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index 00b494f5..f49be324 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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# SolrWayback
-## SolrWayback 5.0.0 software bundle has been released
-SolrWayback bundle release 5.0.0 can be downloaded here: https://github.com/netarchivesuite/solrwayback/releases/tag/5.0.0
+## SolrWayback 5.1.1 software bundle has been released
+SolrWayback bundle release 5.1.1 can be downloaded here: https://github.com/netarchivesuite/solrwayback/releases/tag/5.1.1
The bundle is the recommended way to get started with SolrWayback. You download the bundle, follow the installation guide and index your own WARC files. Then you are up to speed.
@@ -135,13 +135,10 @@ Documents in SolrWayback are indexed through the [warc-indexer](https://github.c
* A Solr 9+ server with the index build from the Arc/Warc files using the Warc-Indexer version 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT+
* (Optional) chrome/(chromium) installed for page previews to work. (headless chrome)
-## Build and usage
+## Build and usage for developers.
* Build the application with: `mvn package`
* Deploy the `target/solrwayback-*.war` file in a web-container
- * Copy `src/test/resources/properties/solrwayback.properties` and `/src/test/resources/properties/solrwaybackweb.properties`
- to either the root of the tomcat folder or the `user/home/` folder for the J2EE server.
- Alternatively use the [src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml](src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml) as template
- for a context for the SolrWayback WAR and set the paths for the properties directly.
+ * Copy `properties/solrwayback.properties` and `properties/solrwaybackweb.properties` to the `user/home/` folder.
* Modify the property files. (default all urls http://localhost:8080)
* Open search interface: http://localhost:8080/solrwayback
@@ -171,13 +168,14 @@ Unzip and follow the instructions below.
+* Copy `properties/solrwayback.properties` and `properties/solrwaybackweb.properties` to the `user/home/` folder.
+If you want to use a custom location for the properties you can edit and enable the tomcat context environment variables in `/tomcat-9/conf/Catalina/localhost/solrwayback.xml`
* **Optional:** For screenshot previews to work you may have to edit the file `properties/solrwayback.properties` and change the value of the last two properties : `chrome.command` and `screenshot.temp.imagedir`.
Chrome(Chromium) must be installed for preview of images to work.
If you encounter any errors when running a script during installation or setup, try change the permissions for the file (`startup.sh` etc.). On Linux and mac, this can be done with the following command: `chmod +x filename.sh`
-**Note:** Previous versions of the SolrWayback bundle expected the property files to be located at the root of the home folder of the user. If this is preferable, move the two property files `solrwayback.properties` and `solrwaybackweb.properties` from the `properties/` folder in the bundle to the root of the home folder of the user.
SolrWayback requires both Solr and Tomcat to be running. These processes are started and stopped separately with the following commands:
@@ -317,6 +315,16 @@ If you want to remove and old index and create a new index from scratch, this ca
3. Start solr
4. Start the indexing script
+### Update Solr cloud configuration
+For experienced Solr users only that want to tweak the Solr configuration.
+If you want to make changes to schema.xml or solrconfig.xml you must use the cloud update script on a running Solr Cloud.
+Changes to schema.xml must be done before starting indexing. Changes to SolrConfig.xml can be done run time.
+To update the configuration use the following two commands. (replace paths to your system)
+`bin/solr zk upconfig -n netarchivebuilder_conf -d "/home/xxx/solrwayback/solrwayback_package_5.1.1/solr_config/conf" -z localhost:9983`
+`curl -X POST "http://localhost:8983/api/collections/netarchivebuilder/" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"modify":{"config": "netarchivebuilder_conf" } }`
### Faster indexing
A powerful laptop can handle up to 8 simultaneous indexing processes with Solr running on the same laptop.
Using an SSD for the Solr-index will speed up indexing and also improve search/playback performance drastically.
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index df98fc03..ab3dfe64 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- 5.1.0
+ 5.1.1
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6864a265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/review.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+non redirect skal ikke sætte headers?
+redirect skal adde headers og ikke overskrive.
+Eksempel 1:
+Eksempel 2:
+Bug: fixed. Redirect må ikke have payload.
+Kun redirect support - playback kan ikke køre under /memento url også. (Kompliceret forklaring).
+Host -> localhost
+todo comment in DatetimeNegotiationTest
+Good unittests + solr unittest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bundle/README.md b/src/bundle/README.md
index 5f89edf6..660d98b7 100644
--- a/src/bundle/README.md
+++ b/src/bundle/README.md
@@ -1,104 +1,4 @@
-# SolrWayback bundle
-Resources used when building the SolrWayback bundle.
-- `install SolrWayback bundle`: See install guide [SolrWayback README](https://github.com/netarchivesuite/solrwayback/blob/master/README.md/)
-- `indexing`: Scripts for indexing WARC files using [webarchive-discovery](https://github.com/ukwa/webarchive-discovery/)
-- `Changes.md`: See version history [SolrWayback](https://github.com/netarchivesuite/solrwayback/blob/master/CHANGES.md/)
-- solrwaybackproxy
-- Solr 9 config files
-- Tomcat 9
-- Solr 9
-## How to for package managers
-### Build WARs and JAR
-Create the SolrWayback WAR
-mvn clean package
-Build a `warc-indexer-0.3.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar` from [webarchive-discovery](https://github.com/ukwa/webarchive-discovery/).
-Build a `solrwaybackrootproxy-4.3.1.war` from [solrwaybackrootproxy](https://github.com/netarchivesuite/solrwaybackrootproxy).
-### Folder structure
-mkdir solrwayback_package_4.5
-cd solrwayback_package_4.5/
-cp -r ../src/bundle/indexing/ .
-cp -r ../src/test/resources/solr_9/ solr_9_files.
-cp ../README.md ../CHANGES.md .
-mkdir properties
-cp ../src/test/resources/properties/solrwayback.properties properties/
-cp ../src/test/resources/properties/solrwaybackweb.properties properties/
-Copy the previously generated `warc-indexer-XXX-jar-with-dependencies.jar` to the `indexing/` folder.
-### Tomcat 9
-Download and unpack Tomcat 9 (in current folder `solrwayback_package_4.5`)
-wget 'https://dlcdn.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.84/bin/apache-tomcat-9.0.84.tar.gz'
-tar -xzovf apache-tomcat-9.0.84.tar.gz
-mv apache-tomcat-9.0.84 tomcat-9
-rm apache-tomcat-9.0.84.tar.gz
-Copy WAR and context:
-cp ../target/solrwayback-*.war tomcat-9/webapps/solrwayback.war
-mkdir -p conf/Catalina/localhost/
-cp ../src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml tomcat-9/conf/Catalina/localhost/solrwayback.xml
-Edit `tomcat-9/conf/Catalina/localhost/solrwayback.xml` and set
- * `solrwayback-config` to `properties/solrwayback.properties`
- * `solrwaybackweb-config` to `properties/solrwaybackweb.properties`
-Copy and rename the previously generated `solrwaybackrootproxy-4.3.1.war` to `tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war`.
-### Solr 9
-Download and unpack Solr 9 (in current folder `solrwayback_package_4.5`)
-wget 'https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/solr/solr/9.4.0/solr-9.4.0.tgz?action=download' -O solr-9.4.0.tgz
-tar -xovf solr-9.4.0.tgz
-mv solr-9.4.0 solr-9
-rm solr-9.4.0.tgz
-/Optional but makes it easier to debug:/ Open Solr to the World instead of just localhost
-sed -i 's/#SOLR_JETTY_HOST=""/SOLR_JETTY_HOST=""/' solr-9.4.0/bin/solr.in.sh
-sed -i 's/REM set SOLR_JETTY_HOST= SOLR_JETTY_HOST=' solr-9.4.0/bin/solr.in.cmd
-Start Solr in cloud mode, create a 1 shard `netarchivebuilder` collection and shut it down
-solr-9/bin/solr start -c -m 1g
-solr-9/bin/solr create_collection -c netarchivebuilder -d solr_9_files/netarchivebuilder/conf/ -n sw_conf_1 -shards 1
-solr-9/bin/solr stop
-### Finishing and packing (in current folder `solrwayback_package_4.5`)
-Remove Emacs backup files (if any)
-find . -iname "*~" | xargs rm
-Create the bundle
-cd ..
