diff --git a/simulationdataschema/model_system_review.py b/simulationdataschema/model_system_review.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb045872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulationdataschema/model_system_review.py
@@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
+# Copyright The NOMAD Authors.
+# This file is part of NOMAD. See https://nomad-lab.eu for further info.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright The NOMAD Authors.
+# This file is part of NOMAD.
+# See https://nomad-lab.eu for further info.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import re
+import numpy as np
+import ase
+from matid import SymmetryAnalyzer, Classifier  # pylint: disable=import-error
+from matid.classification.classifications import (
+    Class0D,
+    Atom,
+    Class1D,
+    Class2D,
+    Material2D,
+    Surface,
+    Class3D,
+)  # pylint: disable=import-error
+from nomad import config
+from nomad.units import ureg
+from nomad.atomutils import Formula, get_normalized_wyckoff, search_aflow_prototype
+from nomad.datamodel.data import ArchiveSection
+from nomad.metainfo import Quantity, SubSection, SectionProxy, MEnum
+from nomad.datamodel.metainfo.basesections import System, GeometricSpace
+from nomad.datamodel.metainfo.annotations import ELNAnnotation
+def check_parent_and_atomic_cell(section, logger):
+    """
+    Checks if the parent of a section exists and whether it has a sub-section atomic_cell.
+    This is useful for other sub-sections under ModelSystem. It returns then the corresponding
+    AtomicCell section.
+    Args:
+        section (ArchiveSection): The section to check for its parent and AtomicCell.
+    Returns:
+        (AtomicCell): The AtomicCell section resolved from the parent.
+    """
+    if section.m_parent is None and section.m_parent.atomic_cell is None:
+        logger.error(
+            "Could not find m_parent ModelSystem and its AtomicCell section for "
+            "Symmetry analyzer."
+        )
+        return
+    return section.m_parent.atomic_cell[0]
+class AtomicCell(GeometricSpace):
+    """
+    A base section used to specify the atomic cell quantities (labels, positions) of a system
+    at a given moment in time.
+    """
+    name = Quantity(
+        type=MEnum("original", "primitive", "standard"),
+        description="""
+        Name to identify the cell structure. It might be:
+            - 'original' as in orignally parsed,
+            - 'primitive' as the primitive unit cell,
+            - 'standard' as the standarized cell used for referencing.
+        """,
+    )
+    labels = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        shape=["*"],
+        description="""
+        List containing the labels of the atomic species in the system at the different positions
+        of the structure. It refers to a chemical element as defined in the periodic table,
+        e.g., 'H', 'O', 'Pt'. This quantity is equivalent to `atomic_numbers`.
+        """,
+    )
+    atomic_numbers = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        shape=["*"],
+        description="""
+        List of atomic numbers Z. This quantity is equivalent to `labels`.
+        """,
+    )
+    positions = Quantity(
+        type=np.float64,
+        shape=["*", 3],
+        unit="meter",
+        description="""
+        Positions of all the atoms in Cartesian coordinates.
+        """,
+    )
+    lattice_vectors = Quantity(
+        type=np.float64,
+        shape=[3, 3],
+        unit="meter",
+        description="""
+        Lattice vectors of the simulated cell in Cartesian coordinates. The first index runs
+        over each lattice vector. The second index runs over the $x, y, z$ Cartesian coordinates.
+        """,
+    )
+    lattice_vectors_reciprocal = Quantity(
+        type=np.float64,
+        shape=[3, 3],
+        unit="1/meter",
+        description="""
+        Reciprocal lattice vectors of the simulated cell, in Cartesian coordinates and
+        including the $2 pi$ pre-factor. The first index runs over each lattice vector. The
+        second index runs over the $x, y, z$ Cartesian coordinates.
+        """,
+    )
+    periodic_boundary_conditions = Quantity(
+        type=bool,
+        shape=[3],
+        description="""
+        If periodic boundary conditions are applied to each direction of the crystal axes.
+        """,
+    )
+    velocities = Quantity(
+        type=np.float64,
+        shape=["*", 3],
+        unit="meter / second",
+        description="""
+        Velocities of the atoms. It is the change in cartesian coordinates of the atom position
+        with time.
