Usage: {"action": "@@value@@"}
Value Name | Description |
guilds | Number of guilds in the bot |
users | Number of users in the voice channel. |
players | Number of players playing. |
nodes | Number of nodes are connected. |
Action Name | Description |
play | Playing status. |
listen | Listening status. |
watch | Watching status. |
stream | Streaming status. |
Change the value of activity
in settings.json
- Example 1
{"listen": "/help"}
- Example 2
{"watch": "@@players@@ players"}
- Example 3 (Multiple activities)
{"listen": "/help"},
{"watch": "@@players@@ players"}
Usage: @@value@@
Value Name | Description |
channel_name | The name of the channel the bot is playing on. |
track_name | The name of the track currently playing. |
track_url | The url of the track currently playing. |
track_author | The name of the author of the track currently playing. |
track_duration | The length of the track currently playing. |
track_thumbnail | The thumbnail of the track currently playing. |
track_color | The color associated with the source of the currently playing track. For example, YouTube tracks are indicated in red. This color can be customized in the settings.json file |
requester | The mention name of the requester of the currently playing track. |
requester_name | The name of the requester of the currently playing track. |
requester_avatar | The avatar url of the requester of the currently playing track. |
queue_length | Number of queue lengths |
volume | Music volume. |
dj | DJ role. (It can be a user or role) |
loop_mode | Current repeat mode. |
default_embed_color | Default embed color. (color_code in settings.json) |
bot_icon | The avatar of the bot. |
server_invite_link | The invite url of the support server |
invite_link | The invite url of the bot. |
Change the value of default_controller
in settings.json
- Example 1
"default_controller": {
"embeds": {
"active": {
"description": "**Now Playing: ```[@@track_name@@]```\nLink: [Click Me](@@track_url@@) | Requester: @@requester@@ | DJ: @@dj@@**",
"footer": {
"text": "Queue Length: @@queue_length@@ | Duration: @@track_duration@@ | Volume: @@volume@@% {{loop_mode != 'Off' ?? | Repeat: @@loop_mode@@}}"
"image": "@@track_thumbnail@@",
"author": {
"name": "Music Controller | @@channel_name@@",
"icon_url": "@@bot_icon@@"
"color": "@@track_color@@"
"inactive": {
"title": {
"name": "There are no songs playing right now"
"description": "[Support](@@server_invite_link@@) | [Invite](@@invite_link@@) | [Questionnaire](",
"image": "",
"color": "@@default_embed_color@@"
Usage: "button" or {"button": "color"}
Button Name | Description |
Back | Skips back to the previous song. |
Resume | Resume or pause the music. |
Skip | Skips to the next song. |
Stop | Disconnects the bot from your voice channel and chears the queue. |
Loop | Changes Loop mode. [Off, Track, Queue] |
Add | Add the playing track in to your default custom playlist. |
VolumeUp | Increase player volume by 20%. |
VolumeDown | Decrease player volume by 20%. |
VolumeMute | Mute or unmute the player. |
Autoplay | Enable or disable autoplay mode. |
Shuffle | Randomizes the tracks in the queue. |
Forward | Forward 30 seconds in the current track. |
Rewind | Rewind 30 seconds in the current track. |
Tracks | If there are tracks in the queue, a drop-down list will be appear. Up to 10 tracks. (This will take one row) |
Color Name | Description |
Grey | Color the button grey. |
Red | Color the button red. |
Blue | Color the button blue. |
Green | Color the button green. |
Change the value of default_buttons
in default_controller
- Example 1
"default_buttons": [
["back", "resume", "skip", {"stop": "red"}, "add"],
- Example 2
"default_buttons": [
["back", "resume", "skip", {"stop": "red"}, {"add": "green"}],
[{"loop": "green"}, {"volumeup": "blue"}, {"volumedown": "blue"}, {"volumemute": "red"}],
- Example 3
"default_buttons": [
["autoplay", "shuffle", {"loop": "green"}, "add"],
["back", "resume", "skip", {"stop": "red"}],
["volumeup", "volumedown", {"mute": "red"}]