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- #6795 Cleanup EmberApp class @Turbo87
- #6615 Command interruption @ro0gr
- #6472 add ability to clean up old files in generators @kellyselden
- #6796 Update dependencies to latest versions. @ember-cli
- #6718 Pass init instrumentation to CLI if we have it @ember-cli
- #6717 Make instrumentation more resilient to errors @ember-cli
- #6716 Remove link to transition guide when ember-cli-build.js file is missing @status200
- #6715 Fix build console output when using environment variable @status200
- #6690 BUGFIX #6679 - workaround for tiny-lr not reloading on empty files arguments @gandalfar
- #6617 Remove wasted work around addon's addon trees. @rwjblue
- #6798 Update ember-cli-preprocess-registry to get latest clean-css. @ember-cli
- #6747 Use EOL to fix one Windows CI failure. @rwjblue
- #6727 remove bower install from travis @kellyselden
- #6745 ensure SIGINT ember serve produces instrumentation @ember-cli
- #6731 This reverts commit cb6bac632dc8dc1c49b30583f0fa135364c5c408, reversing changes made to be142aaf7801bf64f4322583c7d82ae7c7066c52. @rwjblue
- #6737 Make project require public @asakusuma
- #6741 addon needs to mirror filesToRemove from app @kellyselden
- #6742 Promote cacheKeyForTree to public API @trentmwillis
- #6734 chore(package): update broccoli-concat to version 3.1.1 @ember-cli
- #6739 Remove bower.json files again @Turbo87
- #6728 remove application.hbs newline @ember-cli
- #6736 start using filesToRemove @kellyselden
- #6748 Use yarn if yarn.lock exists or
is used @Turbo87 - #6805 more old file cleanup @kellyselden
- #6789 Support npm packages as
ember new
blueprints @Turbo87 - #6758 Fixes blueprints noop log removals @gadogado
- #6768 Normalize end-of-line characters in strings to compare prior to diffing @koopa
- #6785 Refactor InstallBlueprintTask class @Turbo87
- #6776 Implement targets RFC @cibernox
- #6778 Don't print heimdall stack on errors @ember-cli
- #6766 Remove flagging for
. @ember-cli - #6759 Enable instrumentation experiment with public
method. @rwjblue - #6756
yarn upgrade
@rwjblue - #6754 Interrupt command with an error if no _currentTask @ro0gr
- #6825 EmberApp: Use "src/ui/index.html" if it exists @Turbo87
- #6797 Remove "proxyquire" dependency @Turbo87
- #6792 package.json: Remove "npm" from greenkeeper ignore list @ember-cli
- #6791 Convert EmberApp and EmberAddon to ES6 classes @Turbo87
- #6840 Add logging for
within commands. @rwjblue - #6804 Remove missing init instrumentation warning @ember-cli
- #6800 tests/blueprints: Use arrow functions for callbacks @Turbo87
- #6799 Refactor
usage to avoid releasing exit. @rwjblue - #6845 Convert more promise chains to coroutines @Turbo87
- #6806 Adds eslint-plugin-mocha @gadogado
- #6835 EmberApp: Use "src/ui/styles" over "app/styles" if it exists @Turbo87
- #6824 chore(package): update broccoli-merge-trees to version 1.2.3 @ember-cli
- #6816 Resolve path when calling UnwatchedDir for Bower @arthirm
- #6821 Add tests for EmberApp.index() method @Turbo87
- #6828 Use Babel 6 @ember-cli
- #6839 Allow
ember new -b <blueprint> foo
to opt-in to yarn by default. @rwjblue - #6846 tests: Use "chai-as-promised" assertions @Turbo87
- #6847 print the
serving on http://host:port/basePath
after each rebuild @ember-cli - #6852 Replace "itr2array" helper with Array.from() @Turbo87
- #6853 tests: Remove unused variables @Turbo87
- #6857 Update testdouble to the latest version 🚀 @ember-cli
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #6669 tasks/bower-install: Fix "bower" lookup @Turbo87
- #6606 Instrumentation @ember-cli
- #6540 removing jshint reference in blueprints @kellyselden
- #5874 Don't process CSS imports by default @ember-cli
- #6516 Properly call
for addons. @rwjblue - #6627 Lazily require
. @rwjblue - #6630 [DOC] Update license year @cjnething
- #6626 Flesh out
instrumentation. @ember-cli - #6629 Enable more ESLint rules @Turbo87
- #6624 Update version of ember-cli-eslint used in new applications. @rwjblue
- #6613 Add missing annotations. @rwjblue
- #6625 Update dependencies previous avoided due to Node 0.12 support. @rwjblue
- #6628 Ensure
is included incommand
instrumentation. @rwjblue - #6684 [fixes #6672] ensure example clearly indicates promise usage @ember-cli
- #6641 Properly sort the linting rules in the ES6 section. @rwjblue
- #6639 Disable usage of
. @rwjblue - #6633 Split serving assets into two different in-repo addons @kratiahuja
- #6640 Enable a few additional ES6 linting rules. @rwjblue
- #6634 Remove "ember-cli-app-version" from "addon" blueprint @Turbo87
- #6631 🏎 Lazily install "bower" if required @Turbo87
- #6636 Use ES6 features @Turbo87
- #6689 Update fs-extra to the latest version 🚀 @ember-cli
- #6649 Make in-repo-addon blueprint 'use strict'. @ember-cli
- #6644 Use ES6 classes for internal classes @Turbo87
- #6646 Fix some of the issues in #6623 @ember-cli
- #6645 Make project.config() public @simonihmig
- #6647 Convert CoreObject classes to ES6 classes extending CoreObject @Turbo87
- #6699 RELEASE: Make code snippet copy-pasta compatible @Turbo87
- #6663 Add stats and logging for addon tree caching opt out @trentmwillis
- #6655 Update execa to the latest version 🚀 @ember-cli
- #6660 Preserve user errors in instrumentation hook @ember-cli
- #6652 [BUGFIX] Revert "Remove arbitrary *.js filtering for addon tree." @nathanhammond
- #6654 blueprints/app: Update "ember-cli-qunit" dependency @Turbo87
- #6674 Update core-object to the latest version 🚀 @ember-cli
- #6685 Revert "remove travis sudo check" @ember-cli
- #6683 ensure
returns promises @ember-cli - #6680 Use global NPM with version check @Turbo87
- #6681 Run "ember-cli-eslint" blueprint on "ember init" @Turbo87
- #6678 Avoid error upon registering a heimdall monitor twice. @rwjblue
- #6682 Update the minimum version of ember-try @kategengler
- #6671 add description to build environment option @kellyselden
- #6664 Update github to the latest version 🚀 @ember-cli
- #6731 Revert changes removing
from default blueprints. @rwjblue - #6704 Update lockfile to use latest allowed versions. @ember-cli
- #6688 Replace custom Promise class with RSVP @Turbo87
- #6696 Add --test-port 0 for random port @morhook
- #6698 Remove "bower.json" and only create if necessary @Turbo87
- #6692 tests/acceptance/generate: Fix flaky tests @Turbo87
- #6705 add description to serve and test environment option @kellyselden
- #6710 Fix linting issue with beta branch. @rwjblue
- #6770 models/addon: Add @since tag to this.import() @ember-cli
- #6808 Use
to guard precompilation of addon JS. @rwjblue - #6827 Use
for transpiling modules with babel@5. @ember-cli - #6830 Revert "Use
for transpiling modules with babel@5." @ember-cli - #6856 models/project: Fix dependencies() documentation @Turbo87
- #6860 blueprints/app: Update "ember-source" and "ember-data" to v2.12.0 @Turbo87
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- #6681 Run "ember-cli-eslint" blueprint on "ember init" @Turbo87
- #6698 Remove "bower.json" and only create if necessary @Turbo87
- #6711 Update
requirement @SaladFork - #6720 ignore license change on init @kellyselden
- #6721 use ~ instead of ^ for ember-source @kellyselden
- #6763 Change livereload PortFinder.basePort to 49153 @Turbo87
- #6808 Use
to guard precompilation of addon JS. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- #6645 Make project.config() public @simonihmig
- #6540 removing jshint reference in blueprints @kellyselden
- #5874 Don't process CSS imports by default @wagenet
- #6516 Properly call
for addons. @rwjblue - #6600 Apply clean-base-url to config.rootURL @nathanhammond
- #6622 Remove support for Node 0.12. @rwjblue
- #6624 Update version of ember-cli-eslint used in new applications. @rwjblue
- #6625 Update dependencies previous avoided due to Node 0.12 support. @rwjblue
- #6633 Split serving assets into two different in-repo addons @kratiahuja
- #6634 Remove "ember-cli-app-version" from "addon" blueprint @Turbo87
- #6630 [DOC] Update license year @cjnething
- #6631 🏎 Lazily install "bower" if required @Turbo87
- #6636 Use ES6 features @Turbo87
- #6649 Make in-repo-addon blueprint 'use strict'. @ember-cli
- #6647 Convert CoreObject classes to ES6 classes extending CoreObject @Turbo87
- #6644 Use ES6 classes for internal classes @Turbo87
- #6654 blueprints/app: Update "ember-cli-qunit" dependency @Turbo87
- #6688 Replace custom Promise class with RSVP @Turbo87
- #6680 Use global NPM with version check @Turbo87
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- #6711 Update
requirement @SaladFork - #6720 ignore license change on init @kellyselden
- #6721 use ~ instead of ^ for ember-source @kellyselden
- #6763 Change livereload PortFinder.basePort to 49153 @Turbo87
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- This version of Ember CLI will not officially support Node.js v0.12 per the Ember Node.js LTS Support policy.
- As part of this release we have made the default behavior inclusion of Ember from npm via the
npm package.
- #6531 Update to latest capture-exit, revert work around. @ember-cli
- #6525 utilities/npm: Run NPM commands via "execa" @Turbo87
- #6533 blueprints/addon: Fix path to "ember" executable in ".travis.yml" @Turbo87
- #6536 fix phantom use on travis @kellyselden
- #6537 Prevent deprecation from
config options. @rwjblue - #6707 Change usage of shims for [email protected] final. @ember-cli
- #6254 [BUGFIX] Do not rely on ember-resolver, detect bower package instead @martndemus
- #6319 Use --save-dev by default when installing addons @binhums
- #6378 Prepares Ember CLI for new version of ember-welcome-page @locks
- #6460 Refactor processTemplate. @nathanhammond
- #6385 Respect testem exit code @johanneswuerbach
- #6387 Adds Node 7 to testing matrix @twokul
- #6388 Adds Node 7 to
@twokul - #6407 Improve silent.js Deprecation @nathanhammond
- #6443 Fix preProcessTree API docs. @kratiahuja
- #6425 Adding json out for 'ember asset-sizes' @kiwiupover
- #6423 [BUGFIX] integrate capture exit @stefanpenner
- #6427 Document outputFile option @ro0gr
- #6436 [BUGFIX] Watch vendor by default. @nathanhammond
- #6484 [BUGFIX] Fix remaining ember-source issues. @nathanhammond
- #6453 Avoid creating extraneous merge-trees. @rwjblue
- #6496 [BUGFIX release] Revert the reverted revert. Ember assign not available in all ember try scenarios @webark
- #6482 Cleanup unused deps @ro0gr
- #6475 extract ui to console-ui @stefanpenner
- #6479 docs: Blueprint:renamedFiles @les2
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- #6485 tests/runner: Fix "capture-exit" compatibility @Turbo87
- #6496 Revert the reverted revert. Ember assign not available in all ember try scenarios @webark
- #6531 Update to latest capture-exit, revert work around. @rwjblue
- #6533 blueprints/addon: Fix path to "ember" executable in ".travis.yml" @Turbo87
- #6536 fix phantom use on travis @kellyselden
- #6693 Backport subprocess invocation of npm to v2.10 @Turbo87
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- This version of Ember CLI no longer supports Node.js v0.10 per the Ember Node.js LTS Support policy.
- As part of this release we have experimental support for including Ember from npm via the
npm package. We hope to discover the gaps during this release cycle and make that the default in a future release.
- #5994 No 'diff' option when binaries are involved (confirm-dialog). @fpauser
- #6241 destroy deletes empty folders @kellyselden
- #6096 Fix and improve Watcher.detectWatcher @stefanpenner
- #6081 [BUGFIX] Header files import concat @stefanpenner
- #6296 Include relative path on ember asset-sizes @josemarluedke
- #6301 [Fixes #6300] consistent concat, regardless of system EOL @stefanpenner
- #6305 Use Ember.assign for start-app test helper.
- #6307 Node.js LTS updates. @nathanhammond
- #6306 [ENHANCEMENT] Use npm 3 @dfreeman
- #6337 DOC: #addBowerPackagesToProject
option @olleolleolle - #6358 Use secure URLs in docs where possible @xtian
- #6363 [ENHANCEMENT] Add 2.8-lts scenario to default ember-try config @BrianSipple
- #6369 Enable ember-source. @nathanhammond
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- This version of Ember CLI no longer supports Node.js v0.10 per the Ember Node.js LTS Support policy.
- As part of this release we have experimental support for including Ember from npm via the
npm package. We hope to discover the gaps during this release cycle and make that the default in a future release.
- #6375 Bump Ember versions. @nathanhammond
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- This version of Ember CLI no longer supports Node.js v0.10 per the Ember Node.js LTS Support policy.
- As part of this release we have experimental support for including Ember from npm via the
npm package. We hope to discover the gaps during this release cycle and make that the default in a future release.
- #5994 No 'diff' option when binaries are involved (confirm-dialog). @fpauser
- #6241 destroy deletes empty folders @kellyselden
- #6096 Fix and improve Watcher.detectWatcher @stefanpenner
- #6081 [BUGFIX] Header files import concat @stefanpenner
- #6296 Include relative path on ember asset-sizes @josemarluedke
- #6301 [Fixes #6300] consistent concat, regardless of system EOL @stefanpenner
- #6305 Use Ember.assign for start-app test helper.
- #6307 Node.js LTS updates. @nathanhammond
- #6306 [ENHANCEMENT] Use npm 3 @dfreeman
- #6337 DOC: #addBowerPackagesToProject
option @olleolleolle - #6358 Use secure URLs in docs where possible @xtian
- #6363 [ENHANCEMENT] Add 2.8-lts scenario to default ember-try config @BrianSipple
- #6369 Enable ember-source. @nathanhammond
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- This update includes a version bump of QUnit to 2.0.0. Please pay close attention to your test suites.
- #6232 suggest testing addons against LTS @kellyselden
- #6235 remove
ember try scenario @kellyselden - #6249 Update to [email protected]. @rwjblue
- #6276 Revert #6193 (Ember.assign) @nathanhammond
- #6176 fixed typo in the example code in the comments in the blueprint.js @foxnewsnetwork
- #5395 Skip bower/npm install on blueprint install if manifests are missing @stefanpenner
- #5976 Anonymous AMD Support @ef4
- #6086 Use heimdalljs for structured instrumentation & structured logging @hjdivad
- #6103 store add-on initialization/lookup times @stefanpenner
- #6127 Remove invalid backticks in docs @san650
- #6132 [Bugfix] Destroy in-repo-addon @andyklimczak
- #6193 Changed the start-app test helper to use
. @workmanw - #6145 Update .gitignore for npm-debug.log @hckhanh
- #6139 Updating app/addon blueprints to latest dependency versions @elwayman02
- #6148 Update to _findHost to use do/while. @nathanhammond
- #6206 Remove debug from package.json @marpo60
- #6171 Adding a test to cover historySupportMiddleware with unknown location type @jasonmit
- #6162 Upgraded ember-cli-app-version to 2.0.0 @taras
- #6198 display cleanup progress. @stefanpenner
- #6189
must be loaded from/
. @rwjblue - #6188 [BUGFIX] - fix reference for
@tgandee79 - #6182 [BUGFIX beta] Allow empty string as rootURL @kanongil
- #6186 [ENHANCEMENT] Warn when empty rootURL is used with history addon @kanongil
- #6180 bump portfinder to v1.0.7 @eriktrom
- #6194 [BUGFIX beta] Prevent Ember Data from overriding Date.parse. @bmac
- #6208 Replace "ember-cli-broccoli" with "broccoli-{brocfile-loader, builder, middleware}" @Turbo87
- #6211 Document
--port 0
in ember serve's command line usage @sivakumar-kailasam - #6227 add tests for alphabetize-object-keys @kellyselden
- #6228 in-repo-addon: sort additions to ember-addon/paths @kellyselden
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- This update includes a version bump of QUnit to 2.0.0. Please pay close attention to your test suites.
- This update is marked as unsupporting Node 0.10. Please prepare for removal of support per Ember's Node.js LTS Support policy.