+        """,
+    )
+    supercell_matrix = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        shape=[3, 3],
+        description="""
+        Specifies the matrix that transforms the primitive unit cell into the supercell in
+        which the actual calculation is performed. In the easiest example, it is a diagonal
+        matrix whose elements multiply the `lattice_vectors`, e.g., [[3, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 3]]
+        is a $3 x 3 x 3$ superlattice.
+        """,
+    )
+    equivalent_atoms = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        shape=["*"],
+        description="""
+        List of equivalent atoms as defined in `labels`. If no equivalent atoms are found,
+        then the list is simply the index of each element, e.g.:
+            - [0, 1, 2, 3] all four atoms are non-equivalent.
+            - [0, 0, 0, 3] three equivalent atoms and one non-equivalent.
+        """,
+    )
+    wyckoff_letters = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        shape=["*"],
+        # TODO improve description
+        description="""
+        Wyckoff letters associated with each atom position.
+        """,
+    )
+    def to_ase_atoms(self, logger):
+        """
+        Generates a ASE Atoms object with the most basic information from the parsed AtomicCell
+        section (labels, periodic_boundary_conditions, positions, and lattice_vectors).
+        Returns:
+            ase.Atoms: The ASE Atoms object with the basic information from the AtomicCell.
+        """
+        # Initialize ase.Atoms object with labels
+        ase_atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=self.labels)
+        # PBC
+        if self.periodic_boundary_conditions is None:
+            logger.info("Could not find AtomicCell.periodic_boundary_conditions.")
+            self.periodic_boundary_conditions = [False, False, False]
+        ase_atoms.set_pbc(self.periodic_boundary_conditions)
+        # Positions
+        if self.positions is not None:
+            if len(self.positions) != len(self.labels):
+                logger.error(
+                    "Length of AtomicCell.positions does not coincide with the length "
+                    "of the AtomicCell.labels."
+                )
+                return
+            ase_atoms.set_positions(self.positions.to("angstrom").magnitude)
+        else:
+            logger.error("Could not find AtomicCell.positions.")
+            return
+        # Lattice vectors
+        if self.lattice_vectors is not None:
+            ase_atoms.set_cell(self.lattice_vectors.to("angstrom").magnitude)
+            if self.lattice_vectors_reciprocal is None:
+                self.lattice_vectors_reciprocal = (
+                    2 * np.pi * ase_atoms.get_reciprocal_cell() / ureg.angstrom
+                )
+        else:
+            logger.info("Could not find AtomicCell.lattice_vectors.")
+        return ase_atoms
+    def normalize(self, archive, logger):
+        # Check if AtomicCell section exists
+        if self is None:
+            logger.error(
+                "Could not find the basic ModelSystem.atomic_cell information."
+            )
+            return
+        # If the labels and atomic_numbers are not specified, we return with an error
+        if self.labels is None and self.atomic_numbers is None:
+            logger.error(
+                "Could not read parsed AtomicCell.labels or AtomicCell.atomic_positions."
+            )
+            return
+        atomic_labels = self.labels
+        atomic_numbers = self.atomic_numbers
+        # Labels
+        if atomic_labels is None and atomic_numbers is not None:
+            try:
+                atomic_labels = [
+                    ase.data.chemical_symbols[number] for number in atomic_numbers
+                ]
+            except IndexError:
+                logger.error(
+                    "The AtomicCell.atomic_numbers are out of range of the periodic table."
+                )
+                return
+        self.labels = atomic_labels
+        # We will use ASE Atoms functionalities to extract information about the AtomicCell
+        ase_atoms = self.to_ase_atoms(logger)
+        # Atomic numbers
+        if atomic_labels is not None and atomic_numbers is None:
+            atomic_numbers = ase_atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
+        self.atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers
+        # We then normalize `GeometricSpace`
+        super().normalize(archive, logger)
+class Symmetry(ArchiveSection):
+    """
+    A base section used to specify the symmetry of the AtomicCell. This information can
+    be extracted via normalization using the MatID package, if `AtomicCell` is specified.
+    """
+    bravais_lattice = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Bravais lattice in Pearson notation.
+        The first lowercase letter identifies the
+        crystal family: a (triclinic), b (monoclinic), o (orthorhombic), t (tetragonal),
+        h (hexagonal), c (cubic).
+        The second uppercase letter identifies the centring: P (primitive), S (face centered),
+        I (body centred), R (rhombohedral centring), F (all faces centred).