-zip -r solrwayback_package_4.5.zip solrwayback_package_4.5/
-- `properties`: Default properties for the SolrWayback Bundle
+# Solr configuration
+This folder contains a copy of the Solr configuration and can be used upload a new Solr configuration to Solr. Only for experience Solr users that knows what they are doing.
+See the' Update Solr cloud configuration' in the project README.md
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/elevate.xml b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/elevate.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25d5cebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/elevate.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_ca.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_ca.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..307a85f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_ca.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Set of Catalan contractions for ElisionFilter
+# TODO: load this as a resource from the analyzer and sync it in build.xml
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_fr.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_fr.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..722db588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_fr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Set of French contractions for ElisionFilter
+# TODO: load this as a resource from the analyzer and sync it in build.xml
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_ga.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_ga.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ebe7fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_ga.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Set of Irish contractions for ElisionFilter
+# TODO: load this as a resource from the analyzer and sync it in build.xml
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_it.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_it.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cac04095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/contractions_it.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Set of Italian contractions for ElisionFilter
+# TODO: load this as a resource from the analyzer and sync it in build.xml
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/hyphenations_ga.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/hyphenations_ga.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d2642cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/hyphenations_ga.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Set of Irish hyphenations for StopFilter
+# TODO: load this as a resource from the analyzer and sync it in build.xml
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stemdict_nl.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stemdict_nl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44107297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stemdict_nl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Set of overrides for the dutch stemmer
+# TODO: load this as a resource from the analyzer and sync it in build.xml
+fiets fiets
+bromfiets bromfiets
+ei eier
+kind kinder
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stoptags_ja.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stoptags_ja.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71b75084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stoptags_ja.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# This file defines a Japanese stoptag set for JapanesePartOfSpeechStopFilter.
+# Any token with a part-of-speech tag that exactly matches those defined in this
+# file are removed from the token stream.
+# Set your own stoptags by uncommenting the lines below. Note that comments are
+# not allowed on the same line as a stoptag. See LUCENE-3745 for frequency lists,
+# etc. that can be useful for building you own stoptag set.
+# The entire possible tagset is provided below for convenience.
+# noun: unclassified nouns
+# noun-common: Common nouns or nouns where the sub-classification is undefined
+# noun-proper: Proper nouns where the sub-classification is undefined
+# noun-proper-misc: miscellaneous proper nouns
+# noun-proper-person: Personal names where the sub-classification is undefined
+# noun-proper-person-misc: names that cannot be divided into surname and
+# given name; foreign names; names where the surname or given name is unknown.
+# e.g. お市の方
+# noun-proper-person-surname: Mainly Japanese surnames.
+# e.g. 山田
+# noun-proper-person-given_name: Mainly Japanese given names.
+# e.g. 太郎
+# noun-proper-organization: Names representing organizations.
+# e.g. 通産省, NHK
+# noun-proper-place: Place names where the sub-classification is undefined
+# noun-proper-place-misc: Place names excluding countries.
+# e.g. アジア, バルセロナ, 京都
+# noun-proper-place-country: Country names.
+# e.g. 日本, オーストラリア
+# noun-pronoun: Pronouns where the sub-classification is undefined
+# noun-pronoun-misc: miscellaneous pronouns:
+# e.g. それ, ここ, あいつ, あなた, あちこち, いくつ, どこか, なに, みなさん, みんな, わたくし, われわれ
+# noun-pronoun-contraction: Spoken language contraction made by combining a
+# pronoun and the particle 'wa'.
+# e.g. ありゃ, こりゃ, こりゃあ, そりゃ, そりゃあ
+# noun-adverbial: Temporal nouns such as names of days or months that behave
+# like adverbs. Nouns that represent amount or ratios and can be used adverbially,
+# e.g. 金曜, 一月, 午後, 少量
+# noun-verbal: Nouns that take arguments with case and can appear followed by
+# 'suru' and related verbs (する, できる, なさる, くださる)
+# e.g. インプット, 愛着, 悪化, 悪戦苦闘, 一安心, 下取り
+# noun-adjective-base: The base form of adjectives, words that appear before な ("na")
+# e.g. 健康, 安易, 駄目, だめ
+# noun-numeric: Arabic numbers, Chinese numerals, and counters like 何 (回), 数.
+# e.g. 0, 1, 2, 何, 数, 幾
+# noun-affix: noun affixes where the sub-classification is undefined
+# noun-affix-misc: Of adnominalizers, the case-marker の ("no"), and words that
+# attach to the base form of inflectional words, words that cannot be classified
+# into any of the other categories below. This category includes indefinite nouns.
+# e.g. あかつき, 暁, かい, 甲斐, 気, きらい, 嫌い, くせ, 癖, こと, 事, ごと, 毎, しだい, 次第,
+# 順, せい, 所為, ついで, 序で, つもり, 積もり, 点, どころ, の, はず, 筈, はずみ, 弾み,
+# 拍子, ふう, ふり, 振り, ほう, 方, 旨, もの, 物, 者, ゆえ, 故, ゆえん, 所以, わけ, 訳,
+# わり, 割り, 割, ん-口語/, もん-口語/
+# noun-affix-adverbial: noun affixes that that can behave as adverbs.
+# e.g. あいだ, 間, あげく, 挙げ句, あと, 後, 余り, 以外, 以降, 以後, 以上, 以前, 一方, うえ,
+# 上, うち, 内, おり, 折り, かぎり, 限り, きり, っきり, 結果, ころ, 頃, さい, 際, 最中, さなか,
+# 最中, じたい, 自体, たび, 度, ため, 為, つど, 都度, とおり, 通り, とき, 時, ところ, 所,
+# とたん, 途端, なか, 中, のち, 後, ばあい, 場合, 日, ぶん, 分, ほか, 他, まえ, 前, まま,
+# 儘, 侭, みぎり, 矢先
+# noun-affix-aux: noun affixes treated as 助動詞 ("auxiliary verb") in school grammars
+# with the stem よう(だ) ("you(da)").
+# e.g. よう, やう, 様 (よう)
+# noun-affix-adjective-base: noun affixes that can connect to the indeclinable
+# connection form な (aux "da").
+# e.g. みたい, ふう
+# noun-special: special nouns where the sub-classification is undefined.
+# noun-special-aux: The そうだ ("souda") stem form that is used for reporting news, is
+# treated as 助動詞 ("auxiliary verb") in school grammars, and attach to the base
+# form of inflectional words.
+# e.g. そう
+# noun-suffix: noun suffixes where the sub-classification is undefined.
+# noun-suffix-misc: Of the nouns or stem forms of other parts of speech that connect
+# to ガル or タイ and can combine into compound nouns, words that cannot be classified into
+# any of the other categories below. In general, this category is more inclusive than
+# 接尾語 ("suffix") and is usually the last element in a compound noun.
+# e.g. おき, かた, 方, 甲斐 (がい), がかり, ぎみ, 気味, ぐるみ, (~した) さ, 次第, 済 (ず) み,
+# よう, (でき)っこ, 感, 観, 性, 学, 類, 面, 用
+# noun-suffix-person: Suffixes that form nouns and attach to person names more often
+# than other nouns.
+# e.g. 君, 様, 著
+# noun-suffix-place: Suffixes that form nouns and attach to place names more often
+# than other nouns.
+# e.g. 町, 市, 県
+# noun-suffix-verbal: Of the suffixes that attach to nouns and form nouns, those that
+# can appear before スル ("suru").
+# e.g. 化, 視, 分け, 入り, 落ち, 買い
+# noun-suffix-aux: The stem form of そうだ (様態) that is used to indicate conditions,
+# is treated as 助動詞 ("auxiliary verb") in school grammars, and attach to the
+# conjunctive form of inflectional words.
+# e.g. そう
+# noun-suffix-adjective-base: Suffixes that attach to other nouns or the conjunctive
+# form of inflectional words and appear before the copula だ ("da").
+# e.g. 的, げ, がち
+# noun-suffix-adverbial: Suffixes that attach to other nouns and can behave as adverbs.
+# e.g. 後 (ご), 以後, 以降, 以前, 前後, 中, 末, 上, 時 (じ)
+# noun-suffix-classifier: Suffixes that attach to numbers and form nouns. This category
+# is more inclusive than 助数詞 ("classifier") and includes common nouns that attach
+# to numbers.