- #6232 suggest testing addons against LTS @kellyselden
- #6235 remove
ember try scenario @kellyselden - #6249 Update to [email protected]. @rwjblue
- #6250 Update engine field in package.json @nathanhammond
- #6276 Revert #6193 (Ember.assign) @nathanhammond
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- No changes required
- #6176 fixed typo in the example code in the comments in the blueprint.js @foxnewsnetwork
- #5395 Skip bower/npm install on blueprint install if manifests are missing @stefanpenner
- #5976 Anonymous AMD Support @ef4
- #6086 Use heimdalljs for structured instrumentation & structured logging @hjdivad
- #6103 store add-on initialization/lookup times @stefanpenner
- #6127 Remove invalid backticks in docs @san650
- #6132 [Bugfix] Destroy in-repo-addon @andyklimczak
- #6193 Changed the start-app test helper to use
. @workmanw - #6145 Update .gitignore for npm-debug.log @hckhanh
- #6139 Updating app/addon blueprints to latest dependency versions @elwayman02
- #6148 Update to _findHost to use do/while. @nathanhammond
- #6206 Remove debug from package.json @marpo60
- #6171 Adding a test to cover historySupportMiddleware with unknown location type @jasonmit
- #6162 Upgraded ember-cli-app-version to 2.0.0 @taras
- #6198 display cleanup progress. @stefanpenner
- #6189
must be loaded from/
. @rwjblue - #6188 [BUGFIX] - fix reference for
@tgandee79 - #6182 [BUGFIX beta] Allow empty string as rootURL @kanongil
- #6186 [ENHANCEMENT] Warn when empty rootURL is used with history addon @kanongil
- #6180 bump portfinder to v1.0.7 @eriktrom
- #6194 [BUGFIX beta] Prevent Ember Data from overriding Date.parse. @bmac
- #6208 Replace "ember-cli-broccoli" with "broccoli-{brocfile-loader, builder, middleware}" @Turbo87
- #6211 Document
--port 0
in ember serve's command line usage @sivakumar-kailasam - #6227 add tests for alphabetize-object-keys @kellyselden
- #6228 in-repo-addon: sort additions to ember-addon/paths @kellyselden
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- #6050 Make app/addon readmes consistent @elwayman02
- #6005 [BUGFIX] Fixes broccoli errors when
dir is not present @twokul - #5986 added transparent-proxy option to ember serve command @badazz91
- #6012 switch to a rollup subset of lodash and shave off 20 - 30%+ boot time @stefanpenner
- #6017 Allow
ember install addon_name --save
in addons. @xcambar - #6030 [ENHANCEMENT] Asset Sizes I moved the creation of asset sizes to an object. @kiwiupover
- #6052 Turn on strict mode for tests. @nathanhammond
- #6043 [BUGFIX beta] Test nested addon import @xcambar
- #6045 [Enhancement] Return raw asset-size as data instead of strings @kiwiupover
- #6072 Makes sure dependecies are loaded on demand @twokul
- #6092 Remove ember-qunit-notifications @trentmwillis
- #6094 Remove jQuery usage to read meta config. @rwjblue
- #6095 [INTERNAL] Remove unused 'es3Safe' option @ursm
- #6102 Refactor/cleanup/reduce slow tests @stefanpenner
- #6112 More specific docs for included hook @xcambar
- #6098 [BUGFIX beta] ServerWatcher disregards --watcher=* @stefanpenner
- #6166 changed --insecure-proxy to --secure-proxy in ember serve command @badazz91
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- #6098 [BUGFIX beta] ServerWatcher disregards --watcher=* @stefanpenner
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- #6050 Make app/addon readmes consistent @elwayman02
- #6005 [BUGFIX] Fixes broccoli errors when
dir is not present @twokul - #5986 added transparent-proxy option to ember serve command @badazz91
- #6012 switch to a rollup subset of lodash and shave off 20 - 30%+ boot time @stefanpenner
- #6017 Allow
ember install addon_name --save
in addons. @xcambar - #6030 [ENHANCEMENT] Asset Sizes I moved the creation of asset sizes to an object. @kiwiupover
- #6052 Turn on strict mode for tests. @nathanhammond
- #6043 [BUGFIX beta] Test nested addon import @xcambar
- #6045 [Enhancement] Return raw asset-size as data instead of strings @kiwiupover
- #6072 Makes sure dependecies are loaded on demand @twokul
- #6092 Remove ember-qunit-notifications @trentmwillis
- #6094 Remove jQuery usage to read meta config. @rwjblue
- #6095 [INTERNAL] Remove unused 'es3Safe' option @ursm
- #6102 Refactor/cleanup/reduce slow tests @stefanpenner
- #6112 More specific docs for included hook @xcambar
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
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- #5972 [BUGFIX release] ease core-object upgrade for addons which lack .project @stefanpenner
- #5877 Uniform import API @ef4
- #5979 Use
ember try:one
in travis @san650 - #5984 Replace "stub" helper with "testdouble" @Turbo87
- #5985 Use blueprint test helpers @Turbo87
- #5792 Add "rootURL" setting to deprecate "baseURL" @Turbo87
- #5997 Prints correct phantomjs version @twokul
- #6043 Test nested addon import @xcambar
- #6072 Makes sure dependecies are loaded on demand @twokul
- #6105 Update Ember Data to v2.7.0 @bmac
- #6106 Update Ember to 2.7.0 @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #6057 Ember & Ember Data beta version bumps. @nathanhammond
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
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- Addon Developers
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
includes only a bump of the Ember version dependency in the default blueprint.
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
included changes that should have stayed on canary
for now. This release removes those
changes again and only includes the bugfixes from the beta
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5987 [BUGFIX release] allow more then 10 exit handlers @stefanpenner
- #5979 Use
ember try:one
in travis @san650 - #6001 [BUGFIX release] Upgrade ember-cli-release version @Serabe
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5962 [BUGFIX canary] Remove test-loader from tests/index blueprint @josemarluedke
- #5972 [BUGFIX release] ease core-object upgrade for addons which lack .project @stefanpenner
- #5975 Update core-object to version 2.0.2 @nathanhammond
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Ensure your
is properly set.
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5879 Blueprint READMEs: s/server/serve/ to match
ember help
@chrisjshull - #5789 Remove "home grown version checker" @Turbo87
- #5737 Update core-obect (#5547, rebased) @nathanhammond
- #5709 Move test-loader to NPM @trentmwillis
- #5792 Add "rootURL" setting to deprecate "baseURL" @Turbo87
- #5801 Remove "ember help --json" output @Turbo87
- #5819 Fix for disabling hinting for developing an addon @jeffjewiss
- #5891 Use jshint's esversion option instead of esnext option @san650
- #5842 Replace "findup" with "find-up" @Turbo87
- #5835 Move documentation from "" into "models/addon.js" doc comments @Turbo87
- #5856 [BUGFIX beta] Allow Node v6.0.0. @rwjblue
- #5918 models/project: Look only for projects with "ember-cli" dependency @Turbo87
- #5859 [BUGFIX beta] Bump Ember & Ember Data version to 2.6.0-beta @rwjblue
- #5910 invoke super @stefanpenner
- #5873
command blueprint options test @robbiepitts - #5877 Uniform import API @ef4
- #5926 Deprecate EmberApp.concatFiles() method @Turbo87
- #5887 Improve import() documentation @Turbo87
- #5895 Generate JSHint files only if JSHint is used @Turbo87
- #5909 Handle all valid URL path characters for rootURL/baseURL in tests-server @les2
- #5920 move jQuery to ember-core for now @stefanpenner
- #5931 Extract standalone insertIntoFile() function @Turbo87
- #5955 [BUGFIX beta] Fix addon linting regression. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #6068 Allow more then 10 exit handlers @nathanhammond
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Upgrade your
version to^0.2.9
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Upgrade your
version to^0.2.9
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5972 [BUGFIX release] ease core-object upgrade for addons which lack .project @stefanpenner
- #5975 Update core-object to version 2.0.2 @nathanhammond
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Change
to avoid wasted cleanup when running CI. See #5606 for more details. - Remove
(it is now included by default)
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5957 Update Ember version to 2.6.0. @rwjblue
- #5959 [BUGFIX beta] Update the ember-data dependency to 2.6.0 @bmac
- #5963 Fix reading npm package names with a version specifier @Turbo87 and @martndemus
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5737 / #5828 [INTERNAL] Update
to 2.0.0. @nathanhammond - #5856 Remove warning when using Node v6.0.0. @rwjblue
- #5859 Update Ember to 2.6.0-beta.2. @rwjblue
- #5859 Update Ember Data to 2.6.0-beta.1. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Make the following changes to your
:- Update
- Add
- Update
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Change
to avoid wasted cleanup when running CI. See #5606 for more details. - Make the following changes to your
:- Update
- Add
- Remove
(it is now included by default)
- Update
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5606 Don't bother pointless npm/bower restore in addon CI @mike-north
- #5609 [ENHANCEMENT] Add in v1 of welcome page addon @acorncom
- #5689 [ENHANCEMENT] Added return statement to
@Fed03 - #5693 Fix: ensure livereload works when deleting directories. @hansl
- #5779 Update Ember Data to v2.5.0 @bmac
- #5714 "addon" blueprint: Update TravisCI config @Turbo87
- #5723 Embed/include ember-try in ember-cli @kategengler
- #5757 Add "ember-cli-jshint" dependency to "app" blueprint @Turbo87
- #5752 Ensure
does not match substrings. @martndemus - #5741 Resolve config directory relative to EmberApp project root @nickiaconis
- #5769 Update ember-ajax to 2.0. @rwjblue
- #5780 Update Ember to v2.5.0. @rwjblue
- #5786 Deprecate
in favor ofProject.closestSync
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Make the following updates in your
:- Update
- Add
- Update
- Update
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Make the following updates in your
:- Update
- Add
- Update
- Update
- #5780 Update Ember to v2.5. @rwjblue
- #5779 Update Ember Data to v2.5. @bmac
- #5757 Add ember-cli-jshint dependency to app and addon blueprints. @Turbo87
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5645 bump some common test timeouts, reduce intermittent failures @stefanpenner
- #5588 Remove obsolete JSHint comments @Turbo87
- #5391 Fix host interface + port binding issues @eriktrom
- #5584 Help command cleanup @Turbo87
- #5531 load ember from ember-core if available @stefanpenner
- #4678 [BUGFIX] rethrow exceptions after logging @lazybensch
- #4025 Allow promise for locals function in blueprints @knownasilya
- #5646 ensure at-least npm v3 @stefanpenner
- #5591 Ensure application templates overwrite addon templates. @rwjblue
- #5590 Site updates itself now @leo
- #5644 [ENHANCEMENT] Output build sizes command @martypenner
- #5607 Removing view blueprint @jasonmit
- #5597 Use internal test helpers @Turbo87
- #5605 Update diff to version 2.2.2 🚀
- #5592 Fix issue with addon directory not being linted @alexlafroscia
- #5603 Remove all "www"s @leo
- #5651 remove inherited defaults from deprecated command @kellyselden
- #5619 Update fs-extra to version 0.26.7 🚀
- #5612 Replace "pleasant-progress" with "ora" @Turbo87
- #5618 Cleanup unused utilities @Turbo87
- #5614 Resolve directories relative to EmberApp project root @trentmwillis
- #5616 Update yuidocjs to version 0.10.0 @Turbo87
- #5611 Update fs-extra to version 0.26.6 🚀
- #5617 Move "coveralls" and "codeclimate" dependencies into TravisCI manifest @Turbo87
- #5615 Extract JSON help generator from HelpCommand code @Turbo87
- #5662 Update "configstore" to v2.0.0 @Turbo87
- #5627 Update locals inline docs @knownasilya
- #5624 fix help for unknown command @lazybensch
- #5621 [BUGFIX] Adds in fix for #5620 to see if the actualOutputStream isTTY by default. @iheanyi
- #5622 [CLEANUP] command types @lazybensch
- #5666 Clean up "inquirer" code @Turbo87
- #5641 Update Ember Data to v2.4.2 @bmac
- #5632 Clean up TravisCI file @Turbo87
- #5640 ember-try scenarios accepts dots, should probably be one. @kellyselden
- #5668 Cleanup tests properly @chadhietala
- #5642 update ember-try @kellyselden
- #5672 re-point ember-cli-portfinder -> portfinder @eriktrom
- #5653 Upgrade packages for app/addon blueprints @elwayman02
- #5647 disable node 0.12.x tests on appveyor @stefanpenner
- #5649 commands: Use plain strings instead of "option-type" utility @Turbo87
- #5650 reset aliases for deprecated install commands @kellyselden
- #5654 bump destroy test timeout @stefanpenner
- #5655 Move "ember-cli" version printing into "ember --version" command @Turbo87
- #5656 commands: Rename "show-asset-sizes" to "asset-sizes" @Turbo87
- #5659 Simplify print-command utility @Turbo87
- #5670 Extract "open-editor" utility @Turbo87
- #5673 Fixes leading slash being added to component-test module name @lpaluszk
- #5674 [email protected] breaks build
⚠️ - #5678 Remove ember-disable-proxy-controllers from package.json blueprint @Dhaulagiri
- #5679 "app" blueprint: Update TravisCI config @Turbo87
- #5686 [email protected] breaks build
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5550 Use ES6 shorthand for object literals in blueprints (initializer and in-repo-addon) @Ky6uk
- #5524 Enable
headers in http-proxy @jbacklund - #5557 Update portfinder to fix various issues with live reload port selection. @stefan
- #5556 Update amd-name-resolver to version 0.0.5 (ensures correct path types are used for module transpilation output). @stefanpenner
- #5561 Add ability to lint templates (
is now called fortemplates
type, see ember-cli-template-lint for more details). @rwjblue - #5575 blueprints/route-addon: Fix path token @Turbo87
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Update
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5540 Revert AMD module support for
. This was causing issues with non ASCII files becoming corrupted in the build output. Support will likely be reintroduced in future versions. @stefanpenner - #5541 Bump
from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 @mwpastore - #5545 Revert old
behavior as deprecated API. @ro0gr - #5546 Update bundled
version (removes warning on install). @btecu
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Migrate
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5438 Add Ember 1.13 to ember-try's default configuration. @kellyselden
- #5477 Fix test suite on Windows @Turbo87
- #5486 [ENHANCEMENT] Add
option toaddon
command @Serabe - #5491 Change "ember i" alias from "ember init" to "ember install" @Turbo87
- #5507 / #5513 [BUGFIX beta] Replace testem.json with testem.js @cibernox
- #5512 Anonymous AMD Support to
. @ef4 - #5497 Call
after handling afterEach options @johnotander - #5499 Add
support toapp.import
(see RFC#58) @ro0gr - #5508 Expose a
method to be overwritten by test framework addons @Turbo87 - #5526 Propagates testem errors @stefanpenner
- #5527 Fix many
ember test
andember test --server
issues @stefanpenner
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Remove
. The version required by your Ember version will be used. - Update
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Update
- #5426 Update ember-try in addons to 0.1.2. @rwjblue
- #5418 [ENHANCEMENT] Use absolute imports in tests @kamalaknn
- #5432 [BUGFIX] Fix linting error in nested developing addons @trentmwillis
- #5442 [Bugfix] history support middleware allowed to be disabled @jasonmit
- #5441 Remove deprecated 'registry' in instance initializer template. @chriskrycho
- #5458 app blueprint: Update jQuery version @xtian
- #5462 Fix "Cannot read property 'writeDeprecateLine' of undefined" @Turbo87
- #5466 testem 1.3.0 @kellyselden
- #5474 Add helpful error when
addon is missing. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
ember new
diff /ember addon
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
has been removed from the default project blueprint due to extremely poor ergonomics. If the addon is working well for you, please continue to use it.- Users of
should uninstall (as this functionality is now included in ember-cli by default). - Update the following entries in your
:- Remove
(it is replaced byember-ajax
) - Add
- Add
- Add
- Add
- Update
- Update
- Update
- Update
- Remove
- Update the following entries in your
- Remove
. - Remove
(it is now bundled byember-cli-qunit
) - Remove
(it is now bundled byember-cli-qunit
) - Remove
(it was moved into an addon) - Remove
(it was moved into an addon) - Remove
(it was moved into an addon) - Remove
(the Ember dependency will determine the version used).
