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File metadata and controls

56 lines (52 loc) · 5.97 KB



Name Type Description Notes
id string The globally unique identifier for the object. [optional]
name string [optional]
division \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Division The division to which this entity belongs. [optional]
chat \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Chat [optional]
department string [optional]
email string [optional]
primaryContactInfo \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Contact[] Auto populated from addresses. [optional]
addresses \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Contact[] Email addresses and phone numbers for this user [optional]
state string The current state for this user. [optional]
title string [optional]
username string [optional]
manager \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\User [optional]
images \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\UserImage[] [optional]
version int Required when updating a user, this value should be the current version of the user. The current version can be obtained with a GET on the user before doing a PATCH.
certifications string[] [optional]
biography \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Biography [optional]
employerInfo \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\EmployerInfo [optional]
routingStatus \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\RoutingStatus ACD routing status [optional]
presence \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\UserPresence Active presence [optional]
conversationSummary \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\UserConversationSummary Summary of conversion statistics for conversation types. [optional]
outOfOffice \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\OutOfOffice Determine if out of office is enabled [optional]
geolocation \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Geolocation Current geolocation position [optional]
station \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\UserStations Effective, default, and last station information [optional]
authorization \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\UserAuthorization Roles and permissions assigned to the user [optional]
profileSkills string[] Profile skills possessed by the user [optional]
locations \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Location[] The user placement at each site location. [optional]
groups \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Group[] The groups the user is a member of [optional]
skills \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\UserRoutingSkill[] Routing (ACD) skills possessed by the user [optional]
languages \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\UserRoutingLanguage[] Routing (ACD) languages possessed by the user [optional]
acdAutoAnswer bool acd auto answer [optional]
languagePreference string preferred language by the user [optional]
date \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\ServerDate The PureCloud system date time. [optional]
geolocationSettings \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\GeolocationSettings Geolocation settings for user's organization. [optional]
organization \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Organization Organization details for this user. [optional]
presenceDefinitions \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\OrganizationPresence[] The first 100 presence definitions for user's organization. [optional]
locationDefinitions \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\LocationDefinition[] The first 100 site locations for user's organization [optional]
orgAuthorization \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\DomainOrganizationRole[] The first 100 organization roles, with applicable permission policies, for user's organization. [optional]
favorites \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\User[] The first 50 favorited users. [optional]
superiors \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\User[] The first 50 superiors of this user. [optional]
directReports \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\User[] The first 50 direct reports to this user. [optional]
adjacents \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Adjacents The first 50 superiors, direct reports, and siblings of this user. Mutually exclusive with superiors and direct reports expands. [optional]
routingSkills \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\RoutingSkill[] The first 50 routing skills for user's organizations [optional]
fieldConfigs \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\FieldConfigs The field config for all entities types of user's organization [optional]
token \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\TokenInfo Information about the current token [optional]
trustors \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Trustor[] Organizations having this user as a trustee [optional]
orgProducts \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\DomainOrganizationProduct[] Products enabled in this organization [optional]
selfUri string The URI for this object [optional]

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