diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d0e055a..8ecd5d0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ An Ansible role for infrastructure components as Docker containers. Handles task
| [godns](https://github.com/TimothyYe/godns) | Dynamic DNS | No |
| [Wireguard](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-wireguard) | Remote access VPN | No |
| [Unifi](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-unifi-controller) | Unifi network management | No |
+| [Wazuh](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh) | Wazuh Security Platform | No |
## Installation
@@ -54,6 +55,14 @@ infra_graylog_password_secret: "super-long-random-string-minimum-64-chars"
# Hash of the password used for the root user [run `echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256`]
infra_graylog_password_sha2: "sha256-sum-of-your-password"
+# If `infra_use_wazuh` is true, then
+# Password for the wazuh indexer 'admin' user (infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user)
+infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_password: ~
+# Password for the wazuh indexer 'dashboard' user (infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user)
+infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_password: ~
+# Password for the wazuh api user (infra_wazuh_api_username). NB: The password for Wazuh API users must be between 8 and 64 characters long. It must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, a number, and a symbol.
+infra_wazuh_api_password: ~
### Recommended configuration changes
diff --git a/defaults/main/main.yml b/defaults/main/main.yml
index de03f08..2763c8c 100644
--- a/defaults/main/main.yml
+++ b/defaults/main/main.yml
@@ -58,4 +58,6 @@ infra_use_authentik: true
infra_use_godns: false
# Configure uptime-kuma
infra_use_uptimekuma: true
+# Configure wazuh
+infra_use_wazuh: false
diff --git a/defaults/main/wazuh.yml b/defaults/main/wazuh.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72664f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/defaults/main/wazuh.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+### wazuh ###
+# Version of the wazuh Docker image to use (see 'infra_wazuh_manager_container_image', 'infra_wazuh_indexer_container_image', 'infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_image')
+infra_wazuh_version: 4.8.1
+# Version of the wazuh Docker image to use (see 'infra_wazuh_cert_tool_container_image')
+infra_wazuh_cert_tool_version: 0.0.2
+## wazuh secrets
+# Password for the wazuh indexer 'admin' user (infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user)
+infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_password: ~
+# Password for the wazuh indexer 'dashboard' user (infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user)
+infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_password: ~
+# Password for the wazuh api user (infra_wazuh_api_username). NB: The password for Wazuh API users must be between 8 and 64 characters long. It must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, a number, and a symbol.
+infra_wazuh_api_password: ~
+## wazuh users
+# username for the indexer 'admin' user
+infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user: admin
+# username for the indexer 'dashboard' user
+infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user: kibanaserver
+# api username
+infra_wazuh_api_user: wazuh
+## wazuh settings
+# wazuh manager settings. See https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-docker#manager
+infra_wazuh_manager_settings: {}
+# wazuh indexer settings. See https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-docker#indexer
+infra_wazuh_indexer_settings: {}
+# wazuh dashboard settings. See https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-docker#dashboard
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_settings: {}
+## Directories
+# Directory path
+infra_wazuh_directory_path: "{{ infra_directory_path }}/wazuh"
+# Directory user ownership
+infra_wazuh_directory_owner: "{{ infra_directory_owner }}"
+# Directory group ownership
+infra_wazuh_directory_group: "{{ infra_directory_group }}"
+# Directory mode
+infra_wazuh_directory_mode: "{{ infra_directory_mode }}"
+# wazuh config directory path
+infra_wazuh_config_directory_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}/config"
+# wazuh config directory user ownership
+infra_wazuh_config_directory_owner: "{{ infra_directory_owner }}"
+# wazuh configdirectory group ownership
+infra_wazuh_config_directory_group: "{{ infra_directory_group }}"
+# wazuh configdirectory mode
+infra_wazuh_config_directory_mode: "{{ infra_directory_mode }}"
+# wazuh certificates directory path
+infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_path }}/certificates"
+## File paths
+# File mode
+infra_wazuh_file_mode: "{{ infra_file_mode }}"
+# wazuh compose file path
+infra_wazuh_compose_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}/compose.yml"
+# wazuh generate-certs compose file path
+infra_wazuh_generate_certs_compose_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}/generate-certs.yml"
+# wazuh env file path
+infra_wazuh_manager_env_file_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}/wazuh-manager.env"
