Deadline: Apr.22th(Thu) at15:00pm
Follow the instruction below to build the attached C++ code. This code will display an OpenGL window showing a triangle. Take a screenshot of the window (it should look like the image above) and paste it below. By putting the imae under the directory pba-<username>/task0
and edit this markdown document.
=== (paste the screenshot image here
) ===
You need to have git, cmake, and C++ compiler in your computer to complete this assignement. Read the following document to install these.
How to Set Up C++ Programming Environment
if you don't have the local repository, clone it from the remote repository
$ git clone<username>.git
Go to the top of the local repository
$ cd pba-<username> # go to the local repository
Please updat the local repository on your computer
$ git checkout main # set main branch as the current branch
$ git fetch origin main # download the main branch from remote repository
$ git reset --hard origin/main # reset the local main branch same as remote repository
library is necessary to compile the code. Read the following document to set up the library under pba-<username>/3rd_party/
To do this assignement, you need to be in the branch task0
. You can always check your the current branch by
$ git branch -a # list all branches, showing the current branch
You are probably in the main
branch. Let's create the task0
branch and set it as the current branch.
$ git branch task0 # create task0 branch
$ git checkout task0 # switch into the task0 branch
$ git branch -a # make sure you are in the task0 branch
After the environment is ready, let's build and compile the code. We do out-of-source build by making a new directory for build task0/build
and compile inside that directory
$ cd task0
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .
Update this markdown document by editing pba-<username>/task0/
.Please learn the syntax of the markdown document by yourself.
Finally, you submit the document by pushing to the task0
branch of the remote repository.
cd pba-<username> # go to the top of the repository
git status # check the changes
git add . # stage the changes
git status # check the staged changes
git commit -m "task0 finished" # the comment can be anything
git push --set-upstream origin task0 # up date the task0 branch of the remote repository
got to the GitHub webpage<username>
. If everything looks good on this page, make a pull request.
- I mistakenly submit the assignement in the
branch- Make a branch
and submit again
- Make a branch