- make path entry editable
- add option to open file location in context menu
- change opam dependency from tls to tls-lwt to ensure compilation with tls
- add hyperlinks in help text
- fix error handling for unfound search queries
- Remove tag column from metadata search
- bug fix: existing metadata was overwritten when metadata was searched
- add ability to search for and copy BibTex from DOI
- add field for notes to each entry (upgrade database from 3.0 to 3.1)
- bug fix: year was not properly saved after retrieving metadata
- add menu for relaxed or compact view
- updated help formatting
- fix bug preventing moving and deleting of multiple entries
- loading speed of large libraries is now linear in number of duplicates
- add error dialog when trying to open missing file
- renamed libraries are now saved on exit
- add tooltip message to list locations of duplicates
- tabs can now be reordered
- remapping missing entries now attempts to merge
- major refactoring of JSON database (upgrade database from 2.1 to 3.0)
- library configuration is now stored in
if the former does not exist) instead of$HOME/.doculib
- library metadata is now stored relative to each library in
- searching for moved/renamed/duplicate files is now
$O(n)$ instead of$O(n^2)$ , and search will span across all libraries - add "copy file name" and "copy file path" to the context menu options
- add option to remove library without removing metadata
- highlight or mark duplicate and missing entries
- can only migrate metadata from v1.2.1. Upgrade to v1.2.1 before upgrading to this version
- icon is now encoded in source (no longer needs to be installed)
- reorganized new library dialog
- add about dialog
- add help dialog
- remove edit-entry dialog
- selected files can be dragged and dropped between libraries
- allow renaming libraries
- cell sizes should now properly render on MacOS
- add md5 hash to each file (upgrade database from 2.0 to 2.1)
- detect file moving/renaming within the same library
- files are no longer individually imported -> all files in library root path are automatically added to library
- add library manager to add and remove libraries
- add error dialog + better error handling
- add option to open DOI in context menu
- migrate database from Irmin to Json (upgrade database to 2.0)