+# wazuh env file path
+infra_wazuh_indexer_env_file_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}/wazuh-indexer.env"
+# wazuh env file path
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_env_file_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}/wazuh-dashboard.env"
+# Permissions (mode) for the env files (as an octal)
+infra_wazuh_env_file_mode: "0600"
+# wazuh certs.yml config file path
+infra_wazuh_certs_conf_file_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_path }}/certs.yml"
+# wazuh manager config file path
+infra_wazuh_manager_conf_file_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_path }}/wazuh-manager.conf"
+# wazuh indexer users config file path
+infra_wazuh_indexer_internal_users_config_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_path }}/internal_users.yml"
+# wazuh dashboard config file path
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_conf_file_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_path }}/wazuh.yml"
+# wazuh init file path (check if previously initialized)
+infra_wazuh_init_file_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}/.initialized"
+## Docker service configs
+# Base name of the wazuh Docker service
+infra_wazuh_service_name: wazuh
+# Name of the wazuh manager Docker service
+infra_wazuh_manager_service_name: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}.manager"
+# Name of the wazuh indexer Docker service
+infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}.indexer"
+# Name of the wazuh dashboard Docker service
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_service_name: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}.dashboard"
+# Container image to use for the wazuh manager service
+infra_wazuh_manager_container_image: "docker.io/wazuh/wazuh-manager:{{ infra_wazuh_version }}"
+# Container image to use for the wazuh indexer service
+infra_wazuh_indexer_container_image: "docker.io/wazuh/wazuh-indexer:{{ infra_wazuh_version }}"
+# Container image to use for the wazuh dashboard service
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_image: "docker.io/wazuh/wazuh-dashboard:{{ infra_wazuh_version }}"
+# Container image to use for the wazuh certificates tool
+infra_wazuh_cert_tool_container_image: "docker.io/wazuh/wazuh-certs-generator:{{ infra_wazuh_cert_tool_version }}"
+# Hostname of the wazuh manager Docker container
+infra_wazuh_manager_container_hostname: "{{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}"
+# Hostname of the wazuh indexer Docker container
+infra_wazuh_indexer_container_hostname: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}"
+# Hostname of the wazuh dashboard Docker container
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_hostname: "{{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_service_name }}"
+# Hostname of the wazuh cert-tool Docker container
+infra_wazuh_cert_tool_hostname: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-certs-generator"
+# FQDN of the wazuh dashboard Docker container
+infra_wazuh_fqdn: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}.{{ infra_domain }}"
+# Restart policy for the wazuh Docker containers
+infra_wazuh_restart_policy: "{{ infra_restart_policy }}"
+# Memory limit for the wazuh manager container
+infra_wazuh_manager_container_memory: 4g
+# Memory limit for the wazuh indexer container
+infra_wazuh_indexer_container_memory: 6g
+# Memory limit for the wazuh dashboard container
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_memory: 2g
+# agentd port (secure event listener) for the wazuh manager
+infra_wazuh_manager_port_agentd: 1514
+# agentAuthd port (agent enrollment service) for the wazuh manager
+infra_wazuh_manager_port_auth: 1515
+# syslog port (event listener) for the wazuh manager
+infra_wazuh_manager_port_syslog: 514
+# api port for the wazuh manager
+infra_wazuh_manager_port_api: 55000
+# api port for the wazuh indexer
+infra_wazuh_indexer_port_api: 9200
+# Log driver for the wazuh containers
+infra_wazuh_log_driver: local
+# Log driver options for the containers
+ max-size: 20m
+ max-file: '5'
+ compress: 'true'
+# soft ulimit for memlock
+infra_wazuh_ulimit_memlock_soft: -1
+# hard ulimit for memlock
+infra_wazuh_ulimit_memlock_hard: -1
+# soft ulimit for nofile
+infra_wazuh_ulimit_nofile_soft: 65536
+# hard ulimit for nofile
+infra_wazuh_ulimit_nofile_hard: 65536
+## Docker volume configs
+# Name of the manager api config Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_api_config: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_api_config"
+# Name of the manager ossec config Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_config: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_ossec_config"
+# Name of the manager logs Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_logs: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_ossec_logs"
+# Name of the manager ossec queue Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_queue: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_ossec_queue"
+# Name of the manager ossec multigroups Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_multigroups: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_ossec_multigroups"
