diff --git a/.github/workflows/run_lcd_hd44780_test .yml b/.github/workflows/run_lcd_hd44780_test.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from .github/workflows/run_lcd_hd44780_test .yml
rename to .github/workflows/run_lcd_hd44780_test.yml
diff --git a/ReadMe.md b/ReadMe.md
index bfe3b0b..e7c4d35 100644
--- a/ReadMe.md
+++ b/ReadMe.md
@@ -1,50 +1,18 @@
# LCD HD44780 lib - simple cross-platform C library
-- [LCD HD44780 lib - simple cross-platform C library](#lcd-hd44780-lib---simple-cross-platform-c-library)
- - [Features](#features)
- - [Hardware configuration](#hardware-configuration)
- - [1. Requirements](#1-requirements)
- - [2. Schematic for possible hardware configurations when using 5V pin tolerant microcontroller](#2-schematic-for-possible-hardware-configurations-when-using-5v-pin-tolerant-microcontroller)
- - [LCD\_HD44780 library src folders file structure and description](#lcd_hd44780-library-src-folders-file-structure-and-description)
- - [1. lcd\_hd44780\_avr\_specific.c and lcd\_hd44780\_avr\_specific.h](#1-lcd_hd44780_avr_specificc-and-lcd_hd44780_avr_specifich)
- - [2. lcd\_hd44780\_config.h](#2-lcd_hd44780_configh)
- - [3. lcd\_hd44780\_def\_char.h](#3-lcd_hd44780_def_charh)
- - [4. lcd\_hd44780\_driver\_commands.h](#4-lcd_hd44780_driver_commandsh)
- - [5. lcd\_hd44780\_GPIO\_interface.h](#5-lcd_hd44780_gpio_interfaceh)
- - [6. lcd\_hd44780.c](#6-lcd_hd44780c)
- - [7. lcd\_hd44780.h](#7-lcd_hd44780h)
- - [Examples](#examples)
- - [1. STM32G071RB -bare metal implementation](#1-stm32g071rb--bare-metal-implementation)
- - [Requirements for compiling and running the example:](#requirements-for-compiling-and-running-the-example)
- - [Hardware requirements, configuration, and connections](#hardware-requirements-configuration-and-connections)
- - [LCD\_HD44780 library configuration - lcd\_hd44780\_config.h](#lcd_hd44780-library-configuration---lcd_hd44780_configh)
- - [How to build and run the example](#how-to-build-and-run-the-example)
- - [2. STM32G474 - STMCubeIDE project generated with LL drivers](#2-stm32g474---stmcubeide-project-generated-with-ll-drivers)
- - [Requirements for compiling and running the example](#requirements-for-compiling-and-running-the-example-1)
- - [Hardware configuration and connections](#hardware-configuration-and-connections)
- - [LCD\_HD44780 library configuration - lcd\_hd44780\_config.h](#lcd_hd44780-library-configuration---lcd_hd44780_configh-1)
- - [How to build and run the example](#how-to-build-and-run-the-example-1)
- - [3. AVR ATmega 328P](#3-avr-atmega-328p)
- - [Requirements for compiling and running the example](#requirements-for-compiling-and-running-the-example-2)
- - [Hardware configuration and connections](#hardware-configuration-and-connections-1)
- - [LCD\_HD44780 library configuration - lcd\_hd44780\_config.h](#lcd_hd44780-library-configuration---lcd_hd44780_configh-2)
- - [How to build and run the example](#how-to-build-and-run-the-example-2)
- - [4. ESP8266 NONOS SDK](#4-esp8266-nonos-sdk)
- - [Requirements](#requirements)
- - [Hardware connections](#hardware-connections)
- - [LCD\_HD44780 library configuration - lcd\_hd44780\_config.h](#lcd_hd44780-library-configuration---lcd_hd44780_configh-3)
- - [How to build and run the example](#how-to-build-and-run-the-example-3)
- - [Windows](#windows)
- - [Linux - tbd](#linux---tbd)
- - [How to use in your Project - simple case without user-predefined characters](#how-to-use-in-your-project---simple-case-without-user-predefined-characters)
- - [How to use in your Project- simple case with user-predefined characters](#how-to-use-in-your-project--simple-case-with-user-predefined-characters)