- Addon Developers
- Update
- Update
- #5426 Update ember-try in addons to 0.1.2. @rwjblue
- #5418 [ENHANCEMENT] Use absolute imports in tests @kamalaknn
- #5432 [BUGFIX] Fix linting error in nested developing addons @trentmwillis
- #5442 [Bugfix] history support middleware allowed to be disabled @jasonmit
- #5441 Remove deprecated 'registry' in instance initializer template. @chriskrycho
- #5458 app blueprint: Update jQuery version @xtian
- #5462 Fix "Cannot read property 'writeDeprecateLine' of undefined" @Turbo87
- #5466 testem 1.3.0 @kellyselden
- #5474 Add helpful error when
addon is missing. @rwjblue - #5369 Implement application level resolver in blueprint. @rwjblue
- #5372 Update to [email protected]. @rwjblue
- #5374 Update ember-cli-qunit to 1.2.1. @rwjblue
- #5325 bump testem to latest to compensate for breakage in xmldom @et
- #5331 Update blueprints for Ember Data 2.3.0 @bmac
- #5332 testem v1.0.0 @johanneswuerbach
- #5291 getCallerFile now comes from its own node_module @stefanpenner
- #5312 Add information about testing new features/bugfixes to the file @ohcibi
- #5313 Add missing
option to the output ofember test --help
@ohcibi - #5327 [BUGFIX release] pin jQuery version @stefanpenner
- #5271 Update ember-cli-test-loader to 0.2.2. @rwjblue
- #5274 Fix the order of test files to append @bitaculous
- #5278 Replace broccoli-sourcemap-concat usage with broccoli-concat. @ballPointPenguin
- #5286 Update
minimum version to 2.0.0 @jonathanKingston - #5298 [INTERNAL] Update minimum Testem version to 1.0.0-rc.4. @rwjblue
- #5247 Unfortunately remove
from the default blueprint. @stefanpenner - #5215 Fix CHANGELOG for ember-cli-qunit version. @rwjblue
- #4981 Alphabetize the keys in dependencies and devDependencies (for addon creation). @kellyselden
- #5181 Cleanup platform checker warning to make it clear when a given platform is deprecated or just untested. @stefanpenner
- #5252 Deprecate the usage of
hooks. @nathanhammond - #5232 Update generate resource documentation @johnotander
- #5221 Replace
(the projects have been merged). @stefanpenner - #5220 Fix instance-initializer-test blueprint. @rwjblue
- #5230 Helper Unit test should pass a params array as first argument @stefanpenner
- #5241 Fix test server file serving (ensures static assets are found properly). @stefanpenner
- #5254 Update to Testem v1.0.0-rc1. @johanneswuerbach
- #5254 Detect global errors (i.e. parse errors from
) when runningember test
orember test --server
. @johanneswuerbach - #5025 [ENHANCEMENT] update loader.js, qunit and ember-ajax for app/addon blueprints @jcope2013
- #5061 Testem 0.9.11 @johanneswuerbach
- #4994 add jshint helper command for tests @gabrielgrant
- #5033 Added Node v5 to Appveyor @patocallaghan
- #4218 Add instance-initializer's blueprints family @cibernox
- #4476 Add additional documentation on treeFor* methods @trentmwillis
- #5172 Bump ember-cli-dependency-checker to v1.2.0 @quaertym
- #5108 Fix instance-intitalizer-test test-info import to use
@trabus - #5087 Upgraded ember-ajax to 0.7.1 @ember-cli
- #5098 [ENHANCEMENT] Install htmlbars precompiler when generating component integration tests @drspaniel
- #5077 loosen test @ember-cli
- #5065 Programmatic access to the CLI @eibrahim
- #5089 [BUGFIX] Forward
test option to testem @cspanring - #5075 disable bundling, npm client seems to have issues but npm service app… @ember-cli
- #5066 bumps
version @ember-cli - #5107 [FEATURE] Implement addon black- and whitelist @dschmidt
- #5094 [fixes #5092] remove long since deprecated this.Funnel usage from int… @ember-cli
- #5104 Workaround for babel includePolyfill exception @ef4
- #5189 updated markdown-it-terminal @akatov
- #5139 Use ES6 shorthand property for layout in component blueprint @martndemus
- #5109 Fix body-parser suggested use due to deprecations @knownasilya
- #5113 Remove trailing whitespace on component integration test @ahmadsoe
- #5130 Update bower.json @ember-cli
- #5132 [ENHANCEMENT] Make
configurable @jbescoyez - #5117 Update Ember to latest stable (2.2.0). @rwjblue
- #5124 Update ember-cli-sri minimum version to 1.2.0. @rwjblue
- #5125 Clarify
ember test --path
docs. @ember-cli - #5128 Adds Node 5 to allow_failures list @ember-cli
- #5201 ember-cli-rails-addon now uses outputReady @luma-institute
- #5168 fix swallowed failures @ember-cli
- #5158 Change location of website @leo
- #5142 Fix merge issues introduced by #4476 @trabus
- #5155 bump broccoli-merge-trees @ember-cli
- #5149 cherry-picking changelog from stable @ember-cli
- #5150 [INTERNAL] Set correct version of ember-cli @jayeff
- #5165 [ENHANCEMENT] Initial implementation of css hot realod @gcollazo
- #5154 reduce number of funnels created to support other asset app.imports @ember-cli
- #5159 Update appveyor.yml @ember-cli
- #5144 [ENHANCEMENT] Cleans up generated application directory if
ember new
errors @trek - #5179 Updating deprecations that use the deprecate utility @gmurphey
- #5190 Only use
dependency, nottmp-sync
@akatov - #5180 add node (latest) and set to allowed failures @ember-cli
- #5186 Fixing path issue in test for AppVeyor. @gmurphey
- #5169 [BUGFIX] Bump quick-temp to 0.1.5, fix jshint error @trabus
- #5185 Ensure rimraf is available to consumers. @ember-cli
- #5171 Avoid Reexporter when loader supports index fallback. @rwjblue
- #5184 more explicit jshint test run @ember-cli
- #5197 update leek @akatov
- #5204 [ENHANCEMENT] Add npm badge to README. @adjohnson916
- #5192 Use consistent double quotes in index.html blueprints @Dhaulagiri
- #5198 minor whitespace fix @ember-cli
- #5205 Add addon-test-support tree. @rwjblue
- #5206 Update ember-qunit to 0.4.17. @rwjblue
- #5207 Make ember test helper clearer. @rwjblue
- #5208 update some out of date deps @ember-cli
- #5209 Ensure loader.js warning is easier to spot. @rwjblue
- #5211 Update ember-cli-qunit to 1.1.0. @rwjblue
- #5212 Update ember-data to 2.2.1. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Remove
, and add topackage.json
. - Remove
, and add topackage.json
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5329 [ENHANCEMENT] Support custom blueprint options in new and init commands @bendemboski
- #5377 Update Bower resolution to match Ember version @kpfefferle
- #5203 [ENHANCEMENT] Use absolute import paths for util-test blueprint @kamalaknn
- #5349 [BUGFIX] Fix live-reloading post build error @stefanpenner
- #5309 [2.X] Deprecate vendor-prefix and vendor-suffix. @nathanhammond
- #5370 Make final update of
faster, by only updating changed files. @stefanpenner - #5321 Ensure
works the same asEmberApp.env()
@jasonmit - #5367 Update to lodash 4 @jcope2013
- #5394 Upgrade testem to v1.1.1 @quaertym
- #5379 Move loader.js to be included as an addon. @rwjblue
- #5388 Mixin generation in addon @MiguelMadero
- #5396 Wrap evaluation of
in atry
to provide helpful message for syntax errors. @mozeryansky - #5410 Ensure that Testem can use
if present (without passing--config-file
option). @rwjblue - #5416 Use ember-load-initializers as addon @josemarluedke
- #5421 Make options available in all Blueprint hooks as this.options @trentmwillis
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Update
. - Update
. - Remove
(it is now included as an NPM dependency by ember-cli-qunit).
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5369 Implement application level resolver in blueprint. @rwjblue
- #5372 Update to [email protected]. @rwjblue
- #5374 Update ember-cli-qunit to 1.2.1. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
Re-releasing 2.2.0-beta.5, but without the line-ending issue.
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5325 bump testem to latest to compensate for breakage in xmldom @et
- #5331 Update blueprints for Ember Data 2.3.0 @bmac
- #5332 testem v1.0.0 @johanneswuerbach
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5291 getCallerFile now comes from its own node_module @stefanpenner
- #5312 Add information about testing new features/bugfixes to the file @ohcibi
- #5313 Add missing
option to the output ofember test --help
@ohcibi - #5327 [BUGFIX release] pin jQuery version @stefanpenner
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Update
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5271 Update ember-cli-test-loader to 0.2.2. @rwjblue
- #5274 Fix the order of test files to append @bitaculous
- #5278 Replace broccoli-sourcemap-concat usage with broccoli-concat. @ballPointPenguin
- #5286 Update
minimum version to 2.0.0 @jonathanKingston - #5298 [INTERNAL] Update minimum Testem version to 1.0.0-rc.4. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
has been removed from the default project blueprint due to extremely poor ergonomics. If the addon is working well for you, please continue to use it.
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5247 Unfortunately remove
from the default blueprint. @stefanpenner - #5215 Fix CHANGELOG for ember-cli-qunit version. @rwjblue
- #4981 Alphabetize the keys in dependencies and devDependencies (for addon creation). @kellyselden
- #5181 Cleanup platform checker warning to make it clear when a given platform is deprecated or just untested. @stefanpenner
- #5252 Deprecate the usage of
hooks. @nathanhammond - #5232 Update generate resource documentation @johnotander
- #5221 Replace
(the projects have been merged). @stefanpenner - #5220 Fix instance-initializer-test blueprint. @rwjblue
- #5230 Helper Unit test should pass a params array as first argument @stefanpenner
- #5241 Fix test server file serving (ensures static assets are found properly). @stefanpenner
- #5254 Update to Testem v1.0.0-rc1. @johanneswuerbach
- #5254 Detect global errors (i.e. parse errors from
) when runningember test
orember test --server
. @johanneswuerbach
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Users of
should uninstall (as this functionality is now included in ember-cli by default). - Update the following entries in your
:- Remove
(it is replaced byember-ajax
) - Add
- Remove
- Update the following entries in your
- Remove
(it is now bundled byember-cli-qunit
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5025 [ENHANCEMENT] update loader.js, qunit and ember-ajax for app/addon blueprints @jcope2013
- #5061 Testem 0.9.11 @johanneswuerbach
- #4994 add jshint helper command for tests @gabrielgrant
- #5033 Added Node v5 to Appveyor @patocallaghan
- #4218 Add instance-initializer's blueprints family @cibernox
- #4476 Add additional documentation on treeFor* methods @trentmwillis
- #5172 Bump ember-cli-dependency-checker to v1.2.0 @quaertym
- #5108 Fix instance-intitalizer-test test-info import to use
@trabus - #5087 Upgraded ember-ajax to 0.7.1 @ember-cli
- #5098 [ENHANCEMENT] Install htmlbars precompiler when generating component integration tests @drspaniel
- #5077 loosen test @ember-cli
- #5065 Programmatic access to the CLI @eibrahim
- #5089 [BUGFIX] Forward
test option to testem @cspanring - #5075 disable bundling, npm client seems to have issues but npm service app… @ember-cli
- #5066 bumps
version @ember-cli - #5107 [FEATURE] Implement addon black- and whitelist @dschmidt
- #5094 [fixes #5092] remove long since deprecated this.Funnel usage from int… @ember-cli
- #5104 Workaround for babel includePolyfill exception @ef4
- #5189 updated markdown-it-terminal @akatov
- #5139 Use ES6 shorthand property for layout in component blueprint @martndemus
- #5109 Fix body-parser suggested use due to deprecations @knownasilya
- #5113 Remove trailing whitespace on component integration test @ahmadsoe
- #5130 Update bower.json @ember-cli
- #5132 [ENHANCEMENT] Make
configurable @jbescoyez - #5117 Update Ember to latest stable (2.2.0). @rwjblue
- #5124 Update ember-cli-sri minimum version to 1.2.0. @rwjblue
- #5125 Clarify
ember test --path
docs. @ember-cli - #5128 Adds Node 5 to allow_failures list @ember-cli
- #5201 ember-cli-rails-addon now uses outputReady @luma-institute
- #5168 fix swallowed failures @ember-cli
- #5158 Change location of website @leo
- #5142 Fix merge issues introduced by #4476 @trabus
- #5155 bump broccoli-merge-trees @ember-cli
- #5149 cherry-picking changelog from stable @ember-cli
- #5150 [INTERNAL] Set correct version of ember-cli @jayeff
- #5165 [ENHANCEMENT] Initial implementation of css hot realod @gcollazo
- #5154 reduce number of funnels created to support other asset app.imports @ember-cli
- #5159 Update appveyor.yml @ember-cli
- #5144 [ENHANCEMENT] Cleans up generated application directory if
ember new
errors @trek - #5179 Updating deprecations that use the deprecate utility @gmurphey
- #5190 Only use
dependency, nottmp-sync
@akatov - #5180 add node (latest) and set to allowed failures @ember-cli
- #5186 Fixing path issue in test for AppVeyor. @gmurphey
- #5169 [BUGFIX] Bump quick-temp to 0.1.5, fix jshint error @trabus
- #5185 Ensure rimraf is available to consumers. @ember-cli
- #5171 Avoid Reexporter when loader supports index fallback. @rwjblue
- #5184 more explicit jshint test run @ember-cli
- #5197 update leek @akatov
- #5204 [ENHANCEMENT] Add npm badge to README. @adjohnson916
- #5192 Use consistent double quotes in index.html blueprints @Dhaulagiri
- #5198 minor whitespace fix @ember-cli
- #5205 Add addon-test-support tree. @rwjblue
- #5206 Update ember-qunit to 0.4.17. @rwjblue
- #5207 Make ember test helper clearer. @rwjblue
- #5208 update some out of date deps @ember-cli
- #5209 Ensure loader.js warning is easier to spot. @rwjblue
- #5211 Update ember-cli-qunit to 1.1.0. @rwjblue
- #5212 Update ember-data to 2.2.1. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5338 1 13 testem bump @johanneswuerbach
- #5351 Bump ember to 1.13.12 @san650
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- default jQuery.js version is now locked at
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- app-prefix and app-suffix have been deprecated, addons will need to move away from them.
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5327 [BUGFIX release] pin jQuery version @stefanpenner
- #5245 Deprecate app-prefix and app-suffix. @nathanhammond
- #5251 [BUGFIX] ensure we stat the symlink target, not the symlink (fixes tests/index.html not updating) @stefanpenner
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- default Ember.js version is now at
- Ember CLI SRI version was bumped to
- Ember
version was bumped to3.4.0
- Testem version was bumped to
- Addon Developers
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #5061 Testem 0.9.11, @johanneswuerbach
- #5094 Remove deprecated
usage, @stefanpenner - #5075 Disable bundling, npm client seems to have issues, @stefanpenner
- #5104 Workaround for babel includePolyfill exception, @ef4
- #5116 Bumps Ember version to
, @stefanpenner - #5116 Bumps Ember CLI SRI to
, @rwjblue
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- changes to
file. All tests are now in a separate file, diff. - default Ember.js version is now at
- default Ember Data version is now at
- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #4838 Add
npm test
to Addon README @elwayman02 - #4756 Discard runCommand stdout/stderr unless we have a test failure @joliss
- #4753 Upgraded ember-cli-app-version to 1.0.0 @ember-cli
- #4235 Reintroduce comment regarding bodyParser on http-mock @joostdevries
- #4728 Revert "Do not pack ember-cli-build.js" @ember-cli
- #4846 Update ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile dependency @joliss
- #4757 Remove last use of broccoli-writer in test suite @joliss
- #4765 Fix typo Brocolli → Broccoli @lancedikson
- #4770 Updates configstore @twokul
- #4774 Update ember-cli-shims to prevent errors on Ember < 1.13. @rwjblue
- #4772 Implement a destroyApp helper. @blimmer
- #4771 Make default generated tests pass. @blimmer
- #4854 command unit test syncing @kellyselden
- #4801 add a missing curved brackets @dukex
- #4799 Bump ember-cli-dependency-checker to v1.1.0 @quaertym
- #4792 Replace Esperanto With Babel @ember-cli
- #4783 bump viz @ember-cli
- #4788 include FS usage monitoring @ember-cli
- #4785 some safe runCommand removals @kellyselden
- #4781 Set
ember serve --host
default toundefined
. @buschtoens - #4796 tested needs null integrity value (since it always chan… @ember-cli
- #4880 consolidate test setup to not use fixtures, instead use mocking @kellyselden
- #4816 Allow OS to choose ephemeral port if --test-port=0 @williamsbdev
- #4815 Add Node.js 4.0 as valid platform version @szines
- #4839 addAddonsToProject for blueprints @elwayman02
- #4826 Update bower deps. @rwjblue
- #4844 fix failing tests @ember-cli
- #4836 Make config replace cache @ember-cli
- #4837 Add
. @rwjblue - #4827 Update to broccoli-caching-writer 2.0.0 @joliss
- #4829 broccoli-plugin{description -> annotation} @ember-cli
- #4874 Add ability to specify a build path for running tests @trentmwillis
- #4863 remove duplicate in package.json @lazybensch
- #4849 cleanup whitespace in the commands @kellyselden
- #4857 Only exclude node_modules at root @joliss
- #4881 add unit tests for blueprint help printing @kellyselden
- #4913 adding addtional help tests @kellyselden
- #4946 Fix beforeEach/afterEach callbacks with moduleForAcceptance. @rwjblue
- #4954 Add smoke test for
@seanpdoyle - #4970 Upgrade testem to 0.9.8 @rzurad
- #4973 Lock down [email protected] @ember-cli
- #4989 added my "Why is CI broken?" tool to the readme @ember-cli
- #5039 Add
@seanpdoyle - #5036 Remove native bundled dependencies @patocallaghan
- #5026 Add support for watchman 4 @jcope2013
- #5020 explicitly test node 5.0 @stefanpenner
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- default ember is now at 1.13.7 (but feel free to upgrade/downgrade as desired)
- default ember-data is now at 1.13.8 (but feel free to upgrade/downgrade as desired)
- for users with very large bower_components directories, rebuild times should improve
- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- If you haven't already, please remember to transition your Brocfile.js to ember-cli-build.js. more details
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #4599 Update valid-platform-version.js @stefanpenner
- #4590 Remove
ember update
mention in update-checker @quaertym - #4582 blueprints/app/package.json: Sort scripts alphabetically @Turbo87
- #4577 Adding more help acceptance tests @kellyselden
- #4621 bump funnel, and prefer globs for includes. @stefanpenner
- #4598 bump timeout, see if iojs on CI becomes happy again @stefanpenner
- #4596 Bump version of ember-cli-app-version to 0.5.0 @taras
- #4591 Revert "Remove
ember update
mention in update-checker" @stefanpenner - #4597 update to ember-cli-qunit v1.0.0 @stefanpenner
- #4593 Remove ember update mention in update-checker @quaertym
- #4628 a couple more tests that weren't being run @kellyselden
- #4606 [TYPO] SRI changelog typo fix @jonathanKingston
- #4601 update broccoli-caching-writer @stefanpenner;
- #4630 Update blueprint dependencies @btecu
- #4611 Update Ember Data dependency to 1.13.8 @bmac
- #4638 broccoli-plugin now uses annotation, rather then our own convention o… @stefanpenner
- #4622 Upgrade merge trees @stefanpenner
- #4625 bump broccoli-caching-writer to 1.1.0 @kellyselden
- #4627 fix test that was never being run @kellyselden
- #4629 broccoli-asset-rev to 2.1.2 @kellyselden
- #4632 Windows CI: Removed npm upgrade @johanneswuerbach
- #4636 Update Ember version to 1.13.7. @rwjblue
- #4637 [INTERNAL] Prefer globs over RegExps as funnel arguments @dschmidt
- #4642 bump broccoli-funnel @stefanpenner
- #4643 Support a (now deprecated) single-argument use of addBowerPackageToProject @mike-north
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- If you haven't already, please remember to transition your Brocfile.js to ember-cli-build.js. more details
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #4558 ensure we apply patches at the right part of the release. @stefanpenner
- #4559 bundle testem @stefanpenner
- #4560 Update ember-qunit to 0.4.9. @rwjblue
- #4561 Upgrade to Broccoli 0.16.5 @joliss
- #4564 add 1.13.6 diffs to changelog @kellyselden
- #4569 Update Ember to v1.13.6. @rwjblue
- #4572 Update QUnit version to 1.18.0. @rwjblue
- #4589 Fixes issue with smoke test failure. @rickharrison
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- If you haven't already, please remember to transition your Brocfile.js to ember-cli-build.js. more details
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #3239 ENHANCEMENT: Added
option to configure test port @patocallaghan - #4545 bump es6modules to fix IE8 issue @stefanpenner
- #4549 adding 1.13.5 diff to changelog @kellyselden
- #4553 [Bugfix] addAddonToProject fix for 1.13.5 @jasonmit
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- If you haven't already, please remember to transition your Brocfile.js to ember-cli-build.js. more details
- We now bundle ember.js 1.13.5 and ember-data 1.13.7 by default, but please note you can change these by updating bower.json
- We have included support for Subresource Integrity (SRI) by default, to find out more checkout our site's SRI section
- Please note: Testem will now error if a specified runner is missing.
