Step by step tutorial to install and configure a multiroom audio setup. Based on mpd, snapcast and icecast to support ALSA sources. Play your local music files and internet radio stations synchronously to all rooms. Or from any bluetooth audio source (including your mobile). Or even your vinyl records.
- Use standard software and hardware components as far as possible
- Rely on existing IP-Network (LAN, WLAN, even VPN) and DNS.
- Have only one pair of speakers per room and make them universally usable (i.e. as bluetooth audio sink).
- Integrate the HiFi-Amp as sound sink and sound source, so that I can stream my vinyl records synchronously to all rooms.
- Maximise sound quality: No conversion of the audio signal in any way (resampling, lossy codecs, ...)
- Maximise digital sovereignty: No need to integrate streaming services that make it almost impossible to downlad a text version of my own playlists (hi spotify). If you really need it: Use the app on your mobile or desktop and connect via bluetooth.
System engineering is like playing LEGO: You take some components (lego bricks) with well defined inputs and outputs (studs and their counterparts) and stick them together to build something new, for example a house.
This tutorial shows how to create some basic audio bricks and proposes my way of sticking them together to build a multiroom audio system. Your mileage may vary, you may take my bricks as is and stick them together in a different way. You can change some bricks or even create new bricks to build the system that matches your needs.
The following bricks will be used to build the multiroom audio solution. Every brick has at least one audio input and at least one audio output. While I try not to convert the digital audio format itself, it will be wrapped into different container formats, depending on the needs of the components. The most important feature to categorize the interfaces is whether they can be used over the network or locally on one machine only: If a connection is by network, you can transport the audio signal via TCP/IP.
These are the bricks I use:
- ADC: analog digital converter, part of a physical sound card
- Input: analog: an analog signal e.g. music fed via an audio cable to the input connectors of the soundcard
- Output: ALSA source a sequence of samples that can be read (recorded) from the soundcard using ALSA.
- bluealsa: receives (together with bluetooth hardware and bluetoothd) an A2DP audio stream and presents it on a virtual ALSA soundcard
- Input: bluetooth A2DP audio stream
- Output: ALSA source (as above)
- iceS or ffmpeg: while iceS is dedicated to act as an icecast source, ffmpeg could do much more, but we don't care here.
- Input: ALSA source reads (or records) an audio sample stream
- Output: The sample stream is wrapped into an icecast HTTP-Stream to be fed to an icecast server.
- icecast server
- Input: can read from multiple iceS, each creating its own output stream.
- Output: each http audio stream can be consumed by one or more clients. However, even if multiple clients consume the same stream, they will not output it synchronously.
- MPD: can play one audio source at a time, but can easily switch (using one of the many mpd clients available) from one source to another
- Input: different http audio streams
- Input: Audio Files in different formats
- Output: named pipe
- snapserver: An audio server that ensures that all (networked) clients play their audio synchronously
- Input: named pipe
- Output: snapcast stream
- snapclient: An audio client connecting to a snapserver
- Input: snapcast stream
- Output: ALSA sink
- DAC: digital analog converter, part of a physical sound card:
- Input: ALSA sink: reads a sequence of samples fed (played) into the soundcard with ALSA.
- Output: analog: the analog signal on the output connectors of your soundcard.
Note that there is no JACK or PulseAudio part of the game.
In addition, I use some clients to control my system:
- I use MPDroid to control
from my Android phone. - I use Snapcast to control the volume in alle rooms from my Android phone.
- on my Linux-Desktop, I use argos. Argos makes writing of GNOME Shell extensions an easy task, all you have to do is create some output on
which creates menu entries and actions. I wrote the followingbash
scripts (to be found in theargos
subdirectory), they are far from being perfect, but good enough for the
to connect to known bluetooth A2DP sinks (like my raspis). The initial pairing has to be done by other means than this script, but once you are paired, it will first remove the device from the known list, scan again for it and wait until it is found and then automatically pair and connect. Two remarks: 1) The removal / repairing was not needed when I started my project in 2019, but became necessary later on. I am not sure if this is due to the upgrades of the Raspberries or the Ubuntu desktop, but I could not reliably connect in the past months without this step. 2) There is currently no way to abort the connection attempt, I'll probably add this later.
to control mpd (you need to configure your mpd hostname/ip in order to use this script)snap
to control the snapserver (i.e. the individual volume controls). This is quite an ugly hack and more a proof of concept than a really usable Shell extension.