- - [How to define custom characters and custom character banks.](#how-to-define-custom-characters-and-custom-character-banks)
- - [Example of Correspondence between EPROM Address Data and Character Pattern (5 × 8 Dots)](#example-of-correspondence-between-eprom-address-data-and-character-pattern-5--8-dots)
- - [Defining special characters in code.](#defining-special-characters-in-code)
- - [Defining banks for special characters.](#defining-banks-for-special-characters)
- - [Project main folders file structure](#project-main-folders-file-structure)
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## Features
- Works with LCD connected in 4-bit mode,
- One-direction or bi-direction communication with LCD (predefined time slots or LCD RW pin usage)
- Easy to port on different microcontrollers
@@ -62,756 +30,21 @@
- 4 lines 20 characters (2004)
- Allows to configure and compile only functionality that will be needed in the project
- Allows to control LCD backlight
-## Hardware configuration
-### 1. Requirements
-- LCD should be connected to uC in 4bit mode
-- LCD RW Pin can be connected to uC or GND -> user must define specific options in library configuration.
-- LCD data pins D4-D7 and LCD signal pins can be connected to any pins on any ports on uC side.
-### 2. Schematic for possible hardware configurations when using 5V pin tolerant microcontroller
-- Using RW pin of the LCD (set **USE_RW_PIN ON** in lcd_hd44780_config.h)
-- Without using RW pin of the LCD (set **USE_RW_PIN OFF** in lcd_hd44780_config.h)
-When using controller that is not 5V pin tolerant, appropriate voltage levels converter should be used for signals:
- - LCD_DB4,
- - LCD_DB5,
- - LCD_DB6,
- - LCD_DB7,
- - LCD_RS,
- - LCD_E,
- - LCD_RW,
-## LCD_HD44780 library src folders file structure and description
-│ ├───lcd_hd44780_avr_specific.c
-│ ├───lcd_hd44780_avr_specific.h
-│ ├───lcd_hd44780_config.h
-│ ├───lcd_hd44780_def_char.h
-│ ├───lcd_hd44780_driver_commands.h
-│ ├───lcd_hd44780_GPIO_interface.h
-│ ├───lcd_hd44780.c
-│ ├───lcd_hd44780.h
-#### 1. lcd_hd44780_avr_specific.c and lcd_hd44780_avr_specific.h
-C and header file with functions specific to AVR microcontrollers.
-When compiling library for AVR microcontroller, those files need to bee added to the project. (look at the CMakeLists.txt files in examples)
-#### 2. lcd_hd44780_config.h
- Header file for configuration of the library. In this file, it's required to configure:
- - LCD type
- - Usage of RW Signal/PIN
- - Usage of LCD buffer for displaying the content on the LCD
- - Backlight enable pin active state
- - Which functions from LCD_HD44780 lib you would like to compile and use in your project (by default all functions are added to compilation).
-#### 3. lcd_hd44780_def_char.h
-Header file for defining user special characters and user special characters banks. Each bank can contain up to 8 characters that are user-defined combinations of characters from defined user-special characters. This allows to creation of different combinations of special characters that can be loaded depending on current code needs.
-#### 4. lcd_hd44780_driver_commands.h
-Header file with defined commands for HD44780 driver.
-#### 5. lcd_hd44780_GPIO_interface.h
-Header file with library interface declaration that needs to be implemented on the drivers' side. Please look at the code examples in the "examples/lcd_driver_intrface_example_implementations" for more details.
-#### 6. lcd_hd44780.c
-Library main C file
-#### 7. lcd_hd44780.h
-Library main header file with available library functions.
## Examples
+The library contains examples of usage with different platforms (STM32, AVR, ESP8266).