- When installing ember-cli, one can use
npm install ember-cli --no-optional
to skip all native dependencies.
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #4471 Make the Examples less confusing @mdragon
- #4367 [BUGFIX] Adding check for undefined inRepoAddon option in Blueprint.prototype._locals. @gmurphey
- #4411 Removing unknown command from
ember help
. @gmurphey - #4405 Fix default generated integration test. @blimmer
- #4406 [ENHANCEMENT] Let ember install take multiple addons @DanielOchoa
- #4478 Store acceptance test application in test context. @rwjblue
- #4413 Add clarity for 0.2.7 to 1.13.x transition (build) @pixelhandler
- #4416 bump sourcemap-concat version @kwikPRs
- #4419 Nuke 'ember update' @jonnii
- #4488 Update Ember to 1.13.5. @rwjblue
- #4440 EmberAddon Should Merge Defaults @chadhietala
- #4438 Fix Ember CLI project update link @balinterdi
- #4428 Update #watchman message to point to correct url @supabok
- #4430 Handle a wide variety of bower endpoints @truenorth
- #4454 Always use Brocfile (with deprecation messaging) if it exists @gmurphey
- #4452 [ENHANCEMENT] Detect & skip lib install on http-mock gen @sivakumar-kailasam
- #4456 Updating getPort logic to use liveReloadHost. Fixes #4455. @gmurphey
- #4443 Prevent live-reload-port collisions (by default) @stefanpenner
- #4457 Removing extraneous newline from the component-test blueprint @gmurphey
- #4447 Update to Ember 1.13.4. @rwjblue
- #4449 [ENHANCEMENT] Add --skip-router flag to route blueprint generator @sivakumar-kailasam
- #4484 Updating route blueprint to write to router when dummy flag is used @gmurphey
- #4468 [fixes #4467] ensure commands that fail do to being run in the wrong … @stefanpenner
- #4474 [fixes #4328] patch to use any XMLHTTPRequest, but t… @stefanpenner
- #4462 Make ember destroy and ember generate give a better error when called… @marcioj
- #4466 Native deps now gone @stefanpenner
- #4465 ensure reexporter doesn't introduce instability during builds @stefanpenner
- #4516 update ember-cli-qunit to mitigate some leaks @stefanpenner
- #4489 [ENHANCEMENT] Testem v0.9.0 @johanneswuerbach
- #4483 Adding in ember-cli-sri into application package.json by default @jonathanKingston
- #4524 Update ember-qunit to 0.4.6. @rwjblue
- #4490 Fix code of conduct markdown formatting @max
- #4495 bump ember-export-application-global @stefanpenner
- #4498 Testem v0.9.0 @johanneswuerbach
- #4514 component-unit blueprint - trim component content by default @ramybenaroya
- #4534 add os to version output @kellyselden
- #4536 Remove unnecessary
"use strict";
s in "app.js" @nathanhammond - #4538 Updated ember-qunit to 0.4.7 @stefanpenner
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
has been deprecated in favor ofember-cli-build.js
. See for details on how to transition yourBrocfile.js
code toember-cli-build.js
.- Components are now generated with integration tests by default instead of unit tests. Component unit tests can still be generated separately with:
ember g component-test foo-bar -unit
. - Services can now be generated into pod structure.
- Addon Developers
ember addon
has been deprecated in favor ofember-cli-build.js
. See for details on how to transition yourBrocfile.js
code toember-cli-build.js
.- Blueprints can now be generated into the
folder with the--dummy
flag. - Scoped npm dependencies are now supported.
- Core Contributors
- fs.existsSync is deprecated, use exists-sync instead.
- #4378 Update Ember to 1.13.3 @rwjblue
- #4395 Update ember-data to 1.13.5 @trabus
- #4217 [BUGFIX] generating tests inside addons no longer generates addon export file @trabus
- #4212 fix friendly test description for transforms @csantero
- #4214 [BUGFIX] correct relative import path for nested adapters @trabus
- #4215 extract clean-base-url to its own module @stefanpenner
- #4197 [BUGFIX] add default for path option in component blueprint locals @trabus
- #4316 fs.existsSync deprecated, replace with exists-sync @jasonmit
- #4224 extract silent-error to its own addon @stefanpenner
- #4319 Update tmp.js @jjmiv
- #4228 add 0.2.7 diffs @kellyselden
- #4227 Extract process relative require @stefanpenner
- #4226 extract node-modules-path as its own module @stefanpenner
- #4326 Drop unused line from app blueprint @ef4
- #4254 [BUGFIX] Closes #4253. Add
as an available option to commands. @DanielOchoa - #4249 Passing options to tiny-lr (live reload) for HTTPS support @dosco
- #4239 Fix JSDoc issues @Turbo87
- #4242 Add devDependencies "up to date" badge to README @truenorth
- #4251 [BUGFIX] Fix generated addon acceptance test @trabus
- #4240 Added ember-cli-release to app/addon devDeps blueprint for simple release cutting @jayphelps
- #4286 [Deprecation] Introduce new build file @chadhietala
- #4280 [ENHANCEMENT] Add pod support for services blueprint @trabus
- #4272 [ENHANCEMENT] Generate component-tests into
by default @trabus - #4261 bump ember-cli-htmlbars @stefanpenner
- #4266 [fixes #4264] @stefanpenner
- #4270 [BUGFIX] don't allow ember init to create an application without project name @dukex/bugfix
- #4278 Fix 2 typos in livereload-server-test @jrobeson
- #4271 Adding support for private npm modules in blueprints. Closes #4256. @gmurphey
- #4263 [fixes #4260] postprocessTree hook for templates @stefanpenner
- #4347 ES3+ and for ES5+ deprecation free keys + forEach @stefanpenner
- #4292 Cleanup pr4283 @stefanpenner
- #4284 Update ember-resolver to 0.1.17. @rwjblue
- #4287 [ENHANCEMENT] Add ability to generate blueprints into addon
@trabus - #4290 Pass the correct port property to LiveReload server @jrobeson
- #4282 Display the LiveReload server address as url @jrobeson
- #4288 Update ember-cli-htmlbars to 0.7.9. @rwjblue
- #4376 Update initializer-test blueprint @quaertym
- #4306 [ENHANCEMENT] Print notification when modifying router.js @trabus
- #4377 Add a test-page option to the test command @jrjohnson
- #4341 Update ember-load-initializers to 0.1.5 @jmurphyau
- #4322 Update @jjmiv
- #4334 Cache processed styles tree to prevent double style builds. @rwjblue
- #4309 [ENHANCEMENT] Name blueprint in generate and destroy output message @trabus
- #4327 Bring tests jshintrc closer to app jshintrc @ef4
- #4344 [ENHANCEMENT] Fix typo in test command description. @fabianrbz
- #4362 extract preprocessor-registry -> ember-cli-preprocessor-registry @stefanpenner
- #4348 Do not pack ember-cli-build.js @chadhietala
- #4343 bump to ember-resolve 0.1.18 – which fixes deprecations while continu… @stefanpenner
- #4349 enable both relative and absolute treePaths (npm v3 fix) @stefanpenner
- #4359 Update helper blueprint to use
@balinterdi - #4354 Upgrade to ember-cli-app-version 0.4.0 @taras
- #4370 Remove unexpected final newline @treyhunner
- #4374 Update appveyor.yml @stefanpenner
- #4382 Update ember-cli-qunit to 0.3.15. @rwjblue
- #4384 [ENHANCEMENT] Add block-template assertion to generated component integration test @trabus
- #4385 Dependency updates @truenorth
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #4196 [BUGFIX] Adding fileMapToken name for route-addon blueprint. @gmurphey
- #4203 [BUGFIX] acceptance-test blueprint no longer generates addon re-export in app folder @trabus
- #4206 [Bugfix] Addon.prototype.compileTemplates should not use deprecated t… @stefanpenner
- #4207 [fixes #4205] allow null addonTemplates. @stefanpenner
- #4208 Drop ncp for cpr @stefanpenner
- #4210 Upgrade ember-try dependency in addon blueprint @kategengler
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
ember server
can now be started overhttps
. Default ssl certificate and ssl key paths aressl/server.crt
respectively. Custom paths can be added with--ssl-cert
#3550.ember test
now accepts areporter
option, it passes this option to Testem with the reporter to use[tap|dot|xunit]
is not longer included in the default project blueprint #4083.- Added again
. We still need podModulePrefix for the time being, it can be removed again when the state of pods has been finalized. - New apps include a
which tellswatchman
to ignoringtmp
dir #4101. - Updated
. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
. - Unit tests for components are now flagged as such #4177.
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- A new hook is available:
which allows you to specify the templates tree. For more info on how to use this hook see the following issue. - Route blueprint now works within addons #4152.
- A new generator is available,
ember g route-addon
allows you to create import wrappers for your addon's routes.
- Core Contributors
- We started to merge pull-request as part of the quest to improve code quality, keep them coming! #3730.
- #4143 [BUGFIX] Blueprint.load verify blueprint is in a directory @trabus
- #4035 Add a verification step to fail the build when tests are filtered with .only @marcioj
- #4091 fix name of ember-cli-dependency-checker @bantic
- #3854 [ENHANCEMENT] install:addon command will show a deprecation message before running the install command. @DanielOchoa
- #3550 Add ability to start ember serve on https @drogus
- #3786 Throw if templating a file fails @davewasmer
- #4026 Revert "Test powershell for appveyor builds" @stefanpenner
- #4148 extract common SilentError debug/throw logic @stefanpenner
- #4104 [BUGFIX] Fix custom blueprint options for destroy command @trabus
- #4106 [ENHANCEMENT] Adding Report option to 'ember test' @step2yeung
- #4155 Updating in-addon and in-repo-addon adapters @gmurphey
- #4123 Remove duplication in lib/utilities/test-info @quaertym
- #4114 [Bugfix] 1.4 diff displayed removal before addition. @stefanpenner
- #4108 Update ember-disable-proxy-controller to 1.0.0 @cibernox
- #4116 gzip served files. @stefanpenner
- #4120 [fixes #4083] remove views dir by default @stefanpenner
- #4159 Add
hook. @lukemelia - #4142 Installation checker @stefanpenner
- #4132 Revert "Remove podModulePrefix from app.js" @trabus
- #4141 ENHANCEMENT More advanced detection of whether outputPath is a parent of the project directory @catbieber
- #4138 Extract unknown command @quaertym
- #4139 [fixes #4133] warn if helper without
is generated @stefanpenner - #4124 [ENHANCEMENT] Add watchmanconfig file to blueprints @mikegrassotti
- #4152 [ENHANCEMENT] Updating route blueprint to work within addons and create route-addon… @stefanpenner
- #4157 Add Code Climate config @chrislopresto
- #4150 Code Quality: npm-install.js, npm-uninstall.js D -> A @jkarsrud
- #4146 Code Quality: addon.js, project.js D -> C @jkarsrud
- #4147 Detect ember-cli from deps as well as devDeps @searls
- #4154 remove duplication from normalize entity name @tyleriguchi
- #4158 Allow addons to have pod based templates @pzuraq
- #4160 Friendlier comments for Brocfile in addons @igorT
- #4162 Remove unused variables @quaertym
- #4163 Bump ember-data to v1.0.0-beta.18 @quaertym
- #4166 upgrade node-require-timings @stefanpenner
- #4168 Allow internal cli parameters to be configurable by other cli tools @rodyhaddad
- #4177 Flag component unit tests as such @mixonic
- #4187 isbinaryfile is used in more the just development @stefanpenner
- #4188 Fixed type annotations @Turbo87
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- package.json
- Upgrade
. - Make sure that
is using caret^1.0.0
- Upgrade
- bower.json
- Upgrade
- Upgrade
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #4076 Use caret version for stable dependencies in project blueprint. @abuiles
- #4087 Bump ember-cli-qunit to v0.3.13 ([email protected]). @rwjblue
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Apps now have ember-disable-proxy-controllers
included by default, this ensures that autogenerated controllers
always are regular
instead of the deprecated proxy ones. This does not affect explicitly created controllers. - Generated routes always use
is no longer used). - The command
ember install:bower
has been removed. - Pod components can now be generated outside the
sans podModulePrefix) folder with the--path
option.ember g component foo-bar -p -path foo
generates intoapp/foo/foo-bar/component.js
- The
ember new
command now has a--directory
option, allowing you to generate into a directory that differs from your app name.ember new foo -dir bar
generates an app namedfoo
into a directory namedbar
. - Generated apps no longer have
in the config. - All blueprints have been updated to use shorthand ES6 syntax for importing and exporting.
- package.json
- Upgrade
- Upgrade
- Upgrade
- bower.json
- Bundled ember
- Upgrade bower.json
for glimmer support.