+        """,
+    )
+    hall_symbol = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Hall symbol for this system describing the minimum number of symmetry operations,
+        in the form of Seitz matrices, needed to uniquely define a space group. See
+        https://cci.lbl.gov/sginfo/hall_symbols.html. Examples:
+            - `F -4 2 3`,
+            - `-P 4 2`,
+            - `-F 4 2 3`.
+        """,
+    )
+    point_group_symbol = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Symbol of the crystallographic point group in the Hermann-Mauguin notation. See
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystallographic_point_group. Examples:
+            - `-43m`,
+            - `4/mmm`,
+            - `m-3m`.
+        """,
+    )
+    space_group_number = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        description="""
+        Specifies the International Union of Crystallography (IUC) space group number of the 3D
+        space group of this system. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_space_groups.
+        Examples:
+            - `216`,
+            - `123`,
+            - `225`.
+        """,
+    )
+    space_group_symbol = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Specifies the International Union of Crystallography (IUC) space group symbol of the 3D
+        space group of this system. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_space_groups.
+        Examples:
+            - `F-43m`,
+            - `P4/mmm`,
+            - `Fm-3m`.
+        """,
+    )
+    strukturbericht_designation = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Classification of the material according to the historically grown and similar crystal
+        structures ('strukturbericht'). Useful when using altogether with `space_group_symbol`.
+        Examples:
+            - `C1B`, `B3`, `C15b`,
+            - `L10`, `L60`,
+            - `L21`.
+        Extracted from the AFLOW encyclopedia of crystallographic prototypes.
+        """,
+    )
+    prototype_formula = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        The formula of the prototypical material for this structure as extracted from the
+        AFLOW encyclopedia of crystallographic prototypes. It is a string with the chemical
+        symbols:
+            - https://aflowlib.org/prototype-encyclopedia/chemical_symbols.html
+        """,
+    )
+    prototype_aflow_id = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        The identifier of this structure in the AFLOW encyclopedia of crystallographic prototypes:
+            http://www.aflowlib.org/prototype-encyclopedia/index.html
+        """,
+    )
+    atomic_cell_ref = Quantity(
+        type=AtomicCell,
+        description="""
+        Reference to the AtomicCell section that the symmetry refers to.
+        """,
+        a_eln=ELNAnnotation(component="ReferenceEditQuantity"),
+    )
+    def resolve_bulk_symmetry(self, original_atomic_cell, logger):
+        """
+        Resolves the symmetry of the material being simulated using MatID and the
+        originally parsed data under `original_atomic_cell`. It generates two other
+        AtomicCell sections (the primitive and standarized cells), as well as populating
+        the Symmetry section.
+        Args:
+            original_atomic_cell (AtomicCell): The AtomicCell section that the symmetry
+            uses to in MatID.SymmetryAnalyzer().
+        Returns:
+            primitive_atomic_cell (AtomicCell): The primitive AtomicCell section.
+            standard_atomic_cell (AtomicCell): The standarized AtomicCell section.