-### 1. STM32G071RB -bare metal implementation
-#### Requirements for compiling and running the example:
- 1. CMake installed
- 2. Make or Ninja installed
- 3. ARM GNU Toolchain (gcc-arm-none-eabi) installed
- 4. STM32_Programmer_CLI installed
- 5. ST-link (placed on Nucleo Board) installed
-#### Hardware requirements, configuration, and connections
- 1. STM32G071 Nucleo-64
- 2. LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino
- 3. Pin connection between LCD Keypad Shield and Nucleo board
-#### LCD_HD44780 library configuration - lcd_hd44780_config.h
- ```C
- /************************************ LCD HARDWARE SETTINGS *******************************
- * LCD_TYPE -> Set one of the predefined types:
- * 2004 -> 4 lines 20 characters per line
- * 1604 -> 4 lines 16 characters per line
- * 1602 -> 2 lines 16 characters per line
- * USE_RW_PIN -> Defines HW connection between LCD and uC
- * ON - when the RW pin is connected
- * OFF - when the RW pin is not connected
- * LCD_BCKL_PIN_EN_STATE -> Defines Active state of the LCD backlight enable pin
- * HIGH - when pin active state is high
- * LOW - when pin active state is low
- * LCD_BUFFERING -> Define whether buffering functionalities of the LCD should be added to compilation
- * ON - add buffering functionality to the compilation
- * OFF - remove buffering functionality form the compilation
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define LCD_TYPE 1602
- #define USE_RW_PIN OFF
- ```
- ```C
- /******************************** LCD LIBRARY COMPILATION SETTINGS ************************
- * Setting USE_(procedure name) to:
- * ON - add specific procedure to compilation
- * OFF - exclude specific procedure from compilation
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define USE_LCD_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BIN ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_BIN ON
- #endif
- ```
-#### How to build and run the example
- 1. Open the location you want to clone the repository to in your termina
- 3. Clone the repository to your preferred localization
- ```bash
- git clone https://github.com/niwciu/LCD_HD44780.git
- ```
- 4. Enter to LCD_HD44780/examples/STM32G071RB_NUCLEO_BARE_METAL
- ```bash
- cd ./LCD_HD44780/examples/STM32G071RB_NUCLEO_BARE_METAL
- ```
- 5. For Make type:
- ```bash
- cmake -S ./ -B Debug -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- ```
- ```bash
- cd Debug
- ```
- ```bash
- make all
- ```
- ```bash
- make flash
- ```
- 6. For Ninja type:
- ```bash
- cmake -S ./ -B Debug -G"Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- ```
- ```bash
- cd Debug
- ```
- ```bash
- ninja
- ```
- ```bash
- ninja flash
- ```
- 7. In some cases Nucleo board requires plugging out and in a USB port to run the program.
-### 2. STM32G474 - STMCubeIDE project generated with LL drivers
-#### Requirements for compiling and running the example
- 1. CMake installed
- 2. Make or Ninja installed
- 3. ARM GNU Toolchain (gcc-arm-none-eabi) installed
- 4. STM32_Programmer_CLI installed
- 5. ST-link (placed on Nucleo Board) installed
-#### Hardware configuration and connections
- 1. STM32G474 Nucleo-64
- 2. LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino
- 3. Pin connection between LCD Keypad Shield and Nucleo board
-#### LCD_HD44780 library configuration - lcd_hd44780_config.h
- ```C
- /************************************ LCD HARDWARE SETTINGS *******************************
- * LCD_TYPE -> Set one of the predefined types:
- * 2004 -> 4 lines 20 characters per line
- * 1604 -> 4 lines 16 characters per line
- * 1602 -> 2 lines 16 characters per line
- * USE_RW_PIN -> Defines HW connection between LCD and uC
- * ON - when the RW pin is connected
- * OFF - when the RW pin is not connected
- * LCD_BCKL_PIN_EN_STATE -> Defines Active state of the LCD backlight enable pin
- * HIGH - when pin active state is high
- * LOW - when pin active state is low
- * LCD_BUFFERING -> Define whether buffering functionalities of the LCD should be added to compilation
- * ON - add buffering functionality to the compilation
- * OFF - remove buffering functionality form the compilation
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define LCD_TYPE 1602
- #define USE_RW_PIN OFF
- ```
- ```C