- Bundled ember
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #3965 fixup doc generator test @stefanpenner
- #3822 adding 0.2.3 diffs @kellyselden
- #3384 Test powershell for appveyor builds @stefanpenner
- #3771 [ENHANCEMENT] Support custom node_module paths @jakehow
- #3820 [ENHANCEMENT] Change blueprint command options to type String to avoid nopt transformations @rodyhaddad
- #3698 adding docker for linux testing/debugging @kellyselden
- #3973 Config cache unc share @stefanpenner
- #3836 Suggestion: Adding test coverage to pull requests @kellyselden
- #3827 [BUGFIX] Fixes availableOptions in custom blueprints @trabus
- #3825 Exclude dist/ from addon npm publishes by default @jayphelps
- #3826 [fixes #3712] rethrow errors in build task @marcioj
- #3978 Update broccoli-es6modules @marcioj
- #3882 Removes bower install command. @willrax
- #3869 [BUGFIX] Use posix path for in-repo-addons in package.json @trabus
- #3846 [BUGFIX] Prevent addon-import blueprint from generating if entity name is undefined @trabus
- #3851 Use shorthand ES6 syntax for addon -> app re-exports @jayphelps
- #3848 writeError now looks for filename as well as file @wagenet
- #3858 move github to normal dependencies to hack around: @stefanpenner
- #3856 Use shorthand ES6 re-export for addon-imports as well, which landed in #3690 @jayphelps
- #3842 Add remove packages @jonathanKingston
- #3845 [BUGFIX] Fix ability to generate blueprints (blueprint, http-mock, http-proxy, and tests) inside addons @trabus
- #3853 Cache
in CI @seanpdoyle - #3994 update sane + broccoli-sane-watcher @stefanpenner
- #3949 adding a shared folder with host, and fixing git PATH @kellyselden
- #3937 [BUGFIX] Merge app/styles from addons with overwrite: true. Fixes #3930. @yapplabs
- #3895 [Enhancement] PhantomJS 2.0 running on travis-ci @truenorth
- #3921 [Enhancement] Ember-try & parallel travis-ci scenario tests for addons @truenorth
- #3936 Replace 'this.resource' with 'this.route' in generators @HeroicEric
- #3946 [ENHANCEMENT] Add host option to
ember test
. @wangjohn - #3909 test blueprints now use consistent, less-opinionated import style @jayphelps
- #3891 Fixes problem in initializer tests generated in addons @marcioj
- #3889 Updating dev folder to help with debugging @kellyselden
- #3916 Disable directory listings on development server @joliss
- #3887 Bump ember router generator and allow index routes @abuiles
- #3915 Always create addon trees when developing an addon @marcioj
- #3901 bump blueprints to latest released ember @stefanpenner
- #3913 Remove podModulePrefix from app.js @knownasilya
- #3945 [ENHANCEMENT] Friendly test names and descriptions @eccegordo/feature
- #3922 Export test output dir via ENV @ef4
- #3919 Remove connect-restreamer. @abuiles
- #4021 Allow custom history location types. @stefanpenner
- #3950 allow override of os.EOL in tests @stefanpenner
- #3962 Disable any file watching done by testem @johanneswuerbach
- #3968 node-glob doesn’t work with windows shares… @stefanpenner
- #3951 [ENHANCEMENT] Add --directory flag to
ember new
@HeroicEric - #3956 Bump ember-route-generator to match #3936. @abuiles
- #3954 [ENHANCEMENT] Generate component pods outside components folder @trabus
- #3958 Fix indentation in
@arthurvr - #3967 allow override of os.EOL in tests @stefanpenner
- #3959 Add
to robots.txt @arthurvr - #3966 increase timeouts, and use mocha’s inheriting config @stefanpenner
- #4039 Update ember-qunit to support glimmer @knownasilya
- #4000 use
module @sindresorhus - #3975 included modules is no longer needed @stefanpenner
- #3982 Changed markdown-color blue to bright-blue to be the same on all platforms @trabus
- #3984 Allow io.js-next in development in 'valid-platform-version' @laiso
- #3974 Resolve sync @stefanpenner
- #3976 Relative require @stefanpenner
- #3996 Warns when npm or bower dependencies aren't installed @marcioj
- #4024 Appveyor: Use
instead ofrun-script
@knownasilya - #4033 Bump ember-cli-dependency-checker to v0.1.0 @quaertym
- #4027 Re-order postBuild hook @chadhietala
- #4008 Disable leek for
ember -v
@twokul - #4020 Allowed failures @stefanpenner
- #4007 Hide Python on appveyor so npm won't build native extentions @raytiley
- #4022 Run all tests again @marcioj
- #4032 Update ember-cli-qunit to v0.3.2 @HeroicEric
- #4037 Add ember-disable-proxy-controllers to app blueprint @cibernox
- #4046 Upgrade ember-cli-htmlbars to 0.7.6 @teddyzeenny
- #4057 [INTERNAL] Fix tests to expect single line qunit import @trabus
- #4058 Bump ember-cli-dependency-checker to v1.0.0 @quaertym
- #4059 Update Ember-data to beta 17 @cibernox
- #4065 Update to Ember 1.12.0. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
ember install <addon-name>
now is the correct way to install an add-on (notember install:npm <addon-name>
)- babel has been upgraded to
, be sure any configuration to babel is updated accordingly - bundled ember is now 1.11.1
- when existing test --server, tmp files should once again be correctly cleaned up.
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- Code Climate was added:, we have been making steady progress in improving our code quality and coverage. As new code enters the system, we should ensure we continue to improve.
- #3782 add OS X as a CI target for travis @stefanpenner
- #3711 adding changelog diffs @kellyselden
- #3703 [ENHANCEMENT] Add testem --launch option to ember test command @jrjohnson
- #3598 [ENHANCEMENT] Replace install:addon with install, remove install:bower and install:npm @DanielOchoa
- #3690 [ENHANCEMENT] Addon-import support for built-in blueprints @trabus
- #3700 fixes #3613 - added path.normalize @swelham
- #3412 Changes match application regex @twokul
- #3789 Code Quality: ember-app.js F -> D @kellyselden
- #3731 Promise cleanup @stefanpenner
- #3722 Updated included hook example @RSSchermer
- #3713 The unbundling @stefanpenner
- #3725 increase timeouts, and use mocha’s inheriting config strategy to prevent... @stefanpenner
- #3727 misc cleanup @stefanpenner
- #3794 BUGFIX fixes vars-on-top error in ESLint @jonathanKingston
- #3759 Order bower dependencies alphabetically @pmdarrow
- #3736 [fixes #3732] configure YAM with the Project.root. @stefanpenner
- #3743 no longer bundle testem, allow it to drift along semver @stefanpenner
- #3756 adding a blueprint uninstall test @kellyselden
- #3750 add developer requirements to @jakehow
- #3748 Fix wording @jbrown
- #3740 Remove dead code @IanVS
- #3747 code quality refactor of blueprint model @kellyselden
- #3755 return currentURL() rather than path, ref #3719 @mariogintili
- #3800 [fixes #3799] fix jshint @stefanpenner
- #3780 Upgrade to npm 2.7.6 @davewasmer
- #3775 Code quality blueprint duplicates @kellyselden
- #3762 Improved serializer-test blueprint @bmac
- #3778 bump to babel 5.0 @stefanpenner
- #3764 Version bump ember-load-initializers to handle instance initializers @jasonmit
- #3769 Babel 5.0 now separates codeFrame from error.{message, stack} @stefanpenner
- #3804 increase some timeouts and prefer mocha’s inheriting timers @stefanpenner
- #3798 adding coverage badge to readme @stefanpenner
- #3781 bump to a non-vulnerable semver module @stefanpenner
- #3784 Add ember-try for addons. @rwjblue
- #3795 Code Climate: adding test coverage @kellyselden
- #3797 Update to ember-qunit 0.3.1. @rwjblue
- #3801 moving coverage repo key to travis env variable @kellyselden
- #3802 remove pre-mature process.exit when existing
ember test —server
@stefanpenner - #3803 update testem @stefanpenner
- #3809 Fix url format of isGitRepo @stefanpenner
- #3812 update ember to 1.11.1 in the default blueprint @stefanpenner
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
ember new
diff- updated to ember 1.11.0
- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
ember init
once again works inside an addon.- error live-reloading now actually works!
- npm WARN for
have been fixed - ember-qunit was updated from
in a test now no-longer returns a jQuery object.
Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Addons now have
included by default, this ensures add-ons are written in a way that works regardless of the consumers prototype extension preference.
+ the following addon API's in has been deprecated:
Rather then relying on them from ember-cli, add-ons should require them via NPM.
We now are using broccoli v0.15.3, which is a backwards compatible upgrade, but it does expose the new
api, that will soon superseed theread
api. TL;DR among other things, this paves the path to having a configurable tmp directory.We recommend broccoli-plugin authors to update as soon as they are able to.
For more information checkout: new rebuild api
Core Contributors
- Keep being awesome!
- #3560 fixing the formatting from one line to two @kellyselden
- #3622 [BUGFIX] Fix ember init inside an existing addon @johanneswuerbach
- #3469 [ENHANCEMENT] Update component-test test.js blueprint @simonprev
- #3565 [BUGFIX] temporarily disable podModulePrefix deprecation @trabus
- #3601 Allow Node 0.13 in platform deprecation check. @rwjblue
- #3585 [ENHANCEMENT] Add in-repo-addon generate and destroy support @trabus
- #3674 Update nock dependency @btecu
- #3636 [fixes #3618] we will add some acceptance tests in this area soon (rushi... @stefanpenner
- #3634 Resolves #3628 postprocessTree for styles with vendor + app @jschilli
- #3630 Fix minor typo's @QuantumInformation
- #3631 [Documentation] adding new ember new and ember addon diffs @kellyselden
- #3680 Updates @stefanpenner
- #3645 Add ember-disable-prototype-extensions to addons by default. @rwjblue
- #3642 Check if style file with project name exists @btecu
- #3639 Bump ember-data to beta-16.1 @bmac
- #3682 strip ansi from babel errors for now. @stefanpenner
- #3655 Uses Ember.keys instead of Object.keys in reexport @danmcclain
- #3646 Add
as dependency. @rwjblue - #3647 add timeouts until we improve the mocha <-> custom runner timeout stuff @stefanpenner
- #3648 Update broccoli-sane-watcher. @rwjblue
- #3691 Update Ember to 1.11.0. @rwjblue
- #3675 Restore addon pick files @stefanpenner
- #3673 Update Broccoli to 0.15.3 @joliss
- #3672 Use broccoli-funnel instead of broccoli-static-compiler @joliss
- #3666 Tweaks @stefanpenner
- #3669 Update dependencies @btecu
- #3677 Export return value from (closes #3676). @abuiles
- #3681 Deprecate funnel and pickfiles @stefanpenner
- #3692 Replace lodash-node with lodash @btecu
- #3696 Update markdown-it and markdown-it-terminal @stefanpenner
- #3704 Live reload fix @stefanpenner
- #3705 Fix initial commit message @xymbol
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Mostly just bug-fixes and "Nice things"
- build errors now live-reload and correctly display build failure in the browser. more-details
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- UI is now provided to the AddonDiscovery
- ember-cli-babel is now included in the default blueprint, this is still optional but enabled by default
- #3555 [BUGFIX] Generate mixin in addon/mixins when inside an addon project @trabus
- #3476 Removes initializer mention from service generator help text @corpulentcoffee
- #3433 [ENHANCEMENT] Prevent addon generation in existing ember-cli project @cbrock
- #3463 disable visual progress effect in dumb terminals @jesse-black
- #3440 Enforcing newlines in template files results in unwanted Nodes @jclem
- #3484 Component blueprint only import layout when generated inside addon @trabus
- #3505 Update testem to 0.7.5 @johanneswuerbach
- #3481 BUGFIX Fixes #3472 Check for 'usePods' instead of 'pod'. @jankrueger
- #3493 Fix helper test failing by default @kimroen
- #3488 ENHANCEMENT: update-checker.js should use environment http_proxy if detected @xomaczar
- #3483 Ensure that addons pass the
into their AddonDiscovery. @rwjblue - #3501 [Enhancement] Architecture Diagram @visheshjoshi
- #3562 dist can be watched, it really is just tmp that matters. This prevents p... @stefanpenner
- #3540 [fixes #3520, #3174] disable ES3SafeFilter if babel is present, as babel... @stefanpenner
- #3508 Update ember-cli-app-version @btecu
- #3518 [BUGFIX] Add missing bind when server already in use @bdvholmes
- #3539 add tmp dir to npmignore @ahmadsoe
- #3515 [BUGFIX] Fixes nested component generation in addons with correct relative path for template import @trabus
- #3517 Use node 0.12 on Windows CI @johanneswuerbach
- #3535 Update @ahmadsoe
- #3533 [BUGFIX] Replace marked with markdown-it @trabus
- #3583 Updated license copyright date range @jayphelps
- #3546 [ENHANCEMENT] Add podModulePrefix deprecation for generate and destroy commands @trabus
- #3544 Add links with watchman info to cli output @felixbuenemann
- #3545 [BUGFIX] Ensure
entry point is used for addon lookup. @rwjblue - #3541 [fixes #3520, #3174] bump es3-safe-recast @stefanpenner
- #3594 fix broken link @kellyselden
- #3564 Added babel to addons package.json dependencies by default @jayphelps
- #3559 [Documentation] add ref to ember-cli-output and ember-addon-output @kellyselden
- #3571 [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-cli-content-security-policy to v0.4.0 @sir-dunxalot/enhancement
- #3572 Specify node version (0.12) for CI @quaertym
- #3576 ensure a build-failure is “live-reloaded” to the user. @stefanpenner
- #3578 Teaches updateChecker about dev builds @twokul
- #3579 allow for ./server to export express app @calvinmetcalf
- #3581 Resolves #3534 - addon postprocessTrees for styles @jschilli
- #3593 add command uninstall:npm @kellyselden
- #3604 Testem update @johanneswuerbach
- #3611 Bump ember-data to beta-16 @bmac
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
Support for addon's without an entry point script (either index.js
by default or the script specified by ember-addon main in the addon's package.json
has been removed. An addon must have at least the following:
module.exports = {
name: "addons-name-here"
This should not pose a problem for the vast majority of addons.
This release updates the way that addons can be nested, and contains some breaking changes in non-default addon configurations.
Prior versions of Ember CLI maintained a flat addon structure, so that all addons (of any depth) would be added to the consuming application. This has led to many issues, like the inability to use preprocessors (i.e. ember-cli-htmlbars, ember-cli-sass, etc) in nested addons.
For the majority of apps, the update from 0.1.15 to 0.2.0 is non-breaking and should not cause significant concern.
For addon creators, make sure to update to use the setupPreprocessorRegistry
hook (documented here)
if you need to add a preprocessor to the registry. You can review the update process in
ember-cli-htmlbars#38 or ember-cli-coffeescript#60
which show how to maintain support for both 0.1.x and 0.2.0 in an addon.
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- The 6to5 project has been renamed to Babel. See the blog post for more details.
- The default blueprint has been updated to work with Ember 1.10 by default.
- Update the following packages in your
:- Remove
. Uninstall withnpm uninstall --save-dev broccoli-ember-hbs-template-compiler
. - Remove
. Uninstall withnpm uninstall --save-dev ember-cli-6to5
. - Add
. Install withnpm install --save-dev ember-cli-babel
. - Add
. Install withnpm install --save-dev ember-cli-htmlbars
. - Updated
to 0.3.9. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
. - Updated
to 1.0.0-beta.15. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
. - Updated
to 0.0.8. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
. - Updated
to 0.3.2. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
- Remove
- Update the following packages in your
:- Removed
. Uninstall withbower uninstall --save handlebars
. - Updated
to 1.10.0. Install withbower install --save ember#1.10.0
. - Updated
to 1.0.0-beta.15. Install withbower install --save ember-data#1.0.0-beta.15
. - Updated
to 0.1.3. Install withbower install --save ember-cli-test-loader#0.1.3
. - Updated
to 0.1.12. Install withbower install --save ember-resolver
. - Updated
to 3.2.0.
- Removed
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Usage of the
hook to add items to theregistry
will need to be refactored to use the newly addedsetupPreprocessorRegistry
hook instead.
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #3246 [ENHANCEMENT] Update the service blueprint to use
(and remove usage of an initializer). @ohcibi - #3054 [ENHANCEMENT] Updated
to the latest version. @stefanpenner - #3216 [BUGFIX] Do not default to development asset @martndemus
- #3237 [BUGFIX] Blueprint templates with undefined variables should fallback to raw text @davewasmer
- #3288 [ENHANCEMENT] Override default port with
env var @knownasilya - #3158 [INTERNAL] add more steps to @raytiley
- #3160 [BUGFIX] Don't override the request's path @dmathieu
- #3367 [ENHANCEMENT] Prevent spotlight from indexing
. @stefanpenner - #3336 [ENHANCEMENT] Nested addons should be overrideable from parent. @rwjblue
- #3335 [ENHANCEMENT] Allow shared nested addons to be properly discovered. @rwjblue
- #3312 [BUGFIX] - fixed broken and outdated links @leandrocp
- #3326 [ENHANCEMENT] Print deprecation warning for Node 0.10. @rwjblue
- #3317 [ENHANCEMENT] Remove express & glob from default app package.json. @rwjblue
- #3383 [ENHANCEMENT] Use Ember.HTMLBars by default in new helpers. @maxwerr
- #3355 [ENHANCEMENT] Add
instances. @rwjblue - #3341 [ENHANCEMENT] Improve blueprint help output method (markdown support) @trabus
- #3349 [BUGFIX] Allow deprecated lookup of invalid packages. @rwjblue
- #3353 [BUGFIX] Allow generated acceptance tests to be in directories @koriroys
- #3345 [ENHANCEMENT] Check if blueprint exists before printing help @trabus
- #3338 [ENHANCEMENT] Update resolver to 0.1.12 @teddyzeenny
- #3401 [BUGFIX] Fixes accidental global Error object pollution. @stefanpenner
- #3363 [ENHANCEMENT] Bump ember-cli-dependency-checker to v0.0.8 @quaertym
- #3358 [ENHANCEMENT] CI=true puts the UI into
writeLevel @stefanpenner - #3361 [ENHANCEMENT] Update
to 3.0.2 @stefanpenner - #3356 [ENHANCEMENT] Generate blueprint inside addon generates into addon folder with re-export in app folder @trabus
- #3378 [ENHANCEMENT] Only generate JSHint warnings for the addon being developed @teddyzeenny
- #3375 [ENHANCEMENT] JSHint addon before preprocessing the JS @teddyzeenny
- #3373 [ENHANCEMENT] Provide a helpful error when an addon does not have a template compiler. @rwjblue
- #3386 [ENHANCEMENT] Display localhost in console instead of @rwjblue
- #3391 [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-cli-qunit to 0.3.9. @rwjblue
- #3410 [ENHANCEMENT] Use correct bound helper params for HTMLBars @jbrown
- #3428 [BUGFIX] Lock glob and rimraf to prevent EEXISTS errors. @raytiley
- #3435 [ENHANCEMENT] Update bundled npm @stefanpenner
- #3436 [ENHANCEMENT] Update Broccoli to 0.13.6 to provide errors on new API. @rwjblue
- #3438 [BUGFIX] Ensure nested addon registry matches addon order. @rwjblue
- #3456 [BUGFIX] Update ember-cli-app-version to 0.3.2 @taras
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
This release updates the way that addons can be nested, and contains some breaking changes in non-default addon configurations.