+# e.g. 個, つ, 本, 冊, パーセント, cm, kg, カ月, か国, 区画, 時間, 時半
+# noun-suffix-special: Special suffixes that mainly attach to inflecting words.
+# e.g. (楽し) さ, (考え) 方
+# noun-suffix-conjunctive: Nouns that behave like conjunctions and join two words
+# together.
+# e.g. (日本) 対 (アメリカ), 対 (アメリカ), (3) 対 (5), (女優) 兼 (主婦)
+# noun-verbal_aux: Nouns that attach to the conjunctive particle て ("te") and are
+# semantically verb-like.
+# e.g. ごらん, ご覧, 御覧, 頂戴
+# noun-quotation: text that cannot be segmented into words, proverbs, Chinese poetry,
+# dialects, English, etc. Currently, the only entry for 名詞 引用文字列 ("noun quotation")
+# is いわく ("iwaku").
+# noun-nai_adjective: Words that appear before the auxiliary verb ない ("nai") and
+# behave like an adjective.
+# e.g. 申し訳, 仕方, とんでも, 違い
+# prefix: unclassified prefixes
+# prefix-nominal: Prefixes that attach to nouns (including adjective stem forms)
+# excluding numerical expressions.
+# e.g. お (水), 某 (氏), 同 (社), 故 (~氏), 高 (品質), お (見事), ご (立派)
+# prefix-verbal: Prefixes that attach to the imperative form of a verb or a verb
+# in conjunctive form followed by なる/なさる/くださる.
+# e.g. お (読みなさい), お (座り)
+# prefix-adjectival: Prefixes that attach to adjectives.
+# e.g. お (寒いですねえ), バカ (でかい)
+# prefix-numerical: Prefixes that attach to numerical expressions.
+# e.g. 約, およそ, 毎時
+# verb: unclassified verbs
+# verb-main:
+# verb-auxiliary:
+# verb-suffix:
+# adjective: unclassified adjectives
+# adjective-main:
+# adjective-auxiliary:
+# adjective-suffix:
+# adverb: unclassified adverbs
+# adverb-misc: Words that can be segmented into one unit and where adnominal
+# modification is not possible.
+# e.g. あいかわらず, 多分
+# adverb-particle_conjunction: Adverbs that can be followed by の, は, に,
+# な, する, だ, etc.
+# e.g. こんなに, そんなに, あんなに, なにか, なんでも
+# adnominal: Words that only have noun-modifying forms.
+# e.g. この, その, あの, どの, いわゆる, なんらかの, 何らかの, いろんな, こういう, そういう, ああいう,
+# どういう, こんな, そんな, あんな, どんな, 大きな, 小さな, おかしな, ほんの, たいした,
+# 「(, も) さる (ことながら)」, 微々たる, 堂々たる, 単なる, いかなる, 我が」「同じ, 亡き
+# conjunction: Conjunctions that can occur independently.
+# e.g. が, けれども, そして, じゃあ, それどころか
+# particle: unclassified particles.
+# particle-case: case particles where the subclassification is undefined.
+# particle-case-misc: Case particles.
+# e.g. から, が, で, と, に, へ, より, を, の, にて
+# particle-case-quote: the "to" that appears after nouns, a person’s speech,
+# quotation marks, expressions of decisions from a meeting, reasons, judgements,
+# conjectures, etc.
+# e.g. ( だ) と (述べた.), ( である) と (して執行猶予...)
+# particle-case-compound: Compounds of particles and verbs that mainly behave
+# like case particles.
+# e.g. という, といった, とかいう, として, とともに, と共に, でもって, にあたって, に当たって, に当って,
+# にあたり, に当たり, に当り, に当たる, にあたる, において, に於いて,に於て, における, に於ける,
+# にかけ, にかけて, にかんし, に関し, にかんして, に関して, にかんする, に関する, に際し,
+# に際して, にしたがい, に従い, に従う, にしたがって, に従って, にたいし, に対し, にたいして,
+# に対して, にたいする, に対する, について, につき, につけ, につけて, につれ, につれて, にとって,
+# にとり, にまつわる, によって, に依って, に因って, により, に依り, に因り, による, に依る, に因る,
+# にわたって, にわたる, をもって, を以って, を通じ, を通じて, を通して, をめぐって, をめぐり, をめぐる,
+# って-口語/, ちゅう-関西弁「という」/, (何) ていう (人)-口語/, っていう-口語/, といふ, とかいふ
+# particle-conjunctive:
+# e.g. から, からには, が, けれど, けれども, けど, し, つつ, て, で, と, ところが, どころか, とも, ども,
+# ながら, なり, ので, のに, ば, ものの, や ( した), やいなや, (ころん) じゃ(いけない)-口語/,
+# (行っ) ちゃ(いけない)-口語/, (言っ) たって (しかたがない)-口語/, (それがなく)ったって (平気)-口語/
+# particle-dependency:
+# e.g. こそ, さえ, しか, すら, は, も, ぞ
+# particle-adverbial:
+# e.g. がてら, かも, くらい, 位, ぐらい, しも, (学校) じゃ(これが流行っている)-口語/,
+# (それ)じゃあ (よくない)-口語/, ずつ, (私) なぞ, など, (私) なり (に), (先生) なんか (大嫌い)-口語/,
+# (私) なんぞ, (先生) なんて (大嫌い)-口語/, のみ, だけ, (私) だって-口語/, だに,
+# (彼)ったら-口語/, (お茶) でも (いかが), 等 (とう), (今後) とも, ばかり, ばっか-口語/, ばっかり-口語/,
+# ほど, 程, まで, 迄, (誰) も (が)([助詞-格助詞] および [助詞-係助詞] の前に位置する「も」)
+# particle-interjective: particles with interjective grammatical roles.
+# e.g. (松島) や
+# particle-coordinate:
+# e.g. と, たり, だの, だり, とか, なり, や, やら
+# particle-final:
+# e.g. かい, かしら, さ, ぜ, (だ)っけ-口語/, (とまってる) で-方言/, な, ナ, なあ-口語/, ぞ, ね, ネ,
+# ねぇ-口語/, ねえ-口語/, ねん-方言/, の, のう-口語/, や, よ, ヨ, よぉ-口語/, わ, わい-口語/
+# particle-adverbial/conjunctive/final: The particle "ka" when unknown whether it is
+# adverbial, conjunctive, or sentence final. For example:
+# (a) 「A か B か」. Ex:「(国内で運用する) か,(海外で運用する) か (.)」
+# (b) Inside an adverb phrase. Ex:「(幸いという) か (, 死者はいなかった.)」
+# 「(祈りが届いたせい) か (, 試験に合格した.)」
+# (c) 「かのように」. Ex:「(何もなかった) か (のように振る舞った.)」
+# e.g. か
+# particle-adnominalizer: The "no" that attaches to nouns and modifies
+# non-inflectional words.
+# particle-adnominalizer: The "ni" and "to" that appear following nouns and adverbs
+# that are giongo, giseigo, or gitaigo.
+# e.g. に, と
+# particle-special: A particle that does not fit into one of the above classifications.
+# This includes particles that are used in Tanka, Haiku, and other poetry.
+# e.g. かな, けむ, ( しただろう) に, (あんた) にゃ(わからん), (俺) ん (家)
+# auxiliary-verb:
+# interjection: Greetings and other exclamations.
+# e.g. おはよう, おはようございます, こんにちは, こんばんは, ありがとう, どうもありがとう, ありがとうございます,
+# いただきます, ごちそうさま, さよなら, さようなら, はい, いいえ, ごめん, ごめんなさい
+# symbol: unclassified Symbols.
+# symbol-misc: A general symbol not in one of the categories below.
+# e.g. [○◎@$〒→+]
+# symbol-comma: Commas
+# e.g. [,、]
+# symbol-period: Periods and full stops.
+# e.g. [..。]
+# symbol-space: Full-width whitespace.
+# symbol-open_bracket:
+# e.g. [({‘“『【]
+# symbol-close_bracket:
+# e.g. [)}’”』」】]
+# symbol-alphabetic:
+# other: unclassified other
+# other-interjection: Words that are hard to classify as noun-suffixes or
+# sentence-final particles.
