Security Fixes
- Added check if defined 'IN_GS' to all php files. This prevents files being loaded directly, rather they need to be called from within GS.
Code Changes:
- Updated MagpieRSS from 0.7a to 0.72
- MagpieRSS will now use the GS cache instead of trying to create its own. This would fail because of permissions in the plugin dir.
- Fixed a typo and a missing string in en_US language file.
- Added Italian (it_IT) language file, thanks to Nicola Laviola (nikyni)
Back End (Admin) UI Improvements:
- WARN, ERROR, INFO, OK messages will now display properly using the default GS message system.
Back End (Admin) UI Improvements:
- Split 'Blog Settings' page into 4 sections : Main, Customisation, Advertisement, Social.
- Moved 'Create Post' link from side-bar to 'Manage Posts' page.
- Moved 'Custom Fields' link from side-bar to 'Manage Posts' page.
- Renamed 'RSS Feeds' to 'RSS Auto-Importer'.
- Added 'Settings' button to 'RSS Auto-Importer' page.
- 'RSS Auto-Importer' related settings are now on their own page.
- HTML Layouts changed to match the GS Admin default layout.
- Plugin is now compatible with the awesome 'Modern Admin' backend theme. Seriously, try it!
- Added setting to RSS Auto-Importer to choose between getting content if available or description with link back to original article.
- Added setting to Settings page to show/hide Post Author.
- Added setting to Settings page for Default Post Author if none is defined. Enter 'hidden' to hide if not defined.
- Added setting to Settings page to show/hide Category.
Front End UI Improvements:
- Added ability to show Author's name. A default will be shown / or hidden if author not defined. These can be setup in settings.
- Added ability to show the category the post has been saved in. Hidden if not defined.
Code Changes:
- VersionCheck now gets it's "What's New" messages encoded and will decode them for display.
- Download link updated in VersionCheck.
- adminController.php has been merged into adminFunctions.php
- displayPosts.php merged into frontEndFunctions.php
- pageTitle.php merged into frontEndFunctions.php
- Original 'Settings' button idea ditched along with settingsButton.php
- Fixed yet another URL problem in ckeditor.php
- Added new strings for 'Settings' and Sidebar buttons to en_US language file. Really need some translators here, please help?
- RSS Auto-Importer now has the ability to search for a content:encoded tag in rss files, and if it exists, will fill the post with that rather than the description.
- Fixed date localization on Windows based systems.
Back End (Admin) UI Improvements:
- VersionCheck updated to include the ability to show What's New information on update page.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed constant 'BLOGFILE' not defined when calling rss.php.
- Added better handling of having no posts on systems where glob() returns 'false'.
- Fixed cache generation : Cache will not generate if there are no posts.
- Fixed 'Delete RSS Feed' link in admin panel.
- Update MagpieRSS to use explode() instead of the depreciated split().
- Fixed stupid syntax mistakes. I really shouldn't code whilst tired...
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a URL in manage_custom_feilds.php
- Fixed 2 URLs in the Primary Class File blog.php
- String 'Directory Successfully Created' changed to 'File Successfully Created' for categories XML file in EN_us language file.
Back End (Admin) UI Improvements:
- Updated VersionCheck system to use PHP's version_compare() function instead of a simple < or >.
- Added strings to EN_us language file for VersionCheck's admin page status table.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing semi-colon in gs-blog.php causing a syntax error.
- Fixed missing forward-slash for the variable BLOGPLUGINFOLDER in common.php that caused issues with missing include files and a file copy failure on initial setup.
- Fixed URLs for buttons and links across the admin area.
Back End (Admin) UI Improvements:
- Added Version Checking system
- Created Function
- Function moved to external include file.
- Added strings to en_US language file. Further translations required.
- Added link to version string on admin panel. Points to new Update page.
- Added Update Check page to admin panel under settings.
- Added slug transliteration support - Thanks to Carlos for spotting that I'd missed that while scouring the forums for bugs.
Bug Fixes / Code Cleanup:
- Core plugin file now somewhat smaller and easier to read.
- Moved Admin Controller function(s) to external include file. Code still needs cleaning.
- Moved Front End Controller function(s) to external include file. Code still needs cleaning.
- Page Title fix function moved to external include file.
- Require_once paths now reference '$thisfile' to make future updating easier.
- Fixed some spelling errors in en_US language file.
Front End UI Improvements:
- Page Title is now changed to either the Post's Title, Category Name, or Archive Date
- $post->title now only shows on the listing page, not on the individual posts page. This prevents double titles with the above UI fix.
- When show_blog_categories() is called and no categories exist, a message is displayed saying "No Categories Exist!"
- When show_blog_archives() is called and the archive contains no posts, a message is displayed saying "Nothing in the Archives!"
Back End (Admin) UI Improvements:
- The blog now has its on tab in the Admin area, which also includes its own sidebar links for each area of configuration.
- Each admin page now has it's own title and description at the top of the page and will also show the version of the plugin you are running.
Bug Fixes (Front and Back End):
- Clicking on Cancel in the post editor will now take you back to the Posts Management page. Previously it would take you to a different plugin, or throw an error if that plugin wasn''t installed.
- Fixed Read More links on post excerpts. Previously the link was empty.
- Fixed default values not showing in custom fields when creating or editing a post.
- Removed
- tags from Archive functions to bring it in line with the rest of the plugin and the standard list format used in GetSimple. You now need to provide your own
- Fixed improperly closed tags on Help admin page.
- Fixed error "Trying to get property of non-object in frontEndFunctions.php on line 671".
- tags and apply attributes as needed.