+# Name of the manager ossec integrations Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_integrations: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_ossec_integrations"
+# Name of the manager ossec active-response Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_active_response: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_ossec_active-response"
+# Name of the manager ossec agentless Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_agentless: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_ossec_agentless"
+# Name of the manager ossec wodles Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_wodles: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_ossec_wodles"
+# Name of the manager filebeat etc Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_filebeat_etc: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_filebeat_etc"
+# Name of the manager filebeat var Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_filebeat_var: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_filebeat_var"
+# Name of the indexer data Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_indexer_volume_name_data: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_indexer_data"
+# Name of the dashboard config Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_volume_name_config: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_dashboard_config"
+# Name of the dashboard custom plugins Docker volume
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_volume_name_custom_plugins: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}_dashboard_custom"
+# Labels to attach to the Docker volumes for this service
+ netr0m.infra.service: wazuh
diff --git a/tasks/deploy_wazuh.yml b/tasks/deploy_wazuh.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59e4b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/deploy_wazuh.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+- name: Ensure wazuh directory is present
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}"
+ state: directory
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_mode }}"
+- name: Ensure wazuh config directory is present
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_path }}"
+ state: directory
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_mode }}"
+- name: Check if initial setup
+ block:
+ - name: Stat init file
+ ansible.builtin.stat:
+ path: "{{ infra_wazuh_init_file_path }}"
+ register: infra_wazuh_init_file_stat_output
+ - name: Set init fact
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ _infra_wazuh_initial_setup: "{{ not infra_wazuh_init_file_stat_output.stat.exists }}"
+ - name: Create init file
+ when: _infra_wazuh_initial_setup
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "{{ infra_wazuh_init_file_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_group }}"
+ state: touch
+- name: Manage wazuh configuration
+ block:
+ - name: Write wazuh manager config to file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: wazuh/wazuh_manager.conf.j2
+ dest: "{{ infra_wazuh_manager_conf_file_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_file_mode }}"
+ backup: true
+ register: wazuh_manager_config_file_output
+ - name: Configure wazuh indexer users
+ when: _infra_wazuh_initial_setup
+ block:
+ - name: Hash indexer user passwords
+ ansible.builtin.include_tasks: wazuh_password_hasher.yml
+ loop:
+ - user: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user }}"
+ password: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_password }}"
+ - user: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user }}"
+ password: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_password }}"
+ - name: Write wazuh indexer users config to file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: wazuh/internal_users.yml.j2
+ dest: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_internal_users_config_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_file_mode }}"
+ backup: true
+ register: wazuh_indexer_users_config_file_output
+ - name: Write wazuh dashboard config to file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: wazuh/dashboard.yml.j2
+ dest: "{{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_conf_file_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_file_mode }}"
+ backup: true
+ register: wazuh_dashboard_config_file_output
+- name: Manage service files
+ block:
+ - name: Write wazuh manager environment variables to file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: template.env.j2
+ dest: "{{ infra_wazuh_manager_env_file_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_env_file_mode }}"
+ backup: true
+ vars:
+ _env_vars: "{{ infra_wazuh_manager_settings | combine(infra_wazuh_manager_env_vars) }}"
+ register: wazuh_manager_env_file_output
+ - name: Write wazuh indexer environment variables to file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: template.env.j2
+ dest: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_env_file_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_env_file_mode }}"
+ backup: true
+ vars:
+ _env_vars: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_settings | combine(infra_wazuh_indexer_env_vars) }}"
+ register: wazuh_indexer_env_file_output