- /******************************** LCD LIBRARY COMPILATION SETTINGS ************************
- * Setting USE_(procedure name) to:
- * ON - add specific procedure to compilation
- * OFF - exclude specific procedure from compilation
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define USE_LCD_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BIN ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_BIN ON
- #endif
- ```
-#### How to build and run the example
- 1. Open the location you want to clone the repository to in your terminal
- 2. Clone the repository to your preferred localization
- ```bash
- git clone https://github.com/niwciu/LCD_HD44780.git
- ```
- 3. Enter to LCD_HD44780/examples/STM32G474RE_NUCLEO_CUBE_IDE_LL/
- ```bash
- cd ./LCD_HD44780/examples/STM32G474RE_NUCLEO_CUBE_IDE_LL
- ```
- 4. For Make type:
- ```bash
- cmake -S ./ -B Debug -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- ```
- ```bash
- cd Debug
- ```
- ```bash
- make all
- ```
- ```bash
- make flash
- ```
- 5. For Ninja type:
- ```bash
- cmake -S ./ -B Debug -G"Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- ```
- ```bash
- cd Debug
- ```
- ```bash
- ninja
- ```
- ```bash
- ninja flash
- ```
-### 3. AVR ATmega 328P
-#### Requirements for compiling and running the example
- 1. CMake installed
- 2. Make or Ninja installed
- 3. AVR 8-bit GNU Toolchain
- 4. AVRdude Installed
- 5. USBasp programmer installed and updated
-#### Hardware configuration and connections
- 1. Arduino UNO R3
- 2. USBasp programmer
- 3. LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino
- 4. Pin connection between LCD Keypad Shield and Nucleo board
-#### LCD_HD44780 library configuration - lcd_hd44780_config.h
- ```C
- /************************************ LCD HARDWARE SETTINGS *******************************
- * LCD_TYPE -> Set one of the predefined types:
- * 2004 -> 4 lines 20 characters per line
- * 1604 -> 4 lines 16 characters per line
- * 1602 -> 2 lines 16 characters per line
- * USE_RW_PIN -> Defines HW connection between LCD and uC
- * ON - when the RW pin is connected
- * OFF - when the RW pin is not connected
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define LCD_TYPE 1602
- #define USE_RW_PIN OFF
- ```
- ```C
- /******************************** LCD LIBRARY COMPILATION SETTINGS ************************
- * Setting USE_(procedure name) to:
- * ON - add specific procedure to compilation
- * OFF - exclude specific procedure from compilation
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define USE_LCD_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BIN ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_BIN ON
- #endif
- ```
-#### How to build and run the example
- 1. Open the location you want to clone the repository to in your terminal
- 2. Clone the repository to your preferred localization
- ```bash
- git clone https://github.com/niwciu/LCD_HD44780.git
- ```
- 3. Enter to LCD_HD44780/examples/ATMEGA328P_ARDUINO_UNO_R3 folder
- ```bash
- cd ./LCD_HD44780/examples/ATMEGA328P_ARDUINO_UNO_R3
- ```
- 4. For Make type:
- ```bash
- cmake -S ./ -B Build -G"Unix Makefiles"
- ```
- ```bash
- cd Build
- ```
- ```bash
- make all
- ```
- ```bash
- make write_fuses
- ```
- ```bash
- make flash
- ```
- 5. For Ninja type:
- ```bash
- cmake -S ./ -B Build -G"Ninja"
- ```
- ```bash
- cd Build
- ```
- ```bash
- ninja
- ```
- ```bash
- ninja write_fuses
- ```
- ```bash
- ninja flash
- ```
-### 4. ESP8266 NONOS SDK
-#### Requirements
- 1. Make installed
- 2. ESP Toolchain installed according to esspresif doc
- - For Windows:
- https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp8266-rtos-sdk/en/latest/get-started/windows-setup.html
- - For Linux:
- https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp8266-rtos-sdk/en/latest/get-started/linux-setup.html
- 3. Downloaded Flash Download Tool V3.8.5
- 4. ESP8266 NodeMCU V3 installed
-#### Hardware connections
- 1. ESP8266 NodeMCU V3
- 2. LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino
- 3. Pin connection between LCD Keypad Shield and ESP8266 NoneMCU board
-#### LCD_HD44780 library configuration - lcd_hd44780_config.h
- ```C
- /************************************ LCD HARDWARE SETTINGS *******************************
