Releases: neo4j/neo4j-go-driver
Releases · neo4j/neo4j-go-driver
- Fixes issue with corrupt records in some scenarios with records bigger than a transport chunk. Issue issue 183
- Fixes issue with node/relationship counts in summary, issue 178
- Retries retrieval of routing tables when there are no readers in routing table, same way as previously done with writers
Aligned with Neo4j database version 4.2.
Driver supports Neo4j databases of versions 3.5, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2.
Second beta of 4.0
- Added missing temporal conversion functions that converted to native time.Time, existed in 1.8
- Discards records in pending results when session is closed
- Change in logger interface, removed Errorf function.
- Improved retry error handling
First beta of 4.0
- Feature complete to level of 4.2 of other official Neo4j drivers
- Improved performance as compared to 1.8 (see benchmark tool for some of the tested cases)
- There are breaking API changes compared to 1.8 (see migration guide for details)
Alpha release 1 of 4.0 driver
Complete set of planned API changes. See migration guide for information. Feedback welcome!
Not feature complete as compared to 4.0 drivers in other supported languages.
- Fixes fail to reconnect error if cluster changes, issue 150
- Fixes problems with routing when Neo4j user doesn't have access to default database, issue 137
- Fixes stability of retry functions when running in a cluster environment, issue 141
- Uses Bolt default port 7687 when no port is specified in connection URL.
- New function to check connectivity: driver.VerifyConnectivity. Issue #119
- Fixes build error on 32 bit systems
- Fixes issue #130 (Session error 'Already in tx' repeated after failure)
v.1.8.1 release candidate
- Uses Bolt default port 7687 when no port is specified in connection URL.
- New function to check connectivity: driver.VerifyConnectivity. Issue #119
- Fixes build error on 32 bit systems
- Fixes issue #130 (Session error 'Already in tx' repeated after failure)