+ - name: Write wazuh dashboard environment variables to file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: template.env.j2
+ dest: "{{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_env_file_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_env_file_mode }}"
+ backup: true
+ vars:
+ _env_vars: "{{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_settings | combine(infra_wazuh_dashboard_env_vars) }}"
+ register: wazuh_dashboard_env_file_output
+ - name: Copy compose services file into place
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: compose/wazuh.yml.j2
+ dest: "{{ infra_wazuh_compose_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_file_mode }}"
+ backup: true
+ validate: docker compose -f %s config -q
+ register: compose_file_output
+- name: Take down services due to changed compose file
+ community.docker.docker_compose_v2:
+ project_src: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}"
+ files: "{{ compose_file_output.backup_file }}"
+ state: absent
+ remove_orphans: true
+ when: compose_file_output.backup_file is defined
+- name: Pull container images
+ community.docker.docker_image:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ source: pull
+ with_items:
+ - "{{ infra_wazuh_manager_container_image }}"
+ - "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_container_image }}"
+ - "{{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_image }}"
+- name: Generate certificates
+ when: _infra_wazuh_initial_setup
+ block:
+ - name: Write wazuh certificates config to file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: wazuh/certs.yml.j2
+ dest: "{{ infra_wazuh_certs_conf_file_path }}"
+ owner: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ infra_wazuh_config_directory_group }}"
+ mode: "{{ infra_wazuh_file_mode }}"
+ backup: true
+ register: wazuh_certs_config_file_output
+ - name: Pull container image
+ community.docker.docker_image:
+ name: "{{ infra_wazuh_cert_tool_container_image }}"
+ source: pull
+ - name: Run wazuh certs-generator
+ community.docker.docker_container:
+ image: "{{ infra_wazuh_cert_tool_container_image }}"
+ name: "{{ infra_wazuh_cert_tool_hostname }}"
+ hostname: "{{ infra_wazuh_cert_tool_hostname }}"
+ volumes:
+ - "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}:/certificates/"
+ - "{{ infra_wazuh_certs_conf_file_path }}:/config/certs.yml"
+ auto_remove: true
+- name: Deploy wazuh services
+ community.docker.docker_compose_v2:
+ project_src: "{{ infra_wazuh_directory_path }}"
+ state: "{{ 'present' if infra_use_wazuh else 'absent' }}"
+ wait: true
+ wait_timeout: "{{ infra_wazuh_compose_wait_timeout | default(infra_compose_wait_timeout) }}"
+ register: deploy_wazuh_services_output
+- name: Clean up init config files
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "{{ item }}"
+ state: absent
+ with_items:
+ - "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_internal_users_config_path }}"
diff --git a/tasks/main.yml b/tasks/main.yml
index c4cb03b..c976f2d 100644
--- a/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/tasks/main.yml
@@ -47,4 +47,9 @@
- name: Include 'uptimekuma' tasks
ansible.builtin.import_tasks: deploy_uptimekuma.yml
when: infra_use_uptimekuma
+# Manage wazuh deployment
+- name: Include 'wazuh' tasks
+ ansible.builtin.import_tasks: deploy_wazuh.yml
+ when: infra_use_wazuh
diff --git a/tasks/wazuh_password_hasher.yml b/tasks/wazuh_password_hasher.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47d22b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/wazuh_password_hasher.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- name: Create password hash for user '{{ item.user }}'
+ block:
+ - name: Run hash.sh
+ community.docker.docker_container:
+ image: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_container_image }}"
+ name: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}-pwhash"
+ command: bash /usr/share/wazuh-indexer/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/hash.sh -p {{ item.password }}
+ interactive: true
+ detach: false
+ register: docker_hash_password_result
+ - name: Set temporary password hash variable
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ __extracted_pw_hash: "{{ docker_hash_password_result.container.Output | trim | split('\n') | last }}"
+ when: docker_hash_password_result.container.Output
+ - name: Set password hash fact for '{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user }}'
+ when: item.user == infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ __infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_password_hash: "{{ __extracted_pw_hash }}"
+ failed_when:
+ - __extracted_pw_hash is not regex('^\$.*')
+ - name: Set password hash fact for '{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user }}'
+ when: item.user == infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ __infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_password_hash: "{{ __extracted_pw_hash }}"
+ failed_when:
+ - __extracted_pw_hash is not regex('^\$.*')
+- name: Cleanup password hashing container
+ community.docker.docker_container:
+ image: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_container_image }}"
+ name: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}-pwhash"
+ state: absent
