- Random whispers from a very 'friendly' bot
- 'Friendly' roll statistics
- 'Happiness'
- Updated dice detection for FoundryVTT 0.7.x
- Expose the lists, so they can be edited by the user.
- Added settings
- A lot of refactor... a lot...
- Added a new sad person to the team :)
- Count embedded rolls.
- Added reset commands (!sadness reset settings|counter|lists)
- Added settings to send public messages
- Sadness now shows a message when you have no rolls.
- Added AOE happiness (!sadness all)
- Added some useless average because it was requested
- You can now use [sc-avg] to display user average in a message.
- Separated the image pools.
- Added the option to change the name of Sadness Chan.
- Added an option to remove image border
- Bug fixing
- Added a reset option
- I mean... it works in 0.7.4
- Bumped the version to maybe fix the install link
- Removed old versions
- Support for observing intervals