Kudos go to
- badaix for creating snapcast and an Android App that I install on old mobiles to be used as universal remote controls.
- Arkq for creating bluealsa.
- mill1000 for creating a2dp-agent. Unfortunately, this is a just a gist, so I had to "steal" the file to make changes to it - I wanted to add the option to feed bluetooth input to icecast. The comment section is quite interesting, you even find a python3 version there.
Every (?) soundcard has one global clock for the sampling rate (maybe for the sample size too). This seems to be well known, but ist not well documented: You cannot record at 48000/16/2 from the soundcard while playing something else at 44100/16/2. I spent some hours with unclear error messages, erratic behaviour (sometimes a command worked, sometimes not) until I discovered this basic limitation.
Do not install mpd/snapserver on a VM. You will have dropouts. If anyone knows how to set priorities (on the KVM host and/or in the VM itself) so that the dropouts stop, I would be very happy to learn it. So install them on dedicated HW (like the Raspberry Pi).
- Raspberry Pi (I use a Zero W Rev 1.1, two 3 B+ Rev 1.3 and a 4 B Rev 1.1)
- HifiBerry with line level in and out: dac+ adc
- HifiBerry with integrated amp and speaker connectors:
- Hifi-amplifier with a separate Rec selector: In order to stream an analog source (connected to your amp) synchronously to all rooms (including the room with the analog source), you need to be able to send the music e.g. from your turntable to the "REC OUT" connectors while having e.g. the tuner on your speakers.
- Super-Simple-Raspberry-Pi-Audio-Receiver-Install: much more automated install, but discontinued.
- HydraPlay: Even more generic than my proposal, but uses mopidity (and has an instance on every device)
- Just containers around snapserver/snapclient.
- snapcast-autoconfig: A solution that automatically reconfigures snapclients. Groups multiple rooms (snapclients) together to a "stream" and helps to play different music to different rooms. Might be interesting for later inclusion.
- frafall/multiroom: Full media center and multiroom, Kodi integration etc. Bloated for my use case.
- Wireless Multi-Room Audio System For Home: Uses mopidy (vs mpd) and PulseAudio (vs ALSA).
So it looks like I have reinvented the wheel - but only partially. None of the solutions above integrate bluetooth and analog sources. And I learned a lot!
During my journey, I found out that playing around with audio can be tricky. If only one of the many volume controls between source and sink is at zero, you can't hear anything and you don't know whether it actually works. Therefore, the following is a bottom up tutorial, i.e. you start with the simplest configuration, test it (can you hear something?) and continue to the next step only if everything is ok.
Install Raspbian (based on Debian buster). Be sure to set the keyboard mapping correct, as the default password contains a y!
Disable the internal soundcard and enable the correct soundcard in
Connect the raspi to the network (LAN or WLAN): Static IP, create a DNS entry in your local DNS server. Choose the hostname wisely, you will use it to connect to your raspi with the mpd controller, the snapcast controller and clients, bluetooth clients etc. The name is transparent to the end users. I called my boxes by the room they are in (like bathroom) or after the speakers they play sound to (like infinity).
Connect the audio inputs/outputs and/or the speakers.
Configure the default audio format for the ALSA
devices in/etc/asound.conf
. You can decide to use other sampling rates / sample sizes.Warning: In this tutorial, I always work with the same explicit audio format everywhere, so you will have to adjust almost every command line in this tutorial. I have ripped my 1000+ CDs to FLAC, so most of my audio material is 44100/16/2.
defaults.pcm.dmix.rate 44100 defaults.pcm.dmix.format S16_LE defaults.pcm.dsnoop.rate 44100 defaults.pcm.dsnoop.format S16_LE
in a terminal window. -
aplay -L
in another terminal window. The output might be something likenull Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture) default:CARD=sndrpihifiberry snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadc, Default Audio Device sysdefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadc, Default Audio Device dmix:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadc, Direct sample mixing device dsnoop:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadc, Direct sample snooping device hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadc, Direct hardware device without any conversions plughw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadc, Hardware device with all software conversions
Unfortunately, the output shows both sources and sinks, and some sinks can also be used as sources. I'm just too stupid to understand ALSA.
Now you need a
file with the correct sampling rate:# file the_girl_tried_to_kill_me.wav the_girl_tried_to_kill_me.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 44100 Hz
Play it with
aplay -D dmix:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 the_girl_tried_to_kill_me.wav
If you can't hear anything, play with the
settings until you hear something. If this does not help, you have another issue that you need to fix. It does not make any sense to go further until this works.
