How to get the data is explained here
spark-submit ETL/final/dly-transformation/ ghcnd-stations.txt CA1AB000001.dly
Our ETL scripts can be found here.
- US-WEST-2 (Oregon)
- Software configuration
- Release: emr-6.9.0
- Application: Spark
- Hardware configuration
- Instance type: c7g.xlarge
- Number of instances:
- 1 main node
- 2 worker nodes
- Spark config
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false --conf spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts=1 --num-executors=12 --executor-cores=1 --executor-memory=600M
- Location of script
- Arguments
- Example
spark-submit --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false --conf spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts=1 --num-executors=12 --executor-cores=1 --executor-memory=600M s3://kpd3-datastorm-cmpt732/ s3://kpd3-datastorm-cmpt732/ s3://kpd3-datastorm-cmpt732/data_after_ETL-nopartitioning/
# input contains ghcnd-stations.txt and weather data (for example for a year only the file 2020.csv.gz)
spark-submit ETL/final/partitioning/ input/ output/
- Go to Amazon Athena
- Select the Query Editor
- Data source: AwsDataCatalog
- Database: datastorm
select distinct(observation) from observations;
Our queries can be found here. We used Athena with Quicksight's Query Editor.
- Go to QuickSight
- Go to Shared Folders (menu on the left side)
- Go to datastorm
- There are three icons:
- Analyses (blue) and Dashboards (green)
- our final results, stated here
- Data sources (Athena's icon, orange)
- Queries can be accessed by clicking on...
- datasource > Edit Dataset > Clicking on data (and an dropdown arrow) > Edit SQL Query
- ... Quicksights Query Editor opens
- Analyses (blue) and Dashboards (green)
See Algorithmic Work
- Train model
# output=path to an older dataset. for example from the previous transformation with an additional filter for the time range
# prediction-model = path for the model's output
spark-submit output/ prediction-model
- Test model
# output = newer dataset. for example from the previous transformation with an additional filter on the past year
# PRCP = example for an specific observation
# prediction-model = name of the trained model output
# results=path for storing the results
spark-submit output/ PRCP prediction-model results/