+# e.g. (だ)ァ
+# filler: Aizuchi that occurs during a conversation or sounds inserted as filler.
+# e.g. あの, うんと, えと
+# non-verbal: non-verbal sound.
+# fragment:
+# unknown: unknown part of speech.
+##### End of file
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ar.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ar.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..046829db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ar.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# This file was created by Jacques Savoy and is distributed under the BSD license.
+# See http://members.unine.ch/jacques.savoy/clef/index.html.
+# Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+# Cleaned on October 11, 2009 (not normalized, so use before normalization)
+# This means that when modifying this list, you might need to add some
+# redundant entries, for example containing forms with both أ and ا
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_bg.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_bg.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ae4ba2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_bg.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# This file was created by Jacques Savoy and is distributed under the BSD license.
+# See http://members.unine.ch/jacques.savoy/clef/index.html.
+# Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ca.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ca.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3da65dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ca.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Catalan stopwords from http://github.com/vcl/cue.language (Apache 2 Licensed)
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_cz.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_cz.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53c6097d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_cz.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_da.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_da.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3ff5fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_da.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/danish/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A Danish stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | This is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from
+ | a large text sample.
+og | and
+i | in
+jeg | I
+det | that (dem. pronoun)/it (pers. pronoun)
+at | that (in front of a sentence)/to (with infinitive)
+en | a/an
+den | it (pers. pronoun)/that (dem. pronoun)
+til | to/at/for/until/against/by/of/into, more
+er | present tense of "to be"
+som | who, as
+på | on/upon/in/on/at/to/after/of/with/for, on
+de | they
+med | with/by/in, along
+han | he
+af | of/by/from/off/for/in/with/on, off
+for | at/for/to/from/by/of/ago, in front/before, because
+ikke | not
+der | who/which, there/those
+var | past tense of "to be"
+mig | me/myself
+sig | oneself/himself/herself/itself/themselves
+men | but
+et | a/an/one, one (number), someone/somebody/one
+har | present tense of "to have"
+om | round/about/for/in/a, about/around/down, if
+vi | we
+min | my
+havde | past tense of "to have"
+ham | him
+hun | she
+nu | now
+over | over/above/across/by/beyond/past/on/about, over/past
+da | then, when/as/since
+fra | from/off/since, off, since
+du | you
+ud | out
+sin | his/her/its/one's
+dem | them
+os | us/ourselves
+op | up
+man | you/one
+hans | his
+hvor | where
+eller | or
+hvad | what
+skal | must/shall etc.
+selv | myself/youself/herself/ourselves etc., even
+her | here
+alle | all/everyone/everybody etc.
+vil | will (verb)
+blev | past tense of "to stay/to remain/to get/to become"
+kunne | could
+ind | in
+når | when
+være | present tense of "to be"
+dog | however/yet/after all
+noget | something
+ville | would
+jo | you know/you see (adv), yes
+deres | their/theirs
+efter | after/behind/according to/for/by/from, later/afterwards
+ned | down
+skulle | should
+denne | this
+end | than
+dette | this
+mit | my/mine
+også | also
+under | under/beneath/below/during, below/underneath
+have | have
+dig | you
+anden | other
+hende | her
+mine | my
+alt | everything
+meget | much/very, plenty of
+sit | his, her, its, one's
+sine | his, her, its, one's
+vor | our
+mod | against
+disse | these
+hvis | if
+din | your/yours
+nogle | some
+hos | by/at
+blive | be/become
+mange | many
+ad | by/through
+bliver | present tense of "to be/to become"
+hendes | her/hers
+været | be
+thi | for (conj)
+jer | you
+sådan | such, like this/like that
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_de.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_de.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7703841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_de.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/german/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A German stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | The number of forms in this list is reduced significantly by passing it
+ | through the German stemmer.
+aber | but
+alle | all
+als | than, as
+also | so
+am | an + dem
+an | at
+ander | other
+auch | also
+auf | on
+aus | out of
+bei | by
+bin | am
+bis | until
+bist | art
+da | there
+damit | with it
+dann | then
+der | the
+daß | that
+derselbe | the same
+dazu | to that
+dein | thy
+denn | because
+derer | of those
+dessen | of him
+dich | thee
+dir | to thee
+du | thou
+dies | this
+doch | (several meanings)
+dort | (over) there
+durch | through
+ein | a
+einig | some
+einmal | once
+er | he
+ihn | him
+ihm | to him
+es | it
+etwas | something
+euer | your
+für | for
+gegen | towards
+gewesen | p.p. of sein
+hab | have
+habe | have
+haben | have
+hat | has
+hatte | had
+hatten | had
+hier | here
+hin | there
+hinter | behind
+ich | I
+mich | me
+mir | to me
+ihr | you, to her
+euch | to you
+im | in + dem
+in | in
+indem | while
+ins | in + das
+ist | is
+jede | each, every
+jene | that
+jetzt | now
+kann | can
+kein | no
+können | can
+könnte | could
+machen | do
+man | one
+manche | some, many a
+mein | my
+mit | with
+muss | must
+musste | had to
+nach | to(wards)
+nicht | not
+nichts | nothing
+noch | still, yet
+nun | now
+nur | only
+ob | whether
+oder | or
+ohne | without
+sehr | very
+sein | his
+selbst | self
+sich | herself
+sie | they, she
+ihnen | to them
+sind | are
+so | so
+solche | such
+soll | shall
+sollte | should
+sondern | but
+sonst | else
+über | over
+um | about, around
+und | and
+uns | us
+unter | under
+viel | much
+vom | von + dem
+von | from
+vor | before
+während | while
+war | was
+waren | were
+warst | wast
+was | what
+weg | away, off
+weil | because
+weiter | further
+welche | which
+wenn | when
+werde | will
+werden | will
+wie | how
+wieder | again
+will | want
+wir | we
+wird | will
+wirst | willst
+wo | where
+wollen | want
+wollte | wanted
+würde | would
+würden | would
+zu | to
+zum | zu + dem
+zur | zu + der
+zwar | indeed
+zwischen | between
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_el.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_el.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..232681f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_el.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Lucene Greek Stopwords list
+# Note: by default this file is used after GreekLowerCaseFilter,
+# so when modifying this file use 'σ' instead of 'ς'
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_en.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c164c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# a couple of test stopwords to test that the words are really being
+# configured from this file:
+# Standard english stop words taken from Lucene's StopAnalyzer
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_es.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_es.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2db14760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_es.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/spanish/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A Spanish stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | The following is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords
+ | deriving from a large sample of text.
+ | Extra words have been added at the end.
+de | from, of
+la | the, her
+que | who, that
+el | the
+en | in
+y | and
+a | to
+los | the, them
+del | de + el
+se | himself, from him etc
+las | the, them
+por | for, by, etc
+un | a
+para | for
+con | with
+no | no
+una | a
+su | his, her
+al | a + el
+ | es from SER
+lo | him
+como | how
+más | more
+pero | pero
+sus | su plural
+le | to him, her
+ya | already
+o | or
+ | fue from SER
+este | this
+ | ha from HABER
+sí | himself etc
+porque | because
+esta | this
+ | son from SER
+entre | between
+ | está from ESTAR
+cuando | when
+muy | very
+sin | without
+sobre | on
+ | ser from SER
+ | tiene from TENER
+también | also
+me | me
+hasta | until
+hay | there is/are
+donde | where
+ | han from HABER
+quien | whom, that
+ | están from ESTAR
+ | estado from ESTAR
+desde | from
+todo | all
+nos | us
+durante | during
+ | estados from ESTAR
+todos | all
+uno | a
+les | to them
+ni | nor
+contra | against
+otros | other
+ | fueron from SER
+ese | that
+eso | that
+ | había from HABER
+ante | before
+ellos | they
+e | and (variant of y)
+esto | this
+mí | me
+antes | before
+algunos | some
+qué | what?
