IMPORTANT Note: this lab only covers the general steps to prepare our application for OpenShift. Actually deploying depends on the target cluster. One option is deploying to a local OpenShift instance called Minishift, check the lab-xx-minishift on how to set-up minishift:
In this lab we're going to prepare our application to be deployed on OpenShift. To do so we're going to rely on these OpenShift concepts:
- Deployment
- Service
- Route
We're going to provide definitions of these objects in one yaml file, add this to our application root, alongside pom.xml:
Provide a Deployment definition, here's a simple starting template:
kind: Deployment
name: shopping-list-deployment
version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
replicas: 1
name: shopping-list
component: shopping-list
- name: shopping-list
image: shopping-list:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- containerPort: 8080
- containerPort: 8443
# SIGTERM triggers a quick exit; gracefully terminate instead
command: ["kill", "-SIGINT", "`pidof java`"]
Add appropriate extra configuration for:
- Readiness and Liveness probes, use the appropriate Spring Boot actuator endpoint
- Add sensible resource requests and limits
- Use environment variables to enable our "hsqldb" Spring profile (hint: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE)
In the same yml, provide an appropriate Service definition of type LoadBalancer that will map port 80 requests to port 8080 and port 443 to 8443.
In the same yml, provide an appropriate Route definition that will route to the Service above and enables tls passthrough termination.
Do a Docker build of your application and upload this image to the OpenShift docker registry
Apply our shopping-list-template.yml in the OpenShift environment, verify a few endpoints to asses everything is working as expected.
Make sure to add, commit and push all your files at least once at the end of every lab. After the lab has been completed completely please tag it with the appropriate lab number:
git tag -a lab07 -m "lab07"