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File metadata and controls

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Creating a Deploy User with Chef

It's generally not a good idea to give an application root access to your machine when it is deploying. In the section of the workshop we will create a new "deploy" user that Capistrano (our deployment tool) can use to deploy to our VM.

Creating a User recipe

Let's generate a new recipe like so:

  vagrant@workshop $ chef generate recipe user

Now we need to create the directory where our server specs will live:

  vagrant@workshop $ mkdir -p test/integration/user/serverspec

And create the test file

  vagrant@workshop $ touch test/integration/user/serverspec/user_spec.rb

And we need to be able to access a spec_helper similar to the one living in test/integration/default/serverspec. In this case, let's copy that one into our new integration test directory.

  vagrant@workshop $ cp test/integration/default/serverspec/spec_helper.rb test/integration/user/serverspec

Creating a deploy user

As always, we start with a test:


require 'spec_helper'
describe 'my_web_server_cookbook::user' do
  describe command('cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd') do
    its(:stdout) { should match /deploy/ }

Now add this suite to your .kitchen.yml file:

- name: default
    - recipe[my_web_server_cookbook::default]
- name: ruby
    - recipe[my_web_server_cookbook::ruby]
- name: passenger
    - recipe[my_web_server_cookbook::passenger]
- name: user
    - recipe[my_web_server_cookbook::user]

Then create the test instance.

  vagrant@workshop $ kitchen create user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And set it up:

  vagrant@workshop $ kitchen setup user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

Now run these tests:

  vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And, as expected, we get a failure.

Now let's write the code to make it pass.

Add this to your recipes/user.rb file

  execute 'add deploy user' do
    command "sudo adduser deploy"
    action :run
    not_if "grep deploy /etc/passwd", :user => "deploy"

Now converge the code

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen converge user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And run the test again

   vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And it passes!

Adding the deploy user to the sudoers group

The deploy user needs to be able to run sudo commands. To do this, we need to add it to the sudoers group.

Add this to your test file


   describe command('getent group sudo') do
     its(:stdout) { should match /deploy/ }

Now run your tests:

  vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And we get the expected failure.

Now add this code to recipes/user.rb to make it pass.

  execute 'add deploy user' do
    command "sudo adduser deploy sudo"
    action :run
    not_if "getent group sudo | grep deploy"

And it passes!

Allowing the deploy user to sudo without being prompted for a password

Finally, it can be annoying to be prompted for a password every time the deploy user uses sudo, particularly if they are used to connecting via SSH. Let's remove this password prompt,we do this by creating a file at /etc/sudoers.d/deploy.

First, some tests to make sure the file exists, then another to ensure the correct content is in the file:


  describe file('/etc/sudoers.d/deploy') do
    it { should be_file }

  describe command('cat /etc/sudoers.d/deploy') do
    its(:stdout) { should match /deploy ALL=\(ALL\) NOPASSWD:ALL/ }

Now run the tests and watch them fail.

  vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

Now let's make it pass:

First, we need to create a template for this file, remember you need to run the generate command from your my_web_server_chef_repo directory.

  vagrant@workshop $ cd ~/my_web_server_chef_repo
  vagrant@workshop $ chef generate template cookbooks/my_web_server_cookbook deploy

Now change directories back to your cookbook directory:

  vagrant@workshop $ cd cookbooks/my_web_server_cookbook

And open up the template file and add this content. templates/default/deploy.erb


Then save and close the file.

Now add this to your recipe file to call the template recipe/user.rb

  template '/etc/sudoers.d/deploy' do
    source 'deploy.erb'

Now converge the code:

  vagrant@workshop $ kitchen converge user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And run the tests:

  vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify user-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And they should pass!