+unos | a
+yo | I
+otro | other
+otras | other
+otra | other
+él | he
+tanto | so much, many
+esa | that
+estos | these
+mucho | much, many
+quienes | who
+nada | nothing
+muchos | many
+cual | who
+ | sea from SER
+poco | few
+ella | she
+estar | to be
+ | haber from HABER
+estas | these
+ | estaba from ESTAR
+ | estamos from ESTAR
+algunas | some
+algo | something
+nosotros | we
+ | other forms
+mi | me
+mis | mi plural
+tú | thou
+te | thee
+ti | thee
+tu | thy
+tus | tu plural
+ellas | they
+nosotras | we
+vosotros | you
+vosotras | you
+os | you
+mío | mine
+mía |
+míos |
+mías |
+tuyo | thine
+tuya |
+tuyos |
+tuyas |
+suyo | his, hers, theirs
+suya |
+suyos |
+suyas |
+nuestro | ours
+nuestra |
+nuestros |
+nuestras |
+vuestro | yours
+vuestra |
+vuestros |
+vuestras |
+esos | those
+esas | those
+ | forms of estar, to be (not including the infinitive):
+ | forms of haber, to have (not including the infinitive):
+ | forms of ser, to be (not including the infinitive):
+ | sed also means 'thirst'
+ | forms of tener, to have (not including the infinitive):
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_eu.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_eu.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25f1db93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_eu.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# example set of basque stopwords
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fa.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fa.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..723641c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fa.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# This file was created by Jacques Savoy and is distributed under the BSD license.
+# See http://members.unine.ch/jacques.savoy/clef/index.html.
+# Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+# Note: by default this file is used after normalization, so when adding entries
+# to this file, use the arabic 'ي' instead of 'ی'
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fi.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fi.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..addad798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fi.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/finnish/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+| forms of BE
+ole | negative form
+en | negation
+|Nom Gen Acc Part Iness Elat Illat Adess Ablat Allat Ess Trans
+minä minun minut minua minussa minusta minuun minulla minulta minulle | I
+sinä sinun sinut sinua sinussa sinusta sinuun sinulla sinulta sinulle | you
+hän hänen hänet häntä hänessä hänestä häneen hänellä häneltä hänelle | he she
+me meidän meidät meitä meissä meistä meihin meillä meiltä meille | we
+te teidän teidät teitä teissä teistä teihin teillä teiltä teille | you
+he heidän heidät heitä heissä heistä heihin heillä heiltä heille | they
+tämä tämän tätä tässä tästä tähän tallä tältä tälle tänä täksi | this
+tuo tuon tuotä tuossa tuosta tuohon tuolla tuolta tuolle tuona tuoksi | that
+se sen sitä siinä siitä siihen sillä siltä sille sinä siksi | it
+nämä näiden näitä näissä näistä näihin näillä näiltä näille näinä näiksi | these
+nuo noiden noita noissa noista noihin noilla noilta noille noina noiksi | those
+ne niiden niitä niissä niistä niihin niillä niiltä niille niinä niiksi | they
+kuka kenen kenet ketä kenessä kenestä keneen kenellä keneltä kenelle kenenä keneksi| who
+ketkä keiden ketkä keitä keissä keistä keihin keillä keiltä keille keinä keiksi | (pl)
+mikä minkä minkä mitä missä mistä mihin millä miltä mille minä miksi | which what
+mitkä | (pl)
+joka jonka jota jossa josta johon jolla jolta jolle jona joksi | who which
+jotka joiden joita joissa joista joihin joilla joilta joille joina joiksi | (pl)
+| conjunctions
+että | that
+ja | and
+jos | if
+koska | because
+kuin | than
+mutta | but
+niin | so
+sekä | and
+sillä | for
+tai | or
+vaan | but
+vai | or
+vaikka | although
+| prepositions
+kanssa | with
+mukaan | according to
+noin | about
+poikki | across
+yli | over, across
+| other
+kun | when
+niin | so
+nyt | now
+itse | self
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fr.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fr.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c00837ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_fr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/french/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A French stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+au | a + le
+aux | a + les
+avec | with
+ce | this
+ces | these
+dans | with
+de | of
+des | de + les
+du | de + le
+elle | she
+en | `of them' etc
+et | and
+eux | them
+il | he
+je | I
+la | the
+le | the
+leur | their
+lui | him
+ma | my (fem)
+mais | but
+me | me
+même | same; as in moi-même (myself) etc
+mes | me (pl)
+moi | me
+mon | my (masc)
+ne | not
+nos | our (pl)
+notre | our
+nous | we
+on | one
+ou | where
+par | by
+pas | not
+pour | for
+qu | que before vowel
+que | that
+qui | who
+sa | his, her (fem)
+se | oneself
+ses | his (pl)
+son | his, her (masc)
+sur | on
+ta | thy (fem)
+te | thee
+tes | thy (pl)
+toi | thee
+ton | thy (masc)
+tu | thou
+un | a
+une | a
+vos | your (pl)
+votre | your
+vous | you
+ | single letter forms
+c | c'
+d | d'
+j | j'
+l | l'
+à | to, at
+m | m'
+n | n'
+s | s'
+t | t'
+y | there
+ | forms of être (not including the infinitive):
+ | forms of avoir (not including the infinitive):
+ | Later additions (from Jean-Christophe Deschamps)
+ceci | this
+celà | that
+cet | this
+cette | this
+ici | here
+ils | they
+les | the (pl)
+leurs | their (pl)
+quel | which
+quels | which
+quelle | which
+quelles | which
+sans | without
+soi | oneself
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ga.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ga.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ff88d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ga.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_gl.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_gl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8760b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_gl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# galican stopwords
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hi.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hi.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86286bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hi.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+# See http://members.unine.ch/jacques.savoy/clef/index.html.
+# This file was created by Jacques Savoy and is distributed under the BSD license.
+# Note: by default this file also contains forms normalized by HindiNormalizer
+# for spelling variation (see section below), such that it can be used whether or
+# not you enable that feature. When adding additional entries to this list,
+# please add the normalized form as well.
+# additional normalized forms of the above
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hu.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hu.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a96f1db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hu.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/hungarian/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+| Hungarian stop word list
+| prepared by Anna Tordai
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hy.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hy.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60c1c50f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_hy.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# example set of Armenian stopwords.
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_id.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_id.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4617f83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_id.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# from appendix D of: A Study of Stemming Effects on Information
+# Retrieval in Bahasa Indonesia
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_it.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_it.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cb5b089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_it.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/italian/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | An Italian stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ad | a (to) before vowel
+al | a + il
+allo | a + lo
+ai | a + i
+agli | a + gli
+all | a + l'
+agl | a + gl'
+alla | a + la
+alle | a + le
+con | with
+col | con + il
+coi | con + i (forms collo, cogli etc are now very rare)
+da | from
+dal | da + il
+dallo | da + lo
+dai | da + i
+dagli | da + gli
+dall | da + l'
+dagl | da + gll'
+dalla | da + la
+dalle | da + le
+di | of
+del | di + il
+dello | di + lo
+dei | di + i
+degli | di + gli
+dell | di + l'
+degl | di + gl'
+della | di + la
+delle | di + le
+in | in
+nel | in + el
+nello | in + lo
+nei | in + i
+negli | in + gli
+nell | in + l'
+negl | in + gl'
+nella | in + la
+nelle | in + le
+su | on
+sul | su + il
+sullo | su + lo
+sui | su + i
+sugli | su + gli
+sull | su + l'
+sugl | su + gl'
+sulla | su + la
+sulle | su + le
+per | through, by
+tra | among
+contro | against
+io | I
+tu | thou
+lui | he
+lei | she
+noi | we
+voi | you
+loro | they
+mio | my
+mia |
+miei |
+mie |
+tuo |
+tua |
+tuoi | thy
+tue |
+suo |
+sua |
+suoi | his, her
+sue |
+nostro | our
+nostra |
+nostri |
+nostre |
+vostro | your
+vostra |
+vostri |
+vostre |
+mi | me
+ti | thee
+ci | us, there
+vi | you, there
+lo | him, the
+la | her, the
+li | them
+le | them, the
+gli | to him, the
+ne | from there etc
+il | the
+un | a
+uno | a
+una | a
+ma | but
+ed | and
+se | if
+perché | why, because
+anche | also
+come | how
+dov | where (as dov')
+dove | where
+che | who, that
+chi | who
+cui | whom
+non | not
+più | more
+quale | who, that
+quanto | how much
+quanti |
+quanta |
+quante |
+quello | that
+quelli |
+quella |
+quelle |
+questo | this
+questi |
+questa |
+queste |
+si | yes
+tutto | all
+tutti | all
+ | single letter forms:
+a | at
+c | as c' for ce or ci
+e | and
+i | the
+l | as l'
+o | or
+ | forms of avere, to have (not including the infinitive):
+ | forms of essere, to be (not including the infinitive):
+ | forms of fare, to do (not including the infinitive, fa, fat-):
+ | forms of stare, to be (not including the infinitive):
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ja.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ja.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4321be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ja.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# This file defines a stopword set for Japanese.
