Releases: niklasf/python-chess
Releases · niklasf/python-chess
python-chess v0.26.0
This is the first **release candidate for python-chess 1.0**. If you see the need for breaking changes, please speak up now! Changes: * `chess.engine` **is now stable and replaces** `chess.uci` **and** `chess.xboard`. * Advanced: `EngineProtocol.initialize()` is now public for use with custom transports. * Removed `__ne__` implementations (not required since Python 3). * Assorted documentation and coding-style improvements. New features: * Check insufficient material for a specific side: `board.has_insufficient_material(color)`. * Copy boards with limited stack depth: `board.copy(stack=depth)`. Bugfixes: * Properly handle delayed engine errors, for example unsupported options.
python-chess v0.25.1
Bugfixes: * `chess.engine` did not correctly handle Windows-style line endings. Thanks @Bstylestuff.
python-chess v0.25.0
New features: * This release introduces a new **experimental API for chess engine communication**, `chess.engine`, based on `asyncio`. It is intended to eventually replace `chess.uci` and `chess.xboard`. Bugfixes: * Fixed race condition in LRU-cache of open Syzygy tables. The LRU-cache is enabled by default (*max_fds*). * Fix deprecation warning and unclosed file in Thanks Mickaël Schoentgen. Changes: * `chess.pgn.read_game()` now ignores BOM at the start of the stream. * Removed deprecated items.
python-chess v0.24.2
Bugfixes: * `CrazyhouseBoard.root()` and `ThreeCheckBoard.root()` were not returning the correct pockets and number of remaining checks, respectively. Thanks @gbtami. * `chess.pgn.skip_game()` now correctly skips PGN comments that contain line-breaks and PGN header tag notation. Changes: * Renamed `chess.pgn.GameModelCreator` to `GameCreator`. Alias kept in place and will be removed in a future release. * Renamed `chess.engine` to `chess._engine`. Use re-exports from `chess.uci` or `chess.xboard`. * Renamed `Board.stack` to `Board._stack`. Do not use this directly. * Improved memory usage: `Board.legal_moves` and `Board.pseudo_legal_moves` no longer create reference cycles. PGN visitors can manage headers themselves. * Removed previously deprecated items. Features: * Added `chess.pgn.BaseVisitor.visit_board()` and `chess.pgn.BoardCreator`.
python-chess v0.24.1
Bugfixes: * Fix `chess.Board.set_epd()` and `chess.Board.from_epd()` with semicolon in string operand. Thanks @jdart1. * `chess.pgn.GameNode.uci()` was always raising an exception. Also included in v0.24.0.
python-chess v0.23.11
Bugfixes: * `chess.pgn.GameNode.uci()` was always raising an exception. * Fix `chess.Board.set_epd()` and `chess.Board.from_epd()` with semicolon in string operand. Thanks @jdart1.
python-chess v0.24.0
This release **drops support for Python 2**. The *0.23.x* branch will be maintained for one more month. Changes: * **Require Python 3.4.** Thanks @hugovk. * No longer using extra pip features: `pip install python-chess[engine,gaviota]` is now `pip install python-chess`. * Various keyword arguments can now be used as **keyword arguments only**. * `chess.pgn.GameNode.accept()` now **also visits the move leading to that node**. * `chess.pgn.GameModelCreator` now requires that `begin_game()` be called. * `chess.pgn.scan_headers()` and `chess.pgn.scan_offsets()` have been removed. Instead the new functions `chess.pgn.read_headers()` and `chess.pgn.skip_game()` can be used for a similar purpose. * `chess.syzygy`: Invalid magic headers now raise `IOError`. Previously they were only checked in an assertion. `type(board).{tbw_magic,tbz_magic,pawnless_tbw_magic,pawnless_tbz_magic}` are now byte literals. * `board.status()` constants (`STATUS_`) are now typed using `enum.IntFlag`. Values remain unchanged. * `chess.svg.Arrow` is no longer a `namedtuple`. * `chess.PIECE_SYMBOLS[0]` and `chess.PIECE_NAMES[0]` are now `None` instead of empty strings. * Performance optimizations: * `chess.pgn.Game.from_board()`, * `chess.square_name()` * Replace `collections.deque` with lists almost everywhere. * Renamed symbols (aliases will be removed in the next release): * `chess.BB_VOID` -> `BB_EMPTY` * `chess.bswap()` -> `flip_vertical()` * `chess.pgn.GameNode.main_line()` -> `mainline_moves()` * `chess.pgn.GameNode.is_main_line()` -> `is_mainline()` * `chess.variant.BB_HILL` -> `chess.BB_CENTER` * `chess.syzygy.open_tablebases()` -> `open_tablebase()` * `chess.syzygy.Tablebases` -> `Tablebase` * `chess.syzygy.Tablebase.open_directory()` -> `add_directory()` * `chess.gaviota.open_tablebases()` -> `open_tablebase()` * `chess.gaviota.open_tablebases_native()` -> `open_tablebase_native()` * `chess.gaviota.NativeTablebases` -> `NativeTablebase` * `chess.gaviota.PythonTablebases` -> `PythonTablebase` * `chess.gaviota.NativeTablebase.open_directory()` -> `add_directory()` * `chess.gaviota.PythonTablebase.open_directory()` -> `add_directory()` Bugfixes: * The PGN parser now gives the visitor a chance to handle unknown chess variants and continue parsing. * `chess.pgn.GameNode.uci()` was always raising an exception. New features: * `chess.SquareSet` now extends `` and can be initialized from iterables. * `board.apply_transform(f)` and `board.transform(f)` can apply bitboard transformations to a position. Examples: `chess.flip_{vertical,horizontal,diagonal,anti_diagonal}`. * `chess.pgn.GameNode.mainline()` iterates over nodes of the mainline. Can also be used with `reversed()`. Reversal is now also supported for `chess.pgn.GameNode.mainline_moves()`. * `chess.svg.Arrow(tail, head, color="#888")` gained an optional *color* argument. * `chess.pgn.BaseVisitor.parse_san(board, san)` is used by parsers and can be overwritten to deal with non-standard input formats. * `chess.pgn`: Visitors can advise the parser to skip games or variations by returning the special value `chess.pgn.SKIP` from `begin_game()`, `end_headers()` or `begin_variation()`. This is only a hint. The corresponding `end_game()` or `end_variation()` will still be called. * Added `chess.svg.MARGIN`.
python-chess v0.23.10
Bugfixes: * `chess.SquareSet` now correctly handles negative masks. Thanks @hasnul. * `chess.pgn` now accepts `[Variant "chess 960"]` (with the space).
python-chess v0.23.9
Changes: * Updated `Board.is_fivefold_repetition()`. FIDE rules have changed and the repetition no longer needs to occur on consecutive alternating moves. Thanks @LegionMammal978.
python-chess v0.23.8
Bugfixes: * `chess.syzygy`: Correctly initialize wide DTZ map for experimental 7 piece table KRBBPvKQ.