- * LCD_TYPE -> Set one of the predefined types:
- * 2004 -> 4 lines 20 characters per line
- * 1604 -> 4 lines 16 characters per line
- * 1602 -> 2 lines 16 characters per line
- * USE_RW_PIN -> Defines HW connection between LCD and uC
- * ON - when the RW pin is connected
- * OFF - when the RW pin is not connected
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define LCD_TYPE 1602
- #define USE_RW_PIN OFF
- ```
- ```C
- /******************************** LCD LIBRARY COMPILATION SETTINGS ************************
- * Setting USE_(procedure name) to:
- * ON - add specific procedure to compilation
- * OFF - exclude specific procedure from compilation
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define USE_LCD_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BIN ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_BIN ON
- #endif
- ```
-#### How to build and run the example
-##### Windows
- 1. Open the location you want to clone the repository to in your terminal
- 2. Clone the repository to your preferred location
- ```bash
- git clone https://github.com/niwciu/LCD_HD44780.git
- ```
- 3. Enter to LCD_HD44780/examples/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK/LCD_HD44780_TEST folder
- ```bash
- cd ./LCD_HD44780/examples/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK/LCD_HD44780_TEST
- ```
- 4. Clean the project by running clean.bat script
- ```bash
- ./clean.bat
- ```
- 5. Build the project by running build.bat script
- ```bash
- ./build.bat
- ```
- 6. Run flash_download_tool_3.8.5
- 7. Select "Developer Mode" and "ESP8266 DownloadTool"
- 8. Set all fields as it is shown on picture bellow
- 9. Select COM port on which your NodeMCU board has been installed
- 10. Click START to flash the IC
- 11. After flash is done pres reset button on your NodeMCU board
-##### Linux - tbd
-## How to use in your Project - simple case without user-predefined characters
-1. Copy LCD library src files (or files from src folder) to your project and add copied files in your project configuration, so they can be included in your project.
-2. In lcd_hd44780.config.h
- - Define specyfic **LCD_TYPE**
- LCD_TYPE -> set one of the predefined types:
- 2004 -> 4 lines 20 characters per line
- 1604 -> 4 lines 16 characters per line
- 1602 -> 2 lines 16 characters per line
- - Define usage of **RW Pin**
- USE_RW_PIN -> Defines HW connection between LCD and uC
- ON - when RW pin is connected
- OFF - when RW pin is not connected
- - Define HW setup for **LCD_BCKL_PIN**
- LCD_BCKL_PIN_EN_STATE -> Defines active state for enabling LCD backlight
- HIGH - when high state on output pin is required to enable LCD backlight
- LOW - when low state on output pin is required to enable LCD backlight
- - Define usage of LCD buffering functionality **LCD_BUFFERING**
- LCD_BUFFERING -> Defines whether you would ike to use LCD buffer or write directly to LCD screen
- ON - when buffering of LCD is planned to be use in project
- OFF - when buffering of LCD is NOT planned to be use in project
-3. Declare the LCD GPIO driver interface in your application on the GPIO driver side. This interface should contain the following implementation defined in lcd_hd44780_GPIO_interface.h
- /************LCD_IO_driver_interface implementation START**************/
- struct LCD_IO_driver_interface_struct
- {
- LCD_interface_func_p init_LCD_pins;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_data_pins_as_outputs;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_data_pins_as_inputs;
- set_LCD_data_port_func_p write_data;
- get_LCD_data_port_func_p read_data;
- delay_us_func_p delay_us;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_LCD_E;
- LCD_interface_func_p reset_LCD_E;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_LCD_RS;
- LCD_interface_func_p reset_LCD_RS;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_LCD_RW;
- LCD_interface_func_p reset_LCD_RW;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_LCD_BCKL;
- LCD_interface_func_p reset_LCD_BCKL;
- };
-const struct LCD_IO_driver_interface_struct *LCD_IO_driver_interface_get(void)
- return &LCD_IO_driver;
-It's a basic interface that connects the library with your HW driver layer in the application without making any dependencies between them.