+# This set is made up of hand-picked frequent terms from segmented Japanese Wikipedia.
+# Punctuation characters and frequent kanji have mostly been left out. See LUCENE-3745
+# for frequency lists, etc. that can be useful for making your own set (if desired)
+# Note that there is an overlap between these stopwords and the terms stopped when used
+# in combination with the JapanesePartOfSpeechStopFilter. When editing this file, note
+# that comments are not allowed on the same line as stopwords.
+# Also note that stopping is done in a case-insensitive manner. Change your StopFilter
+# configuration if you need case-sensitive stopping. Lastly, note that stopping is done
+# using the same character width as the entries in this file. Since this StopFilter is
+# normally done after a CJKWidthFilter in your chain, you would usually want your romaji
+# entries to be in half-width and your kana entries to be in full-width.
+##### End of file
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_lv.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_lv.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e21a23c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_lv.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Set of Latvian stopwords from A Stemming Algorithm for Latvian, Karlis Kreslins
+# the original list of over 800 forms was refined:
+# pronouns, adverbs, interjections were removed
+# prepositions
+# Conjunctions
+# Particles
+# modal verbs
+# verbs
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_nl.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_nl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4d61f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_nl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/dutch/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A Dutch stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | This is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from
+ | a large sample of Dutch text.
+ | Dutch stop words frequently exhibit homonym clashes. These are indicated
+ | clearly below.
+de | the
+en | and
+van | of, from
+ik | I, the ego
+te | (1) chez, at etc, (2) to, (3) too
+dat | that, which
+die | that, those, who, which
+in | in, inside
+een | a, an, one
+hij | he
+het | the, it
+niet | not, nothing, naught
+zijn | (1) to be, being, (2) his, one's, its
+is | is
+was | (1) was, past tense of all persons sing. of 'zijn' (to be) (2) wax, (3) the washing, (4) rise of river
+op | on, upon, at, in, up, used up
+aan | on, upon, to (as dative)
+met | with, by
+als | like, such as, when
+voor | (1) before, in front of, (2) furrow
+had | had, past tense all persons sing. of 'hebben' (have)
+er | there
+maar | but, only
+om | round, about, for etc
+hem | him
+dan | then
+zou | should/would, past tense all persons sing. of 'zullen'
+of | or, whether, if
+wat | what, something, anything
+mijn | possessive and noun 'mine'
+men | people, 'one'
+dit | this
+zo | so, thus, in this way
+door | through by
+over | over, across
+ze | she, her, they, them
+zich | oneself
+bij | (1) a bee, (2) by, near, at
+ook | also, too
+tot | till, until
+je | you
+mij | me
+uit | out of, from
+der | Old Dutch form of 'van der' still found in surnames
+daar | (1) there, (2) because
+haar | (1) her, their, them, (2) hair
+naar | (1) unpleasant, unwell etc, (2) towards, (3) as
+heb | present first person sing. of 'to have'
+hoe | how, why
+heeft | present third person sing. of 'to have'
+hebben | 'to have' and various parts thereof
+deze | this
+u | you
+want | (1) for, (2) mitten, (3) rigging
+nog | yet, still
+zal | 'shall', first and third person sing. of verb 'zullen' (will)
+me | me
+zij | she, they
+nu | now
+ge | 'thou', still used in Belgium and south Netherlands
+geen | none
+omdat | because
+iets | something, somewhat
+worden | to become, grow, get
+toch | yet, still
+al | all, every, each
+waren | (1) 'were' (2) to wander, (3) wares, (3)
+veel | much, many
+meer | (1) more, (2) lake
+doen | to do, to make
+toen | then, when
+moet | noun 'spot/mote' and present form of 'to must'
+ben | (1) am, (2) 'are' in interrogative second person singular of 'to be'
+zonder | without
+kan | noun 'can' and present form of 'to be able'
+hun | their, them
+dus | so, consequently
+alles | all, everything, anything
+onder | under, beneath
+ja | yes, of course
+eens | once, one day
+hier | here
+wie | who
+werd | imperfect third person sing. of 'become'
+altijd | always
+doch | yet, but etc
+wordt | present third person sing. of 'become'
+wezen | (1) to be, (2) 'been' as in 'been fishing', (3) orphans
+kunnen | to be able
+ons | us/our
+zelf | self
+tegen | against, towards, at
+na | after, near
+reeds | already
+wil | (1) present tense of 'want', (2) 'will', noun, (3) fender
+kon | could; past tense of 'to be able'
+niets | nothing
+uw | your
+iemand | somebody
+geweest | been; past participle of 'be'
+andere | other
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_no.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_no.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e76f36e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_no.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/norwegian/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A Norwegian stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | This stop word list is for the dominant bokmål dialect. Words unique
+ | to nynorsk are marked *.
+ | Revised by Jan Bruusgaard , Jan 2005
+og | and
+i | in
+jeg | I
+det | it/this/that
+at | to (w. inf.)
+en | a/an
+et | a/an
+den | it/this/that
+til | to
+er | is/am/are
+som | who/that
+på | on
+de | they / you(formal)
+med | with
+han | he
+av | of
+ikke | not
+ikkje | not *
+der | there
+så | so
+var | was/were
+meg | me
+seg | you
+men | but
+ett | one
+har | have
+om | about
+vi | we
+min | my
+mitt | my
+ha | have
+hadde | had
+hun | she
+nå | now
+over | over
+da | when/as
+ved | by/know
+fra | from
+du | you
+ut | out
+sin | your
+dem | them
+oss | us
+opp | up
+man | you/one
+kan | can
+hans | his
+hvor | where
+eller | or
+hva | what
+skal | shall/must
+selv | self (reflective)
+sjøl | self (reflective)
+her | here
+alle | all
+vil | will
+bli | become
+ble | became
+blei | became *
+blitt | have become
+kunne | could
+inn | in
+når | when
+være | be
+kom | come
+noen | some
+noe | some
+ville | would
+dere | you
+som | who/which/that
+deres | their/theirs
+kun | only/just
+ja | yes
+etter | after
+ned | down
+skulle | should
+denne | this
+for | for/because
+deg | you
+si | hers/his
+sine | hers/his
+sitt | hers/his
+mot | against
+å | to
+meget | much
+hvorfor | why
+dette | this
+disse | these/those
+uten | without
+hvordan | how
+ingen | none
+din | your
+ditt | your
+blir | become
+samme | same
+hvilken | which
+hvilke | which (plural)
+sånn | such a
+inni | inside/within
+mellom | between
+vår | our
+hver | each
+hvem | who
+vors | us/ours
+hvis | whose
+både | both
+bare | only/just
+enn | than
+fordi | as/because
+før | before
+mange | many
+også | also
+slik | just
+vært | been
+være | to be
+båe | both *
+begge | both
+siden | since
+dykk | your *
+dykkar | yours *
+dei | they *
+deira | them *
+deires | theirs *
+deim | them *
+di | your (fem.) *
+då | as/when *
+eg | I *
+ein | a/an *
+eit | a/an *
+eitt | a/an *
+elles | or *
+honom | he *
+hjå | at *
+ho | she *
+hoe | she *
+henne | her
+hennar | her/hers
+hennes | hers
+hoss | how *
+hossen | how *
+ikkje | not *
+ingi | noone *
+inkje | noone *
+korleis | how *
+korso | how *
+kva | what/which *
+kvar | where *
+kvarhelst | where *
+kven | who/whom *
+kvi | why *
+kvifor | why *
+me | we *
+medan | while *
+mi | my *
+mine | my *
+mykje | much *
+no | now *
+nokon | some (masc./neut.) *
+noka | some (fem.) *
+nokor | some *
+noko | some *
+nokre | some *
+si | his/hers *
+sia | since *
+sidan | since *
+so | so *
+somt | some *
+somme | some *
+um | about*
+upp | up *
+vere | be *
+vore | was *
+verte | become *
+vort | become *
+varte | became *
+vart | became *
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_pt.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_pt.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..276c1b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_pt.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/portuguese/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A Portuguese stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | The following is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords
+ | deriving from a large sample of text.