Open the
again, but switch to the Capture Settings using theF4
key. -
Connect an audio source to the analog input (3.5mm stereo jack on DAC+ADC). This can be a mobile with a headphone jack (pump up the volume on the mobile to 100% !), or the REC outputs of your amp.
It's time now to check out the input gain jumpers on the DAC+ADC. I left them in the default position (+0dB), but you have the option to add a 12dB or even 32dB gain with the jumpers. Be aware: It's digital audio processing, there is an absolute peak value: if you are amplifying too much, you will have distortion. You should get as near as possible to 100% (maximize signal/noise ratio), but never reach it!
Find out the correct source with
arecord -L
(output similar - or identical ? - to above) -
You can test whether you receive any sound by using the
VU meter (the last line on stdout should show some movement)arecord -f cd -D dsnoop:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 -vv -V stereo /dev/null
You can also loop the input directly to the output (which is confirmed to work due to the previous step):
arecord -f cd -D dsnoop:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 | aplay -D dmix:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0
You should hear now on your speakers what you are feeding to the analog input. This is the moment to optimize all mixer settings (being it ALSA or on your sound setup). In general, all volume controls should be at 100% except the very last one controlling the final sink. This ensures maximum signal/noise ratio.
The snapcast server needs to run on the same machine as mpd, as the music is sent to snapcast using a named pipe in /tmp/
. In my case this is the infinity raspi. As I want to use the alsa output too, I need both client and server on this raspi. On all others, you just need the client (Hint: The packaging for debian and for raspbian differs in the naming of the user, I describe the raspbian way here).
apt-get install snapserver snapclient
SNAPSERVER_OPTS="-s pipe:///tmp/snapfifo?name=mpd&sampleformat=44100:16:2&codec=flac --buffer=40"
If you have dropouts, increase the buffer value (which causes the the latency from audio input to output to increase)
The default output device for snapclient is the alsa default device, which happens (unfortunately) to be the hw
device. As said before, you should use dmix
whenever possible. Therefore we need first to find out by what number the dmix
is known to snapclient:
snapclient -l
3: dmix:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0
snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadc, HiFiBerry DAC+ADC HiFi multicodec-0
Direct sample mixing device
The config file /etc/default/snapclient
is therefore
SNAPCLIENT_OPTS="--user _snapclient:audio -h -s 3 --hostID infinityID"
Without hostID
snapclient will use the MAC-adress of is helpful to identify all snapclients properly.
If you have mpd
already running, stop it.
systemctl stop mpd
systemctl start snapserver
systemctl start snapclient
Verify that both snapserver and snapclient are running (e.g. with ps -ef | grep snap | grep -v grep
If you still don't have a /tmp/snapfifo
yet, create it so that it looks like this
prw-rw-rw- 1 _snapserver _snapserver 0 Feb 3 23:17 /tmp/snapfifo
Now try to feed the same .wav
file as above to the snapserver input:
sox the_girl_tried_to_kill_me.wav -t raw - > /tmp/snapfifo
You should now hear the song on your speakers as above (with some delay added).
apt-get install mpd
Add to the config the following block (you might want to change a lot of other things, but this is key to send the mpd output to the snapserver:
audio_output {
type "fifo"
name "my pipe"
path "/tmp/snapfifo"
format "44100:16:2"
mixer_type "software"
According to christf, it might be preferrable to use the mpd pipe
output instead of the fifo
output. I did not test it, fifo
works for me without issues.
The easiest way to test mpd is to connect to it with a client (I use mpc
on the command line/in scripts, sonata
in Gnome) and feed an internet radio station to it. To connect to mpd, you need to know the hostname (infinity in my case) and the port (default 6600).
In order to enqueue a radio station and play it, use (on the raspi with mpd
mpc -h localhost add
mpc -h localhost play
If you can hear sound now, you have verified that the communication from mpd to snapserver to snapclient to alsa works :-) If not, you need to debug!
As I discovered only very late during my experiments, mpd can actually read from an alsa source directly. We configure the source in the config file:
input {
plugin "alsa"
default_format "44100:16:2"
auto_resample "no"
auto_channels "no"
auto_format "no"
If you connect again something to the raspi input connector and have verified with arecord
that the soundcard actually receives audible sound, then enque the following to the mpd playlist
mpc -h localhost add alsa://dsnoop:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0
When you play this "song", mpd
will put the sound from the alsa input into the snapfifo and you can hear (in all rooms) what is currently fed to the local ALSA source). This shortcut works only on the raspi where mpd is running, to feed analog (or bluetooth) audio from remote raspis, we use icecast
. Read on.