Prior versions of Ember CLI maintained a flat addon structure, so that all addons (of any depth) would be added to the consuming application. This has led to many issues, like the inability to use preprocessors (i.e. ember-cli-htmlbars, ember-cli-sass, etc) in nested addons.
For the majority of apps, the update from 0.1.15 to 0.2.0 is non-breaking and should not cause significant concern.
For addon creators, make sure to update to use the setupPreprocessorRegistry
hook (documented here)
if you need to add a preprocessor to the registry. You can review the update process in
ember-cli-htmlbars#38 or ember-cli-coffeescript#60
which show how to maintain support for both 0.1.x and 0.2.0 in an addon.
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- The 6to5 project has been renamed to Babel. See the blog post for more details.
- The default blueprint has been updated to work with Ember 1.10 by default.
- Update the following packages in your
:- Remove
. Uninstall withnpm uninstall --save-dev broccoli-ember-hbs-template-compiler
. - Remove
. Uninstall withnpm uninstall --save-dev ember-cli-6to5
. - Add
. Install withnpm install --save-dev ember-cli-babel
. - Add
. Install withnpm install --save-dev ember-cli-htmlbars
. - Updated
to 0.3.8. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
. - Updated
to 1.0.0-beta.15. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
- Remove
- Update the following packages in your
:- Removed
. Uninstall withbower uninstall --save handlebars
. - Updated
to 1.10.0. Install withbower install --save ember#1.10.0
. - Updated
to 1.0.0-beta.15. Install withbower install --save ember-data#1.0.0-beta.15
. - Updated
to 0.1.3. Install withbower install --save ember-cli-test-loader#0.1.3
- Removed
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- Usage of the
hook to add items to theregistry
will need to be refactored to use the newly addedsetupPreprocessorRegistry
hook instead.
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #3166 [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Addon discovery and isolation @lukemelia / @chrislopresto / @rwjblue
- #3285 [INTERNAL ENHANCEMENT] Update to Testem 0.7 @johanneswuerbach
- #3295 [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-data to 1.0.0-beta.15 @bmac
- #3297 [ENHANCEMENT] Use ember-cli-babel instead of ember-cli-6to5 @fivetanley
- #3298 [BUGFIX] Update ember-cli-qunit to v0.3.8. @rwjblue
- #3301 [BUGFIX] Only add Handlebars to
if present inbower.json
. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
This release fixes a regression in 0.1.13. See #3271 for details.
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
Core Contributors
- No changes required
This release fixes a regression in 0.1.13. See #3267 for details.
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
Core Contributors
- No changes required
#3267 [HOTFIX] Ensure reexports work to not cause an error on rebuild. @rwjblue
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Update the following packages in your
:- Updated
to 0.3.7. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
. - Updated
to 1.0.0-beta.14.1. Install withnpm install --save-dev [email protected]
. - Updated
to 1.0.2. Install withnpm install --save-dev ember-export-application-global@^1.0.2
- Updated
- Update the following packages in your
:- Updated
to 1.0.0-beta.14.1. Install withbower install --save ember-data#1.0.0-beta.14.1
. - Updated
to 0.1.1. Install withbower install --save ember-cli-test-loader#0.1.1
. - Updated
to 0.2.8. Install withbower install --save ember-qunit#0.2.8
. Please review Ember QUnit 0.2.x for background and impact. - Updated
to 0.0.7. Install withbower install --save ember-qunit-notifications#0.0.7
- Updated
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #3218 [ENHANCEMENT] Add JS context {{content-for}} hooks. This allows addons to inject things into
without violating CSP or having to do crazy hacks. @rwjblue - #3156 [BUGFIX] Serve static files from
if they exist. @trek - #3155 [BUGFIX] Guard against rawArgs being
@chadhietala - #3183 [BUGFIX] Use recent Esperanto update to allow ES3 safe output. @rwjblue
- #3170 / #3184 #3255 [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-qunit to 0.2.8. @rwjblue / @jbrown
- #3165 [BUGFIX] Fix
npm install --save-dev
ordering of defaultpackage.json
. @kellyselden - #3164 [ENHANCEMENT] Enable asynchronous
hooks by returning a promise from the hook. @taras - #3182 [INTERNAL ENHANCEMENT] Update
to ensure routes are injected intorouter.js
with single quotes. @abuiles - #3232 / #3212 / #3243 [INTERNAL ENHANCEMENT] Update testem to 0.6.39. @joostdevries / @johanneswuerbach
- #3203 / #3252 [INTERNAL ENHANCEMENT] Bump broccoli-es6modules to v0.5.0. @rwjblue
- #3197 [ENHANCEMENT] Update test blueprints to use QUnit 2.0 compatible output. @rwjblue
- #3199 [ENHANCEMENT] Provide locals to
hooks. @mattmarcum - #3188 [ENHANCEMENT] Update Ember Data version to 1.0.0-beta.14.1. @abuiles
- #3245 [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-cli-qunit to v0.3.7. @rwjblue
- #3231 [INTERNAL ENHANCEMENT] Remove extra Addon build steps. @rwjblue
- #3236 [INTERNAL ENHANCEMENT] Remove module transpilation from Addon model. @rwjblue
- #3242 [DOCS] Add
. @matthiasleitner - #3244 [BUGFIX] Ensure that Blueprints are returned in a consistent order when looking them up. @nathanpalmer
- #3251 Update ember-export-application-global to v1.0.2. @rwjblue
in app config deprecated in favor ofusePods
in .ember-cli @trabus - #3260 [BUGFIX] Ensure newly generated project has an
file (prevents a 404 on a newly generated project). @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
changes:- Update
to 0.3.1. - Update
to 0.3.1.
- Update
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #3118 [BUGFIX] Fix conflicting aliases. The
alias is nowH
@taddeimania - #3130 [ENHANCEMENT] Tomster looks fabulous without breaking
ember new
@johnnyshields - #3132 [BUGFIX] Update ember-cli-qunit to v0.3.1. Fixes
being used instead of app.jshintrc
. @rwjblue - #3133 [BUGFIX] Fix analytics being disabled by default. Users can opt out of anylytics with
@stefanpenner - #3153 [ENHANCEMENT] Remove deafult css from
@mattjmorrison - #3132 [BUGFIX] Ensure
ember test --environment=production
runs JSHint. @rwjblue
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
ember new
diffember addon
diff- #3126 hot-fix tomster ` -> ., prevents breaking the initial git commit
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
changes:- Add
at 0.3.0. - Add
at 1.0.1. - Update
to 0.3.0. - Update
to 3.0.0.
- Add
changes:- Update
to 0.1.0.
- Update
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #2970 [ENHANCEMENT] - Added ember-cli-app-version to app blueprint - Close 2524 @taras
- #3086 [BUGFIX] Ensure that addon test-support trees are not JSHinted in the app. @rwjblue
- #3085 [ENHANCEMENT] Better ASCII art @johnnyshields
- #3084 [ENHANCEMENT] Add
ember b
asember build
command alias. @cbrock - #3092 [BUGFIX] Fix issues with running ember-cli in iojs. @stefanpenner
- #3096 [BUGFIX] Ensure that
ember g resource
uses custom blueprints (i.e. ember-cli-coffeescript or ember-cli-mocha) properly. @jluckyiv - #3106 [BUGFIX] Fixes file stat related crashes (i.e. using Sublime Text with atomic save enabled). @raytiley
- #3114 [BUGFIX] Update version of ES2015 module transpiler (Esperanto). Fixes many transpilation issues (including shadowed declarations and re-exports). @rwjblue
- #3116 [Bugfix] Ensure that files starting with
are still available in the app tree. @stefanpenner - #3119 [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-cli-qunit to 0.2.0. @rwjblue
- #3117 [ENHANCEMENT] Replace builtin minification with ember-cli-uglify @jkarsrud
- #3119 & #3121 [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-cli-qunit to v0.3.0. @rwjblue
- #3122 [ENHANCEMENT] Make linting pluggable. @ef4
- #3123 [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-cli-6to5 to v3.0.0. @stefanpenner
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
This release fixes a regression in 0.1.8. See #3075 for details.
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #3077 [BUGFIX] Fix error
Cannot call method 'bind' of undefined
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
- #3072 [BUGFIX] Update to app blueprint to use QUnit 1.17.1 @rwjblue
- #3069 [BUGFIX] Fix style preprocessors for included addons @pzuraq
- #3068 [ENHANCEMENT] Hide passed tests by default @rwjblue
- #3036 [BUGFIX] Fix platform dependent path separator @KarimBaaba
- #2754 [FEATURE] Allow addon commands to be classes @chadhietala
- #2923 [ENHANCEMENT] Add disable-analytics option to all commands @twokul
- #2901 [ENHANCEMENT] Improve boot by 300–400ms @stefanpenner
- #3049 [FEATURE] Add Test helper blueprint @stefanpenner
- #2826 [BUGFIX] Remove path.join from http-mock bluerint urls @knownasilya
- #2983 [ENHANCEMENT] Update QUnit version @wagenet
- #2814 [ENHANCEMENT] Add listing of available addons @rondale-sc
- #3007 [FEATURE] Add a watcher option to the build command @rauhryan
- #3039 [BUGFIX] Move static file check earlier so it only affects the default value @krisselden
- #3028 [BUGFIX] Update Testem (fixes timeouts and reloads with Pretender) @johanneswuerbach
- #3026 [BUGFIX] Correct comment in server blueprint @ohcibi
- #3008 [BUGFIX] Clarify error message for ensuring hyphen presence in component name @artfuldodger
- #3009 [BUGFIX] Tweak error message for executing
ember unknownCommand
@artfuldodger - #2996 [BUGFIX] Rename .npmignore in addon blueprint (fixes broken package) @jgwhite
- #2995 [BUGFIX] Correct package.json ordering in app blueprint @kellyselden
- #2984 [ENHANCEMENT] Add
"strict": false
to blueprint .jshintrc @quaertym
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Uninstall ember-cli-esnext. It has been replaced by ember-cli-6to5 which will be added to your project from the upgrade steps.
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- No changes required
The module transpile step is still es3 safe, if you are concern about using 6to5 you can remove it from package.json.
- #2841 Add insecure-proxy option to
command @matthewlehner - #2922 0.1.6 changelog @stefanpenner
- #2927 Cleanup badges @knownasilya
- #2937 [BUGFIX] only include dependencies(not devDependencies) of included addons @jakecraige
- #2951 Fix for aliases for hyphenated options @marcioj
- #2952 Fixes validation of shorthand commandOptions @trabus
- #2960 Move from esnext to 6to5 @stefanpenner
- #2964 [Bugfix] when developing an add-on, it’s jshint tests would be duplicate... @stefanpenner
- #2965 Remove Hardcoded test-loader @chadhietala
- #2976 debug logging for add-ons + projects @stefanpenner
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
ember new
diff- Upgrade your project's ember-cli version - docs
- Addon Developers
ember addon
diff- No changes required
- Core Contributors
- Use
in tests going forward
- Use
- #2885 [ENHANCEMENT] NPM should use save-exact flags @chadhietala
- #2840 [INTERNAL ]using 'expect' vs. assert. @Mawaheb
- #2669 [ENHANCEMENT] add .npmignore to addon blueprint @pogopaule
- #2909 [INTERNAL] Use lib/ext/promise instead of RSVP directly @zeppelin
- #2857 [ENHANCEMENT] Add descriptions to more Broccoli trees. @rwjblue
- #2842 [INTERNAL] Prefer
for testing @stavarotti - #2847 [BUGFIX] Bump ember-router-generator (fixes WARN on description not present). @abuiles
- #2843 [INTERNAL] Unify using chai.expect @twokul
- #2900 [INTERNAL] update some CI stuff @stefanpenner
- #2876 [BUGFIX] make sure adapter cannot extend from itself @jakecraige
- #2869 [BUGFIX] Tolerate before & after references to missing addons @ef4
- #2864 [ENHANCEMENT] the .gitkeep in /public can now be removed @kellyselden
- #2887 [INTERNAL] I don’t think we need this anymore. @stefanpenner
- #2910 [DOCS] Update org references to ember-cli @zeppelin
- #2911 [DOCS] More org updates to reference ember-cli @Dhaulagiri
- #2916 [BUGFIX] findAddonByName returning incorrect matches @jakecraige
- #2918 [ENHANCEMENT] Updated testem @johanneswuerbach
- #2919 [ENHANCEMENT] implement Blueprint.prototype.addAddonToProject @jakecraige
- #2920 [BUGFIX] explicitly bump broccoli-sourcemap-concat to fix #2890 @krisselden
- #2929 [BUGFIX] Bump ember-router-generator. @abuiles
- #2939 [ENHANCEMENT] Add a hook for postprocessing tests tree @ef4
- #2941 [ENHANCEMENT] Bumped testem @johanneswuerbach
- #2944 [INTERNAL] update @jakecraige
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
#2727 Added sourcemap support to the JS concatenation and minification steps of the build. This eliminates the need for the wrapInEval hack. Any Javascript preprocessors that produce sourcemaps will also be automatically incorporated into the final result. Sourcemaps are enabled by default in dev, to enable them in production pass
{sourcemaps: { enabled: true, extensions: ['js']}}
to your EmberApp constructor. -
#2777 allowed the creation of components with slashes in their names since this is supported in Handlebars 2.0.
#2800 Added 3 new commands
ember install ember install:bower moment ember install:npm ember-browserify
They behave exactly as you'd expect. Install runs npm and bower install on the project. The last two simply pass in the package names you give it to the underlying task to do it.
#2805 Added the
command, which installs an addon with NPM and then runs the included generator of the same name if it provides one.If the blueprint for the installed addon requires arguments, then you can pass them too, for example, the
addon needs an extra argument which you can pass running the command as follows:ember install:addon ember-cli-cordova
. -
#2565 added support for command options aliases, as well as aliases for predefined options, this means that some commands can use aliases for their existing options, for example, instead of running
ember g route foo --type route
we can now use the -route alias:ember g route foo -route
.You can see available aliases for each command running
ember help
, they will show asaliases:
follow by the alias. -
#2668 added the
flag toapp.import
, allowing to prepend a file to the vendor bundle rather than appended which is the default behaviour.// Brocfile.js app.import('bower_components/es5-shim/es5-shim.js', { type: 'vendor', prepend: true });
#2694 disabled default lookup & active generation logging in
. -
#2748 improved the router generator to support properly nested routes and resources, previously if you had a route similar like: { this.route("foo"); });
And you did
ember g route foo/bar
the generated routes would { this.route("foo"); this.route("foo/bar"); });
Now it keeps manages nested routes properly so the result would be: { this.route("foo", function() { this.route("bar"); }); });
Additionally the option
was added so you can do things likeember g route friends/edit --path=:friend_id/id
creating a nested route underfriends
like:this.route('edit', {path: ':friend_id/edit'})
#2734 changed the options for editorconfig so it won't remove trailing whitespace on .diff files.
#2788 added an
handler to the proxy blueprint, with this yourember server
won't be killed when receivingsocket hang up
from thehttp-proxy
. -
#2741 updated
to 2.0.0. -
#2779 fixed a bug in your
file, if you had a liveReloadPort of say "4200" it would not actually end up as that port. This casts the string to a number so that the port is set correctly. -
#2817 added a new feature so Leek can be configured through your
file. It means you will be able to configure the URLs Leek sends requests to, with this you can plug internal tools and track usage patterns. -
#2828 added the option to consume
before app instance creation in your Brocfile, this is useful if you want to pass environment-dependent options to the EmberApp constructor in your Brocfile:new EmberApp({ someOption: EmberApp.env() === 'production' ? 'foo' : 'bar'; });
#2829 fixed an issue on the model-test blueprint which was causing the build to fail when the options
wasn't present. -
#2832 added a buildError hook which will be called when an error occurs during the
hooks for addons, or whenbuilder#build
fails hook. -
#2836 added a check when passing
toember server
. If the URL doesn't includehttp
then the command will fail since it requires the protocol in order to get the proxy working correctly.
#2693 fixed an issue with blueprints ensuring that last loaded blueprint takes precedence.
#2805 Added the
command, which installs an addon with NPM and then runs the included generator of the same name if it provides one, additionally if you addon generator's name is different to the addon name, you can pass the optiondefaultBlueprint
in yourpackage.json
and the command will run the generator after installed. The following will runember g cordova-starter-kit
after it has successfully installedember-cli-cordova
name: 'ember-cli-cordova', 'ember-addon': { defaultBlueprint: 'cordova-starter-kit' }
#2775 added a default
so they are treated asNode
ember new
diff- [BUGFIX] Use the container from the created Ember.Application for initializer tests. #2582
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add extra contentFor hooks #2588
{{content-for 'head-footer'}}
{{content-for 'test-head-footer'}}
{{content-for 'body-footer'}}
{{content-for 'test-body-footer'}}
- [BUGFIX] Create separate server blueprint to stop http-{mock,proxy} removing files #2610
- [BUGFIX] Fixes
so it proxies correctly to API's under subdomains #2615 - [BUGFIX] Ensure
does not conflict with NPM'swatchman
package. #2645 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that the generated meta tag is now self closing. #2661
#2586 Set locationType to none in tests.