+ | Extra words have been added at the end.
+de | of, from
+a | the; to, at; her
+o | the; him
+que | who, that
+e | and
+do | de + o
+da | de + a
+em | in
+um | a
+para | for
+ | é from SER
+com | with
+não | not, no
+uma | a
+os | the; them
+no | em + o
+se | himself etc
+na | em + a
+por | for
+mais | more
+as | the; them
+dos | de + os
+como | as, like
+mas | but
+ | foi from SER
+ao | a + o
+ele | he
+das | de + as
+ | tem from TER
+à | a + a
+seu | his
+sua | her
+ou | or
+ | ser from SER
+quando | when
+muito | much
+ | há from HAV
+nos | em + os; us
+já | already, now
+ | está from EST
+eu | I
+também | also
+só | only, just
+pelo | per + o
+pela | per + a
+até | up to
+isso | that
+ela | he
+entre | between
+ | era from SER
+depois | after
+sem | without
+mesmo | same
+aos | a + os
+ | ter from TER
+seus | his
+quem | whom
+nas | em + as
+me | me
+esse | that
+eles | they
+ | estão from EST
+você | you
+ | tinha from TER
+ | foram from SER
+essa | that
+num | em + um
+nem | nor
+suas | her
+meu | my
+às | a + as
+minha | my
+ | têm from TER
+numa | em + uma
+pelos | per + os
+elas | they
+ | havia from HAV
+ | seja from SER
+qual | which
+ | será from SER
+nós | we
+ | tenho from TER
+lhe | to him, her
+deles | of them
+essas | those
+esses | those
+pelas | per + as
+este | this
+ | fosse from SER
+dele | of him
+ | other words. There are many contractions such as naquele = em+aquele,
+ | mo = me+o, but they are rare.
+ | Indefinite article plural forms are also rare.
+tu | thou
+te | thee
+vocês | you (plural)
+vos | you
+lhes | to them
+meus | my
+teu | thy
+nosso | our
+dela | of her
+delas | of them
+esta | this
+estes | these
+estas | these
+aquele | that
+aquela | that
+aqueles | those
+aquelas | those
+isto | this
+aquilo | that
+ | forms of estar, to be (not including the infinitive):
+ | forms of haver, to have (not including the infinitive):
+ | forms of ser, to be (not including the infinitive):
+ | forms of ter, to have (not including the infinitive):
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ro.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ro.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fdee90a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ro.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# This file was created by Jacques Savoy and is distributed under the BSD license.
+# See http://members.unine.ch/jacques.savoy/clef/index.html.
+# Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ru.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ru.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64307693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_ru.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/russian/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | a russian stop word list. comments begin with vertical bar. each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | this is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from
+ | a large text sample.
+ | letter `ё' is translated to `е'.
+и | and
+в | in/into
+во | alternative form
+не | not
+что | what/that
+он | he
+на | on/onto
+я | i
+с | from
+со | alternative form
+как | how
+а | milder form of `no' (but)
+то | conjunction and form of `that'
+все | all
+она | she
+так | so, thus
+его | him
+но | but
+да | yes/and
+ты | thou
+к | towards, by
+у | around, chez
+же | intensifier particle
+вы | you
+за | beyond, behind
+бы | conditional/subj. particle
+по | up to, along
+только | only
+ее | her
+мне | to me
+было | it was
+вот | here is/are, particle
+от | away from
+меня | me
+еще | still, yet, more
+нет | no, there isnt/arent
+о | about
+из | out of
+ему | to him
+теперь | now
+когда | when
+даже | even
+ну | so, well
+вдруг | suddenly
+ли | interrogative particle
+если | if
+уже | already, but homonym of `narrower'
+или | or
+ни | neither
+быть | to be
+был | he was
+него | prepositional form of его
+до | up to
+вас | you accusative
+нибудь | indef. suffix preceded by hyphen
+опять | again
+уж | already, but homonym of `adder'
+вам | to you
+сказал | he said
+ведь | particle `after all'
+там | there
+потом | then
+себя | oneself
+ничего | nothing
+ей | to her
+может | usually with `быть' as `maybe'
+они | they
+тут | here
+где | where
+есть | there is/are
+надо | got to, must
+ней | prepositional form of ей
+для | for
+мы | we
+тебя | thee
+их | them, their
+чем | than
+была | she was
+сам | self
+чтоб | in order to
+без | without
+будто | as if
+человек | man, person, one
+чего | genitive form of `what'
+раз | once
+тоже | also
+себе | to oneself
+под | beneath
+жизнь | life
+будет | will be
+ж | short form of intensifer particle `же'
+тогда | then
+кто | who
+этот | this
+говорил | was saying
+того | genitive form of `that'
+потому | for that reason
+этого | genitive form of `this'
+какой | which
+совсем | altogether
+ним | prepositional form of `его', `они'
+здесь | here
+этом | prepositional form of `этот'
+один | one
+почти | almost
+мой | my
+тем | instrumental/dative plural of `тот', `то'
+чтобы | full form of `in order that'
+нее | her (acc.)
+кажется | it seems
+сейчас | now
+были | they were
+куда | where to
+зачем | why
+сказать | to say
+всех | all (acc., gen. preposn. plural)
+никогда | never
+сегодня | today
+можно | possible, one can
+при | by
+наконец | finally
+два | two
+об | alternative form of `о', about
+другой | another
+хоть | even
+после | after
+над | above
+больше | more
+тот | that one (masc.)
+через | across, in
+эти | these
+нас | us
+про | about
+всего | in all, only, of all
+них | prepositional form of `они' (they)
+какая | which, feminine
+много | lots
+разве | interrogative particle
+сказала | she said
+три | three
+эту | this, acc. fem. sing.
+моя | my, feminine
+впрочем | moreover, besides
+хорошо | good
+свою | ones own, acc. fem. sing.
+этой | oblique form of `эта', fem. `this'
+перед | in front of
+иногда | sometimes
+лучше | better
+чуть | a little
+том | preposn. form of `that one'
+нельзя | one must not
+такой | such a one
+им | to them
+более | more
+всегда | always
+конечно | of course
+всю | acc. fem. sing of `all'
+между | between
+ | b: some paradigms
+ |
+ | personal pronouns
+ |
+ | я меня мне мной [мною]
+ | ты тебя тебе тобой [тобою]
+ | он его ему им [него, нему, ним]
+ | она ее эи ею [нее, нэи, нею]
+ | оно его ему им [него, нему, ним]
+ |
+ | мы нас нам нами
+ | вы вас вам вами
+ | они их им ими [них, ним, ними]
+ |
+ | себя себе собой [собою]
+ |
+ | demonstrative pronouns: этот (this), тот (that)
+ |
+ | этот эта это эти
+ | этого эты это эти
+ | этого этой этого этих
+ | этому этой этому этим
+ | этим этой этим [этою] этими
+ | этом этой этом этих
+ |
+ | тот та то те
+ | того ту то те
+ | того той того тех
+ | тому той тому тем
+ | тем той тем [тою] теми
+ | том той том тех
+ |
+ | determinative pronouns
+ |
+ | (a) весь (all)
+ |
+ | весь вся все все
+ | всего всю все все
+ | всего всей всего всех
+ | всему всей всему всем
+ | всем всей всем [всею] всеми
+ | всем всей всем всех
+ |
+ | (b) сам (himself etc)
+ |
+ | сам сама само сами
+ | самого саму само самих
+ | самого самой самого самих
+ | самому самой самому самим
+ | самим самой самим [самою] самими
+ | самом самой самом самих
+ |
+ | stems of verbs `to be', `to have', `to do' and modal
+ |
+ | быть бы буд быв есть суть
+ | име
+ | дел
+ | мог мож мочь
+ | уме
+ | хоч хот
+ | долж
+ | можн
+ | нужн
+ | нельзя
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_sv.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_sv.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22bddfd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_sv.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/swedish/stop.txt
+ | This file is distributed under the BSD License.
+ | See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
+ | Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
+ | - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
+ | - This notice was added.
