Raycast detection is a very important function and is often used to judge various situations. The essence is to make a intersection judgment between a ray and another shape, as shown in the figure below.
The ray
is under the geometry
namespace of the cc
module, so in order to access to ray
, we need to import geometry
import { geometry } from 'cc';
The ray
is composed of start point and direction. There are the following common methods to construct a ray:
Via start point + direction, such as
constructor or static interfacecreate
:import { geometry } from 'cc'; const { ray } = geometry; // Construct a ray starting from (0, -1, 0) and pointing to the Y axis // The first three parameters are the starting point, the last three parameters are the direction const outRay = new ray(0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0); // Or through the static method create const outRay2 = ray.create(0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0);
Via start point + another point on the ray, for example the static interface
in theray
:import { geometry, Vec3 } from 'cc'; // Construct a ray starting from the origin and pointing to the Z axis const outRay = new geometry.ray(); geometry.ray.fromPoints(outRay, Vec3.ZERO, Vec3.UNIT_Z);
Use the camera to construct a ray emitted from the origin of the camera to a point on the screen (or the near plane of the camera):
import { geometry, Camera } from 'cc'; const { ray } = geometry; // It is assumed here that there is already a reference to cameraCom const cameraCom: Camera; const cameraCom: Camera; // Get a ray emitted by the screen coordinates (0, 0) const outRay = new ray(); cameraCom.screenPointToRay(0, 0, outRay);
- You need to get a reference to a camera component or camera instance.
- The order of the interface parameters exposed by both the camera component and the camera instance is not the same.
Cocos Creator provides a set of ray detection functions. However, it should be noted that the detected object is a physics collider, and the corresponding collider component on the inspector panel, such as BoxCollider
Currently, the interface is provided by PhysicsSystem, which has the following two categories:
: Detect all colliders and return a Boolean value to indicate whether the detection was successful.raycastClosest
: Detect all colliders and return Boolean value as well.
Parameter description:
: Rays in world spacemask
: Mask for filtering, you can pass in the packets to be detectedmaxDistance
: Maximum detection distance, please do not pass Infinity or Number.MAX_VALUEqueryTrigger
: Whether to detect triggers
To get the detection results of the above interfaces, you need to use the following methods separately:
- Gets the detection result of
- Gets the detection result of
Note: the returned object is read-only and reused, and the corresponding result will be updated after each call to the detection interface.
The information is stored by PhysicsRayResult
, which mainly has the following information:
: Collider that is hitdistance
: The distance between the hit point and the starting point of the rayhitPoint
: Hit point (in world coordinate system)hitNormal
: The normal of the hit point's face (in the world coordinate system)
Related test cases can be found in the GitHub repo.