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It is best to launch Cloud Manager in AWS using NetApp Cloud Central, but you can launch it from the AWS Marketplace, if needed. |
It is best to launch Cloud Manager in AWS using NetApp Cloud Central, but you can launch it from the AWS Marketplace, if needed.
If you want to assign a public IP address to the Cloud Manager instance and use the AWS 1-Click Launch option, the public subnet must be already enabled to automatically assign public IP addresses. Otherwise, you must use the Manual Launch option to assign a public IP address to the instance.
For details, refer to AWS Documentation: IP Addressing in Your VPC.
Set up an IAM role that includes the required permissions.
Go to the Cloud Manager page on the AWS Marketplace.
Click Continue.
Launch the instance from the 1-Click Launch tab or the Custom Launch tab, depending on how you want to grant AWS permissions to Cloud Manager:
Choice Steps You want to associate the instance with an IAM role.
On the Custom Launch tab, click Launch with EC2 Console for your region.
Choose the t2.medium or m4.large instance type.
Select a VPC, subnet, IAM role, and other configuration options that meet your requirements.
Keep the default storage options.
Enter tags for the instance, if desired.
Specify the required connection methods for the Cloud Manager instance: SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS.
Click Launch.
You do not want to associate the instance with an IAM role. You want to specify AWS keys for each Cloud Manager user account.
On the 1-Click Launch tab, specify settings for the instance. Note the following:
The t2.medium and m4.large instance types are supported.
Under security group, select Create new based on seller settings to create a pre-defined security group that includes the rules required by Cloud Manager.
Click Accept Terms and Launch with 1-Click.
AWS launches the software with the specified settings. The Cloud Manager instance and software should be running in approximately five minutes.
Log in to Cloud Manager by entering the public IP address or private IP address in a web browser and then complete the Setup wizard.