+ | A Swedish stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
+ | word is at the start of a line.
+ | This is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from
+ | a large text sample.
+ | Swedish stop words occasionally exhibit homonym clashes. For example
+ | så = so, but also seed. These are indicated clearly below.
+och | and
+det | it, this/that
+att | to (with infinitive)
+i | in, at
+en | a
+jag | I
+hon | she
+som | who, that
+han | he
+på | on
+den | it, this/that
+med | with
+var | where, each
+sig | him(self) etc
+för | for
+så | so (also: seed)
+till | to
+är | is
+men | but
+ett | a
+om | if; around, about
+hade | had
+de | they, these/those
+av | of
+icke | not, no
+mig | me
+du | you
+henne | her
+då | then, when
+sin | his
+nu | now
+har | have
+inte | inte någon = no one
+hans | his
+honom | him
+skulle | 'sake'
+hennes | her
+där | there
+min | my
+man | one (pronoun)
+ej | nor
+vid | at, by, on (also: vast)
+kunde | could
+något | some etc
+från | from, off
+ut | out
+när | when
+efter | after, behind
+upp | up
+vi | we
+dem | them
+vara | be
+vad | what
+över | over
+än | than
+dig | you
+kan | can
+sina | his
+här | here
+ha | have
+mot | towards
+alla | all
+under | under (also: wonder)
+någon | some etc
+eller | or (else)
+allt | all
+mycket | much
+sedan | since
+ju | why
+denna | this/that
+själv | myself, yourself etc
+detta | this/that
+åt | to
+utan | without
+varit | was
+hur | how
+ingen | no
+mitt | my
+ni | you
+bli | to be, become
+blev | from bli
+oss | us
+din | thy
+dessa | these/those
+några | some etc
+deras | their
+blir | from bli
+mina | my
+samma | (the) same
+vilken | who, that
+er | you, your
+sådan | such a
+vår | our
+blivit | from bli
+dess | its
+inom | within
+mellan | between
+sådant | such a
+varför | why
+varje | each
+vilka | who, that
+ditt | thy
+vem | who
+vilket | who, that
+sitta | his
+sådana | such a
+vart | each
+dina | thy
+vars | whose
+vårt | our
+våra | our
+ert | your
+era | your
+vilkas | whose
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_th.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_th.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07f0fabe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_th.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Thai stopwords from:
+# "Opinion Detection in Thai Political News Columns
+# Based on Subjectivity Analysis"
+# Khampol Sukhum, Supot Nitsuwat, and Choochart Haruechaiyasak
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_tr.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_tr.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84d9408d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/stopwords_tr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Turkish stopwords from LUCENE-559
+# merged with the list from "Information Retrieval on Turkish Texts"
+# (http://www.users.muohio.edu/canf/papers/JASIST2008offPrint.pdf)
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/userdict_ja.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/userdict_ja.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f0368e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/lang/userdict_ja.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# This is a sample user dictionary for Kuromoji (JapaneseTokenizer)
+# Add entries to this file in order to override the statistical model in terms
+# of segmentation, readings and part-of-speech tags. Notice that entries do
+# not have weights since they are always used when found. This is by-design
+# in order to maximize ease-of-use.
+# Entries are defined using the following CSV format:
+# , ... , ... ,
+# Notice that a single half-width space separates tokens and readings, and
+# that the number tokens and readings must match exactly.
+# Also notice that multiple entries with the same is undefined.
+# Whitespace only lines are ignored. Comments are not allowed on entry lines.
+# Custom segmentation for kanji compounds
+日本経済新聞,日本 経済 新聞,ニホン ケイザイ シンブン,カスタム名詞
+関西国際空港,関西 国際 空港,カンサイ コクサイ クウコウ,カスタム名詞
+# Custom segmentation for compound katakana
+トートバッグ,トート バッグ,トート バッグ,かずカナ名詞
+ショルダーバッグ,ショルダー バッグ,ショルダー バッグ,かずカナ名詞
+# Custom reading for former sumo wrestler
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/protwords.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/protwords.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dfc0abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/protwords.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Use a protected word file to protect against the stemmer reducing two
+# unrelated words to the same base word.
+# Some non-words that normally won't be encountered,
+# just to test that they won't be stemmed.
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/schema.xml b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/schema.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9520ed28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/schema.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+ id
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/solrconfig.xml b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/solrconfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b179865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/solrconfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2013 @@
+ 9.0.0
+ ${solr.data.dir:}
+ ${solr.hdfs.home:}
+ ${solr.hdfs.confdir:}
+ ${solr.hdfs.blockcache.enabled:true}
+ 500
+ 1000
+ 10
+ 10
+ ${solr.lock.type:native}
+ true
+ ${solr.ulog.dir:}
+ ${solr.autoCommit.maxTime:60000}
+ false
+ ${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:6000000}
+ 1024
+ true
+ 20
+ 200
+ *:*
+ false
+ 1
+ json
+ explicit
+ 10
+ edismax
+ 0.1
+ text
+ author^5.0
+ title^2.0
+ description^2.0
+ url_search^0.5
+ text
+ status_code:200^20
+ content_type_norm:html^2 i
+ url_type:slashpage^5
+ content_type_norm:other^0.1
+ content_type_norm:text^0.1
+ *,score
+ false
+ 1
+ 10
+ domain
+ crawl_year
+ public_suffix
+ content_type_norm
+ status_code
+ host
+ on
+ false
+ html
+ true
+ content
+ highlight
+ true
+ json
+ true
+ application/json
+ application/csv
+ true
+ ignored_
+ true
+ links
+ ignored_
+ solrpingquery
+ all
+ explicit
+ true
+ textSpell
+ default
+ spell
+ solr.DirectSolrSpellChecker
+ internal
+ 0.5
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 4
+ 0.01
+ wordbreak
+ solr.WordBreakSolrSpellChecker
+ name
+ true
+ true
+ 10
+ text
+ default
+ wordbreak
+ on
+ true
+ 10
+ 5
+ 5
+ true
+ true
+ 10
+ 5
+ spellcheck
+ text
+ true
+ tvComponent
+ lingo
+ org.carrot2.clustering.lingo.LingoClusteringAlgorithm
+ clustering/carrot2
+ stc
+ org.carrot2.clustering.stc.STCClusteringAlgorithm
+ kmeans
+ org.carrot2.clustering.kmeans.BisectingKMeansClusteringAlgorithm
+ true
+ false
+ terms
+ 100
+ 70
+ 0.5
+ [-\w ,/\n\"']{20,200}
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ,,
+ ,,
+ ,,
+ ,,
+ ,]]>
+ ]]>
+ 10
+ .,!?
+ en
+ US
+ text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ title
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestTitle
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ url
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestUrl
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ content_type_ext
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestFileFormat
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ links_hosts
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestLinksHosts
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ links_domains
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestLinksDomains
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ links_public_suffixes
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestLinksPublicSuffixes
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ host
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestHost
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ domain
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestDomain
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ public_suffix
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestPublicSuffix
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ author
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestAuthor
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ collection
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestCollection
+ suggest
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester
+ org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst.TSTLookupFactory
+ collections
+ 0.005
+ true
+ true
+ suggest
+ true
+ 5
+ true
+ suggestCollections
+ *:*
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/solrcore.properties b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/solrcore.properties
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c842441f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/solrcore.properties
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/stopwords.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/stopwords.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae1e83ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/stopwords.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/stopwords_path.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/stopwords_path.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5b8bc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/stopwords_path.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# URL & path elements that should not be indexed (to save space)
+# www is removed by the webarchive-discovery normaliser if it is leading. If it is part of the path we want to keep it, so it is not a stopword
+# All URLs starts with http or https, so definitely remove those
diff --git a/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/synonyms.txt b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/synonyms.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c85cb8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bundle/solr_config/conf/synonyms.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+##some test synonym mappings unlikely to appear in real input text
+#aaafoo => aaabar
+#bbbfoo => bbbfoo bbbbar
+#cccfoo => cccbar cccbaz
+## Some synonym groups specific to this example
+#Television, Televisions, TV, TVs
+##notice we use "gib" instead of "GiB" so any WordDelimiterFilter coming
+##after us won't split it into two words.
+## Synonym mappings can be used for spelling correction too
+#pixima => pixma