In **.examples/lcd_driver_intrface_example_implementations** folder you can find a template with empty definitions of all required interface elements as well as a few files with examples of implementations for different microcontrollers. Additional details of the implementation in the project can be also found in ready to compile examples.
-## How to use in your Project- simple case with user-predefined characters
-1. Copy LCD library src files (or files from src folder) to your project and add copied files in your project configuration, so they can be included in your project.
-2. In lcd_hd44780.config.h
- - Define specyfic **LCD_TYPE**
- LCD_TYPE -> set one of the predefined types:
- 2004 -> 4 lines 20 characters per line
- 1604 -> 4 lines 16 characters per line
- 1602 -> 2 lines 16 characters per line
- - Define usage of **RW Pin**
- USE_RW_PIN -> Defines HW connection between LCD and uC
- ON - when RW pin is connected
- OFF - when RW pin is not connected
- - Define HW setup for **LCD_BCKL_PIN**
- LCD_BCKL_PIN_EN_STATE -> Defines active state for enabling LCD backlight
- HIGH - when high state on output pin is required to enable LCD backlight
- LOW - when low state on output pin is required to enable LCD backlight
- - Define usage of LCD buffering functionality **LCD_BUFFERING**
- LCD_BUFFERING -> Defines whether you would ike to use LCD buffer or write directly to LCD screen
- ON - when buffering of LCD is planned to be use in project
- OFF - when buffering of LCD is NOT planned to be use in project
-3. Specify which procedures from to library you would like to compile and use in your project.
- To do this, Edit defines in section:
- ```C
- /******************************** LCD LIBRARY COMPILATION SETTINGS ************************
- * Setting USE_(procedure name) to:
- * ON - add specific procedure to compilation
- * OFF - exclude specific procedure from compilation
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #define USE_LCD_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BIN ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_INT ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_HEX ON
- #define USE_LCD_BUF_BIN ON
- #endif
- ```
-5. If setting USE_DEF_CHAR_FUNCTION ON define special characters and character banks in lcd_hd44780_def_char.h
For more details about defining custom char please refer to [How to define custom characters and custom character banks.](#how-to-define-custome-charatcters-and-custom-character-banks)
-6. Declare the LCD IO driver interface in your application on the GPIO driver side. This interface should contain the following implementation defined in lcd_hd44780_interface.h
- ```C
- /************LCD_IO_driver_interface implementation START**************/
- struct LCD_IO_driver_interface_struct
- {
- LCD_interface_func_p init_LCD_pins;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_data_pins_as_outputs;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_data_pins_as_inputs;
- set_LCD_data_port_func_p write_data;
- get_LCD_data_port_func_p read_data;
- delay_us_func_p delay_us;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_LCD_E;
- LCD_interface_func_p reset_LCD_E;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_LCD_RS;
- LCD_interface_func_p reset_LCD_RS;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_LCD_RW;
- LCD_interface_func_p reset_LCD_RW;
- LCD_interface_func_p set_LCD_BCKL;
- LCD_interface_func_p reset_LCD_BCKL;
- };
- const struct LCD_IO_driver_interface_struct *LCD_IO_driver_interface_get(void)
- {
- return &LCD_IO_driver;
- }
- ```
- It's a basic interface that connects the library with your HW driver layer in the application without making any dependencies between them.
In **.examples/lcd_driver_intrface_example_implementations** folder you can find a template with empty definitions of all required interface elements as well as a few files with examples of implementation for different microcontrollers. Additional details of the implementation in the project can be also found in ready to compile examples.
