Please indicate the proposed topic/analysis/product, as well as the technologies you intend to use. We will provide some feedback on your proposed project. Link to coursys
- temperature by ground cover
- cloudiness by ground cover, temperature
- wind by temperature, ground cover
- tornadoes by wind, temperature, ground cover (...)
- soil
- Forests are cooler than cities
- Number of bush fires has increased because of a higher temperature during summer
- Number of blizzards has increased because of a lower temperature during winter
- There is more extreme weather than before
- Extreme weather cases: does more snow in winter correlate to more dust in summer?
- Does the Ground cover change over the years? And what impact has the ground on the weather?
- How is the cloudiness or wind impacted on climate change?
- Under which conditions do tornadoes occur more frequently? (future: first step before prediction? alerting?)
- Agriculture: Effect of disasters on Agriculture
- Citizens
- Data Processing: Spark?
- UI and Visualization: TODO
- 1 new technologies: TODO (maybe the one )
- Getting the data: Acquiring/gathering/downloading.
- Work on defining problem itself and motivation for the analysis.
- ELEMENTS=Temperature, Snowfall, Wind, Rain, Cloudiness, Fog
- Trend of ELEMENTS over time
- Relate them to extrem weather cases/ disasters
- Impact on soil
- Effect of surface on the ELEMENTS
- Divide the data by regions (tropics vs. northern countries)
- Which country is more affected by ELEMENTS compared to others
- Algorithmic work: Work on the algorithms including integrating data mining and machine learning techniques.
- Data analysis and evaluation
- Data visualization
- Bigness/parallelization
- ETL: Extract-Transform-Load work and cleaning the data set.
- Spark
- Bigness/parallelization: Efficiency of the analysis on a cluster, and scalability to larger data sets.
- UI: User interface to the results, possibly including web or data exploration frontends
- TODO ask Greg/ George
- Visualization: Visualization of analysis results
- TODO ask Greg/ George
- Technologies: New technologies learned as part of doing the project.
- TODO ask Greg/ George
- Members: Karishma, Crystal, Jeanne
- Division of work
- Out of the 6 elements (mentioned in our Project Statement), each one of us would analyze 2
- Version Control System: GitLab