Improved handling of defaults for shape drawing
Simplified popup window construction. Clarified pyplot image panel and added simplistic pass-through matplotlib functionality
Added a widget for maintaining an image canvas detail popup
There are some minor simplifications for the ImagePanel and ImageCanvas objects
Modifying some mouse behavior and adding toolbar option for pyplot panel
Adding a messagebox which allows copying of text
Adding image canvas tools for coordinate inspection and measurement
- Allowing initialization parameters for image canvas tools
- Enable shift tool to simultaneously handle multiple geometries on the image canvas
- More effective handling of contents clearing in pyplot image panel
- Fixing bug in pyplot image panel for purging old data
- Update pyplot image panel to also accommodate pcolormesh usage
Incorporate changes to remap functions in sarpy 1.2.24
Minor bug fixes and dropping stated Python 2.7 support
- Architecture changes to make tool handling more stable, clear, and extensible
- ImageReader renamed to CanvasImageReader for greater clarity and confusion avoidance
Using Spinbox from tkinter versus ttk, for Python 3.6 compatibility
Bug fix for logger widget and fix to package requirements
Adding a object for handling logging to a Text Widget
Significant refactoring of most functionality for ease and clarity
- Clarification of implementations for image reader class structure
- Clarification of a implementations for a variety of classes
- Updates to ImagePanel fundamentals and some geotiff reading examples
Canvas bug fixes and extension of features
Fixed radiobutton bug
Updates to vector drawing and dragging limits within an image
Updates to initializing panels.