-## How to define custom characters and custom character banks.
-### Example of Correspondence between EPROM Address Data and Character Pattern (5 × 8 Dots)
-### Defining special characters in code.
-If the letter shown in the picture above should be defined as a special character its definition should look like this:
-static const uint8_t leter_b[8] = {16, 16, 22, 25, 17, 17, 30, 0};
-### Defining banks for special characters.
-HD44780 allows the user to define a maximum of 8 user characters. Therefore on character bank can contain only up to 8 characters. Nevertheless, it's possible to define a couple of special character banks with different combinations of special characters. Depending on needs one of the banks can be loaded to the CGRAM and switched to another if the information presented on the LCD requires different special characters
-Below you can find a simple example of two special characters bank definitions:
-1. Definition of special characters in lcd_hd44780_def_char.h:
- ```C
- static const uint8_t Pol_e[8] = {0, 0, 14, 17, 31, 16, 14, 3};
- static const uint8_t Pol_o[8] = {2, 4, 14, 17, 17, 17, 14, 0};
- static const uint8_t Pol_s[8] = {2, 4, 14, 16, 14, 1, 30, 0};
- static const uint8_t Pol_l[8] = {12, 4, 6, 12, 4, 4, 14, 0};
- static const uint8_t Pol_c[8] = {2, 4, 14, 16, 16, 17, 14, 0};
- static const uint8_t Pol_a[8] = {0, 0, 14, 1, 15, 17, 15, 3};
- static const uint8_t Pol_n[8] = {2, 4, 22, 25, 17, 17, 17, 0};
- static const uint8_t Zn_wody[8] = {0, 0, 0, 6, 9, 2, 4, 15};
- static const uint8_t Pol_z1[8] = {4, 32, 31, 2, 4, 8, 31, 0};
- static const uint8_t Pol_z2[8] = {2, 4, 31, 2, 4, 8, 31, 0};
- ```
-2. Declaration of lcd_cgram_bank_1 in lcd_hd44780_def_char.h:
- ```C
- static const struct char_bank_struct lcd_cgram_bank_1 =
- {
- Pol_e,
- Pol_o,
- Pol_s,
- Pol_l,
- Pol_c,
- Pol_a,
- Pol_n,
- Zn_wody
- };
- {
- pol_e,
- pol_o,
- pol_s,
- pol_l,
- pol_c,
- pol_a,
- pol_n,
- zn_wody,
- };
- ```
-3. Declaration of lcd_cgram_bank_2 in lcd_hd44780_def_char.h:
- ```C
- static const struct char_bank_struct lcd_cgram_bank_1 =
- {
- Pol_e,
- Pol_o,
- Pol_s,
- Pol_l,
- Pol_c,
- Pol_a,
- Pol_z1,
- Pol_z2
- };
- {
- pol_e,
- pol_o,
- pol_s,
- pol_l,
- pol_c,
- pol_a,
- pol_z1,
- pol_z2,
- };
- ```
-4. When special characters from bank_1 are needed to display content on an LCD screen, it's required to call in the code:
- ```C
- lcd_load_char_bank(&lcd_cgram_bank_1);
- ```
-5. When special characters from bank_2 are required to display content on an LCD screen, then it's required to call in code:
- ```C
- lcd_load_char_bank(&lcd_cgram_bank_2);
- ```
+Besides ready-to-compile and run demo applications, you will find templates and examples of driver interface files in the library, which should speed up your design process.
+For more information about the examples, please refer to the [LCD_HD44780 wiki](https://github.com/niwciu/LCD_HD44780/wiki)
+## Other information
+For information such:
+- detail description,
+- hardware requirements,
+- library configuration,
+- library usage,
+- examples description and usage
+- collaboration in the project,
-## Project main folders file structure
-│ ├───config
-│ ├───doc
-│ ├───ESP8266_NONOS_SDK
-│ ├───lcd_driver_intrface_example_implementations
-│ ├───Code_Coverage
-│ └───Cyclomatic_Complexity
- ├───hw_test
- │ └───STM32F030R8_CUBE_IDE
- ├───lcd_hd44780
- ├───template
- └───unity
-Folder description:
-- .github -> folder with githubactions .yml scripts for tunning Github Actions
-- doc -> folder for any documentation needed or created in the project
-- examples -> folder with example hardware implementations contain ready to compile examples for different uC and templates of lcd_driver_interface implementations.
