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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 2, 2018. It is now read-only.
Nhatz HK edited this page Jul 23, 2017 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the randi wiki!

What is randi?

randi (yes, lowercase r pls) is a Discord bot which posts xkcd comics.

How does randi work?

randi uses bleeding edge technology to create an index of the currently published xkcd comics. This index is then searched upon users' requests.

The whole application is formed of three parts:

  • Client: Connects to discord and interact with users. The two other parts make sure this one works smoothly.
  • Transcript(or): Parses html pages from to retrieve the transcript, the alt text, the title and the image link for each comic.
  • Index(or): Generate an index based on the data retrieved by the transcriptor.

How to

Server owner/admin

Adding randi to your server is no different from adding any other bot to a server. Although you're free to give randi any permissions you want, we recommend these ones:

Required Recommended
Read Messages Manage Messages
Send Messages Add Reactions
Embed Links Use External Emojis
Attach Files
Read Message History

The bot's ID is 324222273282375680 or for lazy people follow this link directly.

Can the bot be used to spam your server? Yes. Is it my fault? No. Who's fault is it then? Yours.

Discord User

Use the <prefix>help command in any channel where the bot is authorized to talk. It will answer with an help message explaining the commands available and their usage.

It is important to report any bug and/or improvement to the development server by using the report command.

It is also important to realise that randi is not DuckDuckGo or any other modern search engine. The results are based purely on how often eah word of our query appear in each comic.

Bot Devs

randi is Open Source. You can clone it, fork it, copy it and of course se it freely and in any way you want that doesn't infringe the license.

You can contribute to randi by taking one of the current issues and solving it or creating an issue yourself. You can also join the development server. You can help. It does not matter if you know programming or not. You can help. Visit the issue list, the project list and the milestine list to find out where the bot's development is headed.

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