diff --git a/templates/compose/wazuh.yml.j2 b/templates/compose/wazuh.yml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f69290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/compose/wazuh.yml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}:
+ image: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_container_image }}
+ container_name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_container_hostname }}
+ hostname: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_container_hostname }}
+ restart: {{ infra_wazuh_restart_policy | default(infra_restart_policy) }}
+ logging:
+ driver: {{ infra_wazuh_log_driver }}
+ options: {{ infra_wazuh_log_options }}
+ env_file: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_env_file_path }}
+ volumes:
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_api_config }}:/var/ossec/api/configuration
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_config }}:/var/ossec/etc
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_logs }}:/var/ossec/logs
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_queue }}:/var/ossec/queue
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_multigroups }}:/var/ossec/var/multigroups
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_integrations }}:/var/ossec/integrations
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_active_response }}:/var/ossec/active-response/bin
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_agentless }}:/var/ossec/agentless
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_wodles }}:/var/ossec/wodles
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_filebeat_etc }}:/etc/filebeat
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_filebeat_var }}:/var/lib/filebeat
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_cert_root_ca_public_key_path }}:/etc/ssl/root-ca.pem
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_cert_public_key_path }}:/etc/ssl/filebeat.pem
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_cert_private_key_path }}:/etc/ssl/filebeat.key
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_conf_file_path }}:/wazuh-config-mount/etc/ossec.conf
+ mem_limit: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_container_memory }}
+ networks:
+ - default
+ ports:
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_port_agentd }}:1514
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_port_auth }}:1515
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_port_syslog }}:514/udp
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_manager_port_api }}:55000
+ ulimits:
+ memlock:
+ soft: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_memlock_soft }}
+ hard: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_memlock_hard }}
+ nofile:
+ soft: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_nofile_soft }}
+ hard: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_nofile_hard }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}:
+ image: {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_container_image }}
+ container_name: {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_container_hostname }}
+ hostname: {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_container_hostname }}
+ restart: {{ infra_wazuh_restart_policy | default(infra_restart_policy) }}
+ logging:
+ driver: {{ infra_wazuh_log_driver }}
+ options: {{ infra_wazuh_log_options }}
+ env_file: {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_env_file_path }}
+ volumes:
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_volume_name_data }}:/var/lib/wazuh-indexer
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_cert_root_ca_public_key_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/root-ca.pem
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_cert_public_key_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/wazuh.indexer.pem
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_cert_private_key_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/wazuh.indexer.key
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_cert_public_key_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/admin.pem
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_cert_private_key_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/admin-key.pem
+{% if _infra_wazuh_initial_setup %}
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_internal_users_config_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/opensearch-security/internal_users.yml
+{% endif %}
+ mem_limit: {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_container_memory }}
+ networks:
+ - default
+ ports:
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_port_api }}:9200
+ ulimits:
+ memlock:
+ soft: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_memlock_soft }}
+ hard: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_memlock_hard }}
+ nofile:
+ soft: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_nofile_soft }}
+ hard: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_nofile_hard }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_service_name }}:
+ image: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_image }}
+ container_name: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_hostname }}
