Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | The globally unique identifier for the object. | [optional] |
name | string | [optional] | |
division | \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Division | The division to which this entity belongs. | [optional] |
description | string | The queue description. | [optional] |
dateCreated | \DateTime | The date the queue was created. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
dateModified | \DateTime | The date of the last modification to the queue. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
modifiedBy | string | The ID of the user that last modified the queue. | [optional] |
createdBy | string | The ID of the user that created the queue. | [optional] |
memberCount | int | The number of users in the queue. | [optional] |
mediaSettings | map[string,\PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\MediaSetting] | The media settings for the queue. Valid key values: CALL, CALLBACK, CHAT, EMAIL, MESSAGE, SOCIAL_EXPRESSION, VIDEO_COMM | [optional] |
bullseye | \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Bullseye | The bulls-eye settings for the queue. | [optional] |
acwSettings | \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\AcwSettings | The ACW settings for the queue. | [optional] |
skillEvaluationMethod | string | The skill evaluation method to use when routing conversations. | [optional] |
queueFlow | \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\DomainEntityRef | The in-queue flow to use for conversations waiting in queue. | [optional] |
whisperPrompt | \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\DomainEntityRef | The prompt used for whisper on the queue, if configured. | [optional] |
callingPartyName | string | The name to use for caller identification for outbound calls from this queue. | [optional] |
callingPartyNumber | string | The phone number to use for caller identification for outbound calls from this queue. | [optional] |
defaultScripts | map[string,\PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\Script] | The default script Ids for the communication types. | [optional] |
outboundMessagingAddresses | \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\QueueMessagingAddresses | The messaging addresses for the queue. | [optional] |
outboundEmailAddress | \PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Model\QueueEmailAddress | [optional] | |
joined | bool | [optional] | |
selfUri | string | The URI for this object | [optional] |