by Noam Elfanbaum
- Data Engineering lead at Bluevine
- Help organise PywebIL & Pycon Israel
- Find me online at @noamelf &
- I'm working in a fintech startup called Bluevine
- I help organize the monthly Python meetup, and the yearly Israel Pycon (this year we had our 3 one)
A profile is a set of statistics that describes how often and for how long various parts of the program executed.
- We can use profiling to debug slow programs, monitor our production environment and more.
- Python has 2 builtin profilers in stdlib:
- profile - an early pure Python implementation
- cProfile - a C extended profiler for better performance
- The best way to understand what is a the profiler is to see it in action.
---?code=src/ demo @[2-3](Power a number twice) @[6-7](Count the number of digits) @[10-12](Run the functions)
- Run the code
- It takes quite some time, which part if the code is taking the most time?
- To see where does the program slows down, let's run the code and sort it by total time: python -m cProfile
- This shows different parameters, but we want to know which function is taking the most total time So we can add the -s tottime and see it clearly.
- How can we make the count digit function more efficient?
---?code=src/ demo @[9-10](Use log10 instead)
- When inside a Python program you have pretty easy access to its stack.
- Most profilers run as part of your Python process.
- So one of the most satisfying things for me in programming is to figure out how things actually work, and we're going to do just that!
---?code=src/ the process call stack @[6](Easily access the stack) @[7](Extract the stack into a list of frames) @[8-9](Print each frame line name, number, function name and actual code) @[11-14](Call the code through some hierarchy)
- We saw we have a pretty easy way to understand where our program is at every given time, now let’s see how we trigger that functionality.
- There are two types of profilers that differ upon their triggers:
- Deterministic profilers - triggered on function/line called (like profile/cProfile)
- Statistical profilers - triggered on a time interval
- Python let you specify a callback that gets run when interpreter events happen:
- triggered when a function or a line of code is calledsys.settrace
- triggered only when a function is called
- When the callback gets called, it records the stack for later analysis.
---?code=src/ setprofile @[6-8](Define a callback function) @[11](Hook it to setprofile) @[12](Execute some code)
- Statistical profilers sample the program on a given interval.
- One way to implement the sampling is to ask the OS kernel to interrupt the program on a given interval.
---?code=src/ OS signals to trigger sampling @[4-6](A callback method that prints the current line) @[8-11](Set the OS signal) @[9](The handler will run each time SIGPROF will be recevied) @[10](Set the start time and interval in which the signal will fire) @[11-12](Nullify the alarm upon exit) @[13](Set the sampler) @[14-15](Run complex calculations)
- What do you think, when should we use which profiler?
- Statistical profilers:
- Low, controllable and predicted overhead is possible by optimizing the sampling interval
- Less accurate result since it, by design, misses function/line calls.
- More suitable for continuous, low impact production monitoring.
- Deterministic profilers:
- Introduces a fixed amount of latency for every function call / line of code executed.
- Collects the exact program execution stack
- More suitable for interactive/local debugging.
- We have all our pieces together now, to build our own statistical profiler, the only thing we need to think about is how to present the output.
- For this, there is a really cool project called flame graph that receives a fairly simple relative input, and produces beautiful graphs.
---?code=src/ Flame graph Profiler
@[15-19](The sampler trigger is set like before)
@[9-12](The sampler is collecting statistics about the stack visits)
@[10-11](Formatting the stack into a string, each level separated by a semi colon)
@[12](Counting the times the program spent in that call_stack)
@[22-26](Formatting the stats in Flame graph format: frame1;frame2 <count>
- First let's see I'm not cheating:
cat | wc -l
- And this is with generous spacings!
---?code=src/ usage of sfProfiler @[4-10](main() calls calc() with 2 different numbers) @[13-15](Starting the profiler, running the code, and printing the stats)
- The results are pretty clear,we can see that calc 100K took x time of our sampling and 200K took y time
- Now let’s visualize it:
python | flamegraph | browser
---?code=src/ more complex example @[7-12](Downloads and saves peps to a temp file) @[15-18](Call save PEP on our predefined list) @[21-23](Run under the profiler)
- The results for more complex programs are harder to understand, practically impossible but with flagraph visualization tool they are easy.
- python | flamegraph | browser
- Brendan Gregg's Flame Graph tool
- Juila Evans post about Ruby and Python profilers
- Nylas performance post where they explain how they built a homemade performance monitoring service (recommended!).
- Python's profilers docs
- This talk can be found on Github