#2573 Added --silent option for quieter UI
#2458 Added additional file watching mechanism: Watchman This helps resolve the recent Node + Yosemite file watching issues, but also improves file watching (when available) for all
systemsWhat is Watchman?
Watchman runs as a standalone service, this allows it to manage file-watching for multiple consumers (in our case ember-cli apps)
How do I used it? homebrew:
brew install watchman
other: windows: not supported yet, but it may happenWhat happens if its not installed?
We fall back to the existing watcher NodeWatcher
How do I force it to fallback to NodeWatch
ember <command> --watcher=node
Common problem:
invalid watchman found, version: [2.9.8] did not satisfy [^3.0.0]
this basically means you have an older version of watchman installed. Be sure to install3.0.0
and runwatchman shutdown-server
before re-starting your ember server. -
#2265 Added auto-restarting of server and triggering of LR on
file changes -
#2535 Updated broccoli-asset-rev to 1.0.0
#2518 improved HTTP logging when using http-mocks and proxy by using morgan
#2532 Added support to run specific tests via
ember test --module
andember test --filter
#2514 Added config.usePodsByDefault for users who wish to have blueprints run in
mode all the time -
Warn on invalid command options
Allow array of paths to the preprocessCss phase
Adding --pods support for adapters, serializers, and transforms
As part of the Ember 2.0 push remove controller types.
http-mock now follows ember-data conventions
many of ember-cli internals now are instrumented with [debug] usage:
DEBUG=ember-cli:* ember <command>
to see ember-cli specific verbose logging. -
Added ember-cli-dependency-checker to app's package.json
Added option to disable auto-start of ember app.
Added optional globbing to init with
ember init <glob-pattern>
, this allows you to re-blueprint a single file like:ember init app/index.html
Added support to test the app when built with
--env production
. -
Update to Ember 1.8.1
Update to Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.11
#2351 Fix automatic generated model belongs-to and has-many relations to resolve test lookup.
#1888 Allow multiple SASS/LESS files to be built by populating
option -
#2523 Added
option -
#2472 Added Pod support for test blueprints.
Add much more: view entire diff
ember addon
diff- #2505 Added ability to dynamic add/remove module whitelist entries so that the ember-browserify addon can work
- #2505 Added an addon postprocess hook for all javascript
- #2271 Added Addon.prototype.isEnabled for an addon to exclude itself from the project at runtime.
- #2451 Ensure that in-repo addons are watched.
- #2411 Add preBuild hook for addons.
ember new
diff- [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Remove hard-coded support for
, useember-cli-less
support now. #2210 - [ENHANCEMENT] Provide a helpful error if the configuration info cannot be read from the proper
tag. #2219 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow test filtering from the command line. Running
ember test --filter "foo bar"
orember test --server --filter "foo bar"
will limit test runs to tests that contain "foo bar" in their module name or test name. #2223 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add a few more
hooks toindex.html
. #2236 - [ENHANCEMENT] Properly display the file causing build errors in
ember build --watch
andember serve
commands. #2237, #2246, and #2297 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update
to 0.3.1. #2250 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
to allow easier debugging. #2270 - [BUGFIX] Fix default
to properly matchbower_components
. #2285 - [ENHANCEMENT] Display
inember serve
startup messages. #2291 - [BUGFIX] Fix issues resulting in files outside of
being removed due to following of symlinks. #2290 and #2301 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add --watcher=polling option to
ember test --server
. This provides a work around for folks havingEMFILE
errors in some scenarios. #2296 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow opting out of storing the applications configuration in the generated
option in theBrocfile.js
. #2298 - [BUGFIX] Update ember-cli-content-security-policy and ember-cli-inject-live-reload packages to latest version. Allows livereload to function properly regardless
of host (0.1.0 always assumed
for the livereload server). #2306 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update internal dependencies to latest versions. #2307
- [BUGFIX] Allow overriding of vendor files to not loose required ordering. #2312
model (discovered on initialization). #2287
ember addon
diff- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to inject middleware into testem. #2128
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add {{content-for 'body'}} to
. #2236 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add {{content-for 'test-head'}} to
. #2236 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add {{content-for 'test-body'}} to
. #2236 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow adding multiple bower packages at once via
. #2222 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow adding multiple NPM packages at once via
. #2245 - [ENHANCEMENT] Ensure generated addons are in strict mode. #2295
- [BUGFIX] Ensure that addon's with
are able to compile properly (copying contents ofaddon/styles/app.css
). #2301 - [ENHANCEMENT] Provide the
instance toserverMiddleware
). #2302
- [ENHANCEMENT] Tweak helper blueprint to make it easier to test. #2257
- [ENHANCEMENT] Streamline initializer and service blueprints. #2260
ember new
diff- [BUGFIX] Fix symlink regression in Windows (update broccoli-file-remover to 0.3.1). #2204
ember new
diff- [ENHANCEMENT] Add symlinking to speed up Broccoli builds. #2125
- [BUGFIX] Fix issue with livereload in 0.0.47. #2176
- [BUGFIX] Change content security policy addon to use report only mode by default. #2190
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to customize their ES6 module prefix (for
tree). #2189 - [BUGFIX] Ensure all addon hooks are executed in addon test harness. #2195
option to blueprints for generate and destroy. AddfileMapTokens
hook to blueprints, and optional blueprint file tokens__path__
for pod support. #1994 -
[ENHANCEMENT] Provide better error messages when uncaught errors occur during
ember build
andember serve
. #2043 -
[ENHANCEMENT] Do not use inline
tags. Set the stage for enabling content security policy. #2058 -
[ENHANCEMENT] Add ember-cli-content-security-policy addon when running development server (see for details). #2065
options toEmberApp
(in theBrocfile.js
). -
option toEmberApp
(in theBrocfile.js
) to allow using a custom file for obtaining configuration information. #2068 -
[BUGFIX] Use url.parse instead of manually checking baseURL. This allows
URLs needed for node-webkit. #2088 -
[BUGFIX] Remove duplicate warning when generating controllers. #2066
information out of theassets/my-app-name.js
file and into a<meta>
tag in the documenthead
. #2086- Removes
from module system output. - Makes build output the same regardless of environment config.
- Makes injection of custom config information as simple as adding/modifying/customizing the meta contents.
- Removes
entry inbower.json
to use the proper name.This requires editing
to change:
"loader": "stefanpenner/loader.js#1.0.1",
"loader.js": "stefanpenner/loader.js#1.0.1",
with{{content-for 'head'}}
. #2153
ember addon
diff- [BUGFIX]
directory is no longer required when running local development server inside an addon. #2044 - [BUGFIX] Use the specified name for the addon (was previously using
for all addon's names). #2042 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
to make it easier to remove preprocessor plugins. #2048 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
to make it easier to detect what extensions are support for a given type of file (js
, ortemplate
files). #2050 - [BUGFIX] Allow
tree to contain any filetype that is known by the JS preprocessor registry. #2054 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that addons cannot override the application configuration (in the
hook). #2133 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to implement
method to add string output into the associated{{content-for 'foo'}}
section inindex.html
. #2153
for blueprints created byember generate blueprint
. #2062 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
generator. #2072 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
options toBlueprint.prototype.insertIntoFile
. #2122 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow
based application blueprints. #2103
ember new
diff- [BUGFIX] Addons shared the same
listing. This meant that an addon changingthis.treePaths.vendor
(for example) would modify where ALL addons looked for their vendor trees. #2035
ember new
. You will now need to import the configuration instead of relying on using the global. #1903.
import ENV from '<appName>/config/environment';
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allowing config of asset output paths. #1904
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add a default
file and document disableAnalytics. #1801 - [BUGFIX] Add location type for test environment. This generally makes using
ember test
with a custom baseURL work properly. #1915 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow multiple pre-processors per type (for example, using
is now possible). #1918 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update
to provide app configuration. #1329 - [BUGFIX] Remove manual
env === 'production'
checks. #1929 - [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where project.config() could be called with undefined environment when starting express server. #1959
- [ENHANCEMENT] Improve blueprint self-documentation by adding additional details to
ember help generate
. #1279 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update
. #1945 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update app blueprint's
to depend on ember-data. #1873 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that things loaded by server/index.js override addons. This changes the middleware ordering so that the app's middlewares are loaded before the internal middlewares. #2008
- [BUGFIX] Removed broccoli-sweetjs from the internal preprocessor registry. #2014
from config/environment.js. #2024 - [BUGFIX] Exit with a non-zero exit code (to indicate failure), and provide a nice error message if
ember test
runs nothing. #2025
ember addon
diff- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to return a public tree. By default anything in an addon's
folder will be copied into a folder for that addon's name in the output path. #1930 - [BUGFIX] Remove extra nesting of
tree. Previously, the addon styles tree was looking foraddon/styles/styles/
. #1964 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
hook for addons. #1972 - [BUGFIX] Ensure we do not add
twice when runningember init
(to upgrade an addon). #1982 - [BUGFIX] Allow
to be properly available inside themy-addon-name.js
file with the correct module name. #1983
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add empty function to resource blueprint when resource is singular. #1946
- [BUGFIX] Do not inject application route into app/router.js. #1953
which allows a blueprint to lookup other Blueprints. This makes it much easier to provide Blueprints that augment existing internal blueprints without having to copy and override them completely. #2016
ember new
diff- [BUGFIX] Provide useful error message when
is not found. #1866 and #1894 - [ENHANCEMENT] Updated dependency broccoli-es3-safe-recast. #1891 and #1898
- [ENHANCEMENT] Updated dependency broccoli-merge-trees. #1891 and #1898
- [ENHANCEMENT] Updated dependency fs-extra. #1891 and #1898
- [ENHANCEMENT] Updated dependency proxy-middleware. #1891 and #1898
- [ENHANCEMENT] Updated dependency tiny-lr. #1891 and #1898
- [BUGFIX] Update
to fix performance regression. #1901 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that a
specified does not error. #1902
ember addon
diff- [BUGFIX] Allow addons with styles to function properly. #1892
- [BUGFIX] Fix
ember g http-mock foo
output to pass JSHint. #1896
ember new
diff- [BUGFIX] Fix ember init command in empty directory. #1779
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add triggerEvent to
. #1782 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow opting out of analytics via
config file. #1797 - Bump
version. - [BUGFIX] Update broccoli-caching-writer dependents to allow linking fallback (enables easier usage of ember-cli from within Vagrant). #1799
- [BUGFIX] Avoid issue where
ember init
stalls on fresh system due tobower install
prompting for permission to use analytics. #1805 - [BUGFIX] Allow usage of standard Node.js functionality in
(fixes a regression in 0.0.42). #1809 - [ENHANCEMENT] Make current environment available modules. #1820
- [BUGFIX] Ensures that AppNameENV and EmberENV are setup before the vendor files have been loaded (changes in 0.0.42 caused enabling Ember feature flags impossible from
). #1825 - [ENHANCEMENT] Ensures that the
tag changes when the config file is updated. #1825 - [ENHANCEMENT] Injects the
with the test environment configuration (was previously whatever server was running). #1825 - [ENHANCEMENT]
are kept separate for import purposes. When we moved to separate directories forbower_components/
in 0.0.41, to allow for users to upgrade easier we merged those two folders into one singlevendor
tree. This meant that you would stillapp.import('vendor/baz/foo.js')
andimport Foo from 'vendor';
even if the file actually resides inbower_components/
. This lead to much confusion and forced users to understand the internals that are going on (merging the two directories intovendor/
). Now you would import things frombower_components/
if that is where they were on disk. #1836 - [BUGFIX] Allow nested output path, if path does not previously exist. #1872
to 0.1.0. To avoid vendoring files in the addon and prevent having to runbower install
within the addon itself (in apostinstall
hook) the addon now installs its required packages directly into the applicationsbower.json
file. This speeds up the build and make addon development much easier. #1877
ember g http-proxy
does not truncate the base path on proxied requests. #1874 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add empty function to
ember g resource
generator. #1817 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add {{outlet}} by default when generating a route template. #1819
- [ENHANCEMENT] Remove use of deprecated
property. #1826 - [BUGFIX] Allow blueprints without files. #1829
ember g adapter
extend from application adapter if present. #1831 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add --base-class options to
ember g adapter
. #1831 - [BUGFIX] Quote module name in object literal for
ember g http-mock
. #1823 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
. #1830 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
. #1857
ember addon
diff- [ENHANCEMENT] Expose Addon.prototype.isDevelopingAddon function. #1785
- [ENHANCEMENT] Expose Addon.prototype.treeGenerator function, that automatically handles the returning an unwatchedTree vs the bare directory (therefore causing it to be watched). #1785
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add default
implementation. Now if an addon has ablueprints/
folder, it will be automatically used as theblueprintsPath
. #1876
ember new
diff- [ENHANCEMENT] Throw an error if an Addon does not specify a name. #1741
into a standalone package (core-object
). #1752 - [ENHANCEMENT] Set a default
to allowtestem
to function properly with a custombaseURL
specified. #1748 - [BUGFIX] Update
to solve a performance issue with the recent addon changes (allows better caching when no changes are detected). #1757 and #1766 - [BUGFIX] Bring
file back forapp
blueprint. Helps alleviate upgrade issues, and ensures a parent directories.bowerrc
cannot break an ember-cli app. #1761 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update and clarify the default project README. #1768
- [BUGFIX] Ensure that
'ed assets can be properly watched (and trigger a reload upon change). #1774 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that
hook is called on addons duringember build
. #1775 - [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Enabled automatic reloads on
changes. #1777 - [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Export the current configuration to a module (`my-app-name/config/environment'). #1777
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow calling
in subclasses of CoreObject. #1721 - [ENHANCEMENT]
: disable esnext Promise global (prevents issues when RSVP Promise was intended but (non-universally-implemented) global Promise was used instead. #1723 - [BUGFIX] Prevent deletion of files when invalid output-path is provided. #1649
- [BUGFIX] Fix the /tests URL in IE8. #1707
file from application blueprint (will still use directory specified in.bowerrc
, but uses the default ofbower_components/
if no.bowerrc
exists). #1679 - [BUGFIX] Fixes support for
settings file. #1676 - [BUGFIX] Blueprint: replace multiple occurences of
with module name. #1658 - [ENHANCEMENT] Replace internal live-reload middleware with addon. #1643
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add .travis.yml to app blueprint. #1636
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow individual Blueprints to determine if an entity name is required. #1631
support into an addon. #1295 - [BUGFIX] Running
ember new foo-bar --dry-run
does not create new directory. #1602 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to return an
tree that will be namespaced with the addons name. #1544 - [BUGFIX] Ensure non
files can be served frompublic/
or when added viaapp.import
(using thedestDir
). #1549 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update
version (allows for components and their templates to be grouped together). #1540 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update
version. #1539 - [ENHANCEMENT] Remove
from application blueprint. - [ENHANCEMENT] Add EditorConfig file to blueprints. #1507
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add `Blueprint#beforeInstall". #1498
option (and check) tocontroller
generators. #1498 - [BUGFIX] Call
hook beforelocals
hook #1717 - [ENHANCEMENT] replace multiple instances of name in blueprints.
- [ENHANCEMENT] adds http-proxy for explicit, multi proxy use#1474
- [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] renames apiStub to http-mock to match other http-related generators [#1474] (ember-cli#1530)
- [ENHANCEMENT] Log proxy server traffic when using
ember serve --proxy
#1583 - [ENHANCEMENT] Remove chain from express server #1474
- [ENHANCEMENT] Remove Blueprint lookup failure stacktrace #1476
- [ENHANCEMENT] --verbose errors option to have SilentError output stacktrace #1480
- [BUGFIX] Modify service blueprint to create explicit injection #1493
- [ENHANCEMENT] Generating a helper now also generates a test #1503
- [BUGFIX] Do not run JSHint against trees returned from an addon.
- [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Addons can pull in test assets into test tree #1453
- [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Addon model's _root renamed to root #1537
- [ENHANCEMENT] Addons can recursively add other addons #1509
. #1543 - [BUGFIX] Allow
to contain files in the root of the project. #1549 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
files in the root of the project. #1550 - [BUGFIX] Generating mixins and utils with several levels of nesting no longer produces a failing test. #1551
- [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] bower assets moved to bower_components instead of vendor #1436
- [ENHANCEMENT] Move history support into a separate internal addon. #1552
- [ENHANCEMENT] don't assume value of #1553
- [ENHANCEMENT] es6 namespaced addons #1544
- [ENHANCEMENT] Removed use of
from EmberApp. Allows multiple EmberApps to be instantiated #1361 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
ember destroy
command (removes files added bygenerate
command). #1547 - [BUGFIX] Ensure router.js is not modified when ember g route foo --dry-run #1570
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add possibility to hide #ember-testing-container while testing #1579
- [BUGFIX] Fix EmberAddon vendor tree #1606
- [ENHANCEMENT] Addon blueprint #1374
- [BUGFIX] Fix addons with empty directories #
- [BUGFIX] Fix tests/helpers/start-app.js location from addon generator #1626
- [BUGFIX] Allow addons to use history support middleware #1632
. - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow file patterns to be ignored by LiveReload #1706
- [BUGFIX] Switch to OS-friendly line endings #1718
- [BUGFIX] Prevent file deletions when the build
is a parent directory #1730
- [BUGFIX] fix detection of static files to allow periods in urls #1399
- [BUGFIX] fix processing of import statements in css #1400
- [BUGFIX] fix detection of requests to be proxied #1263
- [BUGFIX] fix ember update (broken promises) #1265
- [BUGFIX] eagerly requireing inquirer was costing ~100ms -> 150ms on boot [
- [BUGFIX] Fix issue with invalid warnings (regarding files in the root of
) on Windows. #1264 - [BUGFIX] Fix addons being unable to use
to pull in non-js/css assets from their ownvendor/
tree. #1159 - [ENHANCEMENT] When using
to import non-js/css assets, you can now specify the destination of the asset. #1159 - [BUGFIX] Fix issue with
ember build
failing if the public/ folder was deleted. #1270 - [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] CoffeeScript support is now brought in by
. To use CoffeeScript with future versions runnpm install --save-dev ember-cli-coffeescript
is no longer needed as a direct dependency). #1289 - [BUGFIX]
's return value should update the entity name. #1283 - [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Move test only js/css assets into test-vendor.js and test-vendor.css respectively. #1288
- [ENHANCEMENT] Update default Ember version to 1.6.0.
