects no longer require a NetworkPrefab entry with GlobalObjectIdHash override in order for clients to properly synchronize. (#2710)
  • Changed in-scene placed NetworkObjects now set their IsSceneObject value when generating their GlobalObjectIdHash value. (#2710)
  • Changed the default NetworkConfig.SpawnTimeout value from 1.0s to 10.0s. (#2710)


24 Nov 11:01
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[1.7.1] - 2023-11-15



  • Fixed a bug where having a class with Rpcs that inherits from a class without Rpcs that inherits from NetworkVariable would cause a compile error. (#2751)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkBehaviour.Synchronize was not truncating the write buffer if nothing was serialized during NetworkBehaviour.OnSynchronize causing an additional 6 bytes to be written per NetworkBehaviour component instance. (#2749)



23 Oct 15:01
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[1.7.0] - 2023-10-11


  • exposed NetworkObject.GetNetworkBehaviourAtOrderIndex as a public API (#2724)
  • Added context menu tool that provides users with the ability to quickly update the GlobalObjectIdHash value for all in-scene placed prefab instances that were created prior to adding a NetworkObject component to it. (#2707)
  • Added methods NetworkManager.SetPeerMTU and NetworkManager.GetPeerMTU to be able to set MTU sizes per-peer (#2676)
  • Added GenerateSerializationForGenericParameterAttribute, which can be applied to user-created Network Variable types to ensure the codegen generates serialization for the generic types they wrap. (#2694)
  • Added GenerateSerializationForTypeAttribute, which can be applied to any class or method to ensure the codegen generates serialization for the specific provided type. (#2694)
  • Exposed NetworkVariableSerialization<T>.Read, NetworkVariableSerialization<T>.Write, NetworkVariableSerialization<T>.AreEqual, and NetworkVariableSerialization<T>.Duplicate to further support the creation of user-created network variables by allowing users to access the generated serialization methods and serialize generic types efficiently without boxing. (#2694)
  • Added NetworkVariableBase.MarkNetworkBehaviourDirty so that user-created network variable types can mark their containing NetworkBehaviour to be processed by the update loop. (#2694)


  • Fixed issue where the server side NetworkSceneManager instance was not adding the currently active scene to its list of scenes loaded. (#2723)
  • Generic NetworkBehaviour types no longer result in compile errors or runtime errors (#2720)
  • Rpcs within Generic NetworkBehaviour types can now serialize parameters of the class's generic types (but may not have generic types of their own) (#2720)
  • Errors are no longer thrown when entering play mode with domain reload disabled (#2720)
  • NetworkSpawn is now correctly called each time when entering play mode with scene reload disabled (#2720)
  • NetworkVariables of non-integer types will no longer break the inspector (#2714)
  • NetworkVariables with NonSerializedAttribute will not appear in the inspector (#2714)
  • Fixed issue where UnityTransport would attempt to establish WebSocket connections even if using UDP/DTLS Relay allocations when the build target was WebGL. This only applied to working in the editor since UDP/DTLS can't work in the browser. (#2695)
  • Fixed issue where a NetworkBehaviour component's OnNetworkDespawn was not being invoked on the host-server side for an in-scene placed NetworkObject when a scene was unloaded (during a scene transition) and the NetworkBehaviour component was positioned/ordered before the NetworkObject component. (#2685)
  • Fixed issue where SpawnWithObservers was not being honored when NetworkConfig.EnableSceneManagement was disabled. (#2682)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkAnimator was not internally tracking changes to layer weights which prevented proper layer weight synchronization back to the original layer weight value. (#2674)
  • Fixed "writing past the end of the buffer" error when calling ResetDirty() on managed network variables that are larger than 256 bytes when serialized. (#2670)
  • Fixed issue where generation of the DefaultNetworkPrefabs asset was not enabled by default. (#2662)
  • Fixed issue where the GlobalObjectIdHash value could be updated but the asset not marked as dirty. (#2662)
  • Fixed issue where the GlobalObjectIdHash value of a (network) prefab asset could be assigned an incorrect value when editing the prefab in a temporary scene. (#2662)
  • Fixed issue where the GlobalObjectIdHash value generated after creating a (network) prefab from an object constructed within the scene would not be the correct final value in a stand alone build. (#2662)


  • Updated dependency on com.unity.transport to version 1.4.0. (#2716)


25 Aug 10:01
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The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[1.6.0] - 2023-08-09


  • Added a protected virtual method NetworkTransform.OnInitialize(ref NetworkTransformState replicatedState) that just returns the replicated state reference.


  • Fixed issue where invoking NetworkManager.Shutdown within NetworkManager.OnClientStopped or NetworkManager.OnServerStopped would force NetworkManager.ShutdownInProgress to remain true after completing the shutdown process. (#2661)
  • Fixed issue with client synchronization of position when using half precision and the delta position reaches the maximum value and is collapsed on the host prior to being forwarded to the non-owner clients. (#2636)
  • Fixed issue with scale not synchronizing properly depending upon the spawn order of NetworkObjects. (#2636)
  • Fixed issue position was not properly transitioning between ownership changes with an owner authoritative NetworkTransform. (#2636)
  • Fixed issue where a late joining non-owner client could update an owner authoritative NetworkTransform if ownership changed without any updates to position prior to the non-owner client joining. (#2636)
