OpenAPI::Client::Pinecone - A client for the Pinecone API
use OpenAPI::Client::Pinecone;
my $client = OpenAPI::Client::Pinecone->new(); # see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
my $tx = $client->list_collections();
my $response_data = $tx->res->json;
#print Dumper($response_data);
OpenAPI::Client::Pinecone is a client for the Pinecone API built on top of OpenAPI::Client. This module automatically handles the API key authentication and sets the base URL according to the provided environment.
my $client = OpenAPI::Client::Pinecone->new( $specification, %options );
Create a new Pinecone API client. The following options can be provided:
The path to the OpenAPI specification file (YAML). Defaults to the "pinecone.yaml" file in the distribution's "share" directory.
Note: this is a reverse engineered specification, available here.
The base URL for the Pinecone API. Defaults to "https://controller.$ENV{PINECONE\_ENVIRONMENT}".
Additional options are passed to the parent class, OpenAPI::Client.
List collections. This operation returns a list of your Pinecone collections.
Create collection. This operation creates a Pinecone collection.
Describe collection. Get a description of a collection.
Delete Collection. This operation deletes an existing collection.
List indexes. This operation returns a list of your Pinecone indexes.
Create index. This operation creates a Pinecone index.
Describe index. Get a description of an index.
Delete Index. This operation deletes an existing index.
Configure index. This operation specifies the pod type and number of replicas for an index.
Describe Index Stats. The `DescribeIndexStats` operation returns statistics about the index's contents, including the vector count per namespace and the number of dimensions.
Query. The `Query` operation searches a namespace, using a query vector. It retrieves the ids of the most similar items in a namespace, along with their similarity scores.
Delete. The `Delete` operation deletes vectors, by id, from a single namespace. You can delete items by their id, from a single namespace.
Fetch. The `Fetch` operation looks up and returns vectors, by ID, from a single namespace. The returned vectors include the vector data and/or metadata.
Update. The `Update` operation updates vector in a namespace. If a value is included, it will overwrite the previous value. If a set_metadata is included, the values of the fields specified in it will be added or overwrite the previous value.
Upsert. The Upsert operation writes vectors into a namespace. If a new value is upserted for an existing vector id, it will overwrite the previous value.
The following environment variables are used by this module:
The API key used to authenticate requests to the Pinecone API.
The environment for the Pinecone API. The environment is used to build the base URL.
Nelson Ferraz, [email protected]
Copyright (C) 2023 by Nelson Ferraz
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.