title | output |
Session 1 |
html_document |
Note: This is written using Rmarkdown. You can produce HTML and Pdf documents using Rmarkdown and Rstudio. Think documentation, reports, ppt.
The dataset we will work on today is a fun dataset. IMDB Movies. Please go ahead and download the data folder in your project directory. Download from here
Common formats I know about in Biology - Flat files - tsv, csv, txt, , xlsx/xls You don't have Databases SQL, JSON etc..
###Two recommended packages
for readability and concisedata.table::fread
for performance and consistency
titles_df = read_csv("data/titles.csv")
cast_df = read_csv("data/cast.csv")
|================================================================================| 100% 186 MB
rel_dates_df <- read_csv("data/release_dates.csv")
That was easy right!
-Please note the <-
and =
assignments. Lets talk! But in practical use cases choose either.
parent scope and <-
local scope
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 409012 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ title : chr "#73, Shaanthi Nivaasa" "#AnonOccupy: Bio of a Villain" "#Beings" "#Ewankosau saranghaeyo" ...
## $ year : int 2007 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 1971 ...
## $ country: chr "India" "USA" "Romania" "Philippines" ...
## $ date : Date, format: "2007-06-15" "2015-11-05" ...
## title year country date
## 1 #73, Shaanthi Nivaasa 2007 India 2007-06-15
## 2 #AnonOccupy: Bio of a Villain 2015 USA 2015-11-05
## 3 #Beings 2015 Romania 2015-01-29
## 4 #Ewankosau saranghaeyo 2015 Philippines 2015-01-21
## 5 #Nerealnaya lyubov 2014 Russia 2014-02-13
## 6 #Stuck 2014 Turkey 2014-07-01
This is the structure command to look at meta deta for your data. We need to understand common data types in R
Atomic Vectors
- Boolean
- Numeric
Matrices and array ()
Lists (trivial and common data strucure)
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.