If you have a music collection on your NAS it is time to mount the music collection from there onto /var/lib/mpd/music
and have mpd index the files:
mpc -h localhost update
Depending on the size of your collection, the network and NAS speed, this can take a while. Watch tail -f /var/log/mpd/mpd.log
for completion.
Icecast has been designed to create an internet radio station. We will use icecast on every raspi that needs to feed at least one input (analog or bluetooth) over the network to the central mpd. Other solutions solve this problem by installing mpd on every raspi (i.e. there is not one "central" mpd). This is a very symmetric and therefore beautiful solution, but I am not sure if this setup would work for bluetooth sources too.
In order to stream music over icecast, you need an icecast server and one or more so called iceS (ICEcast Source). Every iceS can create an independent stream in the icecast server.
apt-get install icecast2
The config file is /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml
. The ices need to authenticate against the icecast server with the user source
, so you need to adjust its password (please choose your own with pwgen 12 1
Not needed for the moment, but I suggest to set the relay- and admin- Passwords too. If - and only if - you are the only person that connects to the icecast Server, you can set them all to the same value.
Check the following setting, we will use it in the next section.
There are many programs that can be used as iceS, I started first with ices2
which is configured via xml files similar to the icecast server. I discovered ffmpeg
later and am working now with this only - it is much simpler for me to see all relevant parameters on the command line than set options dispersed in an xml file. In order to play an audio file to the icecast server, use
apt-get install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -re -loglevel warning \
-i the_girl_tried_to_kill_me.wav \
-f ogg -c:a flac \
-ar 44100 -ac 2 \
-ice_name "Ice Name" -ice_url http://infinity:8000/onewav.ogg \
-ice_description "WAV to icecast (flac) via ffmpeg" -content_type 'application/ogg' \
This command will create a new icecast stream for the duration of the song. So don't wait, fire up your browser and connect to
You should see the icecast server page and the stream created above. You must be able to listen to the stream in the browser: Either click the play button or enter the stream URL directly:
If you can hear the sound via browser, your icecast setup works.
Even if you don't do/need this, please read this short section. It helps to understand what we will do with bluetooth later.
The only thing we need is a process that feeds the analog input to the icecast server and creates a stream. This is the same oneliner as above, we just read the sound from alsa and not from a .wav
ffmpeg -nostats -loglevel warning \
-f alsa -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i dsnoop:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 \
-f ogg -c:a flac \
-ice_name "Analog Infinity FLAC" -ice_url http://infinity:8000/alsa.ogg \
-ice_description "ALSA to icecast (flac) via ffmpeg" -content_type 'application/ogg' \
Now feed some audio signal to the input port of the HifiBerry-Board (see above) and use the browser on your workstation to listen to stream (provided that you still have some speakers connected):
Even better, you can feed it as "song" on the playlist to mpd
mpc -h localhost add http://infinity:8000/alsa.ogg
This adds some delay, but should basically sound identical to the solution above where we enqueued the "song" that points directly to the ALSA dsnoop
device. However, when using dsnoop
, the analog audio source must be on the same physical box as mpd
. With icecast, you can read the analog input on one device and feed it over the network to mpd
running on a different device.
Now you are ready to stream your vinyl records to all rooms!
Ready for the boss fight? So let's go:
The goal is to convert the raspi into something that looks like a bluetooth audio sink (i.e. bluetooth speakers). However, there are some limitations that make the implementation much trickier than the analog input above:
- You cannot attach a program to a non-existing alsa device and just wait until it exists. If you try it, the program will exit immediately with
arecord: main:828: audio open error: No such file or directory
- A bluetooth device is identified by its (hopefully unique) bluetooth MAC address.
- While bluetoothd can move data from/to bluetooth, you still need a so called bluetooth agent to perform the necessary steps to automatically "pair" a bluetooth device.
- There are many different usages of bluetooth, for audio we use the bluetooth A2DP profile.
- The bluetooth standard requires the device manufacturers to implement A2DP with a 48000 sampling rate, the support of 44100 is optional. I decided to force 44100 and hope that all my bluetooth clients will be compatible. No issues so far.
