- Fix debugger commands not showing up at first #162
- Compatibility with Intellij 2024.*
- Update documentation for dockerized debugger #214
- Bump dependencies to latest version
233.0.1 - 2023-12-12
- Compatibility with Intellij 2023.* #154
- Diagnostic for missing extension #153
232.0.3 - 2023-08-12
- Project template
- Update dependencies
- Code cleanup
- Fix does not load the latest function #107
231.0.1 - 2023-05-09
- Fix NoSuchElementException when running pldbg_create_listener #102
222.3.3 - 2023-03-31
- Platform 2023.1
- Remove deprecated code
222.3.2 - 2023-02-02
- Kotlin 1.7
- Intellij plugin 1.12
222.3.0 - 2022-12-07
- Intellij 222.3
- Graddle plugin 1.10
- Incorrect line position #86
- Tree support for JSON variables
- RECORD type is managed as JSON
- Update Dockerfile to use latest version of plpgdebugger
- Update the postgres plugin for proper RECORD handling
- Outputs RECORD type for PG 14 & 13 (Thanks to @cvas71)
- Update Docker images.
- Remove indirect debug option
- Fix console output
- Update plugin version
- Update plugin gradle version
- Update Github Actions
- Branch 222
- Upgrade plugin version
- Upgrade kotlin version
- Upgrade platform version
- Upgrade plugin version
- Upgrade kotlin version
- Upgrade platform version
- Remove deprecated implementation
- Fix shared_preload_libraries detection
- Fix search_path from database tree
- Custom command to debugger session only
- Fix run non SELECT query
- Remove depreciated API warnings
- Build against Intellij 221.1.1
- Kotlin upgrade
- Plugin versions upgrade
- Images for Dockerized debugger
- Intellij 2022.1 support
- Change version scheme
- NPE on database tree
- Debug a routine from the database tree
- Prevent running debugger twice
- Manage quoted identifier and schema
- Experimental support of indirect debugging
- Sessions issues
- NULL handling with array and composite types
- User can control debug task
- Gracefully terminate session
- User can see variable in code
- Variable with long value are truncated
- Custom query on both running and debugging session
- Add SQL specific verbosity
- Fix call identification
- Fix breakpoint support for PROCEDURE
- Improved breakpoint management
- Timeout control
- Output verbosity
- Internal queries(to fix manually)
- Failure tests(for developer)
- Fix procedure detection on PG 14
- Better error handling
- Close owner connection when something has failed
- Plugin configuration: timeouts and output verbosity
- Fix procedure detection
- Many internal changes
- Ignore case when for function detection
- Avoid JSON transformation error
- Commands are within the PlExecutor
- Better verbosity
- Better use of coroutines
- Solve Prevent when extension is not avaible #12 (SQL issue)
- Progress on A routine with an enum in arg fails #13
- Fix compatibility with last DatabaseTool implementation
- Support for breakpoint
- Implements a Virtual File System to store debug files
- Refactor many parts for future test support
- Fix procedure identification on specific schema
- Gracefully handle debug connection
- Allow direct debug of a PL/pg function
- View variables
- Explore arrays and composite type