+        """
+        symmetry = {}
+        try:
+            ase_atoms = original_atomic_cell.to_ase_atoms(logger)
+            symmetry_analyzer = SymmetryAnalyzer(
+                ase_atoms, symmetry_tol=config.normalize.symmetry_tolerance
+            )
+        except ValueError as e:
+            logger.debug(
+                "Symmetry analysis with MatID is not available.", details=str(e)
+            )
+            return
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.warning("Symmetry analysis with MatID failed.", exc_info=e)
+            return
+        # We store symmetry_analyzer info in a dictionary
+        symmetry["bravais_lattice"] = symmetry_analyzer.get_bravais_lattice()
+        symmetry["hall_symbol"] = symmetry_analyzer.get_hall_symbol()
+        symmetry["point_group_symbol"] = symmetry_analyzer.get_point_group()
+        symmetry["space_group_number"] = symmetry_analyzer.get_space_group_number()
+        symmetry[
+            "space_group_symbol"
+        ] = symmetry_analyzer.get_space_group_international_short()
+        symmetry["origin_shift"] = symmetry_analyzer._get_spglib_origin_shift()
+        symmetry[
+            "transformation_matrix"
+        ] = symmetry_analyzer._get_spglib_transformation_matrix()
+        # Populating the originally parsed AtomicCell wyckoff_letters and equivalent_atoms information
+        original_wyckoff = symmetry_analyzer.get_wyckoff_letters_original()
+        original_equivalent_atoms = symmetry_analyzer.get_equivalent_atoms_original()
+        original_atomic_cell.wyckoff_letters = original_wyckoff
+        original_atomic_cell.equivalent_particles = original_equivalent_atoms
+        # Populating the primitive AtomicCell information
+        primitive_wyckoff = symmetry_analyzer.get_wyckoff_letters_primitive()
+        primitive_equivalent_atoms = symmetry_analyzer.get_equivalent_atoms_primitive()
+        primitive_sys = symmetry_analyzer.get_primitive_system()
+        primitive_pos = primitive_sys.get_scaled_positions()
+        primitive_cell = primitive_sys.get_cell()
+        primitive_num = primitive_sys.get_atomic_numbers()
+        primitive_labels = primitive_sys.get_chemical_symbols()
+        primitive_atomic_cell = AtomicCell()
+        primitive_atomic_cell.name = "primitive"
+        primitive_atomic_cell.lattice_vectors = primitive_cell * ureg.angstrom
+        primitive_atomic_cell.n_atoms = len(primitive_labels)
+        primitive_atomic_cell.positions = primitive_pos * ureg.angstrom
+        primitive_atomic_cell.labels = primitive_labels
+        primitive_atomic_cell.atomic_numbers = primitive_num
+        primitive_atomic_cell.wyckoff_letters = primitive_wyckoff
+        primitive_atomic_cell.equivalent_atoms = primitive_equivalent_atoms
+        primitive_atomic_cell.get_geometric_space_for_atomic_cell(logger)
+        # Populating the standarized Atoms information
+        standard_wyckoff = symmetry_analyzer.get_wyckoff_letters_conventional()
+        standard_equivalent_atoms = (
+            symmetry_analyzer.get_equivalent_atoms_conventional()
+        )
+        standard_sys = symmetry_analyzer.get_conventional_system()
+        standard_pos = standard_sys.get_scaled_positions()
+        standard_cell = standard_sys.get_cell()
+        standard_num = standard_sys.get_atomic_numbers()
+        standard_labels = standard_sys.get_chemical_symbols()
+        standard_atomic_cell = AtomicCell()
+        standard_atomic_cell.name = "standard"
+        standard_atomic_cell.lattice_vectors = standard_cell * ureg.angstrom
+        standard_atomic_cell.n_atoms = len(standard_labels)
+        standard_atomic_cell.positions = standard_pos * ureg.angstrom
+        standard_atomic_cell.labels = standard_labels
+        standard_atomic_cell.atomic_numbers = standard_num
+        standard_atomic_cell.wyckoff_letters = standard_wyckoff
+        standard_atomic_cell.equivalent_atoms = standard_equivalent_atoms
+        standard_atomic_cell.get_geometric_space_for_atomic_cell(logger)
+        # Getting prototype_formula, prototype_aflow_id, and strukturbericht designation from
+        # standarized Wyckoff numbers and the space group number
+        if symmetry.get("space_group_number"):
+            norm_wyckoff = get_normalized_wyckoff(standard_num, standard_wyckoff)
+            aflow_prototype = search_aflow_prototype(
+                symmetry.get("space_group_number"), norm_wyckoff
+            )
+            strukturbericht = aflow_prototype.get("Strukturbericht Designation")
+            if strukturbericht == "None":
+                strukturbericht = None
+            else:
+                strukturbericht = re.sub("[$_{}]", "", strukturbericht)
+            prototype_aflow_id = aflow_prototype.get("aflow_prototype_id")
+            prototype_formula = aflow_prototype.get("Prototype")
+            # Adding these to the symmetry dictionary for later assignement
+            symmetry["strukturbericht_designation"] = strukturbericht
+            symmetry["prototype_aflow_id"] = prototype_aflow_id
+            symmetry["prototype_formula"] = prototype_formula
+        # Populating Symmetry section
+        for key, val in self.m_def.all_quantities.items():
+            self.m_set(val, symmetry.get(key))
+        return primitive_atomic_cell, standard_atomic_cell
+    def normalize(self, archive, logger):
+        atomic_cell = check_parent_and_atomic_cell(self, logger)
+        if self.m_parent.type == "bulk":
+            # Adding the newly calculated primitive and standard cells to the ModelSystem
+            primitive_atomic_cell, standard_atomic_cell = self.resolve_bulk_symmetry(
+                atomic_cell, logger
+            )
+            self.m_parent.m_add_sub_section(
+                ModelSystem.atomic_cell, primitive_atomic_cell
+            )
+            self.m_parent.m_add_sub_section(
+                ModelSystem.atomic_cell, standard_atomic_cell
+            )
+            # Reference to the standarized cell, and if not, fallback to the originally parsed one
+            self.atomic_cell_ref = self.m_parent.atomic_cell[-1]
+class ChemicalFormula(ArchiveSection):
+    """
+    A base section used to store the chemical formulas of a ModelSystem in different formats.
