Support for Linux, macOS (experimental) and 32 bit Windows
Improved UI and user experience
Added adaptive tabs
Added Discord's dark and light themes
Added database information on the main page
Added adjustable database refresh (12 hours~1 week)
Added adjustable interface scale (50%~200%)
Added a menu for recently used descriptions (game specific) and games
Added a visibility toggle for NNID/FC
Added custom party size
Added option for auto connection on start
Added option for removing temporary data and reseting settings
Added option to always display NNID/FC as an icon
Added option to change region only for specific games
Added option to rename any game
Added an option for generating debug logs to help with troubleshooting
Accounts can now be switched while the app is running
Connections can be manually re-established if necessary
The activity status can now be modified while set to invisible
Descriptions are now automatically clamped to 128 characters (Discord's limit)
Moved the status visibility toggle from the settings menu to the right side of the status button
The "More about this game" button now uses Google by default
The window size is now adjustable to any size
New updates will now display the changelog within the app
New logo and icons
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