Warning: this is not safe, but it's very handy: We will configure bluetoothd to make the device discoverable forever so that you can pair whenever you want. As we don't want to do any authentication, it is possible that a neighbour of you connects to your bluetooth device and you suddenly hear his music, his phone call, whatever. Now that you've read and understood the warning, we change /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
as follows:
DiscoverableTimeout = 0
First you need to manually enable that the device is discoverable
# bluetoothctl
# discoverable on
This creates /var/lib/bluetooth/BLUETOOTH-MAC/settings
and then restart bluetoothd
systemctl restart bluetooth
apt-get install bluealsa
As we want to use bluealsa for audio input only and force the sample rate to 44100, we change the bluealsa.service
file as follows:
systemctl edit bluealsa
And put the following into created the override file
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bluealsa --profile=a2dp-sink --a2dp-force-audio-cd
And restart bluealsa
systemctl restart bluealsa
As soon as bluealsa is properly running, you should see that the bluetooth controller has a new function:
bluetoothctl show
There is a new line saying.
UUID: Audio Sink (0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
You can verify this by stopping bluealsa and checking again. In addition, you can verify that bluealsa is properly running with alsamixer:
alsamixer -V capture -D bluealsa
You will see a warning that there are no controls. That's ok, they will appear later when we have connected a bluetooth device. But when alsamixer complains about not finding the device at all, there is something wrong with bluealsa.
In order to connect your mobile to the raspi over bluetooth, you need bluetoothctl
On your mobile, start playing any audio (I discovered that when you don't play any music, the bluetooth-connection dies after a few seconds. Unclear whether this is a (power saving ?) feature of the mobile or a bug somewhere. Don't panic, this is only an issue when you manually try to pair the device.).
On your mobile, search for bluetooth devices, you should see ìnfinity
(or whatever hostname you chose). The raspi should appear like any bluetooth speaker (sometimes as a headset).
On the raspi, start bluetoothctl
(a bluetooth agent)
[bluetooth]# list
Controller DC:A6:32:34:6E:91 infinity [default]
[bluetooth]# scan on
[NEW] Device 20:39:56:AF:C1:8B Nokia7
[bluetooth]# pair 20:39:56:AF:C1:8B
As far as I found out, you don't need to trust
the device.
[bluetooth]# info 20:39:56:AF:C1:8B
Paired: yes
Trusted: no
Connected: yes
The mobile is still appears to play music, but you can't hear anything anymore because the sound goes to bluetooth (and not the mobile's speakers any more).
Now that your mobile (audio source) is connected to the RaspberryPi (A2DP audio sink), this should work
arecord -f cd -D bluealsa:SRV=org.bluealsa,DEV=$MAC,PROFILE=a2dp --dump-hw-params | aplay -f cd -D dmix:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 --dump-hw-params
If arecord
complains about no such device
, the pairing did not work or has terminated immediately after pairing for some reason. Or bluealsa
is stopped. Otherwise, you can now hear the sound from the speakers connected to the raspi. So this basically converts your raspi into a bluetooth audio converter.
Note: As we are outputting to the dmix
and not the hw
device, it's possible to still have e.g. the snapclient playing audio and at the same time the pipeline above plays the bluetooth sound.
Now that your mobile (audio source) is connected to the RaspberryPi (A2DP audio sink), the following commandline would be sufficient to create the icecast stream from the mobile:
MAC="bluetooth mac address of connected A2DP source"
arecord -f cd -D bluealsa:SRV=org.bluealsa,DEV=$MAC,PROFILE=a2dp --dump-hw-params | ffmpeg -nostats -loglevel warning \
-f s16le \
-ar 44100 -ac 2 \
-i - \
-f ogg -c:a flac \
-ice_name "Infinity Blue FLAC" -ice_url http://infinity:8000/blue.ogg \
-ice_description "Bluealsa to icecast (flac) via ffmpeg" -content_type 'application/ogg' \
As before, fire up your browser, go to http://infinity:8000/blue.ogg
and you should hear the mobile's sound on the speakers of your desktop. If not, check that the bluetooth volume of your mobile is at 100% (again).
Now we have all low level building blocks together and need to glue them together
- Analog input to icecast
Install the following files from this repo
: a simple loop around theffmpeg
command described above
- Bluetoooth input to alsa or to icecast: Sometimes you want to use the raspi just as a local bluetooth speaker (no multiroom, but low latency). Typical use case would be watching a video. Sometimes you really want to stream bluetooth to all rooms (at the price of higher latency). Currently, I have implemented both and use a config file to define what should happen after a bluetooth connection. It would be nice to have a hardware button and an LED on the raspi that would allow you to select the "bluetooth output mode".