+    """
+    descriptive = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        The chemical formula of the system as a string to be descriptive of the computation.
+        It is derived from `elemental_composition` if not specified, with non-reduced integer
+        numbers for the proportions of the elements.
+        """,
+    )
+    reduced = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Alphabetically sorted chemical formula with reduced integer chemical proportion
+        numbers. The proportion number is omitted if it is 1.
+        """,
+    )
+    iupac = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Chemical formula where the elements are ordered using a formal list based on
+        electronegativity as defined in the IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry (2005):
+            - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_inorganic_compounds
+        Contains reduced integer chemical proportion numbers where the proportion number
+        is omitted if it is 1.
+        """,
+    )
+    hill = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Chemical formula where Carbon is placed first, then Hydrogen, and then all the other
+        elements in alphabetical order. If Carbon is not present, the order is alphabetical.
+        """,
+    )
+    anonymous = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Formula with the elements ordered by their reduced integer chemical proportion
+        number, and the chemical species replaced by alphabetically ordered letters. The
+        proportion number is omitted if it is 1.
+        Examples: H2O becomes A2B and H2O2 becomes AB. The letters are drawn from the English
+        alphabet that may be extended by increasing the number of letters: A, B, ..., Z, Aa, Ab
+        and so on. This definition is in line with the similarly named OPTIMADE definition.
+        """,
+    )
+    def resolve_chemical_formulas(self, formula):
+        """
+        Resolves the chemical formulas of the ModelSystem in different formats.
+        Args:
+            formula (Formula): The Formula object from NOMAD atomutils containing the
+            chemical formulas.
+        """
+        self.descriptive = formula.format("descriptive")
+        self.reduced = formula.format("reduced")
+        self.iupac = formula.format("iupac")
+        self.hill = formula.format("hill")
+        self.anonymous = formula.format("anonymous")
+    def normalize(self, archive, logger):
+        atomic_cell = check_parent_and_atomic_cell(self, logger)
+        ase_atoms = atomic_cell.to_ase_atoms(logger)
+        formula = None
+        try:
+            formula = Formula(ase_atoms.get_chemical_formula())
+            # self.chemical_composition = ase_atoms.get_chemical_formula(mode="all")
+        except ValueError as e:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Could not extract the chemical formulas information.",
+                exc_info=e,
+                error=str(e),
+            )
+        if formula:
+            self.resolve_chemical_formulas(formula)
+            self.m_cache["elemental_composition"] = formula.elemental_composition()
+class ModelSystem(System):
+    """
+    Model system used as an input for the computation. It inherits from `System` where a set
+    of sub-sections for the `elemental_composition` is defined.
+    We also defined:
+        - `name` refers to all the verbose and user-dependent naming in ModelSystem,
+        - `type` refers to the type of the ModelSystem (atom, bulk, surface, etc.),
+        - `dimensionality` refers to the dimensionality of the ModelSystem (0D, 1D, 2D, 3D),
+    If the ModelSystem `is_representative`, the normalization occurs. The time evolution of
+    the system is encoded on the fact that ModelSystem is a list under Simulation, and for
+    each element of that list, `time_step` can be defined.
+    It is composed of the sub-sections:
+        - `AtomicCell` containing the information of the atomic structure,
+        - `Symmetry` containing the information of the (standarized) atomic cell symmetry
+        in bulk ModelSystem,
+        - `ChemicalFormula` containing the information of the chemical formulas in different
+        formats.