- [ENHANCEMENT] Display friendly error message when the server fails to start (e.g. address in use). #1306
- [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Rename test-vendor.{css,js} to test-support.{css,js} to better reflect its role. #1320
- [BUGFIX] Store version check information correctly, and only change the
timestamp when the version is checked from npm. #1323 - [BUGFIX] Update
to fix bugs with incorrectly replaced segments. #1340 - [ENHANCEMENT] EmberApp can take jshintrc path options for app and test jshintrc files. #1341
- [ENHANCEMENT] Using broccoli-sass > 0.2.0 now allows you to use .sass files. #1367
- [ENHANCEMENT] EmberAddon constructor to build an EmberApp object with defaults for addon projects. #1343
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to be vendored outside of node modules #1370
- [ENHANCEMENT] Make "ember version" show NPM and Node version (versions of all loaded modules with "--verbose" switch). #1307
- [BUGFIX] Duplicate-checking for generating routes now accounts for
-syntax. #1371 - [BREAKING BUGFIX] Standard variables passed in to Blueprints now handle slashes better. Breaking if you relied on the old behavior. #1278
- [BUGFIX] Generating a route named 'basic' no longer adds it to router.js. #1390
- [ENHANCEMENT] EmberAddon constructor defaults
to "development". # - [ENHANCEMENT] Tests now run with the "test" environment by default,
contains an (empty) section for the "test" environment #1401 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add Git initialization to
ember new
command #1369 - [ENHANCEMENT] Addons can export an object instead of a function #1377
- [ENHANCEMENT] Addons will automatically load a generic addon constructor that includes app/vendor trees based on treesFor property if no main key is specified in package.json. #1377
flag to reduce console.log noise by default. #1431 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update
. #1427 - [BUGFIX] Fix pod based templates (was broken with the advent of the
tree). #4138 - [ENHANCEMENT] ExpressServer middleware extracted to addons that are always pulled into every Project first #1446
ember build --watch
should run until SIGTERM. #1197 - [BUGFIX] Failed build should return non-zero exit code. #1169
- [BUGFIX] improve startup time by up to 3x
- [BUGFIX] Ensure
ember generate
always operate in relation to project root. #1165 - [ENHANCEMENT] Upgrade
. #1178 - [BUGFIX] Update
to prevent warnings. #1180 - [BUGFIX] Throw error when trailing slash present in argument to
ember generate
. #1184 - [ENHANCEMENT] Don't expect
to be global in tests.Ember
needs to be imported. #1201 - [BUGFIX] Make behaviour of
more obvious & add--skip-npm
. #1205 - [ENHANCEMENT] Remove .gitkeep files from
ember init
inside an existing project #1209 - [ENHANCEMENT] Addons can add commands to the local
command. #1196 - [ENHANCEMENT] Addons can implement a postBuild hook. #1215
- [ENHANCEMENT] Addons can add post-processing steps to the
process. #1214 - [ENHANCEMENT]
has been moved to an addon using the standard addon post-processing hooks. #1214 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow
to accept an array of additional trees to merge in the final output. #1214 - [BUGFIX] Only run JSHint after preprocessing. #1221
- [ENHANCEMENT] Addons can add blueprints. #1222
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow testing of production assets. #1230
- [ENHANCEMENT] Provide Ember CLI version to Project model. #1239
into its own tree to prevent preprocessing template files as if they were JavaScript. #1238 - [ENHANCEMENT] Print a warning when using
for assets in the root ofvendor/
(this is a significant performance penalty). - [ENHANCEMENT] Model generation no longer requires an attribute type. #1252
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow vendor files to be configurable. #1187
- accidentally deploy with node v0.0.11 which builds an invalid package
- [BREAKING BUGFIX] ensure the CLI exits with the correct status, fixes hanging tests and some non-graceful exit cleanups #1150
- [BUGFIX] Ensure EDITOR is set before allowing edit in ember init. #1090
- [BUGFIX] Display message to user when diff cannot be applied cleanly #1091
- [ENHANCEMENT] Notify when an ember-cli update is available, and add
ember update
command. #899 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that build output directory is cleaned up properly. #1122
- [BUGFIX] Ensure that non-zero exit code is used when running
ember test
with failing tests. #1123 - [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Change the expected interface for the
file. It now receives the instantiatedexpress
server. #1097 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to provide server side middlewares. #1097
- [ENHANCEMENT] Automatically pluralize the attribute when generating a model. #1120
- [BUGFIX] Make sure non-dasherized model attributes are also added to generated tests. #1120
. #1117 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to specify load ordering. #1132
ember build --watch
#1131 - [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Accept options as second parameter of ember-app#import. Pass modules as exports. #1121
- deployed bundled package with outdated bundled depds... Likely user error (by @stefanpenner)
- [BUGFIX] Ensure that vendored JS files are concatted in a safe way (to prevent issues with ASI). #988
model to load the project name and environment configuration (removes boilerplate fromBrocfile.js
). #989 - [BUGFIX] Pass
option through when callingember test --port 8987
(allows overriding the port when running concurrentember test
commands). #991 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add
configuration file. #563 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add edit capability to
ember init
. #1000 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add the current environment to the application config (the
global). #1017 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that the project
file is looked up in the project's root. #1019 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to hook into the application build process. #1025
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow addons to register custom preprocessors. #1030
- [BUGFIX] Prevent route blueprint adding duplicate entries to router.js #1042
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add blueprint listing in ember help generate. #952
- [BUGFIX] Add missing descriptions for
, andtest
commands. #1045 - [ENHANCEMENT] Do not remove output directory. This allows easier cross-project symlinking (previous behavior broke the link when the output path was destroyed). #1034
- [ENHANCEMENT] Keep output path (
by default) up to date with bothember server
andember build
. #1034 - [ENHANCEMENT] Use the
addon to bring in ic-ajax. #1047 - [ENHANCEMENT] Use the
addon to bring in ember-data. #1047 - [BUGFIX] Allow fingerprinting to be enabled/disabled in a more custom way. #1066
as the "addon" keyword. #1071 - [ENHANCEMENT] loader should now support CJS mode of AMD.
- [ENHANCEMENT] Upgrade broccoli-asset-rev to 0.0.6 and allow passing a
in fingerprint options. #1024
- [BUGFIX] broccoli-es6-safe-recast now once again has one-at-a-time semantics this improves incremental rebuild performance
- [BUGFIX] upgrade broccoli-sane-watcher to include better error messages when attempting to watch non-existent files
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow opting out of
. #966 - [ENHANCEMENT] Provide
option for switching between polling and events-based file watching. #970 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that tmp/ is cleaned up after running
ember server
orember test --server
. #971 - [BUGFIX] Fix errors with certain
commands that depend oninflection
. f016820 - [BUGFIX] Do not wrap
assets in eval whenwrapInEval
is set. #983 - [ENHANCEMENT] Use
by default for application assets when running in development. #983 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add integration-test blueprint #985
- [BUGFIX] broccoli-sane-watcher now recovers after filters throw #940
- [ENHANCEMENT] Use when ENV=production #909.
- [BUGFIX] Ensure that config/environment is findable and required when setting up baseURL for server. #916
- [BUGFIX] Fix importing of non-JS/CSS #915
instead ofwindow.ENV
. #922 - [BUGFIX] Disallow projects with periods in their name. #927
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow customization of Javascript minification options. #928
- [BUGFIX] TestServer now waits until the build is done before starting. #932
. #934 - [BUGFIX]
upgrade fixes #642, #709 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow disabling of automatic fingerprinting. #930
- [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-cli-shims to add
shim. #941 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update default jshint settings to require importing Ember. #941
- [ENHANCEMENT] Bring generators in-house via blueprints. #747
- [BUGFIX] Only process application code with ES3SafeFilter. #949
- [ENHANCEMENT] Separate application code from vendor code. Generate
for vendored code. #949 - [ENHANCEMENT] Provide
access fromEmberApp
. #955 - [BUGFIX] Ensure that
is setup (to allow enabling flagged features). #958
- [ENHANCEMENT] less CPU intensive watching thanks to @krisselden's and @amasad's
- [BUGFIX] Upgrade broccoli-es6-concatenator to 0.1.6 to fix a concatenation issue. broccoli-es6-concatenator#17
- [BUGFIX] prevent pointless event emitter memory leak warning #850
- [ENHANCEMENT] add and es3 safe transpile step: specifically promise.catch and promise.finally -> promise['catch'] & promise['finally']. In addition we cover afew more variables see: #823
- [ENHANCEMENT] Load the vendor.css in the rendered HTML. #728
port to be specified when runningember test --server
. #729 - [BUGFIX] Use EMBER_ENV if specified in ENV_VARIABLES
EMBER_ENV=production ember build
. #753 - [ENHANCEMENT] If both EMBER_ENV and --environment are specified, use EMBER_ENV. #753
- [ENHANCEMENT] Update broccoli-jshint to 0.5.0 (more efficient caching for faster rebuilds). #758
- [ENHANCEMENT] Ensure that the
directory is created automatically. #761 - [BUGFIX] For
, Use app name if specified, over package.json or cwd name. #792 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for Web Notifications for QUnit test suite with ember-qunit-notifications. #804
- [BUGFIX] Ensure that files in app/ are JSHinted properly. #832
- [ENHANCEMENT] Update ember-load-initializers to 0.0.2.
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add broccoli-asset-rev for fingerprinting + source re-writing. #814
- [BUGFIX] Prevent broccoli from watching
. #857 - [BUGFIX] Prevent collision between running
ember server
andember test --server
simultaneously. #862 - [ENHANCEMENT] Show timing and slow tree listing for each rebuild. #860 & #865
- [BUGFIX] Disable
by default. #866 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow passing
tonew EmberApp()
. #876 - [BUGFIX] Prevent slow tree printout during
ember test --server
from bleeding throughtestem
UI.#877 - [ENHANCEMENT] Remove unused
file. #880 - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow disabling JSHint tests from within QUnit UI. #878
(and lock down version inbower.json
). #885
in yourenvironment.js
now gets the leading and trailing slash automatically if you omit them. #683 - [FEATURE] The development server now serves the site under the specified
. #683 - [FEATURE] Expose server: Bring back the API stub's functionality, give users the opportunity to add their own middleware. #683
can now be used to require files from the user's project. #683 - [ENHANCEMENT] Plugins can fall back to alternate file extensions (i.e scss, sass)
- [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect generation of all
assets in build output. #645 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update to Broccoli 0.12. Prevents double initial rebuilds when running
ember server
. #648 - [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] The generated
files are now named for your application name. #638 - [ENHANCEMENT] added first iteration of a slow but thorough acceptance test. A new app is generated, depedencies resolve, and the test for that base app are run. #614
- [ENHANCEMENT] Use handlebars-runtime in production. #675
- [BUGFIX] Do not watch
for changes (watching vendor dramatically increases CPU usage). #693 - [ENHANCEMENT] Minify CSS #688
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allows using app.import for things other than JS and CSS (i.e. fonts, images, json, etc). #699
- [BUGFIX] Fix
ember --help
output for test and version commands. #701 - [BUGFIX] Fix package.json preprocessor dependencies not being included in the registry. #703
- [BUGFIX] Update
version to fix error thrown for certain assertions when runningember test
, also fixes issue withember test --server
in Node 0.10. #714
must be set pre-1.6 to get better container logging. - [FEATURE] Added support for ember-scripts preprocessing.
- [ENHANCEMENT] Refactor
to remove unnecessary variable assignment, change double iteration to simple reduce, and remove function that only swapped arguments and called through. #537 - [ENHANCEMENT] Refactor
for readability and to prevent unnecessary iterations #524 - [ENHANCEMENT] Remove
andRouter.reopen({location: 'none'});
from test helpers #516. - [ENHANCEMENT] Update loom-generators-ember-appkit to
. - [BUGFIX] Whitelist
exports to prevent import validation warnings. #533 - [BUGFIX]
ember init
(#546) - [ENHANCEMENT] Files added by ember-cli should not needed to be specified in
. #536 - [ENHANCEMENT] Ensure minified output is using
options withuglify-js
. #564 - [BUGFIX] Update to Broccoli 0.10.0. This should resolve the primary issue
has onWindows
. #578 - [ENHANCEMENT] Always Precompile Handlebars templates. #574
- [ENHANCEMENT] Update to Broccoli 0.11.0. This provides better timing information for
. #587 - [ENHANCEMENT] Track rebuild timing. #588
- [ENHANCEMENT] Remove global defined helpers in favor of, etc. #579
- [BREAKING BUGFIX] No longer rely on
to automatically import vendored files. Useapp.import
to import dependencies and specify modules to whitelist. #562 - [ENHANCEMENT] Removed
parameters and introducedproxy
param with full proxy url. (#567) - [BREAKING ENHANCEMENT] Update to jQuery 1.11.1. ** updates
- [ENHANCEMENT] When using non-NPM installed package (aka "running on master") the branch name and SHA are now printed along with the prior version number. #634
- [BUGFIX] The blueprinted application's
forces an older version ofember-cli
. Fixed in #518.
- Changes to
: Script tags were moved into body,ENV
and the app are now defined in the same script tag. - introduce NULL Project, to gracefully handle out-of-project invocations of the cli. Like new/init [fixes #502]
- pre 1.0.0 dependency are now locked down to exact versions, post 1.0.0 deps are in good faith semver locked.
- patch to quickfix some broccoli + Windows IO issues. We expect a proper solution soon, but this will hold us over (#493)[ember-cli#493]
- Add a custom watcher to make broccoli more usable on windows by catching file errors (493).
- Allow
ember new
andember init
to receive ablueprint
argument to allow for alternative project scaffolding (462) - Add
ember test
with Testem integration (388). - some improvements to bower dependency management, unfortunately until bower.json stabilizes broccoli-bower stability is at the whim of bower component authors.
- introduce maintainable + upgradable ember app specific brocfile filter (396)
- ember cli now attempts to use the project-local ember-cli if available, this should help with people who have multiple versions of the cli installed. (5a3c9a)
- Complete restructuring of how ember-cli works internally
ember help
now offers nicely colored output- Extracts shims in vendor into bower package (#342)
- locks it to version
- locks it to version
- Extracts initializers autoloading into bower package (#337)
- locks it to version
- locks it to version
- Introduces broccoli-bower (#333)
- locks it to version
- locks it to version
- Fix issue where app.js files are appended to tests.js (#347)
- upgrade broccoli to
v0.9.0 brocfile changes - Use configuration from
to pass options toEmber.Application.create
. (#370) - Adds
to the list of ignored modules for tests(#378) - Adds per command help output (#376)
- Ensures that the broccoli trees are cleaned up properly. (#444)
- Integrate leek package for ember-cli usage analytics reporting. (#448)
- Generate current live build to
when runningember server
. This is very useful for debugging the current Broccoli tree without manually runningember build
. (#457) - Use
directory created in #457 for Testem setup. This allows using thetestem
command to run Testem in server mode (allowing capturing multiple browsers and other goodies). #463 - Added
ember test --server
to run thetestem
command line server.ember test --server
will automatically re-run your tests after a rebuild. #474 - Add JSHinting for
trees when building in development. This generates console logs as well as QUnit tests (so thatember test
shows failures). #482 - Use the name specified in
while doingember init
. This allows you to use a different application name than your folder name. #491 - Allow disabling live reload via
ember server --live-reload=false
. #510
- Makes sure that user cannot create an application named
(#256) - Adds broccoli-merge-trees dependency and updates Brocfile to use it
- Locks blueprint to particular version of ember-cli, broccoli & friends:
- ember-cli 0.0.21
- broccoli (v0.7.2)
- broccoli-es6-concatenator (v0.1.4)
- broccoli-static-compiler (v0.1.4)
- broccoli-replace version (v0.1.5)
- Use
(0c1e8d28) - Drops implementation files (54df0288)
- Drop boilerplate tests (c6f7475e)
- Use named-amd version of
(#225) - Separate
code. Tests are now within 'assets/tests.js' (#220). - Implement
parameters toember server
command (#40) - Add support for
file to provide default flags to commands (7b90bd9) - Ember initializers are required automatically (#242)
- Supports alternate preprocessors (eg. broccoli-sass vs. broccoli-ruby-sass) (59ddbd)
- Also exposes
method on preprocessor module that allows anyone to register additional plugins (59ddbd)