: Patched Version that starts a shell script upon connectionapt-get install python-dbus
: Shell script called froma2dp-agent
to fire up the needed process pipelines to send the A2DP audio to alsa or icecast./etc/a2dp-to-sink.conf
: Config file for shell script to switch feeding bluetooth either to local alsa or to icecast./etc/systemd/system/a2dp-agent.service
: systemd service file to have a2dp-agent running.- Finally, you enable all this with
systemctl daemon-reload
;systemctl enable a2dp-agent
;systemctl start a2dp-agent
The tutorial above introduced multiple audio bricks. The picture below shows various configurations how to transport audio from an ALSA source (on top) to an ALSA sink (at the botsearch tom). Most of them were built in the tutorial above. The simplest configuration with the lowest latency is on the right, the full picture (but still without bluetooth) on the left.
The horizontal lines at the top and the bottom mark the boundary between the ALSA driver (outside) and the audio processing userspace programs (inside). Audio data flows from top ("source") to bottom ("sink").
Every additional handover of the audio stream from a process to the next adds some latency (i.e. the time it takes from an audio signal entering the system until it gets output by the speakers). A latency of 0 is not possible, every audio process first reads a few samples (a block) at once, and starts to output only after the output block is complete.
The block size is sometimes called buffer
(but can have various names), the size is sometimes defined on client, sometimes no server side. Read the man pages to find out the configuration option name.
The bigger the buffer, the bigger the latency - but the smaller the chance of dropouts. So buffers should be just big enough to prevent dropouts. The exact value is likely to be dependent on your environment.
When a process has more than one input (mpd
), there is an easy way to select one of them (i.e. by use of a client). But if you wish to switch the input e.g. of snapclient
, you will need to stop snapclient
and start again with a different configuration
When a process has more than one output, multiple outputs can be driven at once. In the special case of snapserver
, you even have the promise of the audio being played synchronously on all clients.
The vertical size is not in relation to the latency added. The processes are aligned horizontally so that the same interface is at the same level.
The following diagram shows what is happening before entering ALSA and after exiting ALSA.
The bluetooth connection is shown only for the input side (i.e. the raspi is a bluetooth A2DP sink only). You could use bluealsa
for output too, but as synchronous output is the core goal, it does not make sense to add bluetooth to the output path: I am quite sure that even if you would manually set a different latency for bluetooth (typical: 200ms), you would have slightly different latencies after every boot, for every different bluetooth A2DP sink etc. But feel free to test yourself.
In case you didn't know yet: ADC means analog digital conversion (i.e. converting an analog input into a digitized sample stream) and DAC for the opposite (converting a digital input stream into an analog output).
It is possible to bypass
in certain use cases while still maintaining multiroom capabilities: The audio should be played directly to the snapserver fifo. As the fifo can only be written to by one process, you would need to stopmpd
before e.g. startingarecord ... > /tmp/snapfifo
and start it again when needed. This will need one or more additional glue scripts to switch mode and a way to call them remotely (ssh/web/...). Alternatively, a simple mixer process (reading two audio inputs and writing the sum of them) would remove the need to switch... -
Better audio quality on analog input: Tests comparing "loopback" with Cinch-Cable to "loopback" via arecord/aplay showed that higher sampling rates on input actually make an audible difference. Even for my old ears. However, this conflicts with the requirement that we need to have the same sampling rate on input and output and want to limit audio conversions to a minimum.
Easy switch bluetooth input config between local alsa out (lower latency, but no multiroom, suitable e.g. for watching TV) and icecast out (high latency, but multiroom, suitable for listening to music only). Currently this is in
that is read whenever a new A2DP client is paired (and can be changed on the raspi using a text editor). -
Easy enable/disable pairing so that you don't have to fear your neighbour's bluetooth clients any more.
Technical: The current patch of
has a flaw (without functional impact, but definitely not nice): Aftera2dp-agent
has connected a bluetooth device and has calleda2dp-to-sink
, the latter runs as daughter process of the former - as long as the bluetooth connection is up. After termination of the bluetooth connection, thearecord
process fails (because the alsa device vanished) anda2dp-to-sink
terminates. So far so good. But now the patcheda2dp-agent
does not immediately reap the terminated subprocess, so you will see inps
a zombiea2dp-to-sink
process. The reaping happens when a new bluetooth connection is established only.