+    This class nest over itself (with the proxy in `model_system`) to define different
+    parent-child system trees. The quantities `tree_label`, `tree_index`, `atom_indices`,
+    and `bond_list` are used to define the parent-child tree.
+    The normalization is ran in the following order:
+        1. `AtomicCell.normalize()` from `atomic_cell`,
+        2. `ModelSystem.normalize()` in this class,
+        3. `Symmetry.normalize()` is called within this class normalization,
+        4. `ChemicalFormula.normalize()` is called within this class normalization.
+    Examples:
+        - Example 1, a crystal Si has: 3 AtomicCell sections (named 'original', 'primitive',
+        and 'standard'), 1 Symmetry section, and 0 nested ModelSystem trees.
+        - Example 2, an heterostructure Si/GaAs has: 1 parent ModelSystem section (for
+        Si/GaAs together) and 2 nested child ModelSystem sections (for Si and GaAs); each
+        child has 3 AtomicCell sections and 1 Symmetry section. The parent ModelSystem section
+        could also have 3 AtomicCell and 1 Symmetry section (if it is possible to extract them).
+        - Example 3, a solution of C800H3200Cu has: 1 parent ModelSystem section (for
+        800*(CH4)+Cu) and 2 nested child ModelSystem sections (for CH4 and Cu); each child
+        has 1 AtomicCell section.
+        - Example 4, a passivated surface GaAs-CO2 has --> similar to the example 2.
+        - Example 5, a passivated heterostructure Si/(GaAs-CO2) has: 1 parent ModelSystem
+        section (for Si/(GaAs-CO2)), 2 child ModelSystem sections (for Si and GaAs-CO2),
+        and 2 additional children sections in one of the childs (for GaAs and CO2). The number
+        of AtomicCell and Symmetry sections can be inferred using a combination of example
+        2 and 3.
+    """
+    normalizer_level = 0
+    name = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        description="""
+        Any verbose naming refering to the ModelSystem. Can be left empty if it is a simple
+        crystal or it can be filled up. For example, an heterostructure of graphene (G) sandwiched
+        in between hexagonal boron nitrides (hBN) slabs could be named 'hBN/G/hBN'.
+        """,
+        a_eln=ELNAnnotation(component="StringEditQuantity"),
+    )
+    # TODO work on improving and extending this quantity and the description
+    type = Quantity(
+        type=MEnum(
+            "atom",
+            "active_atom",
+            "molecule / cluster",
+            "1D",
+            "surface",
+            "2D",
+            "bulk",
+            "unavailable",
+        ),
+        description="""
+        Type of the system (atom, bulk, surface, etc.) which is determined by the normalizer.
+        """,
+        a_eln=ELNAnnotation(component="EnumEditQuantity"),
+    )
+    dimensionality = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        description="""
+        Dimensionality of the system: 0, 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. For atomistic systems this
+        is automatically evaluated by using the topology-scaling algorithm:
+            https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.106101.
+        """,
+        a_eln=ELNAnnotation(component="NumberEditQuantity"),
+    )
+    # TODO improve on the definition and usage
+    is_representative = Quantity(
+        type=bool,
+        default=False,
+        description="""
+        If the model system section is the one representative of the computational simulation.
+        Defaults to False and set to True by the `Computation.normalize()`. If set to True,
+        the `ModelSystem.normalize()` function is ran (otherwise, it is not).
+        """,
+    )
+    time_step = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        description="""
+        Specific time snapshot of the ModelSystem. The time evolution is then encoded
+        in a list of ModelSystems under Computation where for each element this quantity defines
+        the time step.
+        """,
+    )
+    atomic_cell = SubSection(sub_section=AtomicCell.m_def, repeats=True)
+    symmetry = SubSection(sub_section=Symmetry.m_def, repeats=True)
+    chemical_formula = SubSection(sub_section=ChemicalFormula.m_def, repeats=False)
+    # TODO what about `branch_label`?
+    tree_label = Quantity(
+        type=str,
+        shape=[],
+        description="""
+        Label of the specific branch in the system tree.
+        """,
+    )
+    # TODO what about `branch_index` or `branch_depth`?
+    tree_index = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        description="""
+        Index refering to the depth of a branch in the system tree.