+ hostname: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_hostname }}
+ restart: {{ infra_wazuh_restart_policy | default(infra_restart_policy) }}
+ logging:
+ driver: {{ infra_wazuh_log_driver }}
+ options: {{ infra_wazuh_log_options }}
+ env_file: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_env_file_path }}
+ volumes:
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_volume_name_config }}:/usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/data/wazuh/config
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_volume_name_custom_plugins }}:/usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/plugins/wazuh/public/assets/custom
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_cert_root_ca_public_key_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/certs/root-ca.pem
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_cert_public_key_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/certs/wazuh-dashboard.pem
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_cert_private_key_path }}:/usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/certs/wazuh-dashboard-key.pem
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_conf_file_path }}:/wazuh-config-mount/data/wazuh/config/wazuh.yml
+ mem_limit: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_container_memory }}
+ labels:
+ traefik.enable: 'true'
+ traefik.docker.network: {{ svc_docker_network_name }}
+ traefik.http.routers.{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-rtr.rule: "Host(\"{{ infra_wazuh_fqdn }}\")"
+ traefik.http.routers.{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-rtr.entrypoints: webSecure
+ traefik.http.services.{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-svc.loadbalancer.server.port: 5601
+ traefik.http.services.{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-svc.loadbalancer.server.scheme: https
+ traefik.http.routers.{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-rtr.service: {{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-svc
+ traefik.http.routers.{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-rtr.middlewares: lan-mwr@file
+ networks:
+ - default
+ - {{ svc_docker_network_name }}
+ depends_on:
+ - {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}
+ ulimits:
+ memlock:
+ soft: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_memlock_soft }}
+ hard: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_memlock_hard }}
+ nofile:
+ soft: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_nofile_soft }}
+ hard: {{ infra_wazuh_ulimit_nofile_hard }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_api_config }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_api_config }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_config }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_config }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_logs }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_logs }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_queue }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_queue }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_multigroups }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_multigroups }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_integrations }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_integrations }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_active_response }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_active_response }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_agentless }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_agentless }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_wodles }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_ossec_wodles }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_filebeat_etc }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_filebeat_etc }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_filebeat_var }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_volume_name_filebeat_var }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_volume_name_data }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_volume_name_data }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_volume_name_config }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_volume_name_config }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_volume_name_custom_plugins }}:
+ name: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_volume_name_custom_plugins }}
+ labels: {{ infra_wazuh_volume_labels | combine(infra_docker_volume_shared_labels) }}
+ default:
+ driver: bridge
+ internal: 'true'
+ {{ svc_docker_network_name }}:
+ external: 'true'
diff --git a/templates/template.env.j2 b/templates/template.env.j2
index 9ca9e22..0d7fb87 100644
--- a/templates/template.env.j2
+++ b/templates/template.env.j2
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# {{ ansible_managed }}
{% for key, val in _env_vars.items() %}
-{{ key }}={{ val }}
+{{ key }}='{{ val }}'
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/templates/wazuh/certs.yml.j2 b/templates/wazuh/certs.yml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eacf5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/wazuh/certs.yml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# {{ ansible_managed }}