- - ATMEGA328P_ARDUINO_UNO_R3 -> example project
- - config -> tollchain files
- - doc -> files used for examples documentation
- - ESP8266_NONOS_SDK -> example project
- - lcd_driver_intrface_example_implementations -> as named
- - STM32G071RB_NUCLEO_BARE_METAL -> example project
- - STM32G474RE_NUCLEO_CUBE_IDE_LL -> example project
-- reports -> folder with generated reports from cmake ccmr target and cmake ccr target are stored.
- - CCR -> GCOVR output report
- - CCMR -> Lizard Code Complexity Metrix output report.
-- src -> library source files
-- test -> folder where all tests are written. The folder contains following subfolders:
- - hw_test -> folder with configurations/setups for specific ucontrollers to make integration tests
- - lcd_hd44780 -> folder where all unit tests for lcd_hd44780 module are kept
- - template -> empty setup for uint test (copy, paste, rename, edit for new module unit testing)
- - unity -> unity framework
+please refer to [LCD_HD44780 wiki](https://github.com/niwciu/LCD_HD44780/wiki)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/googled8aaee2570ce5c23.html b/googled8aaee2570ce5c23.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3142893..0000000
--- a/googled8aaee2570ce5c23.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-google-site-verification: googled8aaee2570ce5c23.html
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lcd_hd44780_config.h b/src/lcd_hd44780_config.h
index 244d1e5..c137d41 100644
--- a/src/lcd_hd44780_config.h
+++ b/src/lcd_hd44780_config.h
@@ -25,14 +25,21 @@ extern "C"
#define LOW 0
/************************************ LCD HARDWARE SETTINGS *******************************
- * LCD_TYPE -> Set one of the predefined types:
- * 2004 -> 4 lines 20 characters per line
- * 1604 -> 4 lines 16 characters per line
- * 1602 -> 2 lines 16 characters per line
- * USE_RW_PIN -> Defines HW connection between LCD and uC
- * ON - when the RW pin is connected
- * OFF - when the RW pin is not connected
- ********************************************************************************************/
+* LCD_TYPE -> Set one of the predefined types:
+* 2004 -> 4 lines 20 characters per line
+* 1604 -> 4 lines 16 characters per line
+* 1602 -> 2 lines 16 characters per line
+* USE_RW_PIN -> Defines HW connection between LCD and uC
+* ON - when the RW pin is connected
+* OFF - when the RW pin is not connected
+* LCD_BCKL_PIN_EN_STATE -> Defines active state for enabling LCD backlight
+* HIGH - a high state on the output pin is required to enable the LCD backlight
+* LOW - a low state on the output pin is required to enable the LCD backlight
+* LCD_BUFFERING -> Defines whether you would like to use LCD buffer or only use functions to print directly on LCD screen
+* ON - when buffering of LCD is planned to be used in the project
+* OFF - when buffering of LCD is NOT planned to be used in the project
#define LCD_TYPE 1602
#define USE_RW_PIN OFF
diff --git a/test/hw_test/STM32F030R8_CUBE_IDE/Core/Src/LCD_IO_driver.c b/test/hw_test/STM32F030R8_CUBE_IDE/Core/Src/LCD_IO_driver.c
index d7396c7..5b4f5d3 100644
--- a/test/hw_test/STM32F030R8_CUBE_IDE/Core/Src/LCD_IO_driver.c
+++ b/test/hw_test/STM32F030R8_CUBE_IDE/Core/Src/LCD_IO_driver.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#define LCD_D6_MASK 0x04
#define LCD_D7_MASK 0x08
-#include "lcd_hd44780_interface.h"
+#include "lcd_hd44780_GPIO_interface.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "tim_delay.h"