The Practical Guide to Python is targeted towards the advanced-beginner/intermediate developer who wants to start working productively in Python in just one day.
We'll zoom through the basics of syntax, looping, boolean logic, and functions and hone in on intermediate topics.
We'll cover more advanced hands-on topics like reading and writing from files and using the requests framework.
This course targets developers who may already be familiar with another programming language or two -- JavaScript, Ruby, etc and get them ramped up and ready to work on Python projects in just one day.
- Introduction / About your instructor
- Requirements
- Why Python
- Standard Library
- Running Python Programs
- As Scripts
- From the CLI
- Syntax
- Exceptions
- Reading Tracebacks
- Basic Data Types & Functions
- Lists, Dictionaries, Sets and Tuples
- String Manipulation, Converting between types
- Control Statements and Truthiness
- Loops & Slices
- Slicing
- Simple loops (for, while)
- zip, enumerate
- Comprehensions
- All about Exceptions
- Try / Except
- Best Practices
- Custom Exceptions
- Working with files
- Reading / Writing
- Libraries & Modules
- Standard Library
- Virtual Environments
- Installing 3rd party libraries
- PyPi
- imports, package structure
- Working with APIs
- Using the requests library
- Working with JSON files
- Test
- Test frameworks
- assertions
- Web Frameworks
- Basic Flask
- Basic Django
- Working with Databases
- Connecting
- Types
- ORMs
TBD sections:
- Writing command line tools
- Web scraping