+ indexer:
+ - name: {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}
+ ip: {{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}
+ server:
+ - name: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}
+ ip: {{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}
+ dashboard:
+ - name: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_service_name }}
+ ip: {{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_service_name }}
diff --git a/templates/wazuh/dashboard.yml.j2 b/templates/wazuh/dashboard.yml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba629a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/wazuh/dashboard.yml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# {{ ansible_managed }}
+ - 1513629884013:
+ url: "https://{{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}"
+ port: 55000
+ username: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user }}"
+ password: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_password }}"
+ run_as: false
diff --git a/templates/wazuh/internal_users.yml.j2 b/templates/wazuh/internal_users.yml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b72ad1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/wazuh/internal_users.yml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# {{ ansible_managed }}
+# This is the internal user database
+# The hash value is a bcrypt hash and can be generated with plugin/tools/hash.sh
+ type: "internalusers"
+ config_version: 2
+{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user }}:
+ hash: "{{ __infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_password_hash }}"
+ reserved: true
+ backend_roles:
+ - "admin"
+ description: "Admin user"
+{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user }}:
+ hash: "{{ __infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_password_hash }}"
+ reserved: true
+ description: "Dashboard user"
diff --git a/templates/wazuh/wazuh_manager.conf.j2 b/templates/wazuh/wazuh_manager.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94775aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/wazuh/wazuh_manager.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ no
+ smtp.example.wazuh.com
+ wazuh@example.wazuh.com
+ recipient@example.wazuh.com
+ 12
+ alerts.log
+ 10m
+ 0
+ 3
+ 12
+ plain
+ secure
+ 1514
+ tcp
+ 131072
+ no
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ 43200
+ etc/rootcheck/rootkit_files.txt
+ etc/rootcheck/rootkit_trojans.txt
+ yes
+ yes
+ 1800
+ 1d
+ yes
+ wodles/java
+ wodles/ciscat
+ yes
+ yes
+ /var/log/osquery/osqueryd.results.log
+ /etc/osquery/osquery.conf
+ yes
+ no
+ 1h
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ 10
+ yes
+ yes
+ 12h
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ 60m
+ yes
+ https://{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}:9200
+ /etc/ssl/root-ca.pem
+ /etc/ssl/filebeat.pem
+ /etc/ssl/filebeat.key
+ no
+ 43200
+ yes
+ yes
+ no
+ /etc,/usr/bin,/usr/sbin
+ /bin,/sbin,/boot
+ /etc/mtab
+ /etc/hosts.deny
+ /etc/mail/statistics
+ /etc/random-seed
+ /etc/random.seed
+ /etc/adjtime
+ /etc/httpd/logs
+ /etc/utmpx
+ /etc/wtmpx
+ /etc/cups/certs
+ /etc/dumpdates
+ /etc/svc/volatile
+ .log$|.swp$
+ /etc/ssl/private.key
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ yes
+ 10
+ 100
+ yes
+ 5m
+ 1h
+ 10
+ ^localhost.localdomain$
+ disable-account
+ disable-account
+ yes
+ restart-wazuh
+ restart-wazuh
+ firewall-drop
+ firewall-drop
+ yes
+ host-deny
+ host-deny
+ yes
+ route-null
+ route-null
+ yes
+ win_route-null
+ route-null.exe
+ yes
+ netsh
+ netsh.exe
+ yes
+ command
+ df -P
+ 360
+ full_command
+ netstat -tulpn | sed 's/\([[:alnum:]]\+\)\ \+[[:digit:]]\+\ \+[[:digit:]]\+\ \+\(.*\):\([[:digit:]]*\)\ \+\([0-9\.\:\*]\+\).\+\ \([[:digit:]]*\/[[:alnum:]\-]*\).*/\1 \2 == \3 == \4 \5/' | sort -k 4 -g | sed 's/ == \(.*\) ==/:\1/' | sed 1,2d
+ netstat listening ports
+ 360
+ full_command
+ last -n 20
+ 360
+ ruleset/decoders
+ ruleset/rules
+ 0215-policy_rules.xml
+ etc/lists/audit-keys
+ etc/lists/amazon/aws-eventnames
+ etc/lists/security-eventchannel
+ etc/decoders
+ etc/rules
+ yes
+ 1
+ 64
+ 15m
+ no
+ 1515
+ no
+ yes
+ no
+ no
+ etc/sslmanager.cert
+ etc/sslmanager.key
+ no
+ wazuh
+ node01
+ master
+ aa093264ef885029653eea20dfcf51ae
+ 1516
+ {{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}
+ no
+ yes
+ syslog
+ /var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vars/main/wazuh.yml b/vars/main/wazuh.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e7aed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vars/main/wazuh.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Environment variables for the wazuh manager container
+ INDEXER_URL: "https://{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}:9200"
+ INDEXER_USERNAME: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_user }}"
+ INDEXER_PASSWORD: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_password }}"
+ SSL_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES: /etc/ssl/root-ca.pem
+ SSL_CERTIFICATE: /etc/ssl/filebeat.pem
+ SSL_KEY: /etc/ssl/filebeat.key
+ API_USERNAME: "{{ infra_wazuh_api_user }}"
+ API_PASSWORD: "{{ infra_wazuh_api_password }}"
+# Environment variables for the wazuh indexer container
+ OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xms1g -Xmx{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_container_memory }}"
+ bootstrap.memory_lock: "true"
+ NODE_NAME: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}"
+ CLUSTER_INITIAL_MASTER_NODES: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}"
+ CLUSTER_NAME: "{{ infra_wazuh_service_name }}-cluster"
+ PATH_DATA: /var/lib/wazuh-indexer
+ PATH_LOGS: /var/log/wazuh-indexer
+ HTTP_PORT: 9200-9299
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_SSL_HTTP_PEMCERT_FILEPATH: "/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}.pem"
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_SSL_HTTP_PEMKEY_FILEPATH: "/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}.key"
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_SSL_HTTP_PEMTRUSTEDCAS_FILEPATH: /usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/root-ca.pem
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_SSL_TRANSPORT_PEMCERT_FILEPATH: "/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}.pem"
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_SSL_TRANSPORT_PEMKEY_FILEPATH: "/usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}.key"
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_SSL_TRANSPORT_PEMTRUSTEDCAS_FILEPATH: /usr/share/wazuh-indexer/certs/root-ca.pem
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_AUTHCZ_ADMIN_DN: "CN=admin,OU=Wazuh,O=Wazuh,L=California,C=US"
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_NODES_DN: "CN={{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }},OU=Wazuh,O=Wazuh,L=California,C=US"
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_RESTAPI_ROLES_ENABLED: '["all_access", "security_rest_api_access"]'
+ PLUGINS_SECURITY_SYSTEM_INDICES_INDICES: '[".opendistro-alerting-config", ".opendistro-alerting-alert*", ".opendistro-anomaly-results*", ".opendistro-anomaly-detector*", ".opendistro-anomaly-checkpoints", ".opendistro-anomaly-detection-state", ".opendistro-reports-*", ".opendistro-notifications-*", ".opendistro-notebooks", ".opensearch-observability", ".opendistro-asynchronous-search-response*", ".replication-metadata-store"]'
+# Environment variables for the wazuh dashboard container
+ WAZUH_API_URL: "https://{{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}"
+ DASHBOARD_USERNAME: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_user }}"
+ DASHBOARD_PASSWORD: "{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_dashboard_password }}"
+ API_USERNAME: "{{ infra_wazuh_api_user }}"
+ API_PASSWORD: "{{ infra_wazuh_api_password }}"
+ OPENSEARCH_HOSTS: "https://{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}:9200"
+ OPENSEARCH_REQUESTHEADERSALLOWLIST: '["securitytenant","Authorization"]'
+ SERVER_SSL_KEY: "/usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/certs/{{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_service_name }}-key.pem"
+ SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATE: "/usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/certs/{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}.pem"
+ OPENSEARCH_SSL_CERTIFICATEAUTHORITIES: '["/usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/certs/root-ca.pem"]'
+## Certificate paths. See https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/user-manual/manager/wazuh-server-cluster.html#generating-wazuh-server-certificates
+# Certificate path for the wazuh manager root CA
+infra_wazuh_manager_cert_root_ca_public_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/root-ca-manager.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh manager public key
+infra_wazuh_manager_cert_public_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/{{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh manager private key
+infra_wazuh_manager_cert_private_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/{{ infra_wazuh_manager_service_name }}-key.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh root CA
+infra_wazuh_cert_root_ca_public_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/root-ca.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh indexer public key
+infra_wazuh_indexer_cert_public_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh indexer private key
+infra_wazuh_indexer_cert_private_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/{{ infra_wazuh_indexer_service_name }}-key.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh indexer admin public key
+infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_cert_public_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/admin.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh indexer admin private key
+infra_wazuh_indexer_admin_cert_private_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/admin-key.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh dashboard public key
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_cert_public_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/{{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_service_name }}.pem"
+# Certificate path for the wazuh indexer private key
+infra_wazuh_dashboard_cert_private_key_path: "{{ infra_wazuh_certificates_directory_path }}/{{ infra_wazuh_dashboard_service_name }}-key.pem"