+        """,
+    )
+    # TODO add method to resolve labels and positions from the parent AtomicCell
+    atom_indices = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        shape=["*"],
+        description="""
+        Indices of the atoms in the child with respect to its parent. Example:
+            - We have SrTiO3, where `AtomicCell.labels = ['Sr', 'Ti', 'O', 'O', 'O']`. If
+            we create a `model_system` child for the `'Ti'` atom only, then in that child
+            `ModelSystem.model_system.atom_indices = [1]`. If now we want to refer both to
+            the `'Ti'` and the last `'O'` atoms, `ModelSystem.model_system.atom_indices = [1, 4]`.
+        """,
+    )
+    bond_list = Quantity(
+        type=np.int32,
+        # TODO improve description and add an example using the case in atom_indices
+        description="""
+        List of pairs of atom indices corresponding to bonds (e.g., as defined by a force field)
+        within this atoms_group.
+        """,
+    )
+    model_system = SubSection(sub_section=SectionProxy("ModelSystem"), repeats=True)
+    def resolve_system_type_and_dimensionality(self, ase_atoms):
+        """
+        Determine the ModelSystem.type and ModelSystem.dimensionality using MatID classification analyzer:
+            - https://singroup.github.io/matid/tutorials/classification.html
+        Args:
+            ase.Atoms: The ASE Atoms structure to analyse.
+        Returns:
+            system_type (str): The system type as determined by MatID.
+            dimensionality (str): The system dimensionality as determined by MatID.
+        """
+        classification = None
+        system_type, dimensionality = self.type, self.dimensionality
+        if (
+            len(ase_atoms)
+            <= config.normalize.system_classification_with_clusters_threshold
+        ):
+            try:
+                classifier = Classifier(
+                    radii="covalent",
+                    cluster_threshold=config.normalize.cluster_threshold,
+                )
+                cls = classifier.classify(ase_atoms)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.logger.warning(
+                    "MatID system classification failed.", exc_info=e, error=str(e)
+                )
+                return system_type, dimensionality
+            classification = type(cls)
+            if classification == Class3D:
+                system_type = "bulk"
+                dimensionality = 3
+            elif classification == Atom:
+                system_type = "atom"
+                dimensionality = 0
+            elif classification == Class0D:
+                system_type = "molecule / cluster"
+                dimensionality = 0
+            elif classification == Class1D:
+                system_type = "1D"
+                dimensionality = 1
+            elif classification == Surface:
+                system_type = "surface"
+                dimensionality = 2
+            elif classification == Material2D or classification == Class2D:
+                system_type = "2D"
+                dimensionality = 2
+        else:
+            self.logger.info(
+                "ModelSystem.type and dimensionality analysis not run due to large system size."
+            )
+        return system_type, dimensionality
+    def normalize(self, archive, logger):
+        super().normalize(archive, logger)
+        self.logger = logger
+        # We don't need to normalize if the system is not representative
+        if not self.is_representative:
+            return
+        # Extracting ASE Atoms object from the originally parsed AtomicCell section
+        if self.atomic_cell is None:
+            self.logger.warning(
+                "Could not find the originally parsed atomic system. "
+                "Symmetry and ChemicalFormula extraction is thus not run."
+            )
+            return
+        self.atomic_cell[0].name = "original"
+        ase_atoms = self.atomic_cell[0].to_ase_atoms(logger)
+        if not ase_atoms:
+            return
+        # Resolving system `type`, `dimensionality`, and Symmetry section (if this last
+        # one does not exists already)
+        original_atom_positions = self.atomic_cell[0].positions
+        if original_atom_positions is not None:
+            self.type = "unavailable" if not self.type else self.type
+            (
+                self.type,
+                self.dimensionality,
+            ) = self.resolve_system_type_and_dimensionality(ase_atoms)
+            # Creating and normalizing Symmetry section
+            if self.type == "bulk" and self.symmetry is not None:
+                sec_symmetry = self.m_create(Symmetry)
+                sec_symmetry.normalize(archive, logger)
+        # Creating and normalizing ChemicalFormula section
+        # TODO add support for fractional formulas (possibly add `AtomicCell.concentrations` for each species)
+        sec_chemical_formula = self.m_create(ChemicalFormula)
+        sec_chemical_formula.normalize(archive, logger)
+        if sec_chemical_formula.m_cache:
+            self.elemental_composition = sec_chemical_formula.m_cache